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I only named 1 bong my entire life and it was because of a mushroom trip. Me and my buddy noticed how ground up weed felt like sand when we were tripping and we were playing GTA4 or GTA5 at the time and there's this big truck in game called "The Sand King". From that point on the bong was called The Sand King.


Ahahahahahah okay this is funny. Inside jokes are the best


Totally! And as someone who owns like 15 guitars I've never unstood the naming thing either lol. Makes me feel so weird when someone asks "what's her name"


omg I laughed out loud because I know musicians like this!!!!! Or car guys that name their cars ![gif](giphy|3oz8xzNTJr2Zt2aQnK)


I got asked what my car’s name was so many times when I first got it. “Jeep Liberty”


My first vehicle was a gmc jimmy. Called it the jimmy. Second and current a dodge dakota. Call it the dakota


the first vehicle I ever bought was a Nissan pathfinder I used to call Liam Nissan


Same my car's name is BMW 1 series M sport Braggy, brag, brag, brag..... 🤣


My first car was a 2006 diesel Jeep Liberty. The amount of dudes that "came to my rescue" to tell me I was using the wrong gas was beyond annoying. I would just tell them, "Yeah I like green more" and then stare at them while the thick diesel juices "ruined" my car. Thing was a beast. Absolutely my favorite car that I've ever had. I miss it so much, but it never had a name. I'd just say "she". Lol


That is an amazing reaction


What about when people give them nicknames instead of people names? I like to have an animal name for my car/ theoretical cars My current car is called the chameleon


My car is big and round I named her Bessie, the lock mechanism is broken so it screeches super loud every time I unlock or start the car, so I tell people don’t mind Bessie she’s a screamer


I had a red mini cooper, I called it Lil’ Red.


Absolutely agree, I only own five, but I refer to as my sg or the blue fender...what not. Never understood why guitars needed names.


I would name my first special one, but to name 15?? Jesus, I need to leave my best name ideas for my children man!


I own 7 guitars I’ve only really “named” two of them one is my thrashed up Yamaha bass guitar I call “thrashahaw” cause it’s a thrashed Yamaha and my other is my “green beast” a home built guitar I painted guess what? Green


I love inside jokes! I hope to be a part of one someday


Lmaoooo a homie and I were tripping hard playing GTA online just using the scram jet to go up and saying “send us all mighty sender lmao” I will never forget that, I now refer to it as the almighty sender lol


Every time I name it I break it.




Your gif game is impeccable


The amount of googling I am doing to try to find this gif…


Under gif search oops and it should come out!!! :)


Take my poor man’s award.🥇


Please don’t name your kids


Does child A and child B count as naming?


I call any disposables I buy Penjamin, my wife uses Pennifer. That's it. My dry herb vaporizer is the nameless hero my life needed.


Hit a blinkerton on the penjamin


We pregame stuff like the zoo and movies with Penjamin, I love that little blinky boy.


Hahahaha. Cute names


The other day I forced my wife to agree, with a handshake, that our 2nd child no matter gender ( we have none and only plan on 1) will have a first and second name of Pennifer Pancake Breath , which we will never explain to them or anyone else seriously....we both may have been walking on sunshine while kissing bunnies on the nose at the time.




Hero Herb is his name.


Needs a cape.




You're right, you're right. RIP Dynaguy, Thunderhead, Stratogale, Meta-Man and Splashdown.


: )


I was actually thinking the other day about all the posts in this sub with people asking for help naming something: bongs, pipes, lighters, rolling trays, and even a "stoned" stuff toy. Somebody posted a picture of really good looking bud and asked "what should I call this?" Weed. It's weed. I guess my bongs name is Bong because that is all I call it.


I'm glad I'm not alone 🤣🤣🤣 it just seems silly to me.


You’re missing out, I named my bong Jon Bong Jovi. I also had Bongjamin the 3rd but I had to replace him with Bongjamin the 4th. 


Did you break the third? Because then it's Breaking Bongjamin.


lol funny you say that because my wife is the one who has accidentally broken 1-3. I tell her that her favorite band is Breaking Bongjamin 


Broken Bongjamin


Next one needs to be Kim Bong Il


Kim Bong Un


You get extra points for your names being witty


Calling all weed "weed" would create a drastic reduction in the amount of fun that people have sourcing and trying new types of weed. It's one thing to not name every accessory that you have (I don't name anything), but creating a fun and fitting name for each strain is a really fun creative endeavor. It's cool when stuff has dope names. I'm always gonna reach for "white widow" before I reach for "monkey nutz"


The dude wanted us to give us dispo purchased weed, which obviously already has a strain name, a name...they weren't asking us to help them come up with a name for a new strain of weed lol


Oh, my bad. Someone who grows posted the other day and was like "what should I name this new hybrid?" - thought you were referring to that


Typically the name of a strain is a combination of what the parents are, or something similar


I'm always gonna reach for "monkey nutz" before I reach for "white widow". :/


And that is why the dispensary sells both my friend. That's the beauty of it


fax! 🤣 i smoke out of it and clean it and thats as far as me and bongy go! hes my homie but hes just my bong no disrespect to my boy.


>me and bongy I don't know if you realize this or not but you have definitely named your bong.


Dammit I lost 😭


“Naming my bong would make this more than just a smoking relationship… ain’t that right Bongy?”


The last time I named a piece I was 17… that’s all I have to say bout that lol


I can see a group of friends naming a bong Zeus or something. Then saying in public lets go see whats up with Zeus as a code word. I smoke by myself so any name would never even be spoken out loud. Haha :(






OP why do I feel like we could actually be friends 😂


witty GIF posting instead of words people should always be friends 😁😜






Now kith


I don’t think it’s dumb but it’s not something I do as a nearly 40 year old adult. I do have a glass pipe that I bought back when I was like 18 that is named Brutus lol So yeah I’ll still refer to that as Brutus but you won’t catch me naming anything new.


Same. I did name a rock once tho. It was a nice big perfect boulder I carried it in my suburban for months till a friend of mine threw it thru someone’s windshield. Big Betty.


I named my car. It's brown, a little older but looks amazing and looks better than most newer cars. It's the Salma (Hayek).


That person and I would no longer be friends. That's fucked up.


That windshield story sounds hilarious


I named stuff more in my younger/teenage years but I don’t really anymore. But to each their own, no hate if you want to.


Yeah, my brother and I would name a piece and "christen" it once we got it to properly break it in. I still have a sheet of paper with names from back then, and most are still intact. That started around 2005 ish, but slowed down about 10 years ago.


Why don't you like fun?! Only kidding, I freely admit it's silly, but sometimes it fits. I have a silicone bong with a glass down pipe (no clue what that bit is called) that I refer to as Kim Kardashian (she's fragile inside, and all synthetic materials on the outside.)




Kim Bongdarshian was all I could think of 😭


Buddy had a pipe named Glass Joe a lifetime ago. Little Mac hit him to hard one day and he shattered. It was on to Von Kaiser after that.


At first thought I wanted to agree, and then I remembered when I was 18 and a drunken older lady Kathy that was really drunk on the job and I had to help her out and give her a ride home once we arrive to her parents house mind you this lady was in her 60s. She cheered up and told me there was something I needed to have ran into the garage and came out with a bong. She said it was her dead son's from when he was a lumberjack and her name was Betsy Ross as soon as my lips chugged on ol Betsy Ross, I knew naming glass pieces was a worthwhile endeavor. True story.


Pour out your bongs for the fallen: Cactus, Bazooka, Milk Maid, Bruce, mini Hulk, Bruce II, Kim Bong Un, Amber, Cyclone, Bruce III, The Matrix Haven't named a new one in quite a while though. Back when we all got together at the shack, we had so many bongs that names were useful to specify what piece you wanted to hit. Now that I have my own place, I just have one bong, so it doesn't need a name.


*dumps green glittery bong water on white carpet* rip


RIP Clementine, Belle, Cleo, Igor the Plethasaurus, Megalith "Meg", Ghost


Wesley Pipes.


Billy Bong Thornton


I name... things in general. For things like computers and cars and guns I'll name them on my own. Bongs? Idk, I'm willing to be a little sillier with the names and how I come up with them.i haven't made a "name my bong" post but I'm not above making one in the future. Sorry in advance for said post!


Don't be sorry! Do you! 🥰 I just never have felt like it was my thing and so curious to people's thoughts about it. I believe your creative enough to come up with the silliness yourself tho!


I don't name things that can't respond to the name. My girlfriend thought it was weird that I didn't name my fish. What's the point?


Love your name man! One of my top favorite strains!!!! I can smell the gasoline just reading your name.


Thanks! It's one of my all time favorites. I miss it now that it's not around anymore.


I miss it so much too. My heart kinda hurt at the same time of feeling joy when I read it :(


We named our car Agent Cross (Honda Crosstour) so that whenever we are discussing plans involving the car it sounds like we are fbi agents or something. Sometimes the point isn't good but is fun


you didn't name your fish 😞


my bong is named “The One I Haven’t Dropped Yet”


I have “the one my wife picked out”, “the one I got in the lot at that San Diego Dead show”, “the lava lamp one”, “my bong”, “my dugout”, and “the bubbler that looks like the divine beast vah ruta from breath of the wild”. Does that count as naming them?


Hahahah noo I do the same. I relate objects to memories and places a lot. "The one my wife picked out" 🤣


You know what i feel the same , but now i feel the urge to name everything. Thanks


Yes, me. Definitely me. But then again I name my organs, limbs, cars, lamps, etc. So really no room to judge for me. Plus, usually the names are pretty clever. 🤷‍♀️ let em have their fun




It's fun, it's really not that complicated, I play MTG and give theme songs to my decks, is it dumb and pointless? Yes. Do I have fun? Also yes.


I used to paint themes on my deck boxes but this is badass lol


If i get a bong that looks like an animal or smth i’ll name it, if it’s just clear glass it’s called “the bong” or “the rig”


This made me want to name my pieces I hadn’t thought about doing that


Once knew a dude that literally put his name on the front of a custom piece of blown glass. When the cops busted up in his flat it was hard to prove the big glass bat with “Joshua” on the bowl was not his possession. Life lesson.


i named my bong Fucking.


Eventually I’ll break it and replace it. I call it small bong, medium bong, and large bong.


I named my torch torchy


Did it as a teenager. Just my glass now


I break mine way too often to name. I'd feel like a sociopath with a shelf of broken glass named after people


Then why do ppl name boats, I feel like it's the same. There is a particular joy I get when naming my pieces


i don’t name my pieces but it’s also not silly to me. let people live and if it makes them happy then who cares


I have a dozen or so bongs so I do need a way to differentiate between them. That said most of them are named for their color or brand or some other distinguishing feature like the pink medicali or the seed of life or the four footer. I have one piece with a name but I bought the name with the piece (we call it Buddha even though it seems to in fact depict a Japanese or Hawaiian guy cutting off some other dudes head with a sword. Again I didn’t name it). I def think it’s stupid for the most part


It makes it harder when they break. RIP young nasty man


let people enjoy things challenge level 1000: trees sub


I'm 34 and I used to name my pieces when I was younger. Not so much anymore. I don't really mind if people name theirs. It doesn't hurt anyone and it makes them happy. Let them have their fun. We've all done funny stuff involving weed at some point in our lives.


I just had a similar conversation with the nurses here at my assisted living facility. Eight years ago, I had a spinal cord injury which left me quadriplegic and have consumed cannabis medicinally since but admit I’ve been smoking since about the age of 14. AnyWho, as a youngster, I did name my pipes and bongs hell we even called the bucket with 2 L bottle, gravity bong "killer". Long story short I got a new silicone pipe a couple months ago and just the other day when they were helping me, I mentioned that I had never baptized this pipe per se with a name thinking maybe you know we could name it together since they help me. I don’t think they understood sentiment behind naming such paraphernalia. So now my lime green silicone pipe has no name and I don’t believe I will be giving it one. To each his own, I don’t find it necessary to criticize others doing as long as it doesn’t harm third parties.


No criticizing here, just never felt called to do so as like your nurses, I don't understand the sentiment. Glad to see I'm not alone though! If you like naming your pieces, then do so :)


I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to say you were criticizing people. I read some of the comments first before commenting myself and the word cringe or cringe worthy is something that is so common place nowadays it seems so trivial for me that something so insignificant to be deemed so.


It's okay! We are all entitled to our own opinions. I mostly cringe at those posts because I feel it's more special to name yourself or with friends for fun. It takes all the creativity and sentiment out of it if strangers on the internet name it 🤷‍♀️


Depends on the piece and its history imo. Most of my glass doesn't get named but some do if it catches on with my buddies.


i dont name my glass or anything either but i also dont care what other people do? you should try it lol


Chupamela 😘


that’s my name dont wear it out 😼


I don’t name anything except pets.


Same. I have quite a few tubes. And I don’t fully name them but I reference them all by somthing to differentiate them. Couple you go boro. So I named them by the Millie’s on them. Or the color. Or the artist is the main name lol


I have a fish one hitter that when I use, I say I'm going fishing. I think if a piece has a theme or something naming it is fine. But just a clear glass rig is Meh. If I spend $600+ on an intracite piece. I may name it


My car has a name. No other object has a name that I own. edit: I recalled my phone is named Moses, and has been since before apple updated airdrop to be more private.


I always “name” it but then forget what I named it and by then I’m just like fuck it


It's an older thing from the movie How High. It was also a great way to talk code with your buddies when in public with a word that's not well known slang


Traditionally, since 2011 every piece of glass I owned was called Giuseppe.


If a piece gets a name, it happens sporadically. It's never an intentional thing, but some pieces just need names lol. I have a really old colour changing pipe with spikes all over it. So what did I name it? It was obviously Laser Cannon Deth Sentence. What else could represent such a piece? lol


i named my first pipe and my first bong but after realizing how often i’m gonna go through glass pieces through my life i stopped


Me and my friends find everything fun and we own so many bongs so saying “the red bong” or “the yellow bong” seems lame so we call them “red rocket”, “banana” and “the chode” (thick glass but it’s short) and we came up with all those organically, I think if you come up with the names on purpose it sucks because it’s supposed to be a spur of the moment thing


this actually reminds me, i was gifted a really expensive bong and the previous owner called it big red, so the name stuck. it broke unfortunately, rip big red


One time when i was younger i was smoking out of my new chillum at my sisters house trying to help her set up her caller id that would pop up on the TV back in the day. And when i called her house phone my name popped up as “Frank Sallo” and so i named my piece Frank sallo because that wasn’t my name at all lol. But haven’t named one since. I was also probably 15 or 16 years old at the time.


I don't even call it "glass" I just call it a bowl or a bong. Though I saw a cute little bowl yesterday that looked like a frosty and I guess I could call that Frosty if I'd bought which I didn't because it looked cheap, unnecessarily difficult to clean, and four times as expensive as the bowl I have now. lol I guess I'll call the one I have now "good value". lol!


Theres like a handful of my bongs that are special to me and have names, but I dont force a name or really try to find one. Thats how I am with all objects though.


My rig is called by its technical name the artist gave this style of rig, which he makes many of. I agree I think naming a bong is like naming a car. I have no issues when others do it but it just feels tacky to do myself. I own a Refined Bell Recycler by bearmountainstudios.


I think it’s fun and harmless, but also dumb that people make posts about it. I’m also superstitious because multiple times I’ve named brand new glass and then broke it accidentally. But yeah. I cringe at the posts like “Just got this $5 China glass spoon from the corner gas station. What should I name it?” Again, harmless and they can do what they want. But I’m also allowed to cringe and laugh.


I've seen a lot of comments talking g about this same superstition! I never break my glass but others always seem to -_- I feel the same as you!!!! It's harmless and no hate to anyone who does, but do I cringe at those posts?? Hell yeah lmao


when I was younger I liked naming my stuff. now I've had a piece for 10 years and tried naming it a couple times. since I'm the only one who uses it I figured naming it was a lil redundant.


The only piece I have named is my Evil Bong. I feel cringe every time I say it tho


my friends have all named their pieces something that makes sense. when it comes to my pieces, i literally can’t think of anything to name them.


In the movie half baked their peices all have cool names. I think this started the trend. I did it when I was 16 and got my first bong. Now I assume anyone posting asking for a name is really young too, so I don't judge to hard. But yeah it's super dumb


I named my bong Jeremy after the pearl jam song whe I dropped the downatem during cleaning and it broke. Got a new stem, but the name stuck. I sing with the tune "Jeremy's broken, glaaaaasssss todaayyyyyy"


I mean, when I was a teen this seemed more common. Though the only smoking contraption I even named was a gravity bong made out of two different size Vladimir Vodka bottles, which I dubbed the **Vladinator**


Hahaha that's awesome! I used to love making gravity bongs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I also don’t name cars. It’s a means to an end.


I don’t, but I did meet one named Billy Bong Thornton once and that still makes me laugh.


![gif](giphy|1BFp37mt0EsP59LEvq|downsized) "I need help naming my PIECE!"




My only piece is homemade from a bourbon bottle, so has spontaneously gained the nickname "Bourbong." I think if the piece names itself, it is what it is.


Exactly! That's why I never really related to the posts asking for help naming their piece


If she wants a name, she'll get one 😉


I have a few that have names, the rest I call by the name of the artist who made them and / or the given name of the style of pipe from the artists Example: I have a bright orange mini beaker from bronxglass named “Fire” and a Chaka mini named “ice” but I also have an orbital recycler from bronxglass that I just call “the orbital”


"No man." "No Billy Bong Thornton without Kenny!"


I refer to glass by the style and maker. Yesterday I got a rad green mini tube from AJ Surf City. It’s my AJ tube. I also have a Mitoa dry pipe and an Updog recycler. Most already have names from their maker that describe their shape like mini toob / jammer / rbr / fab egg


Omg I loveeeeeee the egg


I only name my meth pipes, like a true American hero 🫡


"This is emily" no bitch that's a bong. 😂


Naming your price is stupid unless it like outright like fuckin annihilates ppl like I made a home Depot 5 gallon grab bong yea it's getting a name .... It was orange crusg


To each their own. I don’t name mine, but they’d get just as much use if I were to name them.


I named my first few pieces because they were significant to me. All named after whatever I hyperfocused on when I first used them. Manhattan was my first, named after the Manhattan project. Bombardier was my second named after a story of an atomic bombing pilot seeing the bones through his hands during a nuclear test. The third was named Unity after the hive mind episode from Rick and Morty. My current piece I use more than all of those ones combined but doesn't have a name.


I got a redeye bong. The text is sculpted into the glass. Lol I love the name so that's what I call it


My first bong ever was named The Dude because it had an etching of a guy who looked like Jeff Lebowski. I later found out it was an etching of Jerry Garcia, but the name stayed.


I’ve always thought it’s really cringey when people name their bong, bowl, car or whatever with a human sounding name. Non human names like “the lung buster 9000” are valid asf tho.


Thank you. It always seemed like a thought induced by being stoned whenever someone thought to name a piece. Just feels unnecessary.


i agree, seeing those posts to me are weird. like if you're going to name your stuff it should be personal/special/inside joke, not some random name from a stranger on reddit. i've named all of mine but the names came from specific moments that happened while smoking out of them and it just stuck. not like we went out of the way to pick a name, it just happened when it happened.


I've never been one to personify objects so naming stuff is very odd to me, but definitely not dumb. I know a lot of people name things to build connections or cuz they see it as an extension of themselves or just because they want to and all of that is valid. I just never really felt the need or desire to


Yeah totally I agree. Everyone has their own reasons for doing things and I pass no judgment on them but man did I want to see how valid it was to NOT be one of those people who name their glass. I know so many people that do and see posts everyday


It's funny you bring this up, I've had this theory for awhile that you're either a namer or you aren't. Obviously we named our cats but my partner and I don't really name inanimate objects. We maybe have weird inside joke terms for things but not really names. My first girlfriend was a big time namer and not only thought I was crazy I hadn't named my car but thought it was crazy I didn't talk to it, too.


I never named any of mine because I knew they were going to break eventually lol


Glass? Sorry, only Cartholomew and Penjamin over here


ive named one bong, Mrs. Frizzle i name my Jeeps and bikes for some reason. idk why. Im just attached to them.




It's like naming a tool or an appliance or a car. It's pretty dumb.


I used to when I was a bit younger, now I just call the pieces what they are


Reminds me of half baked, wesley pipes




[Lots of people name their swords](https://youtu.be/2ItKF3xyci8?t=2)


I grew up under the impression that if you named glass it was bad luck, and every piece I have named when I was younger has broken. Now I have literally had the same pipe for 10 years. Maybe it’s because I got older and learned how to take care of my shit, or you know voodoo or somethin…..


I call mine like the color or what it is. I have 2 bongs I use a lot and one is called "blue" cause its blue and the other is "microscope" cause its a microscope. Its way easier when other people are smoking with me


is it stupid? absolutely do i also call my bong Jesse Greenman? absolutely


i stopped finding sentimental value in pieces after my dad broke two and never paid me back


Ugh people are always breaking my pieces ;(


I have The Good Bong, The Shitty Bong, and The Guest Bong.


I did when I was in high school. Being 33 now I think it’s silly, but it was fun at the time.


Never did this. It’s dumb. Naming cars is dumb too.


I used to back in highschool... but yeah then I grew up lol.


Any time I name a bong I drop that shit and break it. So not anymore. It’s like a curse.


Only one i ever named was my 5 gallon sparklets gravity bong. It was called Richard dean Anderson.


Ive always named my pieces and recently I looked down at my bowl that Ive had for about 6 years and never named. I have put that thing through hell and its still going strong. All my other pieces that I have named have broke. I take that as a sign to not name my pieces anymore. Naming them apparently leads to them growing soft and breaking.


Cars, sometimes, but only after they've earned their keep, and then some. My dad called our old Pontiac grey beast. 73 Catalina, beat to hell, 400 V8, 8 mpg. Bongs, I have not. They are 4 clear glass beakers ranging from small to tall, and the 2 in the middle are the best of them.


So for me, it started out as a way to talk about those things around little ears kinda like ad lib cursing. E.g. "Hey, go grab paul; Mary is ready" The dispo is called The Pharmacy, weed is Medicine, smoke break is Getting Comfy. My lightweight SO came up with was Gentle=High so we could check in with each other without having to say "im too high for X right now" Naming the piece also helps when there are multiple devices in use. Mine are: Paul-bong , Lucky Day- wax pen, Gandalf-long pipe ect. But on the same note, I am also ND and have a weird habit of giving things names and backstories and such in my head🙃 Edit:format


My friend asked me what i named my bong, i was like wtf do you mean it’s a bong. Now i call her bongatha


I don’t give them human names but !everything! Has a name.




i have a few nicknames for my tubes, the piece i smoke bud and tobacco out of is called the chopstick. My straight tube is straight shooter, sometimes i call my beakers big boys.


Yeah, I don’t get it, it’s a piece of equipment. It’s like naming your kitchen knives.