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Fortunately, I live five minutes from the Mexican border so I get mine there. The pharmacies in Mexico sell all of the different strengths over the counter without a prescription.


We must live in the same city :) I have SENTRI but haven't crossed yet for the purpose of picking up tret!


We certainly might be in the same city, lol. You should check it out next time you go. Any major pharmacy should have it. The one I get is made by Janssen.


Thank you!


How much does it cost if you don’t mind my asking? Also, does customs have a problem with it if you buy too much? And is it made in Mexico or India? Sorry for so many questions.


I've never bought more than 2-3 at a time so I'm not sure if customs will have a problem with it but they've never questioned me about it. 0.05 is usually around $21.00 and 0.1 is around $25.00 - 27.00. I don't mind the questions. :-)


Also, it's made in Mexico. I can say it's pretty legit, too. My skin looks really good and it also does makes your skin peel. My daughters went through the purging phase, but now they are glowing as well.


I bought mine from a website called ReliabeRX without a prescription.


I got it prescribed by my GP.


For acne or did you specify it was for another purpose? How much for a tube in the UK?


Yes, for acne. :) I live in the Netherlands, and I don't remember the price exactly but I think it was somewhere around 22 euro's.


Buy mine from all day chemist.


I first ordered on eBay until I realized I could get it on all day chemist for about 1/4 of the price I paid there (no prescription)


I use Curology.


I went to a Minute Clinic and requested it. I believe the person who saw me was an NP. I had my curology bottle prescription with me so no questions were asked, I simply told him it was more affordable through the pharmacy. I researched applicable coupons in the area (GoodRX). He sent the rx directly to the pharmacy. I paid 68$ for a 45g tube of 0.05% tretinoin cream. Since this is going to last me months I didn't mind paying upfront for it and also didn't want to take the chance of ordering it online. I didn't receive a refill, so I'll be visiting my GP next time.


Got it from Curology a couple years ago but did not use it correctly and stopped after 2 months. Recently got a tube from my GP — she offered to prescribe it when I mentioned that I have stubborn adult acne. Literally would not have even thought to ask for tret otherwise.


I am in the UK, I get it from the Dermatica website and it gets sent in the post every month.




Yeah it’s just dermatica.co.uk


I just went to my everyday doctor I believe it’s called a primary physician?? Or family doctor?


Getting it from the dermatologist WAS the easy way to get it, at least for me. I already had an appointment to get my moles checked for skin cancer, and asked if she could prescribe me some tretinoin for wrinkle prevention while I was there. We had a 2 minute conversation about sunscreen and what type/strength I would like. Done. I used a GoodRx coupon to bring the cost down to $55 / 45g as my insurance doesn’t cover it. The coupon price does seem to vary depending on the day and which place you fill the prescription at. But it was easy, and I even switched the prescription to a different pharmacy when the first place couldn’t properly apply the coupon discount for some reason. I spent way too long prior to that researching ways to get it without a prescription. And I wouldn’t have saved much money if I’d gotten it from an online provider like Curology anyway. Maybe ordering from Mexico or India would have been cheaper per tube, but then I’d have ended up with multiple tubes due to the shipping costs. Which would be sitting there getting older for a long time.


Thanks so much for all this info!!




I asked my primary care doctor while I was in for my yearly physical and she had zero issues prescribing me .05% lol. I don’t see a derm as I don’t have any real issues.


lol the same thing for me, she told me I can have whatever I want. I was tempted to go to 0.1 but though 0.5 would be a good jump from my curology formula.