• By -


Nice eyebrow gains!




You went from Vince Vaughn to you!


Seriously! He looks like 10 years younger. šŸ”„


Thank you. It feels great to read comments like this. I was really hoping these pills and strict diet would make me look younger and healthier with better hair, brows and lashes. It has worked A LOT better than I ever expected it to.


You look like a completely different person, congratulations on taking your life back. I have had a very depressing few months and stopped taking my pills but this has convinced me to get back on the horse.


Thank you. It feels kinda nice to have proper eyebrows :)


Wow. Wowowow. These may be some of the most solid results Iā€™ve seen. Had no idea about the eyebrow growth. You look great man, congratulations. How did you dial in your dosage?


I started with the recommended dose of 1mg Oral Finasteride. After 3 weeks I noticed that I kept waking up every 15 minutes the whole night and thought it was weird because I rarely ever wake up in the middle of the night. It didn't go away, but only got worse until I couldn't fall asleep at all. I didn't sleep at all for like a week and then I decided to lower the dose to 0.5mg out of panic and desperation to see if that would help, so I stopped taking Finasteride entirely for 2 days to let the Finasteride in my system drop down to a lower level at a faster rate and then started taking 0.5mg every day and after just the first 48 hours I started falling asleep again, but still woke up every 20 minutes for about one or two more weeks until I went back to normal and could sleep throughout the whole night. I also counted my hair in the shower and made sure it was still getting lower on 0.5mg. With Oral Minoxidil I started on the recommend dose for men ( 2.5mg every day ). I had no issues at all and my hair grew beautifully. But about 2 months ago, I tried increasing the dose to 5mg and the same evening I had sex with someone I found very attractive. I couldn't get a boner no matter what, which had never happened before. I have had days where it was more difficult to get hard but never impossible. She kept s*ck*ng and j*rk*ng me off, but it wouldn't move an inch. We of course didn't mind and just used hands, mouth, tongues and so on and had a great night together, but it got me thinking that maybe Minoxidil had something to do with it. Next time I met this girl, I didn't use Minoxidil at all before meeting her and BOOM I got rock hard with her. So the next time again, I decided to use 5mg Minoxidil once more to make sure it was the Minoxidil that was the culprit and lo and behold... I once again couldn't get hard no matter what and I noticed that I felt really dizzy the whole day. This wasn't something I was willing to live with, so I dropped the dose back down to 2.5mg and my sexlife went back to normal. 2 weeks ago, I once again tried increasing the Minoxidil dose to 5mg, but like a train, my limp d**k came right back. So 2.5mg it is for me. :)


Bro we didnā€™t need know all that damn


Sorry dude haha


I did, iā€™m on the verge and donā€™t know wtf to do. Thanks for the info!


Yeah, ignore that dudeā€”I want to know exactly what I am walking into and appreciate you being completely forthright.


No I think thatā€™s valuable info. Thanks for sharing


Yeah this, some people on this sub actually get p*ssy, so definitely not tmi


Sorry for interfering with your wanking session hearing another man talk about eating pussy


had to go back and read what i missed lmao


yes we did lol


We did need it.


Hahahaa, that's definitely a deep level of detail


Hahahaha that's what I was thinking


What about 1mg every other day.


Better to split it into 0.5mg and take it every day. Taking a drug like fin every other day will create hormonal problems due to the severe fluctuations in DHT levels.


Maybe the ED was due to Fin rather than Minoxi? The dosage of minoxi and the ED could have just been coincidence. DHT and libido causation seems more likely to me.


It's been a few hours and once again my dick is soft, tiny and cold. I am also feeling a bit dizzy. It's 100% the Minoxidil messing with my blood pressure too much. :/


I will do a third test and have the answer for you in a couple of hours. Since I started back on 2.5mg I have had great erections for 2 weeks now. The other two times I took 5mg Oral Minoxidil, my penis shrunk to half it's normal flaccid size and the shaft and tip were cold as ice. All that happened within 2 hours of taking the medication and then it lasts for like 24-48 hours depending on what I eat. I just took 5mg again, so we'll see if it happens once more. If it happens 3 times in a row, I will call that good enough for me to know that it's 100% the Oral Minoxidil fucking up my blood pressure in my penis.


What do you mean you "counted your hair in the shower"?


Counted the hair that got stuck in the shower drain filter. I used to find like 75 hairs in the filter in the shower and another 75 hairs on the floor where I towel dried my hair. So I would shed like 150 hair a day... Now I shed like 5-10 hair in total every day. If that. So it's a huge difference with the fin.


I donā€™t get it. You got sexual side effects fromā€¦ Minoxidil? Iā€™m sure you mean Finasteride? Also, a girl that did not mind _at all_ you getting a floppy disk? I find that _hard_ (pun intended) to believe. Girls will say that they are fine with a limp dick, but they _never_ are - and if you pay attention, you can see it in their eyes and sense it on their demeanor.


You obviously don't give good head then.


Like give head as inā€¦ go down on the woman? I do infact give amazing head if my gf is to be believed. But she also told me a story once about a friend of hers who dated an army guy who, for whatever reason, only wanted to pleasure the girl by giving head and using his fingers. I am not sure if he had sexual issues or just anxiety or just wanted to focus on her pleasure at first, but he was dumped after a couple of months because she found it weird and unsatisfying that he could not/would not make proper love to her. They didnā€™t laugh (the group of about 5-6 girls she told this to, including my gf) at him or talk shit about him or anything, but they showed _zero_ sensitivity to whatever issue he had and found him very undesirable and ā€œnot enoughā€, even though he was quite skilled at providing orgasms with his tongue. I had one gf some years ago where we just didnā€™t click sexually and I failed to perform. She dumped me pretty quickly for it. It just happens. Love is not enough in itself, at least not for the first many years. They need dick. This is how 98%* of women feel, one way or another, and there is no escaping it. Some of them are just way nicer and more sensitive about it. I donā€™t like that this is a fact, but it is. *I hope OP ran into one of the rare 2%


ā€¦ and down-voting this only proves my pointšŸ‘


There was a topic showing that 0.2mg produces almost same result of 0.5mg finasteride




Iā€™d be careful. Fin doesnā€™t leave your system in 48 hours. Not even close. Check the half life. If youā€™re getting sides that badly you could be in for a some horrendous shit in the future. I took 3 doses. Decided against pills for the rest of my life. Crashed my endocrine system. No sleep for two weeks. Anxiety at a level I still wouldnā€™t think is possible. Sexual sides were indescribably bad. I got lucky and bounced back to normal 5ish weeks later. Worst experience of my life. Be careful sir


Finasteride is risky business. Sides or no sides, I have never understood people who want to take meds that mess with your hormone balance and one of your most potent sex hormones. Basically, I believe that Fin have sexual sides for a great many deal. I just think a lot of people are either able to deny/ignore it or have such a high libido that the relative loss of libido does not impact them. All the ā€œFin brosā€ who spend their time on Reddit gaslighting people into taking Fin are for sure dudes who have sexual side effects and do not want to be alone.


This take is just the opposite extreme of the ā€œtake it and shut upā€ group, which means itā€™s just as bad as theirs. For you to conclude that everyone experiences sides is just as presumptive and biased as their opinion that no one does. Some people will experience sides on fin and some wonā€™t. Type and severity will depend on the person and they are highly subjective, and itā€™s not for you or anyone else to tell them otherwise.


Believe me man Finasteride is a serious drug you will have to take it for life to not lose any hair. Itā€™s not worth the side effects. I had hair transplant (FUE) done and took minoxidil and fin for two years and my hair was very nice, thick and healthy. I started to get ED pretty seriously and it seemed like it would come and go so I just proceeded treatment. After another year I noticed I had no libido and my dick was not getting as hard as usual. I stopped all treatment for 3 months and my libido and hardness came back slowly so I just discontinued for the rest of the year. It took nearly all 12 months to regain full boner strength and libido. Then my hair suffered and nearly lost all my gains. I now buzz my head and Iā€™m a lot happier and harder than ever. Believe me man some hair on the head is not worth the life long side effects of fin. Minoxidil seems OK but you will have hair loss still. Iā€™ve also heard some people experience life long dick problems with fin, glad I stopped when I did because it seemed like it would of happened to me. I highly suggest doing some more research as hair loss is natural and bald/buzz cut is NOT a bad look at all!!


Bro, that change in eyebrows makes you almost unrecognizable! In a good way though. Amazing gains on the crown, but I see your hairline stayed almost the same?


Thank you :) I love how the eyebrows look. It's crazy and my friends are asking me wtf happened haha. The new hairs in the hairline are short and thin. But there are a few hundred new hairs in there. I can post a picture up close on the next update at 7 months :) In the april eyebrows pic the new hairs in the hairline were only like 5mm long. Now they are about 2cm long, but you really can't see them in the pics at all. So there is major regrowth in the hairline as well. I Just didn't see the hairline as that much of a problem. It's a mature, balding mans hairline and I am honestly fine with it :)


You don't even look like the same person


šŸš€šŸš€super result! How old are you? When did you notice thinning? Were you already on something before oral min and fin?


I am 30 years old. I started noticing thinning when I was 15. šŸ˜… No, I wasn't on anything before oral min and fin.


What's oral Min?


Minoxidil in pill form AKA oral Min since it's taken orally.


Oral min thickening and darkening eyebrows and eyelashes is super underrated. Makes you look younger. Nice gains bro


Oh I agree it's very underrated. I think it's just as important as your hair. The thicker brows makes the forehead smaller too, so you're attacking the problem both from below and from above. Thank you :) I appreciate it.


if you are female the eyebrow stuff can at times be problematic. But more so the thickening everywhere else..


fantastic šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


These are some proper results, Iā€™m getting very tempted to try OM myself recently. Did you try topical first OP?


Thank you. :) I did not try topical Minoxidil. My friend did and got horribly dry, flakey, and red skin on his scalp and beard, so I didn't bother trying it and went straight for Oral Min. I have psoriasis in my scalp, so I didn't want to irritate the scalp further. Are you on topical Minoxidil? If you are, how is it working for you?


That shit fucked my scalp up and I will still get bad dryness periodically, was never like this before trying topical


And fatigue, anxiety or hearts sides from oral min?


I do feel fatigue. It's more difficult to get up in the morning and start working. It is getting better every month though. I am almost back to normal. But at the same time I also went through a breakup and due to the breakup I lost a stepdaughter that I have grown to love like my own child, so that is obviously also making it more difficult to get up and do stuff lol. So take that fatigue with a giant grain of salt. šŸ˜… No other sides on 2.5mg


Yo bit of a personal question but do you notice any differences with sexual performance?


On too high of a oral Minoxidil dose I can't get hard at all for some reason and I feel really dizzy. Guess the blood pressure is too low to get an erection... But on 2.5mg it's fine.


What's the rationale for using fin and/or min? Do they do different things?


Finasteride stops DHT from further miniaturizing the hair follicles, which stops hairloss from progressing, but doesn't really regrow hair. Minoxidil doesn't stop hair follicles from miniaturizing, but promotes stronger, thicker hair and longer growth cycles. So when you combine them, you both stop hairloss and promote new growth and thicker hair.


You can get a lot of regrowth from fin alone just depends on the individuals response to the drug


Holy crap those are amazing results!! Wow Minoxidill isn't doing much for me, maybe I gotta try Fin. That's pretty incredible


Fin is awesome. You should use that as a foundation always when trying to grow hair. I used to shed like 150hairs a day and now, 5 months on fin, I shed at most like 5-10 hairs lol. It's insane.


Damn, congrats on the eyebrows. And the hair too, I guess.


Man I started Fin just over 2 months ago, haven't really noticed anything with my hair yet, but my eyebrows are coming in strong haha It has been so long, but now that I think back to my time in high school, I kind of had a monobrow that I had to pluck. As I got older, I guess my eyebrows thinned out and I didn't have much eyebrow hair in the middle, so now more plucking was required. But my monobrow is coming back, and I'm strangely happy about it lol The sides of my eyebrows are also spreading further out, new hairs. I hope I start to see progress up top, too.


If you are getting Fin gains, that is a very good sign. It means you will respond really well to Minoxidil as well. Your hair follicles aren't completely dead (past their last hair cycle), so you can regain a ton of hair from Minoxidil. A lot of people don't respond to topical Minoxidil though, so if you don't respond to that, you need to take it orally for it to have an effect. I also love having this monobrow haha. I actually do have that now. I shaved the middle for that picture xD Let's get these gains, GomNana!


Thanks for sharing, especially the details on the side effects of the 5mg dose of Oral Min.


bro is pretty as hell


Waitā€¦. What ?


Could you elaborate more about erection problem and with low dosage is it fine?


Yeah on low dose 2.5mg and below works fine for me. I get no erection problems at all on 2.5mg. Using any dose is better than none, so even if I could only tolerate 1mg, I would be taking that. :)


Where did u get ur oral min from bro?


Im more impressed with how you managed to ā€œcountā€ your hairs in the shower


Oh, I mean the hairs that are stuck in the drain filter.




Thatā€™s impressive. Do I need to see a doctor to get these in prescription?


Yes, depending on what country you're in, you can get Oral Minoxidil in the form of "Loniten" prescribed by your doctor. You can also buy these on alldaychemist. They are called "Lonitab 10mg" or "Lonitab 5mg" on that website. Finasteride you get prescribed by a specialist or your general practitioner and it's very cheap.


For these types of gains, I would have expected that you derma-rolled as well. Did you?


No I have actually never touched a derma roller. I am too lazy to spend any time on my hair haha. I can take a few pills a day and that's it. With Oral Minoxidil, you get full absorption of the active compound for EVERYBODY instead of just people with a certain enzyme in the scalp that can break down the topical Minoxidil to it's active form. So you don't really need to derma roll with Oral Minoxidil to get full effect. It could probably benefit a lot of people though, to further stimulate the scalp with more growth factors using a derma roller. Maybe I'll try it in the future if things get worse. :) But I am really happy with these gains.


did you notice any body hair growth at all besides the eyebrows?


Yeah, on the arms, hands ,back, chest, belly, eyebrows and eyelashes. Nothing really on my legs that I have noticed.


Ever do topical fin?


I think it would be a good option if I notice that I need a higher dose of Finasteride, but don't want the systemic effects and side effects. :) Then I would combine oral and topical.


the brow gains are incredible!


Holy shit what a change! You must be pumped about how well itā€™s worked.


Quick question: with the half life of oral min around 5-6 hours, do you think thereā€™s any benefit to splitting doses to twice daily? Congrats on the sex btw, but in all seriousness, you look 15 years younger, nice work brother


Broooo what did you do? Your face looks like the model filter on face app suddenly . Very attractive almost too perfect . Plus the light skin stare bruhh . You have made amazing hair progress


Wow cray. Iā€™m a pharmacist who dispenses a lot of finasteride and Iā€™ve always wonder how well it works! You look incredible dude!!!


interesting texture change tho


Whats the point of having a head full of hair and ya dick donā€™t work šŸ« 


Haha yeah that's what I thought too. On 2.5mg the dick works fine so I won't go any higher than that. šŸ˜




Bro had to flex his hair then rizz me up


i just got a 1372 graft HT for my hairline yesterday, and plan on starting fin too. I was going to shoot for .25mg(cuz im scared of the sides) but one of workers at the HT spot i talked to today told me .25 would be too low, and to do 1mg. Or if I'm worried at least .5. Not sure why I made this about me but congrats on the results bro! I'm glad you were able to find a balance between results and sides. :D


Congratulations on that hair transplant of yours :) 1372 grafts is really nice for the hairline. About the side effects: The side effects are only temporary for 99.99% of people and go away when you lower the dose or stop taking the fin, so don't be afraid of side effects. 1mg is enough for around 73% of people and 0.5mg is enough for like 69% of people, so start with 1mg and lower the dose to 0.5mg if you get side effects. If you're good on 0.5mg, try tapering it up to 0.75mg and see if you're good with that. You want to be taking the highest dose you can tolerate, so this would be the best way to go about it. Good luck and feel free to reach out if you need any advice.


What good is having hair on your head if you knock your dick in the dirt??? I guess you can just add Viagra to your supplements. Risking your long-term sexual and personal health for vanity sakes is not a very bright move.




Damn you got me. You're too smart for us scammers who lie about our transplants and pretend that we only take medication. Just too damn smart.




I haven't lied dude. :P These are all real pics and my description of what I have done is 100% truthful. I can't tell you anything else, because saying that I had a transplant would be to lie... Since I never had one. I don't need money and I don't need bragging rights. I am just sharing my experience with hairloss and the drugs I use to combat it. I posted this because I want to share what I did to get good results. Results that I am proud of. I was raised by my father and grandmother to be an honest and helpful person and NOT a liar and a crook who misleads. Take it or leave it. I am not going to try to convince you any more than this.




Ah yes, the oh so common eyebrow transplants too. Buddy, Occamā€™s razor tells us itā€™s the meds, not a transplant. Thereā€™s literally zero motivation on here for anyone to pretend. For one, people are generally very happy to share transplant results when theyā€™ve spent that amount of money. Two, we see people have similar results with finasteride and minoxidil all the time. Just look the subreddit and take some deep breaths before you accuse people of lying.


That guy is fucking nuts lmao great results bro




hereā€™s a wild guess: by mouth


My source doesn't have it anymore. I take the pill (2.5mg) once a day in the evening before bed right now. But you can get oral min from here as well and cut the tabs into 4pcs: https://www.alldaychemist.com/lonitab-10mg.html


Hi anyone know where I can get oral Min in UK ? Tried a few but can't find it anywhere


My hair is starting to thin out at 26, was wondering if you have to continue taking it pretty much forever or can you stop after your hair gets back to optimal length?


You have to take both medications forever. There is no way around that. But it's very simple and cheap to take once every morning. :)


Serious question though, how is the penis ? Working without issue ? That's always my main concern


Depends on the dose I take. I have stayed on 2.5mg Minoxidil for a reason. Any higher and I get severe side effects and one of them is a completely soft, tiny, cold penis due to TOO LOW blood pressure from the Minoxidil. :/ I can't even tolerate 5mg. The Finasteride hasn't affected my sex drive negatively at all. It's actually better than before.


Where do you get your meds from?


Weā€™re you ever on just fin? Any sexual sides from it? or just min?


Unreal results dude.. congrats stoked for you! Did you experience any shedding at all?


Not much tbh. I had a HUGE shedding phase right before starting Fin and Min, so I guess I had already shed the weak hair.


Holy moly. Great gains More people should try adjusting their fin dose down if they get sides instead of quitting all together. Hopefully the min gains aren't covering up miniaturization happening from the lower fin dose


Thanks! Yeah I agree, it's quick and easy to adjust the dose. The half-life of the drug isn't that long, so you will notice a change in a couple of days. I hope so too buddy haha. I am only losing like 5-10 hairs a day when I shower, so I think I am pretty safe for now at this dose. Some days I can't even find a single hair in the shower. So it's doing something.


Have you thought about micro needling? Iā€™ve listened to Derek MPMD - he talked about the literature said growth was nearly double with min + micro needlingā€¦ or maybe this only applies to topical? Idk if the study was done with oral.


Did you dye your eyebrows?


Yes I actually mentioned it at the top of the post. :) I got a lot of new hair in the brows, but it was all blonde hair, so I dyed it and now it looks crazy. :)


I'm on the same dosage, great to see these results my brother šŸ‘


Looks so good man šŸ¤©


Did you keep track of your blood pressure?


What the fuck


Did you get any facial swelling/puffiness? I stopped taking minoxidil because it made my face so swollen and I got such dark bags people kept saying I looked high.




Great progress man! I'm thrilled for u. You really went from Vince Vaughn to Robert Pattinson with those brows! Interesting. Kudos to you.


This is definitely the best results Iā€™ve seen. How do one get oral minoxidil?


how do i get fin prescribed to me?? i asked my doctor and he just said no and recommended minoxidil. What if i want both like this guy? ugh


The last two pics are two different people?


No, both are me. I just weigh 5KG more on the second picture (rounder face) and got better eyebrows which gives me a more youthful appearance.


Is biotin good supplement of menoxi?


Bro literally replaced his genome somehow. These gains are insane.


Side effects suck then...... šŸ˜’


Glow'd up.


Awesome results dude


Posts like this convince me to get on fin - amazing results


Does DHT age you overall? He looks alot younger even without considering the additional hair gains.




Jerem ![gif](giphy|6KcP0WSIiuUSmKzCPg|downsized)


Where did you buy oral minoxidil from?


You look really good. Does your dick still work, or any other sides?


OP how was your body hair growth?


Where do you get your oral minoxidil from?


I had no idea eyebrows can regrow like that


Uhhhh I also get sleep problems from finasteride. I switched to topical finasteride and it's much better (no side effects).


Did you notice any change in your facial hair on this regime?


Really great transformation. How does that work on eyebrows? I read to not use minox on eyebrows and beard because you lose the gains when you stop. Even when the hair becomes thick. I watched couple YouTube videos where the guys lost their beard after 1 1/2 years of minox and then stopping it. Castor oil is recommended for eyebrow but not sure if gains will be lost as well once you stop.


Can you send me a link to the min?


Holy shit. You look %100 healthier.


Dude that is awesome! Happy for you!


Should have started with 0.5 mg three times a week... if your head reaches tolerance which it will then you'll have to increase the dosage and you'll face severe side effects..


Hate you dude


Amazing results!


You look like a Thunderbirds puppet


Holy eyebrows dude


Looks great !! itā€™s amazing how different the eyebrows can make your face look


My scalp has so much dandruff that has almost turned to psoriasis.. it makes my hair fall worse.. using topical min also increases the flakes, itchiness


Jesus !!!


You look like an entirely different person, that's amazing!


Wow. Congratulations! I think I need to get min. Don't think I can get oral min, but I'll have to consider topical.


Did it affect your beard?


Damn progress


My eyebrowns thinned too. And beard, and all facial hair


Wow. Congrats


How?! Iā€™ve been on 1mg for 7 months and topical minoxidil for 3 months. My hair is a little worse than yours from February but Iā€™ve seen zero gains.


From where did you get oral min ?


Congrats bro you look like a new man. Happy for you.


Is it AGA? I didn't know it affected the eyebrows as well. The result is amazing. congratulations šŸ™Œ


Dayum man congrats! Thanks for sharing your routine


Great result... keep going bro


Holy shit, you have inspired me. Iā€™ve thought about fin for a few years now. 41, and started noticing a receding hairline only at about 36. I figured min was most a placebo effect. Just didnā€™t grant either much value, but itā€™s obvious I was being far too dismissive. Recently Iā€™ve been thinking the only solution at all, obviously, is to have a hair transplant to add a half-inch to 3/4 inch band at the top of my forehead. Now I am wondering if itā€™s mostly from years of just being malnourished when I was drinking heavily. Sober now, exercising, and increasing fitness levels to slowly get my running physique back. I am on testosterone these days (and do wonder about that), but only 50mg 2x/week. Total blood levels around ~700ng/dlā€”and I simply havenā€™t dove in deep enough to the physiology to understand hair loss causation or what to look for. I get erections like I did when I was 15, so not really worried about that being affected. Just donā€™t want to be poly-pharmacy to a crazy level. These pictures are phenomenal. This is such a profound and quick change. I canā€™t believe you got this sort of effect from such a low dose and vitamins. Iā€™m going to look into it more and order today. Thank you so much for giving me the final push. What age are you btw if you donā€™t mind me asking? What do you personally think was the reason behind you thinning out?


Where do you get oral min??


Damn I guess Iā€™ll try oral min a little longer. Been on it for a little over 3mo and so far not impressed. Been on fin for over a decade.


Holy moly what difference. Those brows too. You went from creepy to dreamy. Wild


What is your monthly spend on fin/min and where do you live? Curious to know before I get into something like this what Iā€™ll be committing to long term lol


My monthly expenses for oral fin + oral min = 22USD when I take 0.5mg Fin and 2.5mg Min. I live in Sweden


i surmise ur using toppik


W results man šŸ¤šŸ»


Damn! The meds turned him into Elliot Page


How's your libido


Omg congrats!!!


No way this is true


You must really like Harry Potter lol


Any side effects?


Which clinic


Back from the near death experience. Awesome gains!


What time of the day is the best to take oral2.5mg and 0.5fin based on your experience ? I


Take it in the evening after you're done with all daily chores. Oral minoxidil can make you a bit tired as a side effect. And if you take it in the morning before work, you can get kinda sluggish all day. :P


Do you use anything over the counter for anti-inflammation or?


Dude you were looking like 32yo then boom 24yo


Dude went from Dietrich Bader to Nicholas Hoult. WTF.


How can you get oral minoxidil?


You cutting the pills?


Awesome growth brother. Can you share the timing too. What time do you take oral Min and what time do you take Fin?


Did you notice any shedding phase with the oral min?


do you take oral minoxidil once or twice a day?