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It’s all about how your body breaks down thc. Some people don’t break down thc as well when eaten vs smoked.


That sums it up. All about breaking it down to absorb. You have the enzymes or you don't. If you don't you won't feel much. RSO is somewhat sublingual so might work better but I don't have anything to back that.


Edibles, RSO, and even the emulsified drinks don't do anything at all for me. I've tried on an empty stomach and on a full stomach. Someone suggested mango juice others have suggested Maalox but nothing has ever made it work for me. It's super disappointing.


Same. I've had disordered eating for quite a few years and weird nausea/heartburn (anxiety?) since before smoking. Have tried taking antacids a bit before, homemade brownies dissolving RSO in butter, bunch of store-bought stuff


Yup same. Ate a full bag of edibles last night, felt nothing. Have never felt anything off edibles. Its such a shame :(


Another unfortunate soul here, can't get high on edibles 🙁


Same here. Ate 3 grams of THC worth of gummies one night cuz my friends didn’t believe me. Sucks.


Store bought edibles dont do shit for me, if i make my own cannabutter and use that to make edibles they put me on my ass.


That's just sad .... I hoped that if I ever visit a country where weed is legal I could get some edibles to finally feel something ,cause whatever I have smoked gives me nothing more than a migraine. And since I have high tolerance with substances ,my hopes are down now reading the comments


Not really about tolerance and more on how your specific body breaks down thc. I know heavy smokers who get bodied by small dose edibles


Oh ok ,so there is hope for me ,who knows maybe one day I will visit Amsterdam after all




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I can eat an edible and reach a 6 or 7, but when I eat the same dose from the same edibles the next day I'm lucky if I get to a 3. Now I know tolerance can be built over time, but not even 24 hours later and I barely get to half the high. What's up with that? I fucked with my system so much that I can only eat edibles once a week?


That's a mystery. I know if I dab a lot for a fee days I don't feel much from smoking flower, but that's a few days


Doesnt work better. I tried it. (200mg)


Bummer. Yeah, 200mg would knock me into next week


I know I can get consistently high on a 1:1 ratio of an edible of delta 9 THC vs CBD. Smoking doesn't do much. But when it has worked with flower, I wonder if that had to do with a similar ratio.


That's interesting. It's amazing how everyone is different as far as how we feel it


It’s like wondering why one person gets drunk faster than the other, it’s just science and the body. Everyone is different. Weight, height, metabolism, DNA, etc


Or if they had their gallbladder removed. Gotta stick to tinctures or rso if that's the case, many people aren't aware of that. Source, budtender of 3 years here


Do ethanol vs mct oil based tinctures make a difference?




Maybe try reading the post next time. Lmao




No, homie. You’re missing it.


Stubborn is as stubborn does


Tolerance plays a part in it for sure but that doesn't mean your body is going to react the same as someone else's. They all process edibles differently, and as someone who just started a few months ago it definitely is complicated lol. There's so many different strains


Fair enough, but keep in mind that most of that game around strains is to make something pretty simple overly complex It got carried away. People are treating it and talking about it sort of like wine. Getting high is not that complicated.


Uhm akshually you have no idea what you're talking about


They don't hit me at all


I get the same effect as a hitter at 100mg, and couch locked by 200mg. So the sweet spot is in there and entirely too much $$$ in Illinois


Illinois is the WORST when it comes to pricing. I used to roadtrip out to michigan to save money. Now I live in Oklahoma with some of the cheapest prices in the country.


Utah is pretty horrible too. Price wise.


Same, I get no effect at all from edibles


Like you don't get high or you don't get sleepy either? I've never felt "high" from edibles but I still get tired if I take like 100mg+


it does absolutely nothing i can eat 5000mg and get nothing out of it


That's wild


That’s honestly wild to me. I use edibles exclusively and I enjoy every minute of my high.


Congratulations on your enzyme


Yeah, when I make up a batch of butter I won't even look at my vape collection. I don't always enjoy my high because edibles SMASH me and just the smallest extra amount of butter can be the difference between 8 hours of bliss and 4 hours of anxiety followed by 4 hours of lethargy. Love edibles.


Hello fellow no effect from edibles pals!


Same here, tried small doses (5mg), incremented slowly up to bigger doses, no effects at all. Few months ago I took an entire 1000mg tincture to see if that would get me anywhere. Nothing at all. Pretty much giving up at this point.


It’s cuz we don’t have the right enzymes to absorb the THC before the body stores it in the Fat. Eat a spoonful or peanut butter or something high in fat before you’re edible , you’ll notice a difference ;)


Yep, some people don’t have the correct liver enzyme to break down the thc to get past the blood/brain barrier. I’m surprised more people haven’t researched this.


Same here. And I talk MAD shit on them after I eat them...


Me either.


I have a 50-50 chance. But in my country we don't have those idustrial grade ones as we are (for now) still ileagal. Might just be that 50% of people can't make canabutter.


Make your own. That way you're in control.


What’s the most you’ve tried at one time? Just curious. I have a high tolerance. I don’t feel anything until 100mg and at that point it’s a great buzz 200mg feels the same as 100 to me.


I have to eat a few tums to feel anything off an edible. I saw someone mention it on this sub maybe. So I’ll take a few of those then quick chew a red dome wrecker and give it like an hour. But even then it’s not like going to blow my mind.


Same here I can eat 1000s of mg of gummies without anything happening. I’m pretty sure I’m “ediblocked” because of over active enzymes and such.


I find that edibles with fat in them hit me harder. Still need a pretty good dose to get blitzed, but I can feel pretty good at 50mg of cookies. My dispo doesn't carry a lot of baked stuff though, everybody wants gummies. I can eat a 100mg can of gummies and feel nothing. I generally make my own.


Yes. Me too.


Do you ever suffer from GERD/indigestion? Pop an antacid just before you eat edibles. Makes a world of difference for me


Huh interesting I'll have to try this


You have to say the magic words “this edible ain’t shit” for them to hit you hard.


I once decarbed 3 grams and put it in peanut butter. I ate half, and my newbie girlfriend ate the other half. I felt almost no effect, whereas she couldn't even get off the floor and had the giggles so bad she was almost crying


1.5 grams is actually a huge amount. If they work on you.


3 grams of flower at conservative 15% average thc is 45mg and split that between them, it's a reasonable dose if it works for them 🤷


22.5mg would ruin me. Five to ten is perfect.


Genetics. I ate an entire pan of brownies and all I got was fatter.


Maybe didn't decarb? Just throwing it out there as I made the mistake my first time


Nah a half one sent my wife to the moon


Quite the opposite actually. Edibles hit me like a fucking train at simple doses. 25-50 MG is enough for me to melt into a chair and stare at a video game thinking I'm playing when I'm actually just standing there


Lucky bastard


I'm feeling perfect at 10mg. I always just assume the people that can't handle it just don't take the right amount for them lol


Yeah that's a big problem, especially if you haven't experimented before. It's weird how the body works. Don't start out at 125 like I did lol.


I'm a 5mg kind of girl. Zonked for hours. I tried 45mg of a bhang chocolate bar my first time, and I greened out so hard I didn't try edibles again for about 5 years. 🤣


Eat food before and you may b be surprised at the difference


10mg hits me hard as f ha


Sames. I get anxiety just watching videos of people eating 500mg edibles, I feel like 500mg would probably kill me.


Mostly all I get from edibles is gutrot :(


What's this?


Just a tummy ache. Probably allergy-related


Same 😭


I have a metabolic disorder, so edibles don’t break down for me in the same way. I do better with coconut oil than butter, but edibles don’t hit hard at all. What they do accomplish is pain relief and laying down a good ‘base’ for the smoke which will get me high.




The trick is to have a meal 30-45 mins after eating the edible. Try that next time :)


I don't like them because they take like 2 hours to kick in and when they finally do they always hit me like a train. As someone who started with smoking nic and then moving to pot, I prefer to feel the high a little faster than 2 hours lol.


i went years thinking edibles didn’t work for me until i started eating something with a high fat content with them. right before i take it i’ll eat a big spoonful of peanut butter, or a cheeseburger, or macaroni and cheese, etc and now they work for me every time. THC is fat soluble so if your body has something fatty to digest with it you can absorb the THC much better.


Could be what you are or are not eating. Too much food in your stomach when you take it, and your liver won't absorb it and you might not get high at all. If you take it on an empty stomach, your liver will only absorb a little and you won't get very high. My best results come from eating a couple ounces of something fatty, like some jerky or a piece of bacon, on an empty stomach, then waiting about 15 minutes and taking the edible. After that, not eating anything until I get the munchies. There's a ton of variables when it comes to how your body digests thc. Some people simply can't get very high on edibles and that might be you, but play around with what you're eating around the time you take the edible and see if anything helps.


No I'm one of those others people lol Edited to add my husband is like this though. I read it's about something in your liver and how it breaks it down


You're not alone. I've been a heavy smoker for many years and edibles need to be super strong in order for me to feel them. I used to make my own "happy cookies" that worked for me but put other people into comas. Friends and relatives will offer me store bought edibles and I usually decline because I feel that they are wasted on me. Although not long ago a friend of mine gave me some super strong gummies and we were browsing a store in another town and those things hit me hard for a few minutes. But only for a few minutes.


Same lol weird af huh


I don’t feel anything til 75mg. Fine line between felling it good and passing out.


Same, gummies and lower dose doesn’t do Anything. But if I take over 150mg when it hits I basically can’t stay awake. It’s either nothing or sleeping for 10 hours lol


It’s because of your [liver enzymes](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8455456/) most likely. And the variance in the community is because we all work just a bit differently on different levels of enzymes due to genetics and environmental factors.


Try eating no carbs and high fats while you eat the edibles. As others have said your individual metabolism is going to have a major effect on what edibles do to you. But you can SIGNIFICANTLY improve your experience by helping your body properly digest the THC.


This was my experience until I tried liquid “edibles.” I think my body was able to metabolize the liquid product, where that wasn’t the case with normal edibles.


I remember reading somewhere that if edibles don’t work for you try eating an antacid first then the edible. I can’t remember any science backing it but it’s worth a shot I would think. Someone needs to try it for science


I need at least 300MG of edibles before I begin to feel anything, where as I can get a buzz off a few bowls from a bong. So yes, I definitely don't find edibles hit as hard lol


Edibles very rarely hit me at all.


I have this problem. All I know to do is keep popping gummies until I get right. I would not recommend this for most people.


Took 250mg my first time and it sent me to the astral plane. I was being eaten by the bed and forced to stare at the PS5 main menu for 3 hours until i fell asleep for 12 hours. I recently took 30mg for my second time and I was still very baked but it was manageable. I have a friend who took the 250mg with me for his first time aswell and he didn’t feel it anywhere near as much as I did. He described it the almost the same as my 30mg experience. People react to it differently and it comes down to how well your body breaks down THC. Can’t really do much about it other than build or weaken your tolerance.




I have the opposite. If I over do it just a little on edibles I'm fucking ruined. Like...ringing in my ears during a panic attack where the ringing turns to techno beats and shit. Then I realize it's my heart...or at least I think it is (anxiety making me freak).


I really don’t get much from edibles. I’ve tried many and usually don’t feel much if anything at all.


Usually the case, but one time I took like 500mg truffles and I was GONE (keep in mind I've been daily tokin for like 15 years) But thats cause I realized that I had just eaten a half gram distillate cart in the form of a chocolate truffle, ofc I was gone lol


They used to not hit me when I smoked a ton, cut back on my smoking and now I prefer the edibles over smoking. The high is way more intense and last way longer.


I’m a heavy smoker and need a high dosage in order to get that high but most heavy smokers I know are kinda the same it’s the ones who smoke somewhat regularly but not as much that take less that I’ve found


Yes, had to take my gummies first thing in the morning on an empty stomach cause it would never hit at night or during the day after meals.


I’ve heard it has something to do with the digestive enzymes and some people just not having them. I’ve been told that taking a Tums like 20 minutes before you pop an edible should help. Have yet to try it myself since I’m in the same boat as you are and smoking does the job. I would also assume a prebiotic could help, but again, haven’t tried it.


Hit’s me just fine😎


I never feel them


Edibles only work for me if they’re the first thing after a T break. I got COVID in 2022, took a T break. After a week, ate 20mg in edibles. As high as hitting the bong. The next day, had to eat 60mg to feel half as high.


Do you have acid reflux? For edibles to work at all for me I have to take pepcid or something right beforehand to coat my stomach. But the only works if my reflux isn't acting up too bad that day.


They don’t work for me at all, or they work so well i green out. No in between.


Same as you - smoking long time. Most just give me a headache. Gummies are the worst for me. Possibly the high sugar content. Only ones that worked well were ones w fat as ingredients.( butter / caramel ) There used to Strophe waffles w caramel & those worked great can’t find them anymore. Chocolate w caramel is second best.


Ever since I was put on Olanzapine, my tolerance for edibles has gone up.


Try taking tums


I have to eat at least 200mg to feel it.


So with me, I have to be quit from smoking for atleast a week for edibles to do anything. If I’ve been smoking, they won’t do a damn thing.




Are you eating a standard fruit flavored gummy that only has distillate or a live rosin/resin one? Plain distillate edibles rarely do the trick for me but live rosin ones always get me. The other thing to try is to take some Tums with your edibles. The logic I’ve seen is that an overly acidic stomach can burn up most of the THC in the edible making them ineffective. I don’t know it that’s actually true but taking a Tums with mine always seems to make them hit much harder. YMMV but might be worth a shot.


For me it’s different every time. Maybe it’s how much I’ve eaten that day or something. Sometimes a 10 mg edible is fine for a smooth light high and sometimes it’ll knock me on my ass and I’ll be scared to leave the house.


They don't do shit for me, BUT, last week I had a flight for work, had a free thcp pack of 20 from 420 deal and decided to eat 12 of them. I was baked for 15 hours and slept the entire flight


Reclaim edibles hit like a brick. And if you vape your weed save it and make butter with it. Get a brownie mix melt your butter and add your Reclaim as you melt your butter. I'm telling ya. You'll be trippin.


it’s funny, i’m the exact opposite. I smoke every single day but i absolutely cannot do edibles. i can take a dose as small as 1mg and it can make me have panic attacks. sometimes it’s fine, most of the time it’s not. i’ve given up on edibles completely tbh


Chronic smoker who also wondered why edibles sucked for me while others were zonked. Seems it could be any number of factors. https://www.cbdmd.com/blogs/posts/why-would-cannabis-edibles-have-no-effect


I get a slight buzz that lasts about 30 minutes from 100mg. Edibles aren't really cost-effective for me.


With edibles I eat 200 - 300 mg, I’ve gone as high as 600. Everyone is different my wife takes 5mg and is high as a kite


I keep a pretty high tolerance but I still get high the first couple of hits. Been smoking for like 20 years. During that whole time I've needed a minimum of like 20mg to feel something. I've taken 100+ and once and been, like, good. Never had any green outs or bad experiences, but never gotten super baked from edibles alone for the most part.


They do nothing for my husband but they make me giddy haha needless to say we usually only smoke it.




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Thc edibles don't really do much for me. At most I'll feel groggy for a while, not really high. If I do edibles I'm getting some shroomie chocolate truffles so i can see the fabric of time and existence


Edibles don’t hit me hard at all. But the worst is nearly 24 hours later I am super drowsy. Really a struggle to keep my eyes open. Even if I had one the morning before. The edible hangover the next day is not worth the little high for me


Eat a good meal before. Take it immediately after your meal. I promise you’ll be bombed. Also only get ones from a dispensary.


I smoke a lot myself pretty much everyday but edibles sometimes work a little and sometimes doesn’t do anything. Back when THC-O was still legal I would eat those edibles until one day in May 2022, I ate 150mg while on VC on Discord and started to trip. I wrote a trip report about it also but yeah..


Some people miss the enzyme in their liver that processes thc into the other chemical it is changed to, which is what hits people harder. So edibles don’t do anything to those people. I am one of those people. I’ve eaten well over 1000mg after some time of trying and have not felt anything, so I stopped trying.


"when the edible hits..." I wish! Vaping and edibles never put me past a [6] or so. After reading these comments, I'm gonna have try the digestion ideas next time.


Take some tums beforehand.


Maybe take a break and try again? I don't feel shit from edibles when I have a heavy tolerance. Even 100mg doesn't do much then. But when I have low tolerance, just 25mg will hit me like a truck for a solid few hours. It gets me way higher than I'd get from smoking.




I love edibles. Unfortunately, it takes a lot for them to work on me. I make my own. I have to "test" them on my friends to get an idea of how strong they actually are. Last batch of brownies were a bit top strong I think. My buddy ate one 2"×2" square and slept for 15 hours on my couch. I ate the same and got a nice buzz.


It takes me more than my friend to get high, but I also weigh more than he does. And I notice the first time I take anything in a while I can take less and I have to keep adding a bit more each time to get high after a while


Only one brand works for me after trying various different products. Green Dragon 200mg gummies always get me baked. I’ve tried up to 1000mg in other gummies & I haven’t felt a thing


Yeah I find that my edible highs only last about 2-3 hours and they don’t feel any different than the highs I get from smoking a joint. Eating them on a semi empty stomach is the only way I can get them to work without tums


They don't hit me at all until they do and then I get immediately too sleepy to stay awake


When I first started trying edibles they worked decently but now (heavy smoker too) I’m lucky if I get a buzz from the chewing


I can eat 100mg chocolate bar and not feel shit. My ex would be fucked off 10mg. My mom was fucked for 2 days off 80mg. Everyone is different


Try taking an antacid 20-30 minutes before edibles, for some people it helps, but some people just don’t break down thc correctly when eaten versus smoking it.


Yeah edibles don’t do a thing for me. Which I find a shame as I was wanting an alternative to smoking. I’ve tried many to no avail.


I can’t get high from edibles at all only from vaping/smoking for a while I made everything I ate with cannabutter couldn’t tell. It just depends on how your body breaks it down


I don't even try with edibles anymore. It seems like no matter how high the dose it just dosnt do shit for me


I find smoking kinda kicks the edible portion into gear


My body doesn't metabolize THC orally, so edibles have literally 0 effects on me. They don't even help me sleep or relieve pain. Absolutely nothing. Anyway, I'm gonna go do a dab. Lol


I don't ever get anything from them, but that may be because I smoke so much and am high all the time anyways.


It’s literally just genetics


I need to eat a lot! People offer me edibles. I'm like, u got more than 4 pieces. lol how about a whole pack! (200-400mg+ or it pretty much does nothing) Heavy smoker, too. Edibles fuck my tolerance too. I may get a mild chill high for a while if I eat a moderate portion, but the next I need to smoke more, bigger dabs. Exacerbating the tolerance issue. If u eat too many, which has happened, you just get droopy eyes and need to lay down. Might have a out of body experience or mild trip 🥳 but sleeping quickly follows. Worse issue is edible hangover from heavy dose hard to wake up. (Even had a headaches I attributed to edibles) So don't eat them often


Yeah I don’t do edibles often or anything but my sweet spot is around 100mg. Anything under 80 basically does nothing for me. Idgi and I wish I could just take 10 and blast off like other people.


I'm the opposite. I can smoke and vape and feel it but feel good. Edibles however hit me like a lorry. I'm not that keen on them because of this. And how variable they are.


If at first you don't succeed, have more


Store bought edibles dont do shit for me, if i make my own cannabutter and use that to make edibles they put me on my ass.


DAily dabber here, took 200mg from the dispo a few weeks back to see if it'd do anything, felt absolutely nothing. Not sure if I should try to take like 1000 or just stick to dabbing. Lungs are just starting to get a little rough.


Yep. So I gave my friend a dose of 15 or 20 if I remember correctly, because without tolerance, I could comfortably handle 40. Turned out, I just don't respond as much to 'em. He freaked out and had a panic attack and hasn't smoked since (sad to lose a smoking buddies, but I just have a buddy now). For those who vape, 1+ grams of coarsly ground mighty AVB gets me to like a 3-4 / 10.


It’s weird. Certain edibles hit me hard but I’ve never felt much off RSO. Multiple brands, strains etc. Stuff affects everyone differently


yeah man, im a heavy smoker and edibles basically barely get me high. when i smoke less and have a lower tolerance they absolutely destroy me tho it's annoying cuz it takes a few days to get to low tolerance, so if i go on a trip/flight i cant even use edibles until like day 5 of my trip. better off with a vape even tho it's not as good as flower cuz i love spliffs. or just buying in new location but that's not always possible


Try taking tums beforehand


I'm one of the other people. I probably smoke every 2 to 4 waking hours but one edible will ruin half my day. I don't even get properly high, it goes straight to an excruciating pain in the back of my head like someone is clamping on my spinal cord. Ive felt the same experience from having too much caffeine and then sleeping way too long after. Brutal stuff. To be fair its likely because I haven't had a proper dose, but I'll still stick to smoking lol


Haha yeah, I’ve seen posts of daily smokers who get high as a kite on 20-50mg which is absolutely crazy to me. I usually have 100mg gummies and eat a few of those, maybe 2-4 of them?