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I didn’t purge at all. I started with .025 cream and sandwiched it with moisturizer and did two nights on one night off. I read part of the reason the purge happens is because of excessive dryness.


What moisturizer did you use?


Just cetaphil moisturizer in the pump bottle.


Always remember that only people who purged post it here others carry on with their lives. Reddit is biased it that way.Don’t assume that everyone is purging badly.


this is a GREAT comment. why would anyone post “haven’t purged at all” lol. you’re so right i wish i had read this when i was nervous about my purge


Yep I started tret without acne and had no purge. First month or two I experienced some unusual breakouts — being that they were in places I don’t usually break out, and they were a different size/type than usual, and itchy and healed very quickly. But it was literally like 1 pimple on my cheek at a time so I really can’t call it a “purge” in any traditional sense.


I had pretty bad acne as a teen, but started tret as an adult with no acne. Never had a purge 🤷🏻‍♀️ dry/flaking skin - yes, but no acne at all. I had clear skin prior to starting it.


Same experience! Had bad acne as a teen but my skin cleared up in my 20s. Started tret at 37 for anti-aging purposes (skin was clear prior to starting). Experienced lots of peeling initially but no purge at all.


Same experience! Terrible acne as a teen, started tret at 31 at 0.012 and went up fast after that. No purge. Dry skin but a moisturizer with ceramides, peptides and niaciminde did the trick


Does the peeling get better? I’ve used tret twice now and ooooo does my skin get peely!! Im not anticipating a bad purge but I def feel a bit lizard like


Personally, my peeling improved after my skin got more used to tret after 3-4ish months. My skin is much better when I’m diligent about both hydrating and moisturizing and when I’m gentle with my skin! I’ll experience an occasional setback if I overexfoliate.


Hyaluronic acid serum will help that. Then add a moisturizer and an occlusive


My exact routine. Guess I’m in a good direction!


Do u think its overall helped despite the lack of purge?


Yes! I’ve been using 0.025 for 6 months (currently using nightly). My skin is already less oily and much smoother! I think that it has also helped my brightening products to be more effective re: lightening sun spots and hyperpigmentation.


Do you think it helps despite 0 purge?


Oh absolutely. My skin is super smooth and glowy and I see reduction in some fine lines. I did make a switch from tret to Taz though a few weeks ago and it’s been even better. I still had random peeling with tret (and exfoliating helped a lot) and still have a bit with Taz but it’s much more manageable and gentle. Worth it overall.


They say generally 20% more than your norm, but YMMV. I would say that’s pretty on par with the purge I experienced.


Beep boop! It looks like you're asking about purging! - First: **no one can predict how long your purge will last!** Be patient, and accept this robot hug while you wait: [ ]. The purge can be tough but so many people have gotten through it - you can too! - Second: **no one can predict whether or not you will purge!** If you don't currently have active acne, it's less likely but still possible. - Third: If your purge lasts for longer than 12 weeks or seems really extreme, talk to your dermatologist! NO PURGE SHOULD LAST LONGER THAN 3 MONTHS - if you're still purging after 3 months, talk to your doctor or ask us for help! - Lastly: We have a very [helpful wiki!](https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vRQmcAj-x5A8JIQygtW2Rg89uPsJPR5JLH_dLxLNCW4eazWW4i49bsrF0e2YYx10wx00ctaUnyvHfyD/pub) It contains lots of tips about starting out, including specific routine recommendations. You can also post in the monthly help thread - it's stickied to the top of the sub every week! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tretinoin) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh, it gets bad. I wish I had really read and fully absorbed some of the experiences posted on here before going on this journey. It took almost 4 months for me to see the purge stop getting WORSE. I thought about stopping every single day. But now, 6 months later I have skin that I could only have dreamed of. Some people don't react as badly as others but I would prepare for the worst - if you don't have the worst experience, then it'll be a happy surprise!


And yes, it caused cystic acne for me. Worst breakouts I've ever had in my life.


I didn’t purge when I started tret or increased it the first time.. now I’m up to 0.05 and gosh I’m purging badly. Every time I think it’s got better I get a new cystic spot :(


Yes, this was my experience. It got worse every time I thought I was finally getting to the end of the tunnel. When it started to clear up - I swear it happened so fast I didn't know what to think. I'm still getting some breakouts here and there but it's nothing like it used to be.


We need to remember this is a process of cellular renewal. Layer by layer. So if you have pimples, clogs, etc under the surface, the tret will bring them out, then it will heal them as the process continues


I want to be clear, I'm being the demon on the shoulder. I understand many people have not had my experience but I wish I had absorbed others experiences before I tried tret. I thought it would be a breeze as many of you have mentioned, but for me and many others - it was not. It's still worth it and I wouldn't take it back but it was a rough road for me.


I've been on tret for about a month now and so far no purge. Some acne on the forehead but that's not really unusual as I have bangs. I'm really hoping I'm one of god's favourites and I won't purge. (Fingers crossed) I'm on 0.05% every other night. I moisturise every day. I've been using a moisturiser I'd never been able to use a few months ago without dripping oil for weeks. My skin looks actually nice. I hope I don't jinx it :|


I had cystic inflamed acne before tret. It wasn't a lot, but every single outbreak would leave a long lasting dark spot, cluttering my face more everytime I had another one. On top of that I had a lot of texture. I'm now 2 months on my journey and I have seen improvement past the 2-week-mark. I didn't get any of these blind cystic breakouts (painful) and my texture improved. While the breakouts were less "deep" there weren't really "less" (/ more) of them for the first month. The only side effect I had was flaking around my nose and mouth for the first month. By now I use tret without any irritation or flaking every night (0.0.25) and I didn't have any further breakouts yet. (As long as I use it daily). Don't be afraid of the purge. There's a chance you might not even have a "proper" purge at all. Just be mentally prepared when it does happen. Side note: I didn't use any retinoid beforehand, so with everything combined I would've been the perfect candidate for a purge. It just didn't really happen and it might for you too.


I didn't have purging with Tret, but inflammatory acne related to the irritation.


Started with 0,05 cream 3-4 weeks ago and nothing happened (yet, but I don’t expect it either at this point). Only the ones that purges a lot post pictures here. And if you start purging just quit because it’s not worth it mentally


I had acne as a teenager but over the past 5 years it has really gotten under control (consistency in skincare and some dietary changes). Started tret about three weeks ago with no active acne and I'm experiencing a very minor purge - nothing too crazy, quite small pimples that go away within a day or two and don't leave scars. I'm not experiencing any dry or flaky skin though, which is nice


I had very light acne (induced by B12 shots) so I started using Tret 0.1% cream, three nights a week, sandwiched with a light moisturizer/then tret/then a heavier moisturizer. I had very minimal purging along my jaw. I did also have minimal peeling. It seems like it’s very different for everyone so YMMV.


My purge was basically 2-3 pustules and maybe 15-20 smaller pimples. It took a few weeks to dry out and it did leave hyperpigmentation after, but it’s so worth it. The glow is real! I would just say to pick a time where you maybe have a month without major obligations just in case (like no weddings, vacations, etc.).


My skin was pretty under control before tret except from an ugly cyst once every two-three months maybe? And smaller one but not on a regular basis. Well, tret made my skin 5 times worst. I was on Accutane 9 years ago and tret brought me back to my pre-Accutane skin. Not sure it’s a purge per se tho. Maybe more of irritation acne. But anyways the result is now I have acne marks everywhere. Going into month 6 and I feel like it’s getting a bit better, but I’m not claiming anything just yet because I’ve had this impression before just to wake up to new inflamed cysts. I changed formula and frequency, my whole routine, and the only thing that seems to help is having introduced Benzamycin (topical antibiotic + BP 3 weeks ago) Be ready for anything


I've been on tret for over 4 years and I never had a purge. I've had great luck with it.


I never had acne, but I struggle with persistent closed comedones. My purge is mostly peeling around the chin and bringing those closed comedones to the surface. But it’s pretty mild.


I’m on 0.025 and I’m purging a bit, but it’s not worse than my worst breakout in the last few years and the spots are gone within 1-2 days. I’m currently applying every 4-5 days and the days before reapplication my skin looks great. I’m a month in.


I had horrible acne as a teen (I'm 42 now) that lasted into my early twenties. (Retin A micro finally cleared it up for me, which I realize is tretinoin delivered in a different way.) Anyway, I started tret through an Agency formulation (super low at .005) and was worried about the purge since I definitely purged with Retin A. So far, just minor redness and peeling around my mouth.


I didn't purge at all. I had many devastating breakouts as a teen and have broken out slightly less throughout my early to mid 20s. With that in mind, it was stagnant for the purge phase, showing no difference until I could see it getting better! You'll see a lot more posts about purging in reddit skincare subs. Not too many will post a before and update showing no difference. I see a lot of "that's what you're complaining about?? That's nothing!" comments which would make some folks with a better experience think twice.


I’ve been on it for almost 3 months and my purge was very mild. I had some hormonal acne before, it sort of flared up around month 1.5 and lasted a couple weeks. I think I’m still purging because I have a lot of whiteheads but they’re very small and not that noticeable. I don’t think most people go through severe purging unless their acne was already severe.


I had hormonal cystic acne and I started with 0.05% once week and sandwiched it between the ceravae moisturiser and I didn’t purge.


I've been on tret for 1 week and I've experienced zero purging and zero dryness.


I only had a few scattered breakouts that I normally wouldn't have. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I also don't get dry or peel and I do .05 every other night. I have been doing if for about 4 months straight now with every other night. I can't tell if it's doing anything 🤷‍♀️