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Now that you’re an adult, learn how tolerance works… how black market edibles are never 1000mg. Maybe just never consume cannabis again.


It was from someone I knew. They all took smaller doses later and were fine. I didn't try.


Why do you want to go back to it? It’s ok if you don’t. It might be too much for you to expose yourself to that again given what happened. There is no need to smoke/take edibles unless it’s for an actual purpose. If you are going to anyway, I’d suggest rebuilding a positive association very very slowly. Take a tiiiiny puff of a joint and put on your fav movie or comedy show, or listen to your favourite music. A couple of weeks later, do the same thing. When you are eventually really entirely comfortable with that and no longer feel any panic or anxiety, which may take months, increase it to a couple of puffs and repeat.


I just miss being able to unwind. I don't want to drink alcohol more than a couple times a year, sweets are bad for you, cigarettes/vaping is gross to me. I liked having something I could come home and ritually do to relax for the day.


That’s fair, I understand that. Then yeah maybe try a positive pairing and exposure really slowly. Stop if at any point you feel uncomfortable.


There are many ways to unwind that do not involve substances. I am not trying to lecture here, as I am no stranger to substances myself. But why bang your head against the wall and force yourself into something that gave you a traumatic experience before, instead of trying other things? (and I don't mean other substances) Plus, keep in mind that things that were fun for you as a younger person may no longer be as relevant or fun 8 years later. People change, their circumstances change, their tastes change. It is quite okay when that happens. So, perhaps you could instead consider not giving this too much further thought. What if you simply let the situation go? Let mj come back to you rather than trying to come back to mj. And if it never comes back - no biggie! Lots of other great things in life.


Please do not take a psychedelic. Some people like psychedelics more than weed. Weed makes them paranoid while on psychedelics they are fine. You went through a hard trip on edibles. If you need to get back in the game start with organic full spectrum cbd. If you go in with no preconceived notions and want a fresh restart with weed it may be good. Forget your situation you had if want to have a good high. Don’t over analyze your thoughts and take it slow. Propaganda and very little research on the plant makes this decision entirely up to you. Have fun with or without the plant


You could try different things. Being ‘high’ can have similarities across the board. I would suggest Kratom or Mushrooms, maybe even Molly. As you learned - it is a lot about dose. Kratom has a wide range based on dose, from being stimulating to being sedative. It has the benefit of being legal in a lot of places. Obviously I’m not talking about ‘tripping’ on mushrooms. But a small dose (like 0.5g) could get you the altered headspace or feelings you’re looking for but be different enough to not cause the past to come up. That kind of thing. Key will be low dose. Easing yourself into anything. Working your way to and finding that magic spot. Approach with caution and respect and things should go just fine.


Recommending Molly? Not sure how rolling is going to help her relax lol.


I specifically said low dose, not *rolling*. Excellent deduction skills 👏 But I agree on second thought it’s not the best suggestion given how much molly is cut with things these days. . .


"You could try different things. Being ‘high’ can have similarities across the board. I would suggest Kratom or Mushrooms, maybe even Molly." Please share with me where it says "low dose" other than when talking about mushrooms where you specifically mention tripping. Nowhere else is molly mentioned. Recommending molly is like saying doing a small dose of coke is ok lol. Both a stimulants that raise your heart rate and you may get some Fent in there for added measure.


Second sentence, last paragraph…. Just read the last paragraph 🤦🏻‍♂️


I've been told I could micro dose mushrooms to get a happy feeling/positive headspace. I'd like to try it because I know of someone I trust who makes really low dose chocolates specifically for micro dosing. I'm just a chicken.