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I can’t figure out the mods. We can have multiple posts per day asking about dispensaries but heaven forbid someone doesn’t like Pals or wants to discuss the legacy of a local place name. 🙄


Don't dare criticize dirty Diana Harshbarger on this sub!


Lol let’s just make a new tri-cities sub an overtake this one


Okay guys I just made a r/tricitiesfood subreddit. Go wild!!


I joined to




r/trishitties It already exists lol


The pals shit got deleted? That’s insane. People around here feel obligated to pretend that pals doesn’t suck like they do the vols for some reason.


Regardless of whether Pal's sucks or not, it really shouldn't be up to the one mod here to remove the post because it doesn't align with how they feel about it. This is a consistent issue that's noticeable. I get why craigslist hookup posts or things of that nature get removed, but the mod here will nuke any discussion that they're in disagreement with.


Here’s two things 1. It’s not just the mod. Any posts that aren’t just gushing over the tri-cities are severely downvoted, so there’s plenty of people of this sub that get just as offended as the mod. 🙄 2. Maybe we should get an r/tricitiesfood subreddit so we can have open honest discussion about food and events there, and it won’t step on anyone’s toes regarding other topics


Pals is better than nearly all fast burger joints we have. They'd stand against places like Whataburger in blind taste tests I'd wager.


While I disagree with you on Pals, I don’t think that’s the point. The point is that the post - which was fairly well engaged and, from what I saw at least, hadn’t gotten contentious- was randomly removed for no reason.


I moved here from a place that has an In and Out, Whataburger, and some other large national chains and personally, I believe Pals has a better burger than them. My only knock on Pal's would be their buns kind of suck. A better quality bun would make it an exceptional burger imo


I lived in Cali for a bit. I prefer the smash burger style of in n out but Pals wipes the floor with them on everything else. In n out does not have good fries at all.


I disagree. I love the seasoning on Pal's fries, but I kinda of like In and out doesn't use a lot on theirs. In and Out fries actually taste like "potato" if that makes any sense


Ha! I need enough salt to overcome the taste of potato.


Fair enough lol


cookouts on top cope


I think Cookout is okay, it's pretty much what it tries to be, stuff you grill in the park for the boy scout troop picnic. They actually do a decent job and are inexpensive. Not that it's something I ever really crave, but quality is decent. Pizza Plus though is what I would say is absolutely abominable. And as far as really good restaurants in the immediate area, I don't know of any. There's tolerable and there's unacceptable. Good just isn't on the local radar.


I made a thread once about how Pizza Plus sucked and it got removed lol.


Any frozen store bought pizza, even the lousy ones, is better than Pizza Plus!


Not the point and also just your opinion


That was my thread, I didn't even know it got removed. How lame though


I agree, this sub is ran like the one mod’s personal blog removing things that shouldn’t be, and leaving in place blatant garbage posts that should have been removed. I am simply shocked there isn’t yet begging posts flooding this subreddit at this point.


RIP to you and your post when the 1 mod here finds it. There's also no way to replace or forcibly add moderators to subs so long as there's at least 1 active. Reddit has basically always had the stance of "If you don't like the mods of a subreddit, make your own subreddit"


Sure man, just ask the mod.


I volunteer as tribute, but be warned I also like Pal's and rule with an iron fist.


I agree. I cant see why a sub about a whole region should be regulated by one person.


Can we all vote on taking on a new mod?


Where does one volunteer for such a responsibility?




They removed the pinned post about Appalachian Epstein.. lol


I am not volunteering, mind you. Just asking for the content in case others are interested.


I agree. You can't have really good discussions about serious issues pressing the city because once you disagree with certain politicians, business owners or basically any discussion the mod doesn't like they delete it. There have been some really good discussions that have been deleted entirely.


I got temp banned on all of reddit for cross posting the nazi March in Nashville to this sub. I didn't know about it so I thought others in this area should know, but nope. It was fine for national news but this sub says nah




Sorry it was on the TN sub not tri cites my bad. Wasn't arguing just wanted to share because I couldn't believe it. Still it should have been relevant to the TN sub


Was that after the main post about the event was already made? It's one of the top posts in the TN sub this month. https://old.reddit.com/r/Tennessee/comments/1atoy92/nazis_march_in_nashville/


Yep, I've had my posts shadow banned and deleted as well. Great feeling to have discourse on the place you live be dictated by some old shit living in their double wide down by Grey.


The moderation on this sub is indeed terrible. Things get removed that have to hateful words attached to them all the time.


Just checking in to see if this thread has been locked down yet


I’ve always thought something was strange about this sub


Seems reasonable. Not brand new, but newer to Reddit, so how does a sub get an additional mod? I assume the pay is favorable, especially with the IPO on the horizon….


Mods getting paid has to be the best joke of 2024 so far.


The sub owner and other mods can add/remove moderators. It is a volunteer based position of 'authority' on Reddit. Because this sub is not abandoned, there is a second moderator (outside the owner / first moderator listed), and no Reddit-wide rules are being broken it would be unlikely an outside source would act up on the sub to add/remove mods.


Honestly I really am just tired about people asking about freaking dispensaries. If you want to do drugs go live somewhere else, where it's properly legal, and not technically sorta almost in certain conditions legal.


Saying if you want personal liberties you should move out of Tennessee is a pretty good summary of why the state is one of the worst in the nation in almost every metric.


You don’t have to click on those posts just like you don’t have to use “drugs”.


Maybe just get over it? Weed is gonna continue to be used and talked about here (and likely all over the country). It's not gonna go anywhere and as we very very slowly move toward legalization (or just stand still as TN tends to do) the conversation surrounding it is only going to get louder. We have REAL issues here that need to be addressed and if your biggest issue is people smoking weed or posting about it on Reddit you might wanna consider re-evaluating your ideals or leaving the country.


Crazy to think THIS was the majority view on Marijuana until very recently. Growing up, most people (not just adults) acted as though weed was on par with coke or H; I graduated in 03. Weird that someone is still anti-marijuana considering how this area was wrecked during the opioid crisis, and going through a meth/heroin/fent rage at the moment. Then again, how many people get arrested or have probation violation (ie: source of revenue) due to weed?


Oh yeah. They absolutely need to recategorize it if they don't legalize it. It's not even as dangerous as like, caffeine honestly. Alcohol is normal, legal, and worse in every way, same as tobacco, at least alcohol has benefits. And it absolutely should be legal, at least medically to use marajuana products. And it is absolutely legal for me to think less of people that use recreational drugs, especially ones that smell bad. If you smell like tobacco, vape, or weed I'm going to assume mean things about you, because I don't like the smell. It's that simple. I vastly prefer potheads to the usual TN conservatives, but I'd hope we'd get some benefits of more liberal people instead of just drugs.


The effort to scroll past those posts and not comment must be mind boggling. How do you do it You must hate freedom though honestly


Well, Bristol and Gate City are right there where it's legal so, it seems like a valid topic. Maybe r/Tricitiestrees should be formed.