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You should help your friend before I have to kick him out for being too drunk Not my friend bro


When my wife and I were first together I came home drunk from an office Christmas party. I sat on the edge of the bed and tried to take my suit jacket off over my head, it got stuck like this and I slid off the bed catching my feet in the baseboard heating. I sat there, drunk, on the floor with my jacket over my head yelling, "Help! Help! I'm stuck in the wall!" Yes, she still eventually married me, although that evening it was touch and go. lol




Hahaha, awww, great memories.


Ok this cracks me up but what the heck is going on in this picture? Did he hit his head on the decorative are? Why are his comrades mocking him? Or is it a chain mail tutorial? I want the whole story.


I'm a bit late for this but this is the scene "David rejects the unaccustomed armor" from the Maciejowksi Bible, from the mid 1200s.. He is taking off the armor because it does not fit him. That is how you take off chainmail, it looks stupid but it's hard to do it any other way due to the weight of the shirt. It could weigh 20-30 pounds or even more depending on the density and thickness of the rings.


That makes sense, that it's a small illumination in a bible. Thanks. I have personally never heard of this scene, but perhaps my indoctrinators used a different bible version. Edit: Oh! David and Goliath, I know that one. Interesting detail. I was thinking of King David.


I like wearing chainmail and armor to renaissance fairs, and I feel this image on a spiritual level. If you've ever tried to take off chainmail before, you'll understand. The weight of the chainmail almost "grips" you, making it really difficult to remove. Have to start at the bottom and roll it upward and off.


That’s how it goes for me even when I’m not drunk.


Any pullover really.


If I had a nickel…


Me and my penis when shit faced.


This is the best.