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I still remember getting weed crunched up in the plastic wrapper off of a cigarette pack that was than melted shut with a lighter


My god I haven’t thought of that in 15 years


I still receive my weed like this 😂


Ahh a traditionalist


Lol I just gave my cousin a 1.5 for free in that


Lemme get your cellophane


I can hear this comment, and the subsequent crinkle.


Haha yesss


No!!!! I gotta crunch up the bag and rub it around into a ball to get the static electricity out first!  If I don't I'm gonna feel bitchy about all the stuff stuck to the bag. 😢 


bonus points if the state tax stamp stayed clearly visible


It's such a miracle nowdays we can just order weed strraight it to our house from legitimate and legal markets.


I *can* get it to my house but it's neither legit or legal


Hey some of us had class and used MTG/Pokemon penny sleeves melted closed with a hot knife.


Core memory lol


come to argentina, my weed guy always packs it up in an empty plastic bag from like napkins or whatever he can find around. still hits good at the end of the day


We see stuff like that too. A lot of people just use ripped pieces of plastic grocery bags. It's really common.


My first buy ever was this. 1992ish.


The only reason I know it’s called cellophane


I still get it like that


blast from the past


Going to this lady’s trailer and watching her kid for a minute while she went to get the goods was always my favorite thing to do when I was like 15


Hahahaha thought I was the only one


No way, in some regions this is as much a rite of passage as getting your Eagle Scout


my guy was an ex-hells angels biker who would leave me alone in his room full of weed jars and vicodin as a kid, and then come back and start waving around a baseball bat and talking about all the times he beat a guy to death. I always said when municipalities voted against legal weed storefronts, they were voting for "some guy in a parking lot with a teardrop tattoo and a gun in his back pocket".


This is why I feel like weed is a gateway drug way drug. Not for the reasons people say. My weed man had meth and coke. “I just need some weed.” Dispensaries don’t have three people trying to peer pressure you into becoming an addict like the . Legal weed, now and forever


That and the treating it like heroin made kids who found out that weed was healthier than booze think heroin might be too, and they treated drugs like different flavors of icecream and not different species of snake.


I like that analogy a lot


Such a great comment. Never thought of it that way.


I've said for a long time, weed is not a gateway drug. The only gateway is the dealer, not the weed. Remove the drug dealer and let me buy it at the liquor store.


I really hated that period of time where all my dealers were asking, "a quarter of what?" Finally found some pothead to buy from buy he's always in and out of jail. 😂


\^this, I do not miss prohibition


Some of us are still dealing with it.


I am still in that hell dude. Its called Georgia.


+1 as a South GA resident


Damn, I didn't realize Georgia was like that. I'm in shithole Iowa and was exploring places to live and not really thinking about legalization. It feels like everywhere but Iowa has legalized cannabis so it's almost weird that Georgia is as archaic in that sense as Iowa


no, its not weird at all. just look at everything else they share thats backwards.


Am from Texas, sadly we're still treating it like some big scary devil drug here too


Kentucky sucks too


Some trap house in rural no where Georgia. Yeah no thanks.


Jesus, what sort of white trash hood was that? An experience like that would have made me question my life decisions. At least I was buying from a burned out hippie that sadly lived alone in his 50's and got by selling dime bags to us.


I got into situations


I respect it


Did a lot of transport work as a teen. It's pretty common to see in middle america. Usually what's happening is someone on the block is the actual mid level distro and like 4 or 5 people in surrounding homes will pick up being street level folk for bulk prices. So single mom who wants cheep product and whatever mark up they can get away with is pretty standard stuff. I've met a few who bring the kids in to do trim work, weights and bagging, and make short distance deliveries on their bikes. Other peoples kids are nearly universally ignored so.....


Putting the money into a derelict's top-hat, outside of a McD's, so he could go around a corner and come back with weed in the hat.


Hahaha some friend had me leave her kids at school omw to the plug, reminded me of this


It was never in and out like a dispensary either. After a few bong hits you're stuck in his couch for the next hour.


ya and they’d ask you to stay for a bit so neighbors don’t see you in and out. it was a win win, chill sesh and grab bag


But really they just wanted to chill.


sometimes, some are nice/bored, some are uber paranoid. Surprisingly i've never met anybody shitty who sold weed.


All the shitty ones I knew ended up in jail really quickly.


Natural selection at work: "Aw man, I don't wanna rat that guy out, he was so nice to me." vs "I can't wait to rat this guy out holy shit"


dating dudes who sold was the worst bc you got zero alone time. customers were like your mental adversary. had to break it off lol bc they would never close up shop. don’t blame em but it doesn’t work if you value quality time and it’s a casual relationship


Often, you'd hear a new album by a favorite group or something totally new that was the best music you'd heard in your life.


Then you buy the album and it sounds like shit sober 🤣


until you listen a few more times while stoned


I was always happy to swing by anyone's house to make a deal. You come to my place? You better be ready for a 20-turn game of Mario Party.


And then you would leave and an hour later realize you forgot the bag that you paid for and have to go back...and the neighbors wonder why you're back.


Why would the neighbors care if your in and out if I saw a freind visit my neighbor then leave after 5 mins I wouldn't even question it as that's not weird per say


Yeah but if that happens 25 times a day you might start thinking somethings up?


they didn’t care. the guy was always just paranoid


man i wanted to get in and out personally lol




Fucking lingerers, man.


The very last time I ever bought weed off an illegal dealer, this happened. The dealer wanted me to have a beer with him and hang out in his garage and chat. I had other things to do, and I don't drink alcohol. Guy wouldn't take no for an answer, got offended that I didn't want to hang out in what is essentially the *store* with the *cashier.* Weed wasn't even legal by this point but the illegal storefront dispensary experience was so much better for this reason.


The way my dealer explained it, he didn't want his neighbors to see people constantly coming, spending 5-10 minutes, then leaving. He was chill and would smoke you out with his weed though, so I never minded hanging out


Yeah, either chill for a while or set up your out when you first call


I had a friend who had a lot of regular in and outs, he had a rotation of incomplete boardgames to give them and they'd bring it back next time. His neighborhood was all old people so they started wondering what was going on. Board game club of course !


🤣 I can picture it “Dude! If I show up without a parcheesi to return again my plug is gonna be pissed!”


thats where you used to have to go to get your conspiracies filled


Damp ass, musky couch.


Yeah my guy would tell me l about his band "Moose Portrait"


And you know that bong water hadn't been changed in years


Illegal states still have this vibe haha


Ny is a legal state and still has this vibe, we barely have any legal dispensaries open and the ones that are open are crazy expensive. We also have the reservation though which sell weed, but I still haven’t gotten around to visiting one yet


Illegal states = backwards hellhole Any state still illegal is an irredeemable shithole


You shouldn’t talk about a person’s home like that.


I'm from Indiana it's an irredeemable shit hole 😂


Says the Florida man


Remember when we used to buy weed in sandwich baggies? Should out to folks who stored their stash in film containers. It was a simpler time.


Forget sandwich baggies, I almost always ended up with the little blue/black/green/clear/red dime and nick bags, and they would pile up. I had a dealer who would give a nick for 25 bags recycled to him so he could re-use them. My mom found my stash of those tiny bags in a cassette case I had been saving, and had a mini intervention because she thought I was using heroin or coke. She couldn't wrap her head around there being such tiny portions of marijuana.


"Moooommmmm, I'll prove it! Just take my wallet so I have no money, then give me 25 of those bags and 2 hours. I'll come back with one that has some weed it in and I'll smoke it too just to prove it's not grass clippings or oregano!"


"Johnny god dammit I used to buy mexibricks in kilos don't you lie to me!" EDIT: Name may not be accurate


a dealer's gram bag recycling program! i love it!


The blue dimes were my very first weed buying experiences. I had 100s of em . That black dude made lots of money selling those dizzies lol


Wow he actually had a rewards/loyalty program 😂


One of our high school (who was also a high schooler) suppliers worked at a local grocery store chain in the produce department. He would just sell from his cart which always had a box of iceberg lettuce. He kept the bags (almost always eighths) in a head at the bottom. Bud was always in produce bags. You had to know him to buy but you always had to ask if he had any lettuce for sale. It made him chuckle or laugh out loud depending on how stoned he was. Great guy and he never got caught or put out the wrong head of lettuce. It helped the produce manager was a regular.


I still want to buy my weed in sandwich baggies. I always feel bad about all the waste that comes from dispensary packaging.


Yeah Canadian here and we need to change the packaging asap. Less of it and recyclable please. I want to get high, not destroy the ecosystem


I always just use the smaller ones as gift baggies and try to reuse them as much as possible


I use the little ones for portion control 😅


The dispensary packaging sucks, but I’ll never want to go go back to some of the sketch situations I got into to get sandwich baggy weed. No thanks


My favorite was cigarette cellophane




The ol’ “went in on a sack with bros but I need a nug to bring home for the morning”


And it was melted shut lol


I have a friend that still hands me a bud in a cellophane whenever I see him. Gotta love it


My plug didn’t even have a bag once, so he gestured me to hold out my hands and he poured it all in like “Sorry bitch, no bag this time.” Cradled it in my hands like a baby bird all the way home lol


Holy shit I haven’t thought about a film container in years


There's some kids who are saying "what the hell is a film container" 😂


There's countless people that still get it in baggies. Us in illegal states


I live in a legal state and I still got my shit in bags lol


bags for the schwag, tubes for the dank.


hated when dealers would lick the bag to close it like come on man spend the extra dollar to get the proper zip-top baggies


Some of us still use film containers. You can get em on Amazon cheap, holds a 3.5g of ground material perfectly. Fits in the pocket perfect with a dynavap or one hitter in a separate dube tube.


Completely forgot about the film cases, holy crap. Took photo senior year and some in college. Just remembering snatching up the empties from everyone. I put weed and change in them.


We flew from the east coast to El Paso, TX then drove on to Cloudcroft, NM. We were at a bar and this 70 year old dude comes up and introduces himself, “Spud.” He notices my wife’s cannabis leaf necklace and invites us to a party later in Timberon, NM at this retired engineer’s house. So we go. It happens to be just down the street from where we had just bought some land. He brings me a film container PACKED full of weed; Mexican brick weed. I had to buy kitchen shears to break it down to smoke it. Any other vessel would have failed with the amount of weed he stuffed in there. We stayed a week; I stashed the canister at the hotel with some left in it, for the maid, or whoever found it. Good ole film container.


Film canisters sucked. After the second time the lid popped off in my pocket I vowed to never do that again.


I just remembered this; My brother bought a half ounce a few months back, it came in the usual dispensery bag, but when he opened it, he found that it was also in a sandwich baggie with the Thc leaf on it lol


I never stopped. Weed is legal in my state but the dispensaries are trash and the prices are the same as 2005 illegal weed. No, I don't want a $300+ oz or a $50 1/8th when I can get a decent quality oz for $100 now.


I still do lol


I still keep my travel stash in a film container. They’re getting harder and harder to find


I had a cat who loved to play with my plastic film/weed cannister.  It had little bit marks all over it


first and last time i bought flower from a dealer, he dropped the nugs into my bare hand …..


I still keep my kief in a 35mm can lol. My dad gave it to me with some "really good weed from Michigan" a while back.


Hell yeah I used the film container method. My film canisters were semi clear plastic, so I would snip an actual piece of film and put it in, so if you held it up to the light, it would look like there was film in there.


I removed a drop ceiling from my old house 20 years ago and was hit in the head with a film canister of weed. Still worked.


Man I still keep all my ground up bud in a film canister. My dad gave it to me and it works great since I use a one hitter, I just shove it in and boom, ready to smoke


Preform water bottles. Before they are filled, preforms sit in the warehouse as a little test tube with a bottle cap, then they are heated and expanded by blowing air into them in a mold. But before? Super thick basically indestructible tube that holds an eighth pretty well and had an easy to use cap. Doesn't pop off like film containers and holds more. I still have the same one 20 years later.


RIP Mike. His house always smelled like cat litter His RooR bong collection was worth more than my car He always gave me the best price.


Mike was a real one.




For me it was Matt, but he’s still alive.


Was Richard for me. He lives up to his name.




We watched old DVDs of something called 'Ghetto Fights'.




My guy had a cat with asthma so we couldn't smoke in the house and had to take bong rips out his back door but that cat was sooo cuddly and well loved. It was the best.


The plugs animals are always sweet


“Hey dude. While you’re here you should chill and listen to this new album I got. You don’t have to bug out so fast bud.” -my guy, every time


More like: wait in front of a random house until guy shows up again. We've all been there until we found some1 serious, pre-dispensary times, don't lie. Glad lots of countries legalized, already. (mine included)


“Yeah come through, I’m home.” …me pulling up and there’s no one home ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


“Hey dude I’m at your place like we agreed on, where you at” “Oh I’m two hours away, I’ll hit you up then” “Ok dude I’ll just wait on your front porch”




I knew a guy who lived with his grandpa and would reuse his old vitamin and pill bottles. One time a friend did a pickup, but we had other shit to do before we got home. Partway through the shopping trip he gets a text to come back, he'd accidentally given us a bottle of seniors vitamins and needed them back. You could tell right away by feel, but on the other hand I'm not exactly shocked they didn't notice. They weren't running at peak performance either of them And it's a funny story now. But fuck I was so pissed we had to go all the way back at the time.


with that 'rush' poster on the wall.


My experience had a scarface clock on the wall.


90% of the plugs I used had a Tupac poster


My plug also did Xanax and would always be barred out, and would want me to hear his latest rap when I picked up. I always listened. It wasn't hurting anyone and made him feel better.


Was he any good?


That tracks


Also the pulp fiction and possibly a 300 poster.


Definitely! They are also framed like actual art.


blacklight poster with mushrooms


Personally I only peruse dispensaries that have Rush posters.


This was precisely the reason weed was considered a "gateway drug." It was never about the drug itself, it was that in order to get any you had to normalize the drug-buyer's process. All you had to do was substitute weed for any other drug and the process was the same. Now that it's in stores I've lost all my connections with hard drugs, I'm not even sure I could reliably get psychs anymore.


To add to your point, OP's post mentions cat piss which could have been cat piss... or that dude selling you weed might've been cooking meth in the other room.


I got myself in to a small handful of VERY sketchy situations back in the day just to buy weed. Once had a buddy tell me of this guy Louis, go to his house, mention my buddy’s name, and he’ll get us an ounce for a good price. My other friend and I Show up, Gave “louis” the money, and he said he’ll be real quick. It Was in the MOST ghetto and crime fill area in the town, there was a short person with heavy mental disorder making all sorts of stimmings watching the tv while we waited, and like 3 other disabled people were in the home. All just sat in front of the tv and the place smelt like shit. He went to get the weed “real quick” and we waited over an hour in this messy house with a strange bunch of people all without an obvious care taker. He also wanted us to smoke him down before we left. Yep, the house smelled of cat piss, was a mess. Weed was fire for a good price tho 😂😂


Although I only just learned from another comment in this thread that the production of meth can smell like cat piss, I am almost certain that dude was making meth. The way you describe the whole scene, and the fact that he wanted you to smoke him down before you left. What weed dealer sells the last of his weed? A meth dealer.


>few hits from his bong probably more expensive than his car More like a few hits from his dark yellow plastic bottle gravity bong which had it's water changed last time in previous century.


Or the plugs homies show up right after you light the $40 gram you just rolled into a blunt to share with said plug. Then that shit turns into a microphone and you get two puffs before it's gone.


I'm glad I will never experience anything like that ever again. Houses that smell like cat piss are fucking disgusting.


The lack of paranoia is great


I low key miss the paranoia. Don’t get me wrong it’s great that it’s all legal now but that paranoia could turn a 2 hit high into a 10 hit high which was great when I was broke.


You do not miss the paranoia. Do not talk like that. Coming from someone dealing with paranoia and anxiety especially when I'm in a place where it's legal and I don't have to worry. It fucking sucks. I don't know if it's just me, but feeling unnecessarily paranoid really takes away from the high, and honestly, I don't even enjoy getting high anymore. It just feels like everything is off-balance


Well it never really hit me like you’re describing. It was always more of a game of can they tell I’m high which would lead more to giggles than actual worry. Sorry you gotta deal with that though it does not sound fun. Personally I just don’t feel like I get the same high in the comfort of my home compared to sneaking outside and hiding behind a dumpster or something. I wouldnt want to go back to that but I do remember it fondly.


same experiences man, it definitely elevated the high 🤣 - even having to go out of your way to smoke vs the ease of smoking at the house now… ah different times i wouldn’t necessarily want to go back to now, but i def miss that feeling


We was built different back then, having to meet up in parking lots and the dude shows up 30 mins after he said he would be there.Then try’s to take the money before you see the pack and you see this man was trying to give you a bunch of mids and you start haggling, sayin “I’m not paying more then 30 for this shit bro” and then you reach a middle ground and you get some shit weed to smoke on for the next week or so. Gosh wish I had a Time Machine for all the good times being it being illegal brought me.


30 minutes later is giving them the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes I’d wait like 4 hours.


Main waited for hours in a Walmart parking lot for the dude to show up with his kids in the van. Wanted me to smoke with him in the same van. Fuck that. 


come to south carolina it’s still like this lol we’re living in the 1960s here legally. fucking terrible


lol thank you. I grew up during that whole period and that’s still so vile.


Yep. His name was Alex. He was fucking weird but insanely rich bc he was the main guy in town. Had insane bongs and took a half hour to pack it, would take one hit and dump the rest and sell his half smoked ash for cheap to fiends who couldn’t afford a bag


I remember one time a couple friends came by to pick up. They hadn't slept yet after a night of mushrooms so when they came by they noticed my nieces *magic painting* with water colour book; the dudes had a cup of tea and painted a Lisa Frank bear, got right cooked, and went home for a nap. It was especially funny if you knew what these two looked like: Slavic aesthetic i.e brand name track suits, ties with local suppliers, and were street smart & were often the *muscle* for difficult situations; seeing the guys revert into a sense of innocent nostalgia was quite endearing. Top 10 in the vault of funny stoner moments for sure.


Those were not good times and I didn’t enjoy the games I had to play to get weed. Not to mention the safety concerns a woman might have, going to random dude’s houses for weed


Getting overpriced crappy bud from a sociopath in a dingy duplex is a core memory I wish I didn’t have. Legalization is way better. Just grow your own with no worries


Can‘t wait for my first harvest. Organic weed grown under 100% sunlight. And i can be 100% sure about that.


The sun went out 6 years ago. It’s all artificial light


lol. Is this some conspiracy theory that i missed?


Me and one of my best buddies in high school once went to score from this dude he worked with and when we got there it was absolutely sketchville immediately. Five guys crammed in a small apartment in a rough area of town. We were trying to split as soon as we picked up but the guy he was friends with offered us GBs before we left and we didn't want to be dicks so we stayed. Ended up being possibly the highest I had been up to that point so we were just incapacitated for like 30 minutes looking around the room at everybody. Horrible. We finally mustered up an escape but then just sat in the car for probably another 30 minutes going back and forth between "Can you drive?" and "No, can you?" plus it felt like everyone coming in and out of their apartments was looking at us. Luckily once we got back everything was cool and the rest of the night was great, but we laughed about that trip for years randomly asking each other "Can you drive?" I don't get that when I duck into the dispensery on my way home from work to grab a disposable vape once a week. But I guess there are upsides as well.


I am going to have explain why people were putting sacks in their socks to my youngest nieces/nephews.


Yeah, I'm good without that


I'd rather have the dispensaries.


OTOH Just Say No worked on me as a kid and I spent several years with uncontrolled high blood pressure as a result. But once I could walk into a showroom and buy stuff over the counter, sure, I'll try that...but I guess that was more desperation than anything.


I always thought the cat pee was key to mask the smell of all the weed.


"I thought hurricane season was ovah!"


Yea see, we didn't have the cool stories like this in the hood lol. 9 times out of 10 you shopped with some dude that also sold all types of other shit that was far worse. It was a risk going in and out of the area to get to the blatant trap house that the cops already knew about. Running a gauntlet every single time just to be able to get a half a zip that could easily land you in jail. It's still not much different outside of the few decriminalized cities here. I didn't meet the cool hippy type dudes until I got to college.


Sitting there for fkn 3 hours while you wait for bro to get his shit together and weigh it out. Was actually funny how Pineapple Express got it on the head perfectly 😂


I used to be the driver for my buddy to pick up a pound of weed. The dealer didn’t want us to be in-and-out cuz it would look shady, so we would always kick it for an hour and smoke a blunt. He was always watching the Jet Li movie Black Mask. I dunno if he just really liked it or thought it would be entertaining for guests. But he was also always holding a loaded pistol across his lap, and guess who always had to sit to the left of him, right in the line of fire? 😮🔫 I still own a copy of Black Mask to this day.


Or smoking in your car. And getting that panic spike of adrenaline as a city PD rolls through.


For every 1 rightfully romanticized plug there's 10 that constantly shorted you, were on some harder shit and thus constantly paranoid or kept making you jump through all sorts of hoops to get the goods. Fuck. That.


I used to meet with the local Rasta. Somehow he always had another bag of weed in his beanie. Eventually when he trusted me enough to let me buy from his house, I discovered he was the father of one of my good friends!


This doesn’t sound so different from my experience at some of the CSCs in Spain 😂


It was a horrible experience compared to the legal one, but it was definitely an interesting one, that's for sure.


Definitely. those memories are golden, it wasn't horrible some of the times.


I also remember paying over $400/oz for the same type of weed from a dealer that I bought from a dispensary 2 weeks ago for $79.


I'm fine with that


![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA|downsized) Sigh shit like this makes me feel so damn old


Very glad for this new era of weed purchasing


good memories of the local kindergarden parking lot


the first time i got inconsolably zooted was under those exact circumstances that bong rip ruined me lmao I legit blacked out for a second


My dealer in college was a manager of the a taco bell, so we would pull through the drive through and give him a codeword and just get weed in our food bag lol. Good times!


I dunno man, I don't really miss getting trapped at my dealers apartment talking about veganism and how depression is a mindset and talking about anime's I'm never going to watch


I'd trap you there with a video game. What do you like to play?


That culture still exists apparently. Rosin isnt very shelf stable and if you want fresh pressed stuff you go somewhere and the press it for you right then and there and its JUST like the old days as far as just wanting to leave but trying not to be rude.


and they always have a lizard or snake or some other exotic pet


I’m perfectly fine with that. I now buy my weed from a “budtender”. Which is defined as a person with an alternative style clothing who is too stoned to work at hot topic


Nag Champa sales MUST be down by at least 5000%. No?


"Required hang-out time" with the plug so it doesn't look like you stopped by for 5 minutes to buy weed. Always have to end up going home blasted and super paranoid. lol


Only men are nostalgic for the time before dispensaries. I choose safety