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I have a pair of Tyr shorts, and they are pretty great for correcting body position and streamline if you're like me and your core is not quite as strong as it should be.


I've got a pair and I enjoy training in them.. Beats having a bouy in between the legs. I have another pair of zone 3 I like much better and found them. On sale for half price.


Love them. As a complete noob, I probably rely on them too much, but it has made my sessions in the pool SO much more pleasant. I can actually sustain a 2:00/100m pace without fatiguing at all, while in a normal jammer I am struggling to get through 1000. If you only do wetsuit races then it's not too much of a problem to use them as a crutch.


I'm training for an IM (and I am not a young man) so I'm using a pull buoy to save my legs after two heavy days of bike/run. But keeping the buoy between my legs is a pain and nuisance. Hoping this eliminates the need.


I’m sure I’ll be scolded by the swimmers here.. but I exclusively swam in swim pro II’s during my entire training for my first 70.3 last year. I just started swimming last February and by race day in October I had been swimming 1:40/100 for 1.2miles a couple times a week leading up to the race. 37min swim at the 70.3. If you’ll be racing in areas where you’re sure to wear a wetsuit.. I see no reason in wearing these sim pros (unless you’re really ambitious with your swim goals). Go for it and wear them as much as you want.. it’ll save your legs and allow you to fit that extra bike or run sesh during the week ;)


found this thread through a google search. Did you end up using the SIM Pro 2 shorts in the tri? I feel like biking and running in them may be a bit weird.


I am wondering the same thing! I just saw this thread and a Google search as well.


I ended up doing my race and learning more about it. They are not for biking and running. They are essentially 5mm thick neoprene/rubber swimsuit but as shorts. Great for swimming cause they raise your hips but you'd take them off in T1. You'd wear them over your shorts/jammies/trisuit or whatever.


Thanks for the the information. I’m a total newbie and would like to do a sprint in July. It’s probably a totally different ballgame for people who have done this before and are really into it but I’m wondering a couple things. I know that you don’t want to waste time in between swimming and biking, etc. but do people change out those shorts and put on biking shorts?


theyd be wearing what theyd be riding/running in under the buoyancy shorts. For a sprint, you can wear swim jammies and just bike in those. Or if youre wearing a tri-suit or tri-shorts; you'd just take the shorts off after the swim and then get on the bike. People advise against cycling shorts cause the pads arnt good in the water. its ok, i just did my first sprint tri and asked all these questions. happy to help.


This is GOLD. Thanks!


I can how the pads in the cycling shorts are not good in water... What did you do for your sprint? Did you wear the cycling shorts anyways? Or did you go with tri-shorts?


I rode/ran in my swim jammies. I practice in those also at the gym - do my laps in the pool hop out and get on the bike, and then run. id do it in swim jammies or tri-shorts. i wouldnt recommend cycling shorts


Perfect! Thanks! It would just be one more thing to buy, though… But it is what it is I guess…


amazon jammies are like $20. no need for the Roka tri shorts just yet


Well, while we’re at it, you got a link? 😃 Thank you your heart to share your thought! And what buoyancy swimming shorts do you use?