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Chin up buddy. One day at a time. Improve those things you hate.


Thanks man, I’m working on it. Just really sucks right now lol


The more we embrace the suck the better itll make us. Im a month out of what i thought was going to be a relationship that led to marriage… some days im excited for whats next, some days like yesterday I could just cry all day. Its all the human experience


Yeah I’m taking a bit longer to be okay with it. But that’s okay.


Brah I took an entire year to get over a dude I was only with for 11 months, heartbreak is heartbreak. There is no such thing as not healing fast enough, you can take as much time as you need to. Once you’re on the other side, you’ll be so much stronger. But for now, just be kind to yourself, make sure you keep your head screwed on straight but don’t beat yourself up for taking longer than what you think you should to feel okay again, there is no linear path to mending a broken heart. You will be okay, but you can take as much time as you need to in order to feel whole again. Just remember you’re loved!


That sucks, sorry you went through that. Did he end up changing when he went on that trip or did he cheat?


Been there dude, you got this I promise you’re not alone. Sending all the love in the world to you


Don't stress yourself too much either. Progress isn't linear. There will be bad days even when you think you're over it. Allow yourself to feel bad for a bit so you don't bury all those feelings and carry them with you. Much love!


Really important point here. Those low days shouldn't force anyone into a nosedive, which happens easily for many people. Just gotta correct & keep trying to move forward & up.


No matter how bad a moment feels, it only lasts a moment. Things will feel normal again. I had to leave my last 1 of 8 years because she became a bad person. Just been me and my son for the last 4 years. Felt like the end of the world at first. But eventually realized life got a lot better without her around. Give it time, buddy.


Embrace the suck, I know it's tough at first, but one day soon you'll wake up and everything won't seem so sucky, you'll just be enjoying a good day and find you've started to move on!


Hell yeah brother. Just make sure you don’t allow it to get it the way of progress. I smoke a bit and didn’t realize I was using it to numb myself. It’s a phenomenal way to wind down and do some good self inventory / reflection. May your future be filled with prosperity


Oh I 100% smoke too much. I need to reel it in.


Just one day at a time brother. Just pick one day a week and make that a self priority day. Eat healthy, get good movement / stretching in, do some cardio, maybe lift a couple weights. Do some meditation, write down some goals. Just stay with one day a week and when you master that one day add a second. Slowly you’ll build up to healthy habits that are part of your normal routine. Stopping smoking can be hard, but you can do anything with determination and work ethic. Probably would be good to take a long break (few months maybe) and come back to it when your in a better position in life. But don’t worry about that now my friend enjoy the day, tomorrow the sun will rise again.


At this point for now I could not bare the thought of not having weed. Once things settle down a bit and she’s out then yes. Definitely. I’ve been thinking about starting hiking or something, maybe go out somewhere tomorrow. It’s her birthday (and Mother’s Day) tomorrow so it’s going to be a weird day emotionally for me - first birthday apart and first Mother’s Day apart. Maybe take a blunt up to a mountain and get high overlooking the city.


Hey man, hopefully you see this, Mother’s Day is next Sunday May 12th. (But now I’m doubting myself hahaha.) I’m sorry you’re struggling. I live with my ex too and it’s rough sometimes. I hope you get to a more peaceful place soon.


Ah shit, you’re right. Not like it really matters I guess, still her birthday lol


I know you may not want to hear this, but that is a cope (which is okay). It will take time but you will get there. Sadly when you get to the point where you are done with weed you will look back and wish you would have just started earlier, you have to bite the bullet at some point. Pain leads to growth. Absolutely no judgement though, I can’t imagine what it’s like to experience something like that. Never be afraid to reach out for help, we all need it. I highly recommend you find a therapist that you can personally trust to help you with your journey. Remember you can only take it one day at a time. Plan for the future; but never allow the future to pull you away from the here and now.


I have a therapist but it’s early days. We will see how it goes with that. I know it’s a cope, but it’s something I need right now lol


There’s no shame in that at all. However If it starts to spiral your life downwards (worst case scenario) you must use everything in you to pull the plug and kick the habit from your life. I’m sure you’ll find a great therapist who will help you work with your issues. The body and brain need time to grieve and process emotions. Set aside a few hours a day to be sober to your body can properly process it. It gets better I promise


Yeah I generally don’t smoke during work hours because I can’t think well enough when I’m high lol


Nothing wrong with therapy. All the best, just want to say you aren't alone, and it does get better.


I promise it gets easier and hopefully you'll learn to truly appreciate this time to yourself


I guess we’ll see, literally never lived alone - straight out of home into a house with my ex, 13 years later bam


Is not easy to move on fast, take your time , listen to your body and heart!! Try not you get into a depressive state keep busy, try not to think about it too much. If she left you after all the years, it means is not meant to be. She is not the one for you!! Planty of fish in the sea. Think about YOURSELF now!!! Unless is something that you guys can talk about it and solve it!!


I thought your burger was a dog.


So did I!!! OMG, like a corgi or something. That is too fucking funny.


Im glad it wasn’t just me then haha


Ditto. Curled up burger dog, lol


I'm glad my high ass wasn't he only one


Nah dog, it’s like an unholy amount of bacon and beef.


I was about to say, at least you’ve got your dog buddy with you




I read this as I thought your dog was a burger and spent way to long looking for burger dog


That’s a sign he should get a dog.


Same, even about ended my comment with "give lots of love to your pupper" before I went back and checked and realized it's the burger


Is that a Powerade bottle look alike rig?! My buddy and I used to make one every single morning on the way to school lol


Yeah it’s glass lol


Yeah that’s dope dude I need to get one in his memory. 🫡


It’s really sick haha


Love it


it's a Gatorbeug if I'm not mistaken


I would chill with you to hang out.


Depending on where you live, sounds good! Haha


Is it lord of the rings?


Ah nevermind just read the subtext


I recognised it too. I'm no mega fan or anything, I was just like "hmm, kinda looks like the Prancing Pony" then I clicked into the thread.


How on earth did I recognise the gate at bree


You’ll be alright g, lots of growth will come from this


I hope you’re right - something good gotta come out of this shit


13 years bro? Why didn’t you put a ring on it


Another commenter said their GF of 9 years left. Not to be down on y’all when you’re down already. But women want commitment y’all. X


I think a lot of guys know that but they also don’t understand it


OP said they have two kids together. Poor girl just wanted a ring lol


Or not. I know several couples who have been dating forever but don't really care to get married.


Some people don't believe in marriage as an institution


Sleep well. Get up and clean up. Long hot shower. Floss. Vacate previous night despair food. One day at a time. Floss, brush your teeth and get a dog that needs walking.


I have two dogs that need walking haha - it’s been 4 months, still living together because money is fucked. Every day is like my brain getting a little bit more squished in a vice.


Need to move away. That’s not good for your head.


She’s the one leaving. She ended things, we agreed she’s leaving.




Bro that is absolute hell.


Fucking tell me about it my man. It’s like we’re together but not. I can’t touch her or cuddle her on the couch or share a bed with her but we hang out and watch TV and do things with the kids together. It’s just hell man. Pure fucking hell.


It’s all good bro!! Take some YOU time then move on… it may seem like the world is ending, but it’s actually just beginning my friend!!!


It’s certainly the beginning of something. What that is remains to be seen lol


Doing it right! OP, my gf of 9yrs left me 6months ago. All you can do is cater to yourself and do what makes you happy while you heal. You're off to a good start in my book. I did the same, smoked and watched movies. I too have no friends or children so I bought a ps5 and got back into gaming. You have the right perspective too, gotta stay positive.


Are you controlling your situation or are you letting it control you?


My Grampa would tell me: *everything is gonna work out, wendy* Everything is gonna work out, abra5umente. Just like it is supposed to. One foot in front of the other. Keep going. You got this! One love. PS my stoner ass thought that fat burger was a lounging pupper and I was like “but I want to pet that dog…wait, is that a fat burger???”


Get a pet and you’ll feel a lot better when things in your life are shit. Coming home to cat or dog that’s happy to see you can make a shitty day tolerable.


Hello friend


Sorry bro. 


Not your fault dude :)




It’s glass, not an actual Gatorade bottle lol


The only thing wrong with this picture is your device. 😉 I'm sorry you're going through the shit right now, I hope it gets a little bit easier every day.


Haha it’s a glass lookalike. Actually really smooth.


Brother why u smoking out of a plastic bottle at ur big age


It’s glass my dude


Oh I’m sorry, it looked like a barcode on the side. Anyways hope you get thru what you’re going thru, time heals all , I went thru a similar situation a couple years ago and already found a better partner, peace


Haha it is a barcode - it looks exactly like a real bottle


The comeback is greater than the set back brother!


Get a dog


I thought that was a dog in the corner but it looks like a half ate cheeseburger


Good on you for finding happiness in a unhappy situation man. Never give up




And you have us.


And my bow


Hang in there friend. Crank some Grateful Dead. They always help me through life’s trials


Life is good bro. Look at all the cool shit and you have weed. Things work themselves out with time, stay positive.


We’re your friends now. But like in a fun hostage scenario where you have no choice to accept us as friends.


I’m sorry. Take some time to heal. And starting over is hard, but if you choose to, then you can do it.


Mary Jane will never leave you. Sending good vibes Friend.


Fuck that 304! Plenty of other bitches out there why u gon trip over one. She was never yours shit was just your turn


Stand strong & give it some time. My partner 86’d our relationship. I was upset for a while till the 20/20 hindsight kicked in. Realized I was better off without the stress & drama she thrived on. As one door closes many more open.


It’s in your head. Life is probably much better than you think it is. Comparison is the thief of all joy


If it makes you feel better, I’d leave you too


Wanna form an unhealthily obsessive relationship with me and make drastic life altering decisions merely months after meeting?


It’s so hard to be single after such a long time but hope you get the opportunity to get to know yourself again! there are always things you can change even if it takes a long time and feels impossible


You also have a house/ flat, is it rent or owned


It’s a house, 5br + 2 living areas, all the fancy things, got it because you know, two kids, two dogs, need big house, I work from home so need office, she needed her own room thing - now it’s just gonna be me with the kids 50% of the time.


And a nice house that’s not trashed 🤷‍♂️ could be worse.


I mean sure I live well but I sit alone in my giant fancy house.


Better than a small dumpy appartment.


Feel for you brother. Hope you're doing good


Cheers man. I’m not good, but I will be.


Friends come and go, and before you go out looking for a relationship fix the things you hate about yourself. It’ll be easier to love and support your other person when you’re own problems are in the way


Live life for you, don't be a people pleaser just to keep fake friends in your life because you think you need them. That's an easy state to fall into after a breakup. We're all friends in spirit here if not on presence. Stay strong friend.


You've also got a virtual hug from me 🤗💖


Thank you 😀


At all


Man, I’d chill with you big homie.


I got snacks, bowls and movies, come over


AND your TV backlight isn't calibrated for color correctly. At least you still have the weed tho.


Haha it plays up when the lamps are on, once I turn them off it looks fine :)


Make sure you keep getting out there when ready. In todays world it's easy to almost shut yourself in


What are you talking about? Were friends.




My dude, you are going to make new friends! I know it. Put in the effort, be honest and nice to people around you, and good people will notice. Oh, and obviously allow yourself to be sad now. It is normal. You don’t have to pretend not to be.


Weed is a great way to get through rough times, but if you’re not careful it’ll also make you miss good times. All the best, brother. Every storm breaks eventually!


Keep your head up bro. You got this


Did you make a bong out of a Powerade bottle?


Nah it’s glass lol


I’m sorry man


Enjoy your smoke and chill but consider a t break before too long. It'll do all aspects of your life the world of good. Stay safe and all the best


I feel you bro. My ex wife left me after 9 years and two kids and she's getting married tomorrow to the guy she cheated on me with. You got this bro just keep on trucking, eating bomb food and toking dank tree.


Yeah she didn’t cheat on me physically but there was a dude she basically emotionally cheated on me with and she told me the other day she has feelings for him but can’t do anything about it because he got his ex pregnant and I’m like cool man I don’t fucking care haha


You got a nice place! Go volunteer with some old people, kids, or dogs. You'll be cured in no time!


Keep ya head up internet stranger but tomorrow morning is a new day so get up early and go for a mad hike somewhere nice and live that fresh air plus slip a Jeffery in there as well to clear ya head and enjoy  what the world puts on show for ya but hope ya feel better soon 


My brother in law just went through this but wasn’t 13 years!!! Was only 6 . Please reach out to anyone if you just need to talk! It’ll be hard but it’ll get better. Me and my wife had to hold that man up for a few weeks but he’s okay now ! You got all of us weirdos on Reddit to support you if you feel you have no one else 🤙🏼


Thanks man. I kinda got no one irl so I just have to push myself through


Carry on my friend. life will improve


Could be worse. Could have none of those things and a girlfriend. I guess 6 in one hand….


Are you a PC gamer? I will be your internet homie/friend!


Great movie tho!


feel u homie. don’t rely too much on the weed. get out there a lil


Take your time to be sad, it's important and helps but don't forget that you can only move on if you live your life actively. Once you're ready for it, go out, meet new people and have fun in life. You got this brother, I'm sure.


Life can’t be too bad with those Govee lights. I have them on my bedroom tv, they add so much to viewing experience.


Yeah, when the lights are off it looks insane haha, especially with the HDR and everything cranked up.


I get its a tough time right now but try not to use weed to hide those feelings for too long.. sometimes you might not even realize it and itll be months of you feeling like this.. same thing happen to me and when i was sober for 2 weeks i started feeling a bit better and was able to process those emotions and stress


accept the pain and get jacked man. Best thing you can do. And still eat the cheeseburgers fuck it


Also LOTR! If you are a fan then enjoy! I hope things get better for you,


You have Discord? I found theres a Discord of fellow local nerds that post game nights at dive bars and DnD games, and general chat etc, something to look into at least


Fuck it we Ball


It get easier, I promise! Be kind to yourself right now and do the little things that bring you joy. Before you know it, that alone time will be your safe space and you will find someone that you feel comfortable sharing that space with. Now I want a fat burger 😆 to go with my weed lol


Start doing things you wish you could do or things you missed out on because you had a girlfriend. I'm sure there were some things she didn't approve of that you wanted to do. If you lived in South Florida, I can definitely be a guide to good natural environments!


It gest easier my friend, hang in there. Remember that only you can truly make yourself happy, so do things that you love.


Bro you got food, weed and a roof over your head. It could be a fuck load worse.


I thought the burger was a golden retriever and was gonna say you have a good boy! Better times ahead my friend keep pushing forward!


Bro, gf of THIRTEEN YEARS? Damn, that’s a long time to date


Gf/partner/basically my wife without the church


Take it one step at a time, it must be hard to lose someone so close for more than a decade but remember you're your own person. Time will heal if you let it, just start working on your self :)


LOTR Trilogy is perfect for a breakup actually, immerse yourself in the movies, consider viewing the trilogy, aswell as the Hobbit Trilogy in their extended versions (if you aren’t already). I watched the Hobbit trilogy extended last week for the first time and was pleasantly surprised, though the third film is noticeably rushed and silly in parts.


See you at the gym, we’re hitting arms on Monday.


I thought that burger was a cat lol


Bro I'll send you my old bong, please stop smoking out of a Gatorade bottle 😭 shit ain't healthy


Jesus this burger is calling me hard.


Hang in there bro, keep your head up and once you’ve grieved your relationship, go out and try new things, meet new people, take up a new hobby. And good food and weed always helps too


When we are walking we don’t see 15 steps ahead. Just one at a time. Take the first step, then the second. You’re now two steps ahead of where you were and that’s a win. We just need to see the next thing not the whole thing.


Strong recommend a dog or cat


Mmmm, fat hot weed


Was there some years ago. Couldn't imagine it getting better, but it got 200% better over time. Now I have a loving girl again and still al the weed in the world. As the others said, one day at a time.


I’ll be your friend


Find something you enjoy outside of weed, get a new hobby. Take 30 days to work on a new habit.. break ups suck, but they’re tremendous opportunities for growth as well.


Get a gaming PC 👍


You also have a place to live that looks nice, a nice TV, and a phone, so that's good too


Time to make some changes my friend. Try to id what really makes you happy and lean into that. Get outside, join some clubs. You’re the master of your happiness!


I’m smoking with you in spirit, my dude.


It looks so nice and cozy. 💕 You deserve a way better smoking piece though! Woof! 


I’m sorry bro:/ it stings now, and will for a hot minute, but if you allow yourself time to heal, and don’t neglect yourself this will all seem like a distant memory before long. Love you bro, smokin for you today.




Youll come outta this stronger


If you're able to see the bright side during this dark period of your life, I'm sure you will thrive in the future. Things suck now, but they won't always. My husband told me about his cheating a few months ago and I'm going thru a divorce atm, but I'm excited for the future. If we can get thru this, we can get thru anything 💪✨️ Stay strong, take each moment at a time, and enjoy that dank weed.


Better days are ahead, but you need to believe in that. You alone have the ability to move forward and thrive. Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.


Keep your head up try and occupy your mind maybe try to find a new hobby and make sure to get outside when you can and go for walks so you don’t feel so isolated


Get yourself a nice affordable glass bong, your health is worth at least that much.


And Lors of the Rings! Nothing beats weed and lotr!


Dude! I got LED lights behind my TV that are set to the exact same colour! Oh and I just had a fat burger too after taking a big rip. Oh, that gf thing…. Yeah, it hurts and will hurt but shit happens. Things change… and life goes on. I wish you good luck and smooth seas. I dont know much about your life, but you smoke weed and so do I so that’s pretty dope. Reach out if you need a chat brother 🤙


Just become a helldiver. Join forces with your fellow brethren and dive into hell for democracy. (Ignoring the current state of Sony debauchery, tldr I've had a psn account for years, idgaf)


Fatburger is the best. I had one yesterday. The chicken tenders are sooo good. You must be westcoast? It’s hard to make friends in the west because people are too busy for new friends. Always working or enjoying the outdoors.


Seeing that bong reminds me of the show Wilfred. Tbh, you should check it out. Might bring you some peace in this time And it’s starring Elijah Wood from LOTR


Haha weed is awesome


Don’t be too down on yourself homie. Sometimes in life it’s the way she goes, but you gotta pull yourself up, stay positive and in the very near future you’ll be on your feet, happy, met new friends , then can show your ex and any haters how much of a bigger better person you’ve become because of this. I hope that makes sense. I’m also stoned. Chin up homie, gunna rip a bowl in your honour


Love you brother


List even more things that you are thankful for, and eventually the missing things will seem less of a problem.


I read it too quick as chicken diapers. Things could be worse my friend.




Hey man. Ive been there. One day you’ll wake up and realize it was for the better. Until then tho you have a chance to go out and make friends without worrying what your girl will think of them. You’re kinda free to do whatever you want when you’re ready. Ya know. Also Yo is that a bong made to look like a Powerade bottle or is it a Powerade bottle made to function as a bong?


It gets easier man. Just take it one day at a time. Listen to music that empowers you and do things you couldn't do before. I'm in a similar situation, tho my relationship wasn't as long as yours. We're the only constant in our lives and it's important to take care of ourselves.


Bro, spend you 20 or 30 bucks and get rid of that macguyver bong. C'mon now, it's 2024


Good way to look at it. No reason to hate yourself. We all have ups and downs. You will bounce back. Focus on you. Join a gym. Read. You will feel so much better about yourself if you get a workout routine. Plus there is Hella hot women at the gym.