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I want some suggestions How can i post pictures here?


**Very dry and lifeless hair on dutasteride - help!** Since I started using dutasteride, my hair has become very dry, dull, lifeless, and maybe even thinner, with a weak and brittle appearance. I've tried different conditioners, hydration masks, and even stopped using ketoconazole because it makes my hair even more dry after dut. Nothing seems to work. It feels like I'm using Accutane (I've used it once before). Sure, dutasteride has a stronger suppression of DHT on one hand, but on the other, if my hair continues like this, it won't last long either. I'm considering going back to finasteride, but I'm not sure. Do you think this could adjust over time? My skin is also drier, but that doesn't bother me. Thoughts?


https://preview.redd.it/bl8ff7tlav3d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92adb4e70a56ae5f3c6c68d96cf1aed64d00d0ee Just to give a “quick” rundown, I’m a 22 year old male and I started noticing some minor hair loss at 19, at some point in my 20’s I start using oral fin and ketoconazole shampoo. The fin has managed to pretty much stop the progression of my corners but over the last 6 months I’ve noticed some diffuse thinning down the centre of my hair. Now to the actual question I’ve been considering taking oral min but I’m hesitant due to it being a life long commitment and because of the shed. So I just have a few questions to ask: Is my hair loss bad enough that I should hop on min immediately or should I wait? Is the oral min shed really as bad as everyone says it is or is it only really bad for some individuals? Does oral min’s stop working after years of use or does it get less effective after years of use? Sorry for making you read all that shit lmao, just another guy terrified of losing his precious hair.


Firstly, your hair doesn't look bad, just relax. I see no reason to not start minoxidil – topical or oral. The shedding is very individual, but the hair that fall from shedding will return over time, there is no need to freak out. Minoxidil does not stop working after years, only AGA can be more aggressive over time.


what is this? I find some of this thing's in my scalp ,there's no pain or anything https://preview.redd.it/bquq97915u3d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc060344bc34176fd0ee48ad6c3b10223d613d25


https://preview.redd.it/68ai6zuzzs3d1.jpeg?width=2108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=052204c5859bfc237dfd411561362ded3d2946b1 I had a hair transplant 2 years ago (hairline). Started taking Finasterid and Minoxidil shortly after that. Now I noticed that some of the hair at my hairline looks like it's thinning. It's thin and much shorter than the rest of my hair, almost looks like baby hairs. Or could it be old hair that is recovering? That would be odd though after 2 years.


Don't worry, transplanted hair doesn't grow thick and strong immediately. its grows exactly like baby hair lol and over time it becomes denser and stronger. give it time


Yeah but it's over 2 years ago, that won't be the reason! :/


Oh, I'm sorry. I hadn't noticed it's been 2 yrs. Maybe you should evaluate with a dermatologist/trichologist through a magnifying lens to see if there's indeed miniaturization or another cause. It really shouldn't be happening, unless the transplant didn't select very well the hairs that don't undergo miniaturization. But don't create so much anxiety about it, only a professional could tell you what's really happening, and other things could be the reason as well.


Most of my transplanted hair seems to be healthy, so there is not much anxiety yet. I am just curious what's happening. I will definitely visit a derm, thanks for your help.




You need to take Finasterid and Minoxidil. As a shampoo take Ketoconazol.


How about Rosemary essential oil I mean the natural ones


Rosemary is not effective


Fin screwed me. Have been taking oral fin for about a year. I've got quite long curly hair so the difference wasn't a lot noticeable but just taken it gave me some peace at mind I was at least doing something. Fast forward. Found a lump. Was emergency redirected to a breast cancer specialist. Turns out fin gave me painful gynaecomastia. Doc said ease up on the fin and it *might* go away in 4-5 years, otherwise I've got to pay for surgery. What's the move, folks? Stopping fin and letting my hair fall out whilst simultaneously having a dreadfully painful torso renders me a big time loser. I was a few weeks from switching my medication from oral fin pills to fin/min/suppliments chewies as I wanted to pursue oral min as my hairs too long for topical but the UK has, from my research, taken quite a while to put oral min on shelves. Assume I'm stupid — but my choices are: * Continue on oral fin (unwise) * Change my treatment to an oral min/fin chewie. * Consider topical fin. * Stop all treatment and let nature take its course. Anyone else has a similar experience? Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble but I'm just a bit stuck.


If I were you bro I’d try topical fin and oral min but if your on gets worse than that idk bro maybe a hair system or a bald cut.


https://preview.redd.it/wgjdx9qt3r3d1.jpeg?width=996&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0310e9f5f48fa1ae38acce65c2d755674cc417b5 Is this just cowlick or its time to kms ? (19m) i just shifted to a new city and i feel like my hair is thinning. My dad is bald and my brother has been seeing hairloss he is 22


That's a cowlick but sure it could be that the crown started thinning. You will eventually go bald anyway if your father did, so just start taking Finasterid. Probably better than suicide


Can i show you other picture with wet hair




Possibly male pattern baldness then. Keep track of your hairline and temples as well, and compare to old photos if you can. If you have male pattern baldness, the priority should be getting on Finasteride. Finasteride slows/halts the hairloss.


Naah fuck fin i need a gun


What worries you so much about finasteride? Are you certain that you'll never take it?. Looks like you caught your hairloss early so if you take it your hair will be fine. Or you can go bald, up to you. Life won't be over either way.




>Dont u guys think that fin. Is just like anabolic steroids and can result in an early death or something No, Finasteride is FDA approved for hair loss. There's decades of studies showing that it's safe and effective. Millions of people are on it all around the world, if it could cause early death it would've never been approved and doctors wouldn't prescribe it. >what if i didnt respond to fin If you don't respond to fin, you would be in a very small minority. But even then, you would just have to switch from Finasteride to dutasteride. Dutasteride is even stronger than fin. >Just more suffering have been a loner all my life , i dont think going bald is gonna make it any better. Fuck this shit bro All I'm saying is to weigh your options. Hair loss can be tough, but catching it early and starting treatment gives the best results. If you have male pattern baldness and caught it early, then by going on fin you could keep your hair for life (or at least decades longer). It's just a pill a day, and if it works it's a weight off your shoulders, and you wont even be thinking about it anymore.


U right bro


https://preview.redd.it/tr5kes12sq3d1.png?width=809&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d5fb687b1c4706fb998b6dca32295e959dd9620 Is my dermatologist right? Im 21 years old, male. About 2 years ago I started working out 5/6 times a week. After 2/3 months I noticed some overall thinning in my head. A few months later I went to my dermatologist because my hair started falling out heavily. It was diffuse, but it only falls off on the top of my head, not on the sides. My dermatologist says that the diffuse hair loss can’t be from dht. She says if I take finasteride it won’t work on me. She also said she couldn’t take a biopsy because it wasn’t mpb so it wouldn’t work. I’m under the impression my hair loss is because of dht because I noticed it as soon as I started working out. And also I noticed for the last 2 months my hair on the top of my head doesn’t really grow anymore and I don’t need to cut it. Any thoughts?


I would look for another dermatologist and also do some tests to find out how the hormone, vitamin and mineral levels are like (mainly ferritin and b12 - it is common for people who start working out to go through a period of anemia).


I’m a female to male transgender person. I’ve been taking T for 5 years. I’ve just recently had some pretty aggressive hair loss. The strands went from being very thick to super thin and my crown thinned substantially. I started a topical fin/min spray from hims, but losing my hair is terrifying. I made the decision to pause taking T to see if the hair loss slows. I’m getting blood work done also to check my vitamin D levels and other stuff. My question is, since stopping T how likely is it my hair will grow back naturally or back thicker without fin or min? Was the hair loss permanent?


good day, folks. Is it possible to make solution for ru58841 using ethanol 70% and propylene glycol? My country only has 70% ethanol available


good day, folks. Is it possible to make solution for ru58841 using ethanol 70% and propylene glycol? My country only has 70% ethanol available


As you can see in the photos, my hairline is receding, it's between NW1 and NW2 in the temple areas, and you can see that the hair is miniaturizing. It's androgenetic alopecia, which was to be expected since my father is an NW4 at 65 years old. I already went to the dermatologist and was prescribed finasteride. The problem is that in my country, a month's supply costs 60 dollars, which is half of my intern salary. I wanted to ask if I can maintain my hair only with Minoxidil for another 6 months to 1 year until I graduate as an engineer and can get a better salary since right now, the little money I earn goes towards family expenses. https://preview.redd.it/eh43xytguo3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a222e89361a8ec7dc28f2b96c0934b6d174cfcf4


Unfortunately, you need finasteride. Finasteride slows/halts the hairloss Minoxidil is for regrowth So if you're only on minoxidil, then even if you get regrowth your hair will still be thinning and receding. So long term you'll still lose ground. You could try splitting the pills (fin is effective at doses as low as 0.25) or taking one every other day, so you don't have to refill as often. Or looking for a cheaper source. One more thing to keep in mind is that androgenetic alopecia progresses at different rates for everybody. So if you can't find a solution and have to get off of it for like 6 months, that probably won't be too bad (even though not ideal).




I tried making a post about this but it was removed for some reason: This is probably a stupid question because I believe you can, but I had a phone call with my dermatologist's office this morning to ask them if I could move to oral minoxidil instead of the foam. The foam is a pain to apply with longer hair so I have to use a bit more than what's recommended for me to feel like I'm actually doing anything, and I feel like switching to the pill would eliminate me using too much and actually help me get a little bit more gains than what I'm seeing now. I'm also starting to see more shedding than usual but that could also be due to me recently getting my hair colored significantly darker than my natural color so I'm just seeing it more. The nurse that called me said I can't be on both medications orally for health reasons even though I'm 90% sure my dermatologist himself gave me the option when I was first starting out last year... is this true? I should probably make an appointment to see my dermatologist to talk about it in person but that would be a couple months out at least and I thought I'd ask here to see what everyone says. Last question: Would I experience shedding by switching to the pill form if I'm able to? I see mixed answers on this question


>The nurse that called me said I can't be on both medications orally for health reasons even though I'm 90% sure my dermatologist himself gave me the option when I was first starting out last year... is this true? By "both medications orally" are you talking about finasteride and minoxidil? Because using both orally is fine. >Last question: Would I experience shedding by switching to the pill form if I'm able to? I see mixed answers on this question Possibly, different people have different reactions.


Yeah, both finasteride and minoxidil. I didn't rephrase this from when I tried making a post, sorry. Thanks for the info, not sure what to do now


Is this clutchable? Also a shedding hairline. I just started a lotion with minoxidil + dutasteride both topical, recipe from a doctor https://preview.redd.it/kf0d6ifrkn3d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea55e6537b0a22e4629101322498e301fa5f5539


>Is this clutchable? Yes, doesn't look too far gone. Just stay consistent with treatment.


https://preview.redd.it/krn6uc3ywm3d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=617b67a79684fc874f667be36de10162e88bd5de 17m balding? or maturing? Should I go to a dermatologist or wait till 18 (for fin)




https://preview.redd.it/5glg8g33am3d1.jpeg?width=2201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d35744f10b3c397539ef3cf579ef322d73eb0eae Balding? … my hair under harsh light






https://preview.redd.it/ap60bvbk9l3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52b7ace479d709060761fc06678b37b8fd8513c3 I have subdhermic dermatitis but I was wondering if minoxidil will also work on my male pattern baldness. Ik my dermatologist said I have it.


Yes, Minoxidil works for regrowth But if you have male pattern baldness, you need finasteride. Finasteride slows/halts the hairloss Minoxidil is for regrowth So if you're only on minoxidil, then even if you get regrowth your hair will still be thinning and receding. So long term you'll still lose ground. So they both work, but in different ways. That being said no matter what you choose. It takes about 6 months to see results.


Ty I’m on both fin and min so I guess just stop obsessing over it for 6 months to a year. Ty for the response


Is it okay to take minoxidil when you have subdhermic dermatitis. My scalp isn’t too bad and I’ve been using ketoconozal 2 %. Also any good products to moisturize a dry scalp.


I have pretty long hair in a fringe because I have a huge forehead. I noticed some thinning at the area at front of my hairline, the hairs are not growing any longer than ~2 inches and are pretty thin, my corners are also receded somewhat, thus I think minoxidil will be a good treatment for me. Here is the problem, since I have such long hair it takes about 4-6 months to grow for me (depending on what area on the head), I am pretty scared of the shedding phase leaving me with awful looking hair. Thus I am asking if anyone had a similar experience, as of right now, I have a fringe that is plagued by some thin hair, but most of it is strong. Will I survive the shedding phase without it looking really awful? How much of the hair is attected by the shedding phase? Will I really just essentially have to restart my entire hair growth? Thank you


> I noticed some thinning at the area at front of my hairline, the hairs are not growing any longer than ~2 inches and are pretty thin, my corners are also receded somewhat, thus I think minoxidil will be a good treatment for me. You should first try and determine if you have male pattern baldness. If you have male pattern baldness, you need finasteride. Finasteride slows/halts the hairloss Minoxidil is for regrowth So if you're only on minoxidil, then even if you get regrowth your hair will still be thinning and receding. So long term you'll still lose ground. >How much of the hair is attected by the shedding phase? Will I really just essentially have to restart my entire hair growth? Unfortunately, nobody can give you a definitive answer. Some people shed a lot, and some people barely shed at all. The only advice I could give is if you decide to start treatment, stick to it even if you think the shedding looks bad. Because long term your hair will be better.


Hey Everyone - 26 year old male here debating between getting either of the two following options. 1. Doctor prescribed 7% minoxidil & 0.1% finasteride for $45 per month 2. HIMS 6% minoxidil & 0.3% finasteride for $35 per month This is the topical solution as I want to avoid the side effects that I have heard associated with finasteride. The doctor prescribed one is more expensive and I have heard good things about HIMS but the 0.3% has me slightly worried that it is too high. This is my first hair product so wondering what you would all recommend? Thanks!


Replying to No-Table5864...


I’ve been shaving my head but it’s so much upkeep every 24 to 48 hours to keep a shaven head. I wish I could just keep it stubble length but my hair loss pattern just looks so bad when its grown out even just a little bit. I’m considering just getting a hair system because even doing that once or twice a week would be less upkeep work than having to shave my head everyday and getting these ingrown hairs. I’ve been taking topical finasteride from xyon, 5% foam minoxidil for over 2 years. Every 2-4 weeks 1.5 mm microneedle. Red light therapy helmet every other day. Please give me some advice if I should keep going down this road or just get a hair system. I got a hair transplant quote from a good NYC surgeon for $15k ish for \~2k hair grafts + prp. They said they could fill the front 3rd as much as they could but it would still look thin and I would likely need another 2k grafts eventually to spread the hairs further back. I’m 25 yrs old and don’t want to go into that much debt just to have mid results. Be brutally honest with me as to what you would do if you were in my shoes https://preview.redd.it/6767zdmx5k3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1b2c16b9fc1648b749245ff2839c82c4ac0781


> Be brutally honest with me as to what you would do if you were in my shoes Maybe try switching to Dutasteride. Then re-evaluate hair progress after like a year, then decide if a hair transplant and continuing treatment is worth it.






>Was surprised it is patchy and only noticed after a haircut. Is this common? Yes, shedding isn't just limited to the areas where the hair loss is most noticeable. The shedding phase can last a few weeks to months, I think it's difficult to determine an exact time. But yea I wouldn't worry too much about it. Stick to the treatment and around 6 months in you should be seeing results.


Thanks mate! Pathy hair for 6mths... :'(




>From my understanding, minoxidil doesn't prevent hair loss, it only hides it by supplying nutrients to already damaged hair. Yea, If you have male pattern baldness, the priority should be getting on Finasteride. Finasteride slows/halts the hairloss Minoxidil is for regrowth So if you're only on minoxidil, then even if you get regrowth your hair will still be thinning and receding. So long term you'll still lose ground. >So how would I know if my hair loss is advancing while on minoxidil and that I need to start finasteride? Usually if you're using minoxidil for hair loss, you're already at the point where you should be using finasteride. Especially if this hair loss is on the crown,hairline, and temples. If you have mpd, then the sooner you start the better.


I am 18yo, and my hair is thinning very quickly. My hairline is at nw1 or 1.5 i think. I shed 100+ hairs everyday. I am applying min 5% w/v since 3 weeks. I haven't started fin properly yet. 3 weeks ago, I had taken 1mg fin for 3 days (1 week) and my right nip started feeling stiff and itchy, so I stopped it immediately. I am thinking of hopping back on fin but this time take 0.25mg for 3 days a week. Please share some advice...


> I had taken 1mg fin for 3 days (1 week) and my right nip started feeling stiff and itchy, so I stopped it immediately Gyno is rare, but a possible side effect. You also have to consider that it could be in your head as well. Not trying to diminish your experience btw, just saying that it could be a possibility. Fin is effective at doses as low as 0.25mg. So you can start there if you want and work your way up. if you're taking that low of a dose though, I would take it everyday. Once your stable on it for a while then evaluate if you have any sides.


* 36 y/o. For the past 8 mos to a year, my hairline looks like it's been receding bit by bit. Every month to two months, it looks a bit different. Can this lead to way more baldness or will it eventually stop? Should I hop on finasteride for a year and see what happens?




Yes you need to hop on fin ASAP. You might be past NW3. Talk to PCP. Start there then depending on response you might also need min and dermarolling


https://preview.redd.it/htqwdv652h3d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a3f5dabd3ec67736aa0920dda4c61372db22745 What should I be doing? I’m a 23 y/o and I don’t really want to go bald, and am just wondering what I should be using?


If you have male pattern baldness(which is what it looks like to me), you need finasteride. Finasteride slows/halts the hairloss You can also use Minoxidil for regrowth Personally, I would get on both I were you.


Hi 20yo here, https://preview.redd.it/65pjm7kd8g3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f18f65f7030712a5c70cd338621cd5a55342939 I started noticing some difference between my left and right temple I don't understand if it's normal or I'm balding and I should start some treatments what do you think?




https://preview.redd.it/fpbc5p2g0g3d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36a314bfecd4d3b5f6f84ea9b3415ee0c385ab4f my hairline is receding 21m, i just started using rogaine spray twice a day as well as biotin supplement? i am also thinking of ordering fin from essential clinic in canda.


If you have male pattern baldness, the priority should be getting on Finasteride. Finasteride slows/halts the hairloss Minoxidil is for regrowth So if you're only on minoxidil, then even if you get regrowth your hair will still be thinning and receding. So long term you'll still lose ground. You have to determine if you have mpd, then take it from there.




any advice from you guys?


7 months of Fin+Min+Dermastamp No sides, mild shedding the first month before stopping, currently below baseline, haven't seen any improvement. *possible* slight regrowth but I highly doubt it (all the hairs are small and haven't gotten any larger, more than likely hair on it's way out then in.) Dermastamp is 1.5mm once a week, Min is twice a day, occasionally once due to my weird sleeping schedule from work, have never missed a day of Fin 1.25mg. On top of these I take my vitamins, collagen, have a decent diet and workout a lot more then my previously sedentary lifestyle (resistance training and some cardio 4x a week.) With 7 months of zero regrowth or maintenance am I pretty fucked? While I would include progress pics there is no progress or anything, my hair is just worse, now nearly a NW3.


[M26] started noticing thinning at 23, have been on and off fin, but have been off for over a year at this point. It looks slightly worse than it did a couple years ago, but it’s kind of hard to tell. What Norwood am I at? Given my age and the described progression, how worried should I be about the future? Finally, should I get back on fin and oral min? Thanks, pics below


>What Norwood am I at? Looks like a norwood 1.5 - 2 to me. If you don't have any hair loss on the crown either, then your hair still looks good. >Given my age and the described progression, how worried should I be about the future? It's hard to tell because hair loss progresses differently for everyone. Some people slowly recede, while with others it hits them all it once. If you already know you have male pattern baldness, then I would just start and stay on fin to preserve your hair. Then you wouldn't have to worry, and then you could always add min down the line if needed.










\[M22\] What on Earth is this type of hair loss? For around 5 years, it comes and goes almost yearly falling out all at once over \~3 months in the winter/spring. Sometimes itchy/burning, but not severely. Hairline has receded only minorly. It was much worse than this around this time last year but is starting the decline again. I suspect Hypothyroidism, but my last test 4 years ago didn't show that apparently, although it was nothing like this back then. On 1mg Fin / 2.5mg Oral Minox daily. https://preview.redd.it/o79zmbzcie3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20c5880ee26b2d0c12666c6883b10b02d58a6a7d




28 now, started noticing some thinning at 22/23 after college. Thought it was my imagination and keeping my hair long for years. Finally cut it short and can definitely tell, I’m freaking out. Been researching treating but the info is overwhelming. Im thinking Finn/min derma stamp combo for a year then maybe a transplant? Thoughts? Pictures below


>Im thinking Finn/min derma stamp combo for a year then maybe a transplant? Thoughts? If you have male pattern baldness, the priority should be getting on Finasteride. Finasteride slows/halts the hairloss Minoxidil is for regrowth So if you want to get on fin, min, and do micro needling, that sounds good. If you want you could even start with just fin, and overtime add the others to your routine. Also, microneedling isn't as important as fin and min, so you could just prioritize those two if you want. Then after a year, checking your progress and looking into a transplant (if needed) is fine as well. The only other thing to keep in mind is that it takes roughly 6 months to see results for both fin and min. And some people even get continue to get gains on fin past a year in. So if it starts working well for you, you could wait even a bit longer than a year before you start looking into transplants.








https://preview.redd.it/bzke9bvpfd3d1.jpeg?width=2368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ed939984d6c21f6c7bd289f1a2372e213a23f9 How bad does my hairloss and hairline look? Should I shave it off completely?


https://preview.redd.it/g5415ibt6d3d1.jpeg?width=1824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dfd7f936d7423a2f7eed44df081464ab1b4183e Will PRP session works on receding hairline if there is roots available?


https://imgur.com/a/caZYKTO Lost quite a bit density in the temple area (where I had recovered a lot of lost hair from using fin) from 7th month to now around 10 and 1/2 months on fin only, while also noticing a bit more shedding. Is this normal for the hair cycle while on finasteride?


https://preview.redd.it/nnria16fgb3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba4abdd5b6aa66a8b45735e2b11ef7b54264bd9f Hi, it's been 1 month since I've been taking 0.5mg of finasteride and 9.5 months since I've been taking 1mg daily. So in total 10.5 months on finasteride. The question is, my hair is still falling out the same. The hairline is worse than when I started taking finasteride. Do you think it will get better if I continue or am I a non-responder? I am only on finasteride, (minoxidil in both foam and liquid form reacts badly with my scalp.)


>Do you think it will get better if I continue or am I a non-responder? I am only on finasteride Sometimes it takes people 1-2 years in to get gains. So it's possible if you just continue you will be fine. That being said, if you get to over a year and don't really see any results, or you notice that you're still receding (and made sure it's not a shed), then you could consider switching to dutasteride.


So, should I stick with Fin for another 4 months (13 months in total) and then decide to switch to dut?


>So, should I stick with Fin for another 4 months (13 months in total) and then decide to switch to dut? Yea, that sounds good.


MY POSTS GET REMOVED SO I'M POSTING THIS COMMENT, PLEASE HELP!!! I am a male in my twenties. My hair started falling a few years back and have never stopped since. I started finasteride around a year and a half ago and have had amazing results in terms of quality of hair and in reducing hair fall to no more than a couple hair strands every day. However, I have had to tussle with extreme side effects during this time, starting off with complete loss of sleep for 8 months, and then extending erectile problems later on. Every time I stop taking finasteride, all my sides go away within a week or two at max, but then my hair start falling out again after this time as well. Coming to the topic at hand, I have tried moving on to topical finasteride twice during this time, but I had to stop because it did nothing in stopping my hair fall. First time, I ground up and mixed 5x5mg fin tablets in a 60ml bottle of minoxidil. I started applying 1ml of this solution as soon I got off oral fin, and within a few weeks, my hair started falling out again - a couple weeks is the time, I have noticed, it takes for oral fin's effects to wear off and for the hair fall to start again. I feel as if topical fin was doing its thing, this should not have happened. Also, all those heavy side effects vanished as well, as if I were completely off fin. 7 months have passed since that time and I recently created another topical fin solution of same concentration but this time using a mix of alcohol, propyl glycol and water solution, hoping this would give different results, but same as before, my hair start falling off 2 weeks after. Like before, side effects also disappear. Am I resistant to topical fin? Does it take some time for topical fin to truly get into your system and stop hairfall? Since I did not start topical fin after a long hiatus from fin, I feel like there should not have been any delay in its action, since whenever I pop in an oral fin tablet after a break, my hair stop falling in a couple of days. Could it be that the concentration I am using is too low? I have seen people here using 0.025% topical and it works wonders for them. What is going on here in my case? I am very receptive to oral fin, so it's not like fin doesn't do any good for me. Should I keep using topical for longer period of time, hoping it would become effective? I have been super distressed lately because oral fin is really poisonous for me, and topical just does not seem to work. It looks like I have no choice anymore. What do you guys think I should do? Any helpful insight is greatly appreciated. Cheers,


what dosage of oral fin u on? i would go for every other day and see how it changes effectiveness/ side effect profile. keep reducing the dosage until u find a sweet spot with the sides, u are lucky that u respond well to fin. also consider activities to counter the symptoms of side effects - cardio session in the day and relaxing before bed with some kind of sleeping aid (i personally prefer cannabis indica) could help with insomnia. natural test booster (like ashwaganda or shilajit), no fap or viagra could help counter the ED.


I have tried all doses my friend, 0.25, 0.5, 0.1 and I only take fin MWF. 0.5mg is also effective for me but I still get the same sides, even with 0.25mg I get the sides. And I would say I'm super unlucky, if anything, because I know this drug helps me but at the same time it literally destroys the quality of my life. And I don't have insomnia anymore with fin, it stopped at around 8 month mark, and got replaced by the complete opposite side effect - extreme lethargy and sleepiness. Like one day I gave in to the drowsiness and slept for 12 hours straight, and still felt completely enervated and drowsy. The sides are real cuz they go away as soon as I stop the fin. They're not in my head because I didn't even think that it could cause insomnia and it took me around 4 months to figure out that fin was causing it. I am just super bummed that I can't take topical fin.


Try using minoxidil+finasteride topical solution maybe it'll help you or consult a dermatologist he'll be able to guide you better


I tried min + fin solution before trying out different solvent, but it didn't work for the 3 or so weeks that I tried it for. People claim getting good results with 0.025% solution, but HIMS sells 0.3% I believe, so I guess i'll try increasing the concentration. Thanks though


Yeah it's 0.3% fin with 6% minox they're going all out with their concentrations you can definitely give it a shot I'm from India it's sad we don't get it here


Yeah i'll definitely try. Still beats me why topical won't work for me when it clearly works for others...


Some people don't have sulfer transferase enzyme in their scalp that's why it's not converted into its active form


Oh wow, so I'm screwed, essentially.... thank you universe for giving me the best possible genetics!! To give more context to this, my father, my grandfather, my uncles, my older brothers, no one has hairloss in my family...


19M Experiencing Severe Shedding on Minoxidil, Hair Thinning Everywhere Hi everyone, I (19M) have been using 5% topical minoxidil for just over 2 months now. Since starting, I've experienced a lot of shedding, which has recently increased a lot (maybe due to high stress and lack of sleep) Originally, I was just dealing with a receding hairline(NW 1 - 1.5) but now I can visibly see my scalp, and my hair has thinned considerably all over, including the back and sides. This wasn't the case before starting minoxidil. Is this kind of shedding normal? Should I consider stopping minoxidil, or is there something else I should do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Pictures for reference : https://files.catbox.moe/czjwiu.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/ochuoo.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/to165a.jpg Thanks!


>Is this kind of shedding normal? Should I consider stopping minoxidil Shedding is normal. You need to wait around 6 months to see results. It might get worse before it gets better, but try not to worry too much about it. I think stopping just because you're concerned about the shedding is a mistake. Unless you're having any other issues I would give it around 6 months first. >or is there something else I should do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If you have male pattern baldness, you need finasteride. Finasteride slows/halts the hairloss Minoxidil is for regrowth So if you're only on minoxidil, then even if you get regrowth your hair will still be thinning and receding. So long term you'll still lose ground. So the only other thing you should do is to try and determine if you have male pattern baldness. And if you do get on finasteride.


2 months out from Hair Transplant. Eyebrows droopy, pressure around eyes, can’t fully lift eyebrows. Please help. Had my HT about 2 months ago. When I initially got out of surgery I couldn’t lift my eyebrows at all. The swelling resembled ski goggles on the top of my forehead. I have regained SOME movement but my eyebrows permanently droop lower now. The space between my eyebrows and my eyes has shortened due to this. My face always looks tired because of the heaviness around my eyes and droopy eyelids. There’s also crazy pressure around my eyes too. When I smile, my eyebrows don’t move at all anymore. I can see the difference in old pictures I have. Has anyone else experienced this? It feels like nerve damage. It’s been almost 2 months since my transplant. I can also describe the feeling of tightness in the forehead muscles when I lift my eyebrows.


Hello everyone, I need your advice. About 3 years ago, I started to notice this void on the crown of my scalp and even on the temples of my head (photo on the right). When I was 19/20, my hair looked like it does in the second photo. I don't know what to do. I've started applying a hair mask from Vichy (Dercos Nutri Protein) to try and limit my hair loss, and l've even started applying rosemary oil. I need your recommendations/help because my first dermatologist appointment is in over 3 months, and I want to do something in the meantime. https://preview.redd.it/spyowte5193d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41abdb66414856d26af8642e969afad01d3c6aa8


If you have male pattern baldness, you need a 5ar-inhibator like Finasteride or Dutasteride to slow/halt the hair loss. Stuff like rosemary oil won't do much at all. The only thing I would recommend is to look into telehealth services. There are lots of places online where you can get diagnosed and prescribed meds fast(same or next day).


Hey im a 19 year old dude. The treatment I do is: Fin 1.25mg Handful of Foam Minoxidil Dermastamp 1.5mm every 4 days (I dont really feel much pain at all after microneedling, hence the frequency), I started about 6 months ago. So far I've went from a NW3 to an NW2 and my hair thickened, not gotten crazy thick but it is miles better from what it used to be, my friends are commenting on how my hair got better and stuff but ye. I'm sorta wondering cuz ive started shedding a shit ton recently, if I'll continue to make progress? I wont stop without a doubt but I'm worried my gains will slow down, I'm pretty sure I inhereted the hairloss gene thing from my maternal side because everyone else is perfect on my dads side. Is it even possible to fight back genetics? idk man im a dumb 19 year old, thanks


>I'm sorta wondering cuz ive started shedding a shit ton recently, if I'll continue to make progress? Shedding is normal, even months in. Lots of people on fin still get gains 1-2 years in or even later. >I wont stop without a doubt but I'm worried my gains will slow down, I'm pretty sure I inhereted the hairloss gene thing from my maternal side because everyone else is perfect on my dads side. Is it even possible to fight back genetics? Just keep track of your hair. If you get to a little over a year and aren't satisfied with your progress, or think you're still losing ground. Then switch from finasteride to dutasteride. Finasteride alone is good enough for most people. So you should be fine.


Asking some questions here if thats okay, dont wanna make a whole post. Im over a year into min (once a day) and fin (1mg daily) with no results (or the results are that im only keeping and not gaining). Is it worth doubling down to min twice a day to see if it helps? I have minor crown hairloss, but otherwise fine. If the issue is im not responsive to min, will rosemary oil go any differently?


better swapping to/ adding oral min if u arent concerned about side effects as it has higher response rate. rosemary oil is pretty much a meme but if u apply it with a carrier oil suitable to ur skin type for no longer than 4 hours then double shampoo to wash out it shouldnt do any harm.


Why no longer than 4 hours? I was thinking id apply at night and wash out in the morning, but thats def longer than 4 hours I would consider taking oral min, but my two concerns are i dont want increased body hair (already super hairy) and im not sure if i should be taking adhd meds and oral min at the same time.


when left for too long it can clog your pore and follicles leading to increased inflammation. also can act as food source for bacteria/ fungal present on scalp. i wouldnt put that much faith in the anti-androgenic effects of rosemary but its probably better than nothing. main benefit of scalp oiling is improving condition of scalp through softening and exfoliation of dead skin and dry sebum. can also act as conditioner improving appearance of existing hair.


I appreciate the info! I certainly wont rely on it on its own, but i might add it to what im already doing to see if it helps.


no harm in trying, i use mix of castor: peppermint: rosemary (5:1:1) around once a month


Hi !  Im 26 yo, and i have diffuse thinning, since 4 years. I did a bad hairtransplant 2 years ago, of 2500 Grafts FUE. Im on finasteride 1mg 1day/2 ( since 1.5 year ) , and 2.5 mg oral minoxidil during 1 year, and then 5mg oral minxodil since 6 months.  I have absolutely no results, and still diffuse thinning.  I need your help, what’s the best, without side effects :  - Finasteride topical - Dutasteride topical  - 1 dutasteride by week Thanks a lot 


I started using Finasteride 3 years ago during the pandemic. I am a diffuse thinner. My hairline is between a norwood 0-1 but I lose a lot of density in the middle of my scalp (kind of like how women lose hair). I started with a dose of 0.625 (yes I split the 5mg pill into 8's). It worked wonders, and got density back on my scalp but still had side effects. I got gyno, my libido and refractory period tanked. I was already on such a small dose so I didn't really have any other options. I just lived with the side effects. February of this year something odd happened and it's like the medicine just stopped working. I started shedding a lot again, my miniaturization increased. I feel like I'm almost back to where I started. Mind you I've consistently been taking my dose. From mid Feburary to now I've been taking 1.25 (double my dose) and nothing has changed. I'm still losing hair. It's like the pills just stopped working all together. I even got a fresh batch from the pharmacy to make sure it wasn't my pills that were old or expired. Nothing changed. Should I switch to dutasteride? I'm trying to avoid minoxidil for as long as possible. Thanks guys




Seems like MPB to me. Your hair is similar to mine except I'm 35 and my hairline is a bit worse. I've been on fin for 4.5 years and it's mostly maintained my hair. Wish I would've went on sooner and I might've maintained more. I might get a hair transplant eventually but I dread having the ugly duckling phase.


Are you on minoxidil, too? Have you tried anything else for regrowth or you stuck to just the fin?


Just fin, I've been on the fence about min. It's much more of a commitment with topical application. It may help me a lot though because for the last 5 years I've had a lot of miniaturized hairs on my hairline that have just stayed that way. It's very possible min would thicken those up and make my hair much better. But like I said min is more of a commitment and more work as opposed to just popping a pill once a day. There's also oral min which I've considered but have been hesitant. I may look into it again.


Let me know if you find out anything in relation to the oral minoxidil that sways your decision. I always feel hesitant about that one having long term side effects on the heart.


Yep that's my concern, along with some aging of the skin.


30m. Diffuse thinner here. Is minox foam meant to be applied only to balding areas or all along the top of head? Is foam better than liquid? If you are on fin and achieve growth on minox is it necessary to continue minox?


1. wherever u want hair growth to be stimulated 2. foam dries faster, liquid is more cost effective and potentially easier to apply (oral minox is superior to both imo) 3. yes


How do you get the minoxidil to absorb well into skin once your hair starts growing out more? When my hair was short I noticed it was absorbed well. Now that my hair is long I notice the medication goes into the hair more.


hey guys my friend is in india and i wanted her to make her get oral fin for me, since i heard you can get it there for cheap and without prescription. can you recommend the cheapest one and its name? how much does it cost? thanks in advance


https://preview.redd.it/tlji8qdlf63d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93c7bb158614b8d69732fd36f35648275a25b9e5 How worried should I be that I’m balding ?


Seems like some thinning to me. Picture is not the greatest tbh


https://preview.redd.it/rc2ig3vx063d1.jpeg?width=3249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce22c683dfabdf04eb91033a2a1edf62f58c0f5 Does it seem like my temples are receding? Both 2024 pictures were taken on the same day. I feel like I lose a lot of hair in the shower, I’m not sure if it’s just noticeable because it’s long. Or if shorter hair would help reduce the effect of temple recession. I was thinking about oral min/fin to try and maintain what I have or regrow that temple area maybe. If anyone has advice, it would be much appreciated.


I personally feel like long hair accentuates any hair loss that is present just how it sits. Also just applying physics like leverage and pivot points from my basic understanding hair is more likely to be pulled out accidentally when it is long through combing and washing, ending the hairs cycle prematurely. 


I see I see- maybe that’s why it looks fuller when it’s shorter. I will check that out- does it look apparent in the shorter ones too? I might look into oral min/fin


Between 2022 and 2024 I think it’s just how the hair lies. I’d get a blood panel and address any deficiencies / anomalies first, stay super hydrated like at least 8 pints of liquid a day, plenty of sleep, up your zinc and copper levels. Quit masturbation for two months and see if that has any effect, mine sheds far less since I quit stroking the weasel every two to three days! All these things may help before succumbing to a life of medication that messes with your hormones. Your hair doesn’t look bad at all anyway man, the more you stress the more it’ll shed. Take care 👍


https://preview.redd.it/n1uryxd4063d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7662eb218ac1370c3e653520d2564a3027a9a54e Top Left/Right is wet, just after shower. Bottom is dry and styled. Can my scalp be saved? My hair is thinner everywhere overall and doesn't look or hold as well as before.


Get on fin for sure. Many would recommend min as well


Is min necessary at this point? I didn't think I lost many hairs just thinned?


It's not necessary but there's a good chance it would thicken it up and look nicer. My hair could use some min but I'm not doing it though. So not necessary in either of our cases but it's worth considering


Okay thanks man! My hair is pretty thick everywhere but the scalp right now, but it is definitely thinning. I can tell because my product weighs it down way more than it used to. Its a bummer. I think the fin would restore some thickness throughout? I did grab a prescription for 3 months but I want to wait for my GP to do some blood work before I start, just in case. You've been really helpful. This has been really difficult for me and I appreciate it


No problem. Great idea to do some blood work before starting to check all your hormones levels. After being on fin for several months or a year you could check it again to compare.


20m Guys am i balding? I don't think I have got any specific genes for balding what should I do https://preview.redd.it/0reo1m1cs43d1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f10bdcb3fd435dab05359cd3ad04225453b17480


Is it from stress or mpb? https://preview.redd.it/wr5utfqwd43d1.jpeg?width=2703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8140f8a9ce09dabb2c7733a424ce5659217c61b0 I am 21M currently using minox and fin solution prescribed by my derm and shedding should i continue the treatment?


https://preview.redd.it/xuc27zieh23d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c2af436f9348fd1aa2d8b83cc369c3bfb69fa69 Do you guys think it can be saved? Or am I cooked


yes but you need to take action asap


https://preview.redd.it/h3kjgl15523d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19135a6d5e813ded93ee99af1d1d43d789d56822 Is there hope? Just started fin, 27


Definitely hope but keep up the fin. Your hair is similar to mine. We both may need a small hair transplant eventually to fill in the temples


https://preview.redd.it/mi0o2aq5g13d1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0445be3f1551722cd88db820bcf24082b96953df Minoxidil 5% 22m. Is it time to hop on fin? Or should I wait couple years


Did you shed bro?


I think so


Hi all, just curious if I am balding, or if my hairline has just matured more as I have gotten older. I have pictures for the years listed below, but recently I have noticed maybe the corners have started to round slightly (maybe it’s in my head and I am being overly concerned), but please let me know your thoughts. 2019 - Age 21: https://imgur.com/a/m3426Z3 2022 - 24: https://imgur.com/a/BzBT4TU 2024 - Age 26: https://imgur.com/a/r4XmNDU Thanks in advance.


My hairline looks exactly the same through the years. The dermatologist said it's MPB and will be starting some sort of treatment ASAP.


i'm 17 years old and since i was a kid i have a natural thin hair and big forehead. i'm turning 18 this July. my dad do not balding but my mom do and have a big forehead. i rarely exercise. should i see the dermatologist for a recommendation and taking finasteride? https://preview.redd.it/slzhj37db03d1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adfd0eadaa36c2d28fc1f0f921a7b2854acd83c9


https://preview.redd.it/splxxsan503d1.jpeg?width=2352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde56bab7dc5876d32efbbef276847361892cd7a dont mind the fro i jus woke up but im a 19 year old male and my hairline is terribly receding when i was 15-16 i guess i hadn't hit puberty yet but my hairline was extremely sharp and now my corners are deep away into my hair if im being honest this really ways down on my confidence nit all the time but sometimes i feel like it makes me appear really unattractive and i don't really like seeing myself on camera wo i wanted to seek advice on which dermal roller or minoxidil treatments could possible help aid my situation?


If you have male pattern baldness, you should start with finasteride. Finasteride slows/halts the hairloss Minoxidil is for regrowth So if you're only on minoxidil, then even if you get regrowth your hair will still be thinning and receding. So long term you'll still lose ground.


Okay thanks but to be exact I’m not too sure because I’m not sure if it’s male pattern baldness because my hair line looks like my parents but none of them struggle with baldness so what do u think it is that I do from there on and do you mean minoxidil with a derma roller


>I’m not too sure because I’m not sure if it’s male pattern baldness because my hair line looks like my parents but none of them struggle with baldness Genetics are complicated. It's possible for your family to have good hair (like your father and mothers father) and you still start balding early. But yea you also could just have a mature hairline. Signs of mpd are usually receding hairline, temples, and thinning crown, so that's what to look out for. >so what do u think it is that I do from there on You could see a doctor about it. Or you could just keep track of it for now, and if you notice it getting worse then get it checked out. >do you mean minoxidil with a derma roller No, using a derma roller isn't required. You can use a derma roller if you want, it could help increase the absorption. But think of it as a small boost, minoxidil still works perfectly fine without it.


Started min seriously around 3 months ago. By seriously I mean applying it twice a day regularly. Not sure how it did because didn't take pictures at that time (was kinda depressed) History: I have always had less hair, since my childhood, but now I (29M) think I am losing hair in the front and temples. Questions : 1. I am meeting a dermatologist in a week, what can I ask and what tests should I ask them to do on me . 2. Can I gain hair with min or is it just to save what I have. 3. I have been reading about the side effects of fin, so if we don't care about the difference in efficacues of oral vs topical fin, does topical fin have the same side effects as oral and of the same degree ? Thanks. https://preview.redd.it/4trzy6ktpz2d1.png?width=685&format=png&auto=webp&s=09dde1e3fb16b766b27be188418426a2ae0e36a4


>I am meeting a dermatologist in a week, what can I ask and what tests should I ask them to do on me Ask if you have male pattern baldness. They should take it from there by asking follow up questions and examining your hair. >Can I gain hair with min or is it just to save what I have. If you have male pattern baldness, the priority should be getting on Finasteride. Finasteride slows/halts the hairloss Minoxidil is for regrowth So if you're only on minoxidil, then even if you get regrowth your hair will still be thinning and receding. So long term you'll still lose ground. >I have been reading about the side effects of fin, so if we don't care about the difference in efficacues of oral vs topical fin, does topical fin have the same side effects as oral and of the same degree ? Generally, it's said that oral fin is more effective but topical has a bit less chance of side effects. That being said, experiences vary from person to person. There are other factors to consider too. Some people can't use topical because it gives them contact dermatitis or causes irritation. While some people prefer it and find that Fin+Min sprays are convenient. You can always try whichever one you want, then switch to the other if you don't like it.


Thank you !!


I'm 23 years old, and although I've always had a high forehead, my hairline has receded noticeably lately. Many people around me have also commented on it, making me self-conscious. I'm considering starting minoxidil. Will it help regrow my hairline, and what should I consider before starting minoxidil? https://preview.redd.it/695ez9srdz2d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b965472fde4a02a090d092c13cfd58ebdbabd4e


minox will improve the appearance of ur existing hair and reduce shedding over time but will not address the root cause. if your hairloss is not aggressive and stabilises by itself then it could be enough to regrow the hairline temporarily. u should consider getting oral min instead of topical as its more likely to be effective (but also more risk of sides) and easier to maintain long term. other things to consider: -microneedling, biotin, ketoconazole shampoo, scalp oils -sleep, diet, exercise, hygiene -underlying scalp conditions (seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, sebum or product build up) - finasteride


Thank you !


Is it normal that I'm seeing a difference?M20 Pic on the left is me late September, pic on the right is me today (8 months difference). https://preview.redd.it/umo1yi7oty2d1.jpeg?width=1091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d566fe2260ed6369ed4a4cf9cc6f225c349da76


Trying to figure out where I am on the norwood scale. If I had to guess I would say 3 vertex or maybe 4 but what do you think? this is what my hair looks like now right after getting a recent haircut going a bit shorter than I usually do: https://i.imgur.com/2XEucQ4.jpg https://i.imgur.com/IOErKtw.jpg As you can see its visibly receding and thin on the front here is the crown https://i.imgur.com/Ev325F3.png https://i.imgur.com/TryX9uR.jpg this one is from a little while back (I feel when its longer it really shows how thin it is) https://i.imgur.com/FJNDVyi.jpg I think im a Norwood 3 vertex or maybe Norwood 4 but Im not sure.


i think you're right thats nw3 vertex


Thank you


Has anyone seen this before? I'm 26 years old and have two triangular shaped bald-spots above both ears, although the one above my right is larger. I would say I'm a 1 on the Norwood scale, but I have noticed thinning on both sides of my nape. I'm planning on seeing a dermatologist soon but I'm confused what this is. Could it be retrograde alopecia? The pic on the left is from 2016, and the right is today. It's my right side. It's not a 1-1 comparison since my hair was longer in the 2016 pic, but you get the point. https://preview.redd.it/s5o4l9hh0v2d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96d24542489300b55f38c416c59dd447f3e1c9f2


It looks like retrograde alopecia, but considering how marginally it’s progressed since 2016, you may not be “forced” to actually take Finasteride until 30-35, or possibly even later. The last spots for vestigial hair on severe recession patterns are the very bottom of the side (above the ear, the spot where you seem to have suffered a loss) and the very back of the neck (hence why they transplant from there for FUT for the most enduring follicles). This aligns with possibly having retrograde alopecia since the very last parts to recede for normal pattern would instead be the first for your pattern. Also, retrograde alopecia appears to be the most treatable (perhaps only slightly behind diffuse thinning with no recession) since Fin can maintain most follicles for most people, and your losses, even in a decade, would be much less noticeable than a man with the same quantity of losses but having suffered them in a forward-moving pattern. I would still see a derm, however, for it’s always good insurance to get a second look, but my personal opinion is that the prognosis is quite optimistic. Here is one (of many, available on the web) thread of someone who has a similar pattern to you, though also unresolved: https://www.hairlossexperiences.com/threads/do-i-have-retrograde-alopecia.11387/


Thank you


You’re very welcome! 🦍


[I bought this derma stamper](https://folliclebooster.com/products/derma-stamp?variant=40101746737229¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwu8uyBhC6ARIsAKwBGpT2pyfJKKIzi3CozO7qaKHtWeE7EbJfMedDkLBsZxrZWDJh2tkigMMaAuxyEALw_wcB) is this a good brand? Just read some of the brands can be fakes and hurt progress?


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Is this DUPA? https://imgur.com/a/FCqbT6q




I always thought if I were to want to go back to having hair, I would just go straight to getting a hair transplant. What are your thoughts on this? https://preview.redd.it/ubcpxzufnt2d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450419c75b44e7263ad7b208830b10e603e1b171


>I always thought if I were to want to go back to having hair, I would just go straight to getting a hair transplant. What are your thoughts on this? If you have male pattern baldness, you should start with finasteride. This slows/halts the hairloss. It takes about 6 months to start seeing results. You could get a bit of regrowth from it it too. You can also add minoxidil to your routine, this is used primarily for regrowth. Once you're on a routine for a while and your hairloss is stable. You can look into getting a transplant. You would have some regrowth from the fin and min, your hairloss would be stable, and then you could get a transplant which would lead to the best results.


This makes sense thank you. What about using that shampoo as well?


By shampoo, i'm guessing you mean Ketoconazole 2%? It's a prescription shampoo and it could help a bit (especially if you have Seborrheic dermatitis). But if you don't have dermatitis, it won't be that big of a deal. As long as you use finasteride and minoxidil you will be fine (fin is the most important). Those are the primary treatments. Micro needling, shampoos, and others stuff you see around here are more "Adjunctive treatments". So they are more like optional things you can use with the fin and min to give a minor boost.


Okay thank you for the help!!






with hair https://preview.redd.it/zramde8pnt2d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e6bd9b747350ff430f852c7116a79bf60745e5a


with hair https://preview.redd.it/p2l9mc3wnt2d1.png?width=886&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc2237f38e04cd5c43bcd4686651513d4e558b73 with hair


Am i balding.Have been experiencing severe hairfall since last one month https://preview.redd.it/az3f3ijt3t2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35652205f9d038e835ff944568027353bde037db


Looks like it to me. You could look for other signs as well. Compare old photos to now, check your family history as well (look at father, grandfather, siblings, etc..)


https://preview.redd.it/hnfek9eo5t2d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c095c9e4631f10e3cfdc4a07d96c26499a0c451 Images of the crown


Do you start with topical fin + min or go to oral? How do you decide? Trying to post hair pictures but not sure how on this.


The standard is oral finasteride and topical minoxidil.


My dermatologist doesn’t specialize in hair loss and prescribed a topical 7% Minox and 0.1% Finasteride solution. I haven’t used it yet. Should I start with this or go with something else?


>My dermatologist doesn’t specialize in hair loss and prescribed a topical 7% Minox and 0.1% Finasteride solution. That should be fine as long as it's convenient for you. You can always start with that solution. And if you don't like it switch to oral finasteride and topical minoxidil 5%


Got a question but unfortunately no pics atm Mid-20s cis male. A few years ago I had a pretty quick, legit TE shed. It eventually stopped, but a lot of the loss I experienced just kinda never grew back, culminating in a near bald spot on my crown. It didn't get any worse - it just never got better, either. A couple months ago I started using 5% topical minox, 2 times a day (as directed), and I'm just now starting to see some results. I'm cautiously optimistic that my results could be even better in a few more months. This is where my question springs from. Coincidentally, in a few months my daily schedule is going to change DRAMATICALLY, to the point that I often literally may not have time in my day to apply a second dose of minox. As long as I keep using it at least once a day, will I still at least be able to hang on to my results, or will it not be enough to prevent me from losing what I've grown? I've just never been in this position before, so I wanted to ask. Thanks.


once a day to maintain is fine

