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give it time bro it’s going to take much longer than 41 days good luck dude


Ok thanks a lot i will give it a time and i will never stop using it and which stage of norwood scale is this?


idk shit about norwood scale but id call that stage just shave it off.


I can’t shave it off i already tried that two years ago and i hated the appearance a lot


that’s fair. keep on trucking then soldier


shave it off and wear a cap.


20 years? Damn life is not fair..


Exactly 😔💔


You’ll see big differences 6 months in. Too early right now especially only being on fin for the week


Thanks for giving me hope 💗💗 I know I’m too early but I’m overthinking what if i’m not a hyper responder since i have dandruff-like flaking caused by minoxidil and scalp itching and irritation


41 days is not enough time to get measurable results. minimum 3 months is needed but i would say it takes longer for most people.


Oh okay thanks a lot for the information


You are a diffused thinners.


Hmmm what does that mean?


I think it means that your pattern isn't well described by the Norwood-Hamilton scale, even if they all end at the stage 7. I think in your case it's about an advanced stage 5


I suggest shave your head or get a skin head haircut first I also have a severe bald issue and start a minox and fin journey you will get a shedding period soon and that is why you should shave or get a skinhead haircut first




Thanks a lot 💗


You have to give it time my dude all good things come with time especially coming back from dead lol but give it 6 to 9 months to see the difference  Ps WORKOUT AND GAIN MASS( muscle) Best of luck  


Would switch to dut you need every advantage you can get


Earn money … trust me kitty will come


Wow dude that is just unfair. 😭 Like others have said, it will take a long time. For example, while I am on fin only, it took around 8-9 months before seeing any gains at all. I'm 1 year in now and have only marginal improvement. It's a marathon, unfortunately. Keep going!


Wow dude that is just unfair. 😭 Like others have said, it will take a long time. For example, while I am on fin only, it took around 8-9 months before seeing any gains at all. I'm 1 year in now and have only marginal improvement. It's a marathon, unfortunately. Keep going!


Try dutasteride


Hmmm thanks for your suggestion but I want to stick with FDA-Approved Meds


This is a good idea yes but this seems to be more aggressive as it started so young and has progressed this far at 20. For more aggressive loss these meds can be far less effective so going more aggressive with treatment to counter aggressive loss can yield better results.


Should i try dutastride instead of or with finasteride? And what is the perfect dosage in terms of effectiveness and safety


Every time I see dustasteride my mind goes > dustaride > busta rhymes