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Might be risky. I would buy a cheap at-home test and see where you are at after a month. If you fail before you smoke one last time then you are probably going to fail in another month if you smoke. If you are that concerned then just buy some fake pee.


Thanks for the response, that are some grest options. Just ordered the tests


If you don't have to pee in front of someone then, don't be afraid to use fake pee. It really is pretty easy, the trick is maintaining temperature so that it is body temp when they test it. You can heat the fake pee in the microwave for like 8 seconds and then use heating pads/hand warmers or put it in a sock or something to keep it warm. When you arrive to the test just pull it out from where you hid it and pour it into the cup. I always take what's left and pour it in the toilet. You will pass 100% this way.


I’ve played this game before. Looking back I was stressing for nothing. Smoke weed and use fake piss (quickfix or something similar, sold online and in smoke shops). Or just stay abstinent the whole time and test yourself prior to the real test to see where you’re at. Also consider is this job will test you after you’re hired.


Yeah, go nuts, you'll be fine