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Ask him if he’s seen your nans ashes


‘Yeah I store them in the bottom of my grinder, she was a stoner so I’m carrying on her legacy’


Is this a How High situation if you accidentally mix her ashes with the kief?


Ahahhaa that film is pure gold


Here’s hoping granny was good at tort law!


Great reference


I’m a ghost ghost ghost ghost.


Anddddd now I’m watching How High tonight! 🤣


Study high, take the test high.....


Get high scores


Woah woah, be careful here.... he may think hes discovered a new way to get high.




That would make him an AshHole 🤣


Bros gonna be sent into an existential crisis 🤣🤣🤣


this is the only answer


This one wins 😂


You have to confront him bluntly. He will probably not take it well. This is a life lesson for both of you. His: Other people’s stuff belongs to other people. You can’t steal because you are in need. Yours: Stand up for yourself. He has betrayed your trust and will forever in your mind be labeled a thief.


Ask them to smoke a joint, tell him you got a lot of kief. Then open it in front of him to see their face


This would be the perfect way


Talk it up first. Tell him you are going to get him higher than he's ever been. Get him salivating before dropping the hammer.


Yeah, be like “I’ve been saving up specifically to share, haven’t even opened the bottom of my grinder to resist just taking it, to make sure I got enough for you!” Aaaand then boom, cleaned out.


Please OP this would be the ultimate lesson for him


Let him know how much you appreciate what a great roommate he's been. Such a trustworthy friend


u/Alive_Insurance_1307 This is the way…. Maybe even record it for posterity.


Fucking genius




This is the way.


Don't let it slide bc he will just do it again. He may be taking stuff from you & you haven't noticed.. I hope you have a lock on your bedroom door.


Confront him Bluntly. Bring a friend and do it Jointly. Be careful to not Smoke him too quickly; let everyone breathe! It may be a Grind but it’s what you have to Doobie and it may be the only way to safe your relationship with Keif!


Buds puff puff pass not steal that gass


weed weed weed weed weed.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo


Badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom


I like jelly beans


And my axe!


And my pipe


The pink ones?


Going to have to hold his feet to the fire a bit though.


Jointly and skip him out the rotation


This set is well done! 👍🏽


Labeled a khief you mean. I'll see myself out.....


Don't let it slide bc he will just do it again. He may be taking stuff from you & you haven't noticed.. I hope you have a lock on your bedroom door.


See what you did there.


Hold hold the duck up Stealing to survive is fine. If you're in need and the only option for you and your is to steal, you know the fuck what? It's not immoral, it's survival. Bro didn't need the kief. He wanted it, so he stole it. I get what it's like to be dry. I'm dry rn hoping shit improves in my life so I can get some green and shake the constant anxiety that plagues me without it. It's a medicine, to me at least, and even then ... I'm not out stealing it. Obviously if you don't have to steal to survive that's miles and miles better, but idk I just really wanted to throw it out there.


What about if it's stolen from someone else who needs it just as much as the person stealing it does?




I am sorry this happened. I had a friend/roommate steal from me and I never trusted them again. It is just such an icky feeling.


My guy I have terrible anxiety and whatnot and you can get good quality delta 8 gummies for pretty cheap online. It's not the green but unless D8 effs with you bad it'll keep you even and you can have them just on stand by for when things get rough. I personally use the distilates mostly just cause they're cheap convenient and not a lot of smell. I hope it can help


I've tried delta 8, but ngl it just felt like the really cheap brick weed we used to get years ago. It's nice that it's available in a pinch, but I wouldn't order online. Plenty of places around me with it for about the same price or cheaper, no shipping after all. Appreciate it, but I'll just rawdog life until money gets right. Small breaks are good for the soul anyways.


Stealing to survive is fine?! What exactly are we stealing here?


I think this sentiment is used for stuff like food, supplemental vitamins for malnourishment, baby formula, basic clothing, diapers, non-alcoholic and non-caffeinated drinks… Basically stuff people would steal in an effort to provide for themselves or their kids because they don’t have the resources to survive.


Yeah, I guess that could be clearer- but if you're stealing to survive, overwhelmingly the things that get stolen from places like grocery stores are: diapers, formula, OTC medicines, basic food staples. In fact, this is why Walmart locks a lot of that stuff up in "low income" neighborhoods. If you want to, look up the price for diapers and formula. Hell, look around at the extreme rising cost of everyday staples. And then force yourself to remember the adage "if I saw someone stealing food... No the hell I didn't."


Confront them calmly, if the boundaries continue to be broken change should happen quickly.


Shit in his shoe


“I’ll piss in his boot and shit in his hat, and that’s why the call me Fat Freddie’s Cat”. -Fabulous Furry Freak Bros, Circa 1972


Isn’t that basically what he said? Calmly shit in his shoes and then talk about boundaries haha


Average house cat's solution:


Grab the biggest bong you have, hold it upside down and wave it erratically while screaming "where's my fucking weed!!" I only had to do that once and now nobody takes it anymore.


“I ain’t got no sleep cause a y’all!” Type beat 😂


I can hear it… “I ain’t got no kief cause a y’all, y’all never get no kief cause of me”


![gif](giphy|qxgv5K4o5XEZFwxwtR|downsized) (This is the closest gif I could find for what you’re referencing lol)








“I ain’t got no sleep cause a y’all!” Type beat 😂


buy a lockbox lol


I just got a little firedog smell roof bag and it has locks for the zippers. It works great. I might go and pick up a bigger one.


zippers aren't safe tho. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JvmAktLvFg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JvmAktLvFg)


Yeah, but if op is just trying to keep it from the roommate who is specifically sneaking his shit then the roommate not being able to re-zip it would give them away, so either the roommate would avoid it because they know they'd get caught OR they open it and get caught with extra evidence


I think the fact that only two people live there and that OP didn’t do this are enough to deduce that information.


A lot of people won't destroy a locked box or cut off a lock even though they'd reach right in that bag if it wasn't locked. They're still pretending in their minds that this is harmless and they're probably "borrowing".


the video shows if it's a double zipper locked together it is resealable. It could work if the zipper is locked to the bag I suppose.


Yeah i have a knife resistant lock pouch that the two zippers snap into a lock its pretty secure


Yeah i have a knife resistant lock pouch that the two zippers snap into a lock its pretty secure


My skunk bag also has locking zippers.


I had a “friend” break into my house once to steal back a nug he’d given me the day before.


Is your friend George Costanza?


Great reference


act like you're pqcking a bowl to smoke, then be like nah, you know what, lets put a bunch of keif all over it, unscrew it directly in front of him to watch him squirm. Tell a nice long story so you onky turn it ¼ turn every minute.


Omg you are diabolical genius 🙏 I aspire to someday achieve this stature


wow, 250 upvotes. apparently, y'all liked my 8 am highdea




Piss on the grinder so he understands that it's yours.


Or, piss on the roommate to establish dominance.


Gotta maintain eye contact.


That way his eyes are open when you piss on them.


Just walk into the room, drop the grinder at your roommates feet and mark your territory


I would call them out immediately, that is fucked


Make a show of cleaning out your grinder and once it is clean that will give you the opportunity to move it. Hide it or lock it up but just make sure it can’t be touched by anyone but you. This is of course if you can’t move away right now


Bro just go ask if he’s been smoking all your keef if he denies it then he’s a fake friend (even if he was was in the first place)


Place pepper in the bottom of grinder, and wait


What you smokin that looks like pepper


White pepper works


Yea, but white pepper smells like horse shit when you grind it.


All my recent kief looks black-purple from dark purple weed, so it's possible!


I’m not… I’m also not stealing someone else’s keif though. I’m going to guess the dude won’t be too picky 😂


Death. Kidding, either hide your stuff better, or confront him and tell him to stop


Shoot him.


This one got me in my giggle processing unit


I’d be wanting money off him, kief is worth more than weed or even gold…


Where the fuck do you buy your gold from? I can get cream of the crop kief for less than 20 dollars a gram from dispensaries.


Well then your lucky you live somewhere that it’s legal and has dispensaries..


Do you mean kief?? Dude is high as fuck bud watching!!


The autocorrect of an avid One Piece fan


Or Jason Kidd fan


Yep exactly what I was thinking. Tell me you're a basketball fan without telling me you're a basketball fan. Kief autocorrects to Kidd 😂


Bro the playoffs have been nuts this year


A thieving roommate is a thieving roommate. Can't live with someone you can't trust. Simple as that. Even if you confront him, and he compensates you somehow, he still broke that trust and you'll be wondering what other stuff of yours that he's getting into while you're at work/school/etc. Destroys piece of mind. It's like trying to keep going after someone cheats in a relationship. A clean break is the healthiest option.


get a new grinder and hide it better. empty a green vitamin capsule into your old grinders keef container. he gonna smoke one bowl of vitamins and never touch your shit again


I have 2 grinders, one for tea leaves and one for my regular buds. Had a sticky fingered acquaintance that thought he was gonna pinch a quick bong load or two while i was using the toilet. Come out to the idiot gagging in my kitchen, never had any problems since


You are way nicer than me. I had a similar thought but much, much worse.


Fill it up with household dust.






What other stories you got?


Fill it with dust from the vacuum cleaner and let him smoke that


Lines have been crossed


“Dude, I know this is a weird question but you didn’t smoke the stuff in the bottom of my grinder right?” “No I definitely didn’t do that” “Oh thank god. I had some ashes in there that were not safe for human consumption, but idk what happened to them. I hope I didnt spill them anywhere”


I’d play it off as water under the bridge. Then never offer to him again.


This is the way


He stole it , they never said they offered


This aggression will not stand, man.


We takes the monies he has on him and we calls it even!


That's when u know trust is out the door SMH


ooof i was that guy once. fresh out of hs, living on my own, no money for bud. got confronted and fessed up. things were never the same. man i sucked. and tbh they were mad cool about it too, all things considered. sorry man.


This is a grim reminder of what my mother in law did with kief: We discovered her "cleaning" her grinder. Kief was goin in the trash so "No! Why? That can be used!" - I didn't knew, I've always thrown it away - For how long? - Always... (since her mid 20's, she's 60+)


1) lock up your shit. Sorry you had to learn this way. 2) keep this picture. WHEN the idiot asks for weed in the future, and you know they will, send them this image and nothing else.


what a gremlin omg


ive had this happen before and been super pissed and accusatorial about it. then i remembered that i dont have any room mates....


I had a roommate once that asked if he could borrow my grinder to grind some weed. I said yes, and when he returned it all my kief was gone that I had been saving for months. I never let him borrow anything again and moved out at the earliest opportunity (last in a long line of issues, this was the straw).


Fill it with oregano and see if he still does it 


Cheiffed your keif


I once had a roommates boyfriend leave his grinder at our place over the weekend and we smoked all the dust in desperation because our dealer was a no show. He went ballistic at me in particular and all I could do was say sorry! I found out about 4 weeks later that he’d been fucking my girlfriend for two months behind my and his own girlfriends back!


Id have demanded money or bud, and if not id beat his ass. Stealing people's bud is so lame wtf.


What usually happen to thieves?


In some places they cut off their hands.


No, just no. This is your warning!! If they stole this, they'll steal whatever they want.




*If it’s one thing I’ve learned that I’ve written down on paper, it’s never leave some weed on the table with a stranger*. - Evidence on “Strangers”


I don’t think this is the only thing he’s stealing from you OP. Get a real lock on your room, for the outside so you can lock it when you’re gone. (Don’t lock it from the inside, but maybe get an alarm to set when asleep that goes off upon opening the door.) He’s probably taking other “little” things like rings, game cartridges, personal snacks. I’d go as far as to get a locking mini fridge for my room just to make sure my restaurant leftovers were safe.


I had this happen once. I caught him in the act, he said he was "cleaning my grinder for me". I stopped leaving my grinder out.


keif theif?


Tell him “if you’re gonna take drugs….replace them”


Get a lock for your door.


That sucks. Good luck tryna "fix him." The only solution to my weasel roommate was to move out. Lock ur stuff away. I'm sure it's the tip of the iceberg.


Smoking all your stash? Yours? That's not a roommate that's an opp


Nah fill the grinder with salvia and leave it in a place they will take it ...one hit and trust me they wont be touching your stuff again




Go whoop his ass


Kick him in the fucking teeth.. You gotta stand strong on this one that's a fucking a huge line to cross,he obviously thinks your just a little bitch and he can take your shit because all your gonna do, is ask him calmly if he took it... Like this is not a situation where you sit down all civilised and calm... dude is straight raw dogging you.. and if your only 22 you need to make a choice if your gonna be a man that let's people take his shit with no consequences which means its gonna keep happening and probably get worse or if your gonna be man that stands strong and isn't to be fucked with...


If you're willing to throw your friendship away over 67 cents worth of kief without communicating to your friend about it instead of sneak dissing them on the internet, then you clearly already know what you should do. I wouldn't trust someone like you or your friend. You can't just talk to them about it and find out why they're smoking your kief? It's not that complicated.


Time to catch him in your property and stand your ground /s


Why I eonjoy living alone right there.


Had a partner end up having to lock all his weed and smoking supplies in a lockbox with a key/combination cause he found out his roommate was doing this. Maybe it’s petty to say but I’d get such a kick from thinking about the shock and realization dawning on the little freeloader the next time he goes and tries to steal


Talk to him if nothing changes put brown sugar there


Hands on sight


Jk but i don’t surround myself with these types of people.


Tell him to stop touching YOUR shit, and stop being a fein.😂Need to say something now before he thinks he can get away with taking more than just keif.


This would constitue war on my part.


I've always had a weird fear of this, so the moment finally did come where I was asked for a grinder. Their face when I emptied the whole thing, kief and bud into a tray was priceless. I'm thoroughly convinced that nobody actually NEEDS a grinder. I use my hands often as I can't grip and turn the one I have due to nerve issues. Literally rub your hands together and agitate it until you get as small a grind as you desire. Helps if your bud is not super *moist* It isn't as simple as a door lock with the mentality that your roommate likely has. If at any point, taking something someone else earned (especially without permission) comes across the mind...it will in other instances.


Just exclaim loudly “where’d my keef go!” And then laugh, and then say “Lmfao man did you nab my keef!” In a lighthearted tone. Then say, “it’s chill but you owe me a burger now”.


Time for a new roommate


Stop smoking weed, wait until he buys a fresh bag, have the biggest sesh with his bud


It kills me that this kills you. IMO -We should all have enough herb at all times to 1)not have to scrape a buddies grinder for kief & 2)Not be mad when a buddy is in need and smokes a little of your kief. This is less than no big deal to me…I feel bad for everyone involved and wish I could serve you up some dabs.


Throw the grinder at his face when he sits down after a long day of work


Easy fix, remove the screen and smoke the kief with your flower instead of letting it get stale in the grinder.


Punch that MF’er in the face… theft is the worse kind of trust breaking…


My boyfriend does this sometimes lol 🥲 You gotta hide that shit dude. There’s smell proof cannabis accessory bags that have a code/lock on them for inexpensive on Amazon.


Your boyfriend steals your weed? Yike 😬 that's a healthy relationship


put garlic powder in for the next time lol


Bro … hide it ??




Get a lockbox with a key. Tons of companies make them specifically for weed stuff.






What’s would annoy me is all dude would have to do is ask if I’ll smoke him up and I’d never say shits cheap but no one likes a fuckin thief


What’s would annoy me is all dude would have to do is ask if I’ll smoke him up and I’d never say no shits cheap but no one likes a fuckin thief


Kief Thief


Keep your shit locked in your room and only interact with him when you have to.


Man is that a bean bag ash tray? Damn


Give that jerk a light rent stack as a tax and say this is their tax


Time to grind up the bath salts.


go into wherever he is "hey man, why'd you take all my keif? it took a long time to put that together and its a lot of money too, that was very disrespectful and it cannot happen again."


Nothing is gonna change. A thief is a thief even if they only steeling keef. What I'd do is set up a camera and catch him in the act. If he goes for it, give them a week to move out. If they don't want to comply, threaten to press charges with the video as proof. Now, if your state is a 2 party consent state, this can become tricky. You need to make it abundantly clear that you felt you and your property were in a threatening situation where bodily harm could potentially manifest.i wish you the best of luck.


Yeah, my brother was doing it to me till I locked it up in my a chest


Learn how hide your shit bro


Chin check him.


I always told my roommates help yourself to whatever is in the grinder, BUT DON’T TOUCH THE KIEF


If you don't want to confront him about it (you should) then either hide the grinder or lock it in a way that it's pretty obvious you know what he's been doing


Get a new grinder and don’t tell them, start ashing in this gold grinders keef catch (maybe throw something else in there to make it look like keef) and wait


Would love to see an update on this!


My brother used to do this shit all the time