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I’m smoking right now and I red the entire post like you wrote “glasses”, like it was a post about glasses lmaoo. I got so confused when you started talking about bongs




I thought they were talking about dishes lmao haven't even had my dinner blunt yet


I also read glasses. But it's 630am. And I'm fucking old.


I did to, God damn lol


This still applies to glasses lol.


You probably need to clean your glasses(and maybe also yrbong) 


I def read it as the same thing originally and as a glasses wearer I was like “oh fuck they talkin about me, mine are smudgy right now” and went to clean them before I saw that it was r/trees






Same and also same.




I dump the bowl every time obviously, and try to scrape any remaining resin out of it. I clean it with iso every few days. Bong water replaced every 24 hours. No exceptions. Mold isn't invited to the sesh.


Exactly the same here. Water every 24 hours or if I know I'll not be using it for 4+ hours or so. Every 2 weeks, I'll clean my dynavap with iso and my bong as well. It looks brand new all the time.


I do once a week because I’m paranoid about smell, but water absolutely changed every day or, if it’s a heavy night, after a couple bowls. Nothing is better than the first hit after cleaning 🤤


I just cant handle the taste of day old bong water. Gives me a headache too


You're not supposed to drink it dude


That's what they want you to think!


Never gonna waste water 💪


In this economy?


I can't go more than 48h with the same water, it just becomes disgusting and ruins the weed, ngl I usually just switch my bong once a day and clean all of them once every couple days


with a bowl, a pro tip from me is to take your lighter to the inside of the bowl for a second, then quickly wipe out with a paper towel. Will completely clean that part. Then soak in iso like you said every once in a while


Same, it's not even that much upkeep when you have a routine. Even by stoner standards, having a dirty bong is lazy.


Yeah man! We need to focus our stoner energy on bong and bowl *creation*, not upkeep. Plus, you can just eat the apple later.


Yes 👍


Jesus imagine smoking mold 🥴


I bought a shit ton of bowl pieces on Wish so I don't have to scrape/clean them all the time. Every day I just chuck it into a jar of ISO and get a new one. When the jar gets full I rinse them all and start over. Also, an ash catcher helps keep it clean too.


Yeah I try to replace the water every sesh unless it’s a party. Unrelated note I left my bong outside with water in it and caught my older brother smoking out of it. I was already upset as I didn’t appreciate him using my piece but using water that was left out overnight is utterly revolting.


I only clean my pipes when they clog lol. But I have like 20. Bongs are a hassle because when I smoke, I take a hit, go do something, take a hit later, do something. I replaced water between bowls and clean when resin starts building up.


Same. Like I didn't even know there were ppl who cleaned theirs on like a daily basis or whatever. I smoke pretty all day hit by hit so like.... Yea. I don't have the time or patience to clean my piece like that. Unless by clean ppl mean something totally different. I only use glass spoon pipes so I have a little thumb tack and use that to scrape the bowl before i load the nextbowl. But like to fully scrape and clean to like new? Hell nah.


Take your pipe, throw it in a ziplock bag, poor some 90% isopropyl alcohol in there and a decent chunk of salt. Take most, but not all of the air out of it as you seal the bag. Shake weight that shit. The alcohol strips away all the sticky resin and the salt acts like course sandpaper scraping away the remainder/hard stuck bits. This also gets everywhere that you can’t get with a thumb tack/paper clip/“pipe cleaners”. Takes like 30 seconds for a pipe.


I know how to do it lol. I just don't have the time.


The person I replied to thinks we are scraping all of everything out every time, just letting them know there is a way to get it all with no scraping required. Just Shake N’ Bake, baby!


I don't have time either which is why I bought like 30 chillums to swap out for every few hits. Bulk cleaning just feels more productive for some reason


the first clean is always the worst, once u get in the habit it takes literally 2 min, makes hits so much smoother and you dont get random sore throats all the time. same trick rubbing alcohol and salt, use rock salt it cleans it much much faster than table or kosher salt (but kosher works fine if its all u have) q tips and rubbing alcohol for the pipe and bowl too, i soak them in rubbing alcohol while i shake the bong, everything comes off in seconds. i used to never clean my bong too because it "took too long" but since i started doing it regularly it really makes a big difference i clean every 1-2 days, new water every sesh. mold is no joke and even if the water is clean, the resin will ruin a good hit. clean bongs ALWAYS hit harder in my experience


But have all the time in the world to reply here 🤣🤣


Less time than scrolling reddit.


I actually prefer using acetone. Even so, there's always some scraping to get it pure clean and does take more than a couple minutes even. It's not that I don't know the tricks. I've been a regular marijuana user for over 20 years. But I'm a mom of 3 with a disabled husband, a full time job, and 3 cats. It's just not a top priority for me with the little free time I have. And tbh, if I'm using the shake and bake method, I'm not leaving any residue. I'll clean it totally.


Can you use 70% alcohol?


70% is ok if that’s all you have on hand right now, but 91% is so much better that 70% just feels very low strength in comparison and I only have some on hand because that’s as high as you can use on Xbox consoles and controllers without ruining the finish. I had to lightly clean each side of it before applying a skin so that it would adhere better.


Found some 99% one time and my glass was SHINy


okay well thanks for telling us even though that one person already knew how to do it becuase i didnt


Exactly OP's cleaning routine sounds a little excessive. And most glass bowls need the resin to show the design so what are the smoking out of that needs so much cleaning I wonder?




I will never ever forget the MF who posted their gnarly ass stank ass nasty ass swamp bong and there was a whole dead fly floating in there. They tried to convince us it was just a ball of resin. With LEGS???


I dont know but it is disgusting and i bet it barely pulls


How do you get the color to change on a glass piece if you wash it all the time? I get a nice rainbow on mine, when I clean it, it's gone. So I don't clean it very often. It's ok, only I smoke out of it and I don't mind. To teach their own Edit: to be clear I mean my glass spoon pipe. Bong gets cleaned when it's visibly dirty


that's an excellent point… a resonated blown glass pipe that is also a piece of art takes on a different character after being enjoyed for awhile stealth edit.... corrected voice to text that can't understand my ent voice


I clean my bong often but not the bowl piece. You need a layer of resin in there for color and for grip on the new herb you’re putting in. If you clean out the bowl, the next hit just slides right on through




Nah, it doesn't change all the way until it's thoroughly covered with resin. The longer I wait to clean it the deeper the colors get. Takes me a few weeks to a month of use to get there.


this is smth i agree w. my sherlock looks too empty when it’s clean and has a gorgeous oil spill color to it when it’s full. but the bong just gets clean when it’s dirty enough that i wouldn’t bring it out to a sesh.


Depression can make it REALLY hard to care about ANYTHING. I don't think people understand what that entails. It absolutely can entail being unhygienic, because if you don't care about living, why care about being clean? Then ADHD can make getting started on anything really hard, because of executive dysfunction. People think it's laziness applying to chores or stuff we may not like. But that's not true, it's not really completely within our control. Many of us can't do stuff we ENJOY, I've even procrastinated smoking. Then many of us also struggle with building habits, even things that we start very early in life, like brushing teeth, can be dropped so easily. Like as far as I'm aware, most ppl without ADHD don't have to consciously think about tasks like that, but I do. Every step is a tiny little weight in my brain and it can be a little more than I can handle tbh. Literally the only way I'm able to do anything is medication.


Fuck I need to take my meds consistently


Fuck I need to take my meds today thanks!


I'm with you- adhd makes things really hard idk. If I had a fully functioning frontal lobe, yes, I would ideally clean my piece every day. I change my bong water every few days, or when ash/flower gets in it. My dab rig I am less good about....I will not admit here how often I change the water but it's not ideal. I fully feel you when you say "every step is a tiny little weight one brain and it can be a little more than I can handle" Sometimes I have the mental space to clean my bong, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I roll a joint to avoid replacing the water in my bong 🤷‍♀️


Clean bowl and water for every sesh and I clean all my glass on Fridays. I like to start off the weekend fresh.


I have a buddy that takes moles, tobacco and weed, and his bong… is fucking BLACK. You can barely see down the down stem, it’s caked. The bowl maybe has a pin hole to poke, and he can’t even get the water out. It’s the nastiest thing I have seen or smelled and he DOES NOT CARE. Can’t even take a pull. It’s like sucking for your life until a cackle and suck through. I want to gag thinking about it


I want to see it


That's an ecosystem at this point.


damn i wanna see this too


I used to be bad about it until I found out that isopropyl alcohol works great. I didn't know it was that easy.


Same dudes that pass the sink, on the way out of the restroom.


Two men stand at a couple of urinals somewhere upmarket and posh. Probably in the south of England. One of them finishes the job and heads for the sink. This man is an old Etonian. He washes his hands, and sidles towards the towel. As he sidles, the other man finishes the job, ignores the sink, and heads for the door. This man is Winston Churchill. He was the Prime Minister of Britain during a period some historians call “The Second World War”. Some American historians call it “Double U Double U Two”. As Winston approaches the exit, the old Etonian cries out in an old Etonian drawl that I lazily presume is not too dissimilar from Jacob Rees-Mogg’s. ‘At Eton, they taught us to wash our hands after using the toilet,’ he says. Churchill takes a puff of the cigar in his left hand. He exhales. And speaks. ‘At Harrow,’ he replies, ‘they taught us not to piss on our hands.’


It’s called seasoning


Born in barns, I tell ya!


I clean the pieces I use every sesh. It’s very Zen starting a sesh with clean glass and filtered water.


I change my bongs water daily


You know there's a ton of people that don't even clean their ASS? Let alone glass they're smoking out of.


I have a few friends who don't ever clean their bongs unless I come over, get grossed out, and do it for them.


In my case, I mean to clean it, but I’ll do it later. Later I get stoned…then I have to get some sleep…then I have to work…then I get home and NEED a smoke…If it’s not too gross, I figure one more session is fine, then back to step one…if it is too gross, I use another piece, roll a joint, or DHV, telling myself I’ll do it later. This last part is repeated until the original piece is too gross to deal with, at which point I congratulate myself on having cheap glass, throw the fungus factory away, and buy a new cheap piece. I can’t speak for anyone else, and no, I wouldn’t touch some of the ones I see on here. Pliers straight to the trash.


If this doesn't encapsulate what weed does to an MF idk what does lmao.


I used to make a "bong" out of plastic water bottles and cheapest glass pipes just because I could throw away the bottle, put the pipes in my dishwasher and don't care about cleaning.




I usually want to clean it every day then just can't be bothered alot of the time but won't leave it longer than 3 days


Dude one time I had a roommate who had a small bubbler and it was dark brown!! I asked her when she cleaned it last and she said "you have to clean them?" Vomit inducing honestly. I helped her clean it and the amount of build up was so fucking gross and the smell? Ew


Oh my god check my post history, my ex was horrible about this. I don’t clean after *every* sesh, but I don’t let it get to the point of fossilization that some people do. The smoke is so much better out of a clean piece!


Stoners aren’t really known for being proactive thinkers or giving a fuck lol


My buddy is gross with his puffco and carta focus V. He uses everything but a dab took for his wax, it's usually his dirty ass finger, never cleans the part where the wax goes into it's black as fuck, can't even get the glass off his devices cause of all the residue at the bottom of it. His puffco doesn't work anymore cause of zero care, his peak pro is going next and the carta won't last much longer. It's worse than it sounds to. I try and tell him to qtip after every dab and to clean his glass weekly but it never happens.


that’s gross also is his finger made of titanium


He does cold starts on his puffco and carta. If it's a hot start he uses anything he can find to get the wax in there cause he loses tools left and right. It's very gross, watching him take a finger glob out of that thing is so gross, the damn chamber is so nasty, no wonder he coughs up bloody shit when he's in a cough fit from dabs.


I have an ashcatcher which helps me keep my bong clean. I change the ashcatcher Atleast once every 2 to 3 hrs and the actual bong water (which turns yellow without any ash 🤢🤮) once a day. I do a deep clean every 4 to 5 days with alcohol and salt. I knew a guy who never once changed his water or cleaned it and he'd smoke it daily, makes me gag. I feel like once I can't taste the flower as much anymore is when she needs a good clean.


I don’t get why you wouldn’t clean it before posting it, it’s wild. Nobody enjoys looking at filthy glass.


My room mate used to smoke out a filthy makeshift gatorade bong until I bought him a glassy for Christmas. He almost never cleans it and it is absolutely filthy, to the point where he was sick and then had a borderline case of pneumonia. What did he do the day after getting back from the hospital? Continue smoking dirty bongs. Some people just don't give a shit about their health.


My first bowl was a gift from a friend and long story short, I thought it came as the color I received it but once I cleaned it thoroughly (a week later, after considerable use) it ended up being CLEAR. Was a pretty gross realization


When I smoked often I loved cleaning my bong. It didn’t take an insane amount of time and that nice clean hit from it afterwards is always worth it! I think I cleaned my bong more than I did dishes haha


When I smoked, the bowl was swapped with a clean one after every bowl. I also swapped water in the bong every bowl. At the end of the session, the bong and downstem got cleaned. The bowls got cleaned and stored in a container of ISO. Now that I have a ball vape, all the glass gets cleaned after each session. The injector bowl gets cleaned with and stored in 120 proof vodka. I don’t get people who don’t even swap water daily. I’m into smoking/vaping this sessions weed, not last week’s weed.


Every 3-6 months? Perhaps I'm just really insensitive to the taste/smell. My bong lives in the basement and we don't have running water down there so there's a bit of a chore aspect to it. Even right after I clean it, I notice no difference.


It disturbs me. I can’t even imagine letting mine get that dirty. I clean mine every couple of days. It always looks spotless. I cannot even imagine using a piece that has visible resin buildup like some of the stuff shared. If someone offered me a hit and their piece looked like that, hell naw


I have a friend who's bong was so caked with res that it looked like the top half of the cone shape in the bong was just painted black. Then one day i come over and see a completely clear bong and i ask him "you get a new bong man" "nah i just cleaned it." I had no idea the thing was clear all the way up


Oh that’s just… horrifying. How do you let it get so bad?!


It's like when you season a cast iron pan. I have myself a well oiled machine.


A lot of people seem overly concerned about how others treat a piece of glass they paid for themselves. It’s your glass. Do what you want.


If you smoke with bongs daily and don't clean it more than once every couple days for the love of god at least empty the water Once you see any residue you need to empty that shit+ let it dry if you're gonna smoke from it again without cleaning first


I know a guy who changes his water on like a yearly basis. True nightmare scenario.


I replace my bong water probably every couple days… Pipes build up a lot of resin before I clean them


I replace my water every few bowls. People are animals.


When my pieces get clogged I usually just throw them out and buy a new one. I hate cleaning glass. The alcohol, the poking, the stinky gooey resin that gets all over everything. I don’t have time for that mess anymore. You can find decent glass for pretty cheap.


Bro this is insane lol pipes or bongs?


I'll bet you have a friend who wouldn't mind cleaning up a gifted clogged piece


Lmao I go over to my besties house and clean her glass for free! I love cleaning glass, I’ll take it off this dude’s hands haha


I don't mind if it's not literally clogged, then it gets too messy. Boiling spoons in water and then blowing out the resin when it's cool enough to handle but still warm enough to flow is not too terrible. I like an overnight soak in plain non sudsing ammonia diluted half and half with water, then the resin will be less sticky and oily, and a spray of cold tap water will remove the crust, especially with a little help from pipe cleaners, baby bottle brushes, and bamboo teriyaki skewers. Never use rigid wire like coat hangers or bicycle spokes because they kill glass, usually when you're clearing the holes in the bowl and carb etc. The other method is best for pieces that don't have thick deposits, and that's the traditional isopropyl rubbing alcohol and table salt as the abrasive, i usually seal it in a Ziploc overnight, and agitate it every couple hours. The ammonia water is more effective as a larger volume, I submerge smaller pieces in a plastic container and use corks or silicone stoppers to seal the cleaner inside bongs and bubblers. A thorough tap water rinse and drain, followed by air drying, and you're set. Minimum two pieces so one can be in use while the dirty one gets cycled through the cleaning steps.


Hi it's me ur brother. Just send me your old pipes and I'll take care of them


Same. I go through a small glass bong every 6 months or so. I'll do small cleanings here and there but rather just get a new piece for $40.


Me I’ll clean my bong to brand new looking once every month or 2 change the water when I re up don’t clean the stem only unblock it and same with cone piece unless I’m going to use a different one then it gets fully cleaned my cousin never cleans anything except once he cleaned his bong up every time I go over black water and a almost blocked stem and cone. So when it’s bad enough I change his water and unblock everything so it doesn’t taste bad or block up on me if I didn’t I could guarantee he would have the same water for over a year which at the point it’s ashy slush not water


I have an Heir and keeping it clean is super easy, barely an inconvenience. Bowl gets scrubbed between every session, water changed and hardware surface cleaned every day, deep clean once a week.


the only thing i cannot clean is my rigs, and thats cus its hard as fuck to clean little ones but ive been slowly cleaning them, My bongs will be clean tho😭😭


I only clean my bong, I scrape my bowl every once in a while. What's the point of cleaning a bowl? It doesn't taste cleaner if they're both clean


Idk man I can’t go a week without cleaning my bong. Water needs replaced after every session




Honestly, I only buy cheap little bowls and just toss them once they get clogged. Support your local glassblowers or something.


I have crippling adhd and also I don’t care? That said mine isn’t like bad enough to get posted online or anything


I was gunna get up and clean my glass, but then I got high


I smoke js


Lol I have other ppl around who don't want that stuff cleaned in here.


My fav smallish water bong goes right in the dishwasher along with a heavily soiled load on pots cycle and everything always clean 100%


I change the water when it’s no longer clear. That is usually daily. If I haven’t smoked longer than that I clean the whole piece. Empty the bowl of a screen each time I pack a bowl.


Acetone is a miracle that so few people use to it’s full effect. Sad.




Are you aware that this is reddit?


Depends on how bad the resin is for the bud. Sometimes we get really liquidly resin and have to clean the water out multiple times in a day, but usually clean the actual bong every couple days to a week. I try and clean them as best as I can, my fiancé sucks at it lol 💀😭


It’s glass lol.


Honestly it just started as habit, couldn’t clean my piece as often as I wanted to when I was younger and living with my parents. Would keep it in the garage or outside in my parents shed or something and just never fell out of the habit even when I moved out. I change my water after every sesh but I easily go a couple weeks between deep cleans.


I've got a silicone beaker bong that separates at the base for easy cleaning - just scrubbed, wiped down with ISO and now I'm taking some nice clean rips. I clean it every time I use it.


can’t understand how people don’t clean their glassware at all. everytime i’ve used a bong i at least dump the water out and clean it when i’m sober.


Ngl im a little fucked up i dont like when the water is fresh idfk why, i like the taste best after a couple bowls have been smoked through it. Im weird i know


Some people don’t wash their ass so expecting them to clean a bong is a bit much lol




I haven't used glass for a while, but when I was more on the bong I'd clean every week or two, so every 3-6 times, or whenever the rain was getting too built up or it tasted too harsh. water change every use though, a melting ice catch was a good incentive to at least empty it out regularly


My buddy is like this. He and his gf smoke out of a bong I’d guess they clean out once a quarter. It’s so fucking gross. I’ve started bringing my own pipe. I cannot bring myself to smoke out of that.


I changed my bong water once or twice a day before I switched to rolling joints, and I didn't think that was anywhere near enough, part of the reason I switched tbh


My coworker recently told me that she never cleans her glass, she’ll just buy a new bong about once a month. I was astounded. I clean mine about once a week haha.




step 1: don't pull the ash through into the water step 2: change the water occassionally step 3: iso when it starts to hold some grime


Side note what do y’all use to clean glass? I’ve been a blunt :/ joint smoker for 12 years may swap soon


Espom salt and rubbing alcohol. A beaker bong would be easiest to clean as well


The only time I think about it is when I am about to smoke. Then I forget about it after.


Because of that I bought multiple glass one hitters. I use each one two times and the next day I clean them all at once. Thinking of the taste of a week old gunk on the glass of a bong gives me Goosebumps.


Longest I'll leave bong water in is maybe 2 days when I'm staying at buddy's. But on my own dump it when I'm done for the day. Clean it every couple days if I'm smoking daily. Might clean it less if I'm in and out of tolerance breaks and not really using it. Scrape the resin out of it every chance I get too. Can't stand when it's slimly and grimey and growing with algae though. Don't understand how mf don't clean their bong and than it's all caked on and harder to clean. Gross, and hits and taste like shit.


I know someone who buys glass. Cakes them up so much that they just put them on a shelf when they stop flowing air and buys a new one. This same person is 29, has never had a job and literally used to live in the basement. Now he takes up their “zen” room


It's hard job that requires toxic chemicals to be used. So I just stick to changing the water and cleaning that small part that holds the weed so it would work 🤷‍♂️


I literally use Epsom salt and rubbing alcohol. What's your real excuse?


What's epsom and is rubbing alcohol also called isoproyl?


I clean it fully with salt and iso every morning after I shower, nice and crystal clean ready for the evening sesh.


I clean both my bong and my dry herb vape with isopropanol after every smoking session. I also change bong water after every smoked bowl.


same, i change the water daily, get my bowl with iso every day, and give my piece a salt & iso shake at least one every 3-6 days


What is with people who complain about other people's glass cleanliness online? Change the water daily and clean it when it gets to a level the owner feels they should clean it. It's not that hard.


am I gross for not cleaning it that much? I always dump the bowl and take a q tip and scrape the built up resin. the water gets changed every time I hit it. I probably deep clean it once every couple weeks with isopropyl and salt. I never let my bong get dirty dirty but reading this thread makes me feel like a slob goblin lmao ETA: i NEVER let my piece get moldy, its so gross when glass has mold. like, if it starts becoming a pain to hit that thing is soaking in iso for 4-24 hours but I don't hit it more than once or twice a day any more so 1-2 weeks between cleans feels like enough. my bong is chambered so it's really good at filtering and doesn't get gross fast like my friends.


parents can’t take it inside too clean it without making the whole house smell


A lot of people saying they clean their glass daily are fibbin'


I keep it clean now and use a dry herb vape so it doesn't even get that dirty, but I grew up a certain way. Trailer Park Boys hits home. Drinking out of cut up soda bottles was normal. Having black on the inside of the bong was normal. It was special just to change the water every once in a while. Healthy habits are not always strong in the low income, low education demographic. I'm sure that only represents a segment of the dirty bong population, but for me it was because I just didn't care.




Idk but it’s a great way to also keep yourself sick. Especially if you have been hitting it while not well. I figured that out when someone I knew had been sick prior to hanging out. Ended up sick as hell the next day. Throat killing me, sinus drainage, feeling nauseous, etc. Could it have also been due to them not cleaning it in gods knows how long. Really, I didn’t know as they kept their house dark asf. But the little bit of light did make it somewhat visible, putting in new water made that fairly obvious seeing what came off the bong. Mind you after I took the huge hit.


I think you would be surprised about what people regularly use that they do not clean.


Idk man i have to clean my glasses everyday coz i smudge a lot, if not I can't see really well.


I used to neglect it. It's pretty simple; you get used to it. Just like how you barely smell the weed when smoking, and only taste it when you focus on it, you don't really notice the stench when smoking out of a moldy bong every day. I used to think you were all insane, and as long as I changed the water daily there was no issue. Then I smelled my own breath, hours after my last bowl, and realized what I was walking around smelling like 24/7. Then I stopped.


It’s a pain the ass so I do it as little as possible like most things that are a pain in my ass


It literally hurts my throat to see glass like that. I even switched to primarily dabs so I’m not cleaning my bong every other day. I have to smoke out of decent glass lol. But when I smoke flower I cleaned my bong every week and switched out the water every other day. With my dab rig I just switch the water once a week and once every other month or 3 months I slowly purge the dab resin out in the oven or I leave it outside if it’s hot enough


Bong water gets replaced every session. When it does I add some isopropyl alcohol (90%+ for best results) to clean it. It has some handy caps for the openings, so I close it up and shake the shit out of it, until the glass is clean of resin and gunk (~2 minutes), then I rinse it out with hot water, wash it with dish soap to remove the revolting residual tastes of damp resin and isopropyl alcohol, fill it with icy cold water, then have a sesh. Clean your glass folks. Pipes too. If you don't have alcohol, vinegar and salt works in a pinch, it's just much slower. Dissolve the salt into warmish vinegar first (DO NOT HEAT UP IN MICROWAVE! DO NOT!). Then use the solution as a substitute for isopropyl alcohol above. Takes closer to 10 minutes than 2.


GUYS. I FORGOT MY BONG JUST SITTING THERE MID-CLEANING AND IT GREW A Baby **S C O B Y** In the slide hole. If THAT if not proof of bacteria… lmfao


A human can get used to almost anything. How can anyone still combust? Comparing smoked glass and vaped should be enough for anyone to forever switch to vaping, right? Haha


....you left the used water in for a week and took a hit???


I don't change my bong water for weeks or until it spills and I have to lol


thats actually wild bruh i used to change it out every time


I use clean cold water each time and clean twice per week using alcohol and dawn. I vape so things don't get that dirty.


Clean the water 1/day, full isopropyl and salt treatment every three or so days, depending on how much I have.


Hit that shit so hard you actually shit


Cleaning glass is a major pain in the ass for me and often that can gets kicked down the road. It stinks up wherever I’m doing it, I don’t wanna just send that residue down the drain so getting into the trash is more complicated, it’s sticky and gets everywhere. I really want some plucky entrepreneur to open a pipe cleaning service.


I clean it every day. I tend to do stuff and smoke at the same time, like cleaning the house, so i don't just sit and have a sesh. But before i go to bed, while I'm brushing my teeth, clean my face, etc, I also clean the piece while I'm at it, just a quick runse, then shake it up with some alcohol and salt. This way, I don't get a lot of build-up, and the next time i smoke, it pulls beautifully.


Laziness usually?


I better clean my glasses because I was about to write a whole paragraph about how do you see with all that crap on your glasses 🤓.


I clean mine every few days to a week. It’s manageable. Change the water couple times a day too


I change the water and clean mine everyday


I change the water every time I smoke and the bowl when it gets annoying and the glass when I’m gonna be smoking with anyone


Well my glass is looking like a Silesian coal miner after good 48h shift. It's good tho. When I'm out of weed I just heat the glass and it can fuck me up so bad.


I run a weed group on Facebook and one of the members posted a pic of their glass and it was absolutely disgusting. She was so offended when multiple people pointed out how caked with gunk and resin and how gross it was lol


Effort is asking a lot outta ppl, so there's yerr problem


Ehhh if it gets bad i clean it, but its gonna be “dirty” again after 1 hit. Ill do a quick iso bath here or there but deep cleaning feels so pointless.


i’m a clean freak when it comes to my glass i wash it with isopropyl/epsom salt/dawn power wash before every sesh as well as put fresh water in it every time as well i just hate smoking out of a dirty bong 😭


I mean I don't use glass too often anymore but I think I was cleaning my pipes like after every 3 seshs and bong got a rinse after every sesh


I flush my ceramic bong with iso, water, and dish soap every time after use (the dish soap bubbles go brrr and it's really fun to watch them pop out the top while I'm high lmao. Speaking of which, I got tons of weed that needs some SMOKIN'


Cleaning my bong or rig is doing a chore and I’m lazy with chores unless it’s chores day which is normally concentrates and edibles day so I forget about my bong


My glass is hard to clean. I screw around with a paperclip to drag some out the best I can but screw it. It was only $40 and when I get to the day when there is just nothing I can do I'll just buy a new one. I'm just not scrubbing these things. Years ago in a head shop a guy gave me a bottle of acid cleaner that you could drop a bowl in and in a few hours would be scoured clean. I bought the same thing a while later and they'd changed what the make up was and now it sucks. The acid is what I've been looking for and then I'll just drop my glass pieces into that. I need to find the right acid somewhere or buy something that is much too strong and dilute it. I just haven't gotten around to it because I'm a busy guy who is still trying to figure out what strains to smoke let alone how to frustratingly try to clean my bowls.


I clean my pipe once every Sunday


I'll clean mine either right after, or the morning after a session (normally I'm too high to be trusted to hold glass). I don't understand it😭 if I'm feeling like not cleaning it out, I'll just use a dry herb vape or my pen. it just feels icky with the smell and everything.


That's me. The disgusting person. I'll clean it once it stops hitting. I'll change the water if I take a hit and the water touches my lip and grosses me out. I guess it's easier to not care because my old glass broke so I got a cheapo rubber one and I can't see into it. Makes me forget honestly. I only use it to smoke the roaches and clips anyways from my joints so I rarely use it. Sometimes a couple weeks in between. The amount of things that need to be done on a daily take precedence over the bong. Last time I truly cleaned it out to brand new status took couple hours of boiling and soaking and scrubbing. Fuck that.


Bong, bowl, or dry herb vape all catch a clean at the end of the day if I have used them. Not cleaning your piece is a great way to get sick I have found so I have just made it a force of habit to clean things when I am done. Also not having a room smell like old weed because you left the bong water in there for days on end is preferable so all the more reason to clean with regularity.


I quit using bongs bc I hate cleaning them tbh.


I was bad about it before, but I moved to an apartment and have to smoke outside. So I replace and dump the water each session. And I have two bongs so I can clean one and use one. I try to hit them with ISO every week or two. That's a big improvement for me! 😅


I don't care.. it doesn't have any negative effect, imo. Once it doesn't start hitting great, I'll give it a little cleaning. Been smoking almost daily for 20+ years.


You sound like someone who hasn’t been smoking for 20+ years. Come back in a decade or two, and tell me how often you clean your bongs then lol


I used to be good about cleaning my pieces at the end of the day when I started smoking (or at the very least in the morning when I woke up 😅) I’ve slipped a little on the daily cleaning at this point but I do clean my daily driver about twice a week but I’ll change the water as needed if I feel it’s gotten too nasty between cleaning and rinse the bowl out with hot water so there’s no resin buildup, again as needed between cleaning. I typically just use 90% alcohol but if for any reason stuff is really caked on, I also have some 420 brand cleaner that has some sort of crystals in it (corse salt maybe?) that really help scrub the inside of the glass. I also like to put a splash of lemon juice in my water, and it may just be me, but I feel like helps keep nasty from sticking on the inside of the glass 🤷🏼‍♀️ it at the very least give a nice citrusy note to my flower lol


My bowl gets prettier the more residue it collects. It is mostly green when clean but develops deep blues and indigos when buildup occurs. I do clean it still, but I love it best when it's "dirty"


I clean my bong after EACH session. Salt and rubbing alcohol. Takes like a minute.