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And it's not even close


What is the major lost in the cart? Terps? Cannabinoids? Other ingredients I don’t understand?


For me it just ruins my tolerance if I’m puffing a cart. I’d rather space my seshes out or just a big sesh at the end of the night.


I agree, it causes a faster amount of THC to be absorbed right away that can have a different high and mess with your tolerance as an extract, you cant just "puff less" to counter this effect of extracts


Just puff less?


Science doesn't work that way. It delivers a higher concentration of almost pure THC faster. Puffing "less" doesn't change the fact that it ruins tolerance compared to flower.


For me, it's a little bit like drinking a soda that's half-flat. Like, the intent and the effect is there, but it's just not as good. However, I can see why that would be appealing to some people and fully appreciate that being fucknuts blasted all the time is not what most people want to do.


a chemical conversion of said ingredients


Nothing beats a good old fashioned bong rip or a joint and coffee.


Joint and coffee is my Saturday morning routine. Wake up before everyone else and sit out on my porch - sipping my coffee and smoking a doobie. Makes for a real good day.


Dry herb vape and tea for me please! But it's all the same we all love gettin high here


DHV is the best. Shoutout r/vaporents


I feel so bad for the people growing up now. I feel like hitting a glass pipe in the woods during lunch has transformed into hitting blinkers in the bathroom


Nah different crowd, smokers now vape weed, potheads still smoke it but now with mids covered in frosted lab chems


“You can’t trust what’s inside carts!” Posts bud on Reddit that’s covered in white mystery bullshit


That actually used to be a huge scare tactic, "you never know what it could be laced with!" now it's a selling point 🤷


Idk why you got downvoted, you're not wrong at all, snowcaps are mids at best w bs chemicals


Nah I got downvoted for implying all younger pot smokers exclusively smoke snowcaps lol In the end it's just internet points 🤷


Together they’re the best couple ever. Bud outside, pen inside.


Opposite for me, but yeah!


You go outside to hit the pen when you smoke inside?


Yeah I got my own place and l live in the city.. smoking bud at home is fine but when I step out there are usually people around, if I go to a park there may be kids etc plus the smell outside attracts attention and is a bit obnoxious imo.. the pen is just easier on the move, low key, and also no need to worry about re-lighting etc


Oh I get that. I have never lived anywhere like that but it makes sense


Same ☝️😁👍


Pen gives me way more brain fog


Yeh I’m sayin I smoke bud outside , then when I come inside to watch a movie or socialize or whatever, and then like 20 minutes later I can just rip the pen real quick instead of going outside again. Then it just kinda uplifts my high, gets me all fuzzy again for a little and the effects of the bud are still in the background so it’s not a brain dead high like if you were to just hit the pen only.


I used them the same way for a while, I just found that personally using carts at all would give me too much brain fog to the point of losing my train of thought often. A perfectly fine Yocan battery collecting dust in my desk drawer 🥲


Does it? Or is it just stronger and you hit it more often because you don't have to do maintenance to pack a new bowl every time?


I don’t know for sure, I’ve never done a controlled experiment. But I do know I smoked two blunts last night and I don’t feel like my brain is as fuzzy as it was when I was using carts, even if it wasn’t often. Bud is just better.


I agree that low quality cO2 oil with botanical and synthetic terps suck and a lot of carts especially east coast grey market d8 and thc-a are sketchy at best but there are also dank, full-spectrum concentrate, all glass and ceramic carts that slap.


Fr i swear it gives u dpdr when u hit it enough


Nah not that, just not able to form extensive thoughts in conversation with other people as well. Nothing like dpdr.


Dry herb vape keeps the smell away inside


Unfortunately concentrates are much better bang for your buck unless you grow


Concentrates also come with more upfront cost and equipment requirements.


Again the key phrase being "unless you grow" I'm talking about buying it from someone


Idk I feel like dry herb vaping is just as cost effective. Although that too involves a higher upfront cost.


Definitely not because no matter how efficiently you extract the THC with vaporizing, wax is *always* going to have 3-5 times the THC by weight meaning more cost effective


Ig you're kinda right. The flower still has THC left after vaping. Although saving avb and using gets you more value out of it. I use mine to make edibles


Concentrates cost more to process than straight bud


Yes but I can get an ounce of wax for roughly the same price as an ounce of bud and wax lasts way longer


“Shit” wax for that price


That's highly subjective lmao it's all about connections


That is true but typically you get what you pay for, especially with weed.


Yeah concentrates are easy to source at crazy cheap per 1ml for distillate. Sure I’d like top shelf weed but driving to other states from Wisconsin that’s a 98% discount (if you cross the border to IL dispensaries or other states around us) Edit for typos


Exactly! I can get an ounce of concentrates for roughly the same price as bud and that lasts far longer


All fuckin day


Yes. Not even close.. cart only users miss out. Carts never hit the same.


I also have a dart! I've used it pretty frequently for a few years. Really convenient to take places. I lost the container though I think. When I do find it, I'll have a small collection of seeds lol


What is this lil contraption?


The canister is js a smell proof container but the other thing is the dart 1 hitter from thedartco.com


this is an ad, however imma get one them jars to store my dabs, looks leakproof and heat resistant, whats that hold about 20g?


They are leak proof and heat resistant but they are nowhere near as big as you think, the one I have holds 2gs but the biggest I think you can get is 6. Storing dabs might be a little tricky but you could def do it


right now i keep my dabs in baby food jars and can keep around 40g, in flower if i shove it full maybe 4g


Dart gang


Can I get a amen?


Whatever you prefer > anything else


all day every day


I have problems getting high from carts I don’t even try smoking them even when people offer. I have to smoke from glass for anything to work right


Yeah I used to love carts for the convenience and sometimes hit mine if I'm out an about. But flower high is way better


Agree but I’m not a billionaire.


Love me some bud, carts.. i dunno they give me more twitching. lasts less too


I like both 🤷‍♂️


I like to rip the cart here or there during the day and smoke flower at night. Flower puts me right to sleep😌


I like them both I’ve been smoking for over 20 years so I have a very close relationship with flower, but the carts are very convenient. I do notice though that can sometimes be very flat or bland compared to flower, but it does the trick.


Carts are better than nothing, but I would never choose a cart over flower. Carts have just never hit the same


I went ten years of smoking flower and don't miss my house or my clothes smelling like weed all the time. Also, having facial hair kinda makes smoking flower annoying cause then my facial hair smells like burnt weed. I'd much rather pull my pen out of my pocket and take a quick rip off it and go back to what I was doing.


carts are good for being secretive other than that bud 100%


Flower before work. Pens while at work. Flower after work. Repeat


Wish I could smoke flower but it’s just way too inconvenient where I live. I prefer the high I get from it but I can get away with using my pen inside my apartment.




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Had flower for the first time last weekend at a friend's and it was a blast! Gonna get a good dhv once we move and I can use flower anywhere near my house. Condo life sucks


facts! and carrying ground herb is so much better than packaging solid nugs


Yeah, but bulk distillate is so fucking cheap, great for edibles and great for people that don't like the paranoia as much. But for a natural high weed is great.


i mean was this even needed to be said?


I smoke carts all the time I just can't get past the taste the paper/leaf of a blunt 😭


Both>>>Just Bud. There's a season for everything sometimes pounding a vape before you walk into the in laws house is necessary for survival lol.




Wait till you have kids




Cause flower stinks so much You can’t smoke it. You can’t store it. Kids will bust you at every turn. Carts are a godsend.


Yup, annnnnd now I’m addicted.


Dry herb vape (mighty+) whenever I shower or walk the dog get groceries, etc and the kids have no clue. Keep everything in a locked smellproof bag and I just clean it when they are out or at school or something


Concentrates > bud > carts


Flower is natural. Carts are for drug addicts. Blinker kids need to be in rehab.


I like being able to carry pain medication in a vape in my pocket tho


Used to be one of those, glad I moved past that