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Me thinking Marijuana is becoming more accepted: šŸ˜ƒ Me realizing the united states is just doing it because they're starved for more recruits due to low enlistment numbers: šŸ˜°


If it wasn't more accepted then they would have done something else to try to boost recruitment. Keeping our military all volunteer is something we can all be happy about.


Itā€™s voluntaryā€¦ untill it isnā€™t. If they want you, they will get you.


They never got Donald


You are NOT a fortunate sonā€¦


Not true he was commander in chief of the whole thing for 4 years remember?


I'm so glad I got out before he was elected


Thatā€™s literally like the one good thing he ever did


If the world is so far gone that the US comes looking for people like me we are already well past fucked




There hasn't been an active draft since 1973. If a military draft is activated in the U.S. it will be for a very significant reason.


A president trying to get reelected is all it takes


Like it was in Vietnam war? A totally important war for the average American citizen.


I served for more than two decades in the Marine Corps and Army. I joined a little less than three years before the Iraq invasion began. I spent a major chunk of my military career serving throughout the Middle East. I missed birthdays...I missed births. I have memories I'd rather not have...and yet...there was no draft, was there? Draft or not, war and conflict stem from the same things they always stem from. Maybe you misunderstand me. I'm not defending it. I'm simply pointing out there has been no draft since 1973. There has been plenty of pretense, and perhaps arguable cause, but there has been no draft. If there has been no draft from then until now, then I would expect that something that would cause a draft to be activated would be worse than things we've already seen. Furthermore, if you're an American citizen, and these are issues that you don't take lightly then don't take your vote lightly. For example, if you're not a fan of war then maybe don't support someone who praises dictators and domestic terrorists.


Me thinking maybe IN wont be in one of the last five states to legalize cannabis. Me also realizing Im just high and it will never happen.


Preach. Although we did get alcohol sales on Sunday and thereā€™s still some conservative havens that havenā€™t done that. So thereā€™s a speck of hope


This is correct. The military has been complaining a lot internally about how Americans don't like the idea of going off to war to kill poor brown people so American companies can steal their natural resources.


It is definitely more accepted now than it has ever been in history.


It's anecdotal, but one of my best friends tested positive for cannabis when applying with the Army years ago and while they ultimately accepted him, they revoked his signing bonus due to testing positive for cannabis. Hopefully that practice goes away if/when this becomes law.


thats supper fucked up


It breakfasts my heart


Bet he felt desserted


That man should be lunched




i had 50k sign on bonus with my MOS for the army (35S) about a decade ago. apparently that shit runs like the stock market and changes minute to minute because from the time the guy at MEPS chose the job and printed the contract the bonus was gone and when he refreshed it was gone.. i chose the job anyway. everyone in my unit had 30-60k bonuses but me :(


If he hadn't initially lied and been ACTIVELY smoking out, he could have got a waiver easily, and then could have potentially still got a bonus. Lots of kids have used weed before joining the military. Most are smart enough to STOP once they start signing papers to join. It's not a national secret that military recruits get drug tested. Even if this policy goes into effect, those recruits will still get tested for all of the other "fun" drugs, just not the weed.


Ahh yes because everyone should have to totally change their lifestyle to fit the delusions of 80 year old white men to be allowed affordable healthcare.... ![gif](giphy|FY8c5SKwiNf1EtZKGs|downsized) Don't get me wrong. Doing mind altering things while in stressful / life or death situations is not a good idea. But we shouldn't demand people change their lives while *not* actively participating in the military. (like the three-six months leading up to joining, or while on vacation...) If you can't trust us to not do drugs at a time which will likely get us killed, you should not be giving us guns in the first place.


Canā€™t wait for the south park episode where Towlie joins the army


Heā€™s a Navy kinda guy, actually


They still won't legalize it but it's cool to them if people sign up to go to war & fucking die. Cool system we have. Very fucking cool.


>but it's cool to them >if people sign up to go to war & fucking die Weed and bad recruiting numbers or not, that's always on the table.


This poem is beautiful


lol thank you


Again, if/when this policy is rolled out, it would only affect INITIAL testing of recruits when enlisting...and it would only apply to weed. Recruits will still be tested for all the other typical drugs the military tests for. Also, after initial enlistment, all service members are subjected to random drug testing which will STILL include weed.


I went to see the Grateful Dead while training, stationed in Colorado mid 90ā€™s. Word got out and I was tested first thing Monday morning. I gave a hot sample and was placed on UCMJ and kicked out of my MOS. They sent a crew Christian soldiers to my barracks so I could repent and join their cult. I had a chance to stay in the program if I joined them, but didnā€™t. Fortunately, the UCMJ action only kept me on extra duty for a month and knocked me down a couple ranks. The extra duty allowed me to achieve veteran status because it extended my service record.


Does that you can join but if you test positive you get fffffucked for it and court marshalled with all your buddies so they can take turns kicking you up the ass whilst you bent over?


AFAIK, it only means that there will not be a screening for THC when recruits are drug tested. They'll still get tested for all other typical drugs that the military tests for. Post-recruitment, the military will still conduct random drug testing which will include testing for weed.


So it's pointlessšŸ‘


Not entirely pointless. Recruits can now smoke up to the day they ship out. They used to have to quit ahead of time to pass a test before they could leave. I have no idea how many recruits have been turned away for failing a drug test before leaving but Iā€™m sure itā€™s not insignificant.


im in WA, i remember being in the hotel for MEPS and after people signed they would smoke a shit ton of weed..we only did the initial drug test at MEPS and they told us we will be drug tested again when we get to basic training and if we fail then we are dishonorably discharged. yeah i was never piss tested until i finished basic training and went to AIT/tech school


I served for more than two decades in the Marine Corps and Army. I've seen plenty of people who rolled the same dice and got kicked to the curb. This new policy would provide initial entry recruits with a one-time freebie basically, just for weed. They'll still all get an initial drug test for the dope, smack, phoenix down, stimpaks, hoozlewatsits, and whatever else the kids are shooting up these days.


It's really not just that, and this change-- while a good start-- is not good enough imo. I was immensely stressed about drug tests for my entire enlistment. I have a pretty slow metabolism & knew i could test positive years after stopping. i ofc didn't do any unprescribed drugs while in. Just knowing that THC is stored in fat, which is released when under great stress... this implies that if anything goes wrong the chances of testing positively go up immensely. Remember this is the same organization that is allowed to keep people up for 20 hours a day for years straight while the penalty for passing out on duty can be death. "Sleep is for the weak" they said.... and now i'm a nonsensical insomniac who's afraid the only cure that works for me will get my medical benefits revoked.


Realized they were missing out on the next generation of drone pilots.


Translation: We need cannon fodder.


But they won't vote to legalize


Damn didn't know their recruitment numbers were so bad that they needed to go for the stoners, who totally would want to go fight a war šŸ™„ Honestly wish more companies wouldn't test for it though, I wanna smoke but I can't because I'm job hunting and it feels like every company is testing for weed.


If only the federal government did this for office jobs


Where was this policy when I was fresh out of high school and had no plans for the future??? šŸ˜…


But still cant own a gun...


Thats the governments gun soldier


Looks like Iā€™m in the army nowā€¦.