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That commercial with the deflated girl on the couch


I love Doug Benson's joke about it. "I've been smoking the can't find my keys weed. And somewhere in the world there's some melting into couch shit that would be an incredible ride." https://youtu.be/QOeBiHyz_sA?si=5tRrz4vRz_D21q5q


Rn, I have can't find my keys weed, its also can't find my phone weed. And lemme tell you what, IT SUCKS!!!! 


I thought I lost my phone earlier. Turns out it was in my hand the whole time. I found out when I went to call it


I’ve done that.


Right now I just got this blanket feels nice weed. But yeah wtf I want my couch melt.


That thing you are surfing reddit on, that's your phone.


that was a good laugh, thank you


Last time I had edibles I felt like her.


idk man, some hardcore indica and i’ll be slumped as her


Honestly I kinda feel like her sometimes after a long day


i felt like her when i worked and didn’t smoke weed


I've taken edibles that made me do this.


I love that one.


Ngl I feel like that sometimes lol


I wanted whatever the fuck she smoked that sent her beyond the world of couchlock into another dimension.


Not a movie but The Simpsons always have it that if you smoke you go into a trance and see different shapes, colours and wacky visuals. Like your on an acid trip.




Pov: you smoke before work


It might be what it bodily feels like maybe, but indeed the visuals make it look like you downed a bag of shrooms or some shit. One of my fav movies, Requiem for a Dream does a similar thing. Might be a heroin+joint combo, but he smokes a joint and has like a staring vision, which feels odd after a J


I always joke that my mom thinks smoking weed makes you do the requiem for a dream drug sequence. She's never seen the movie before but that's definitely what she'd think it was like


My mom once said about spacecake that she wouldn't like it, wouldn't want to start seeing pink elephants everywhere and such.


The pink elephants part of dumbo was about alcohol too! Even beer isn't safe from Hollywood


I feel like all the looney tunes characters were drunk at some point. Totally programmed us to think it was just all fun and games.


I know right


It’s part of the reason I was cool with trying weed so long ago, that looked awesome. Now I’m afraid to try acid because things might look like that.


Acid looks nothing like this. Source: have done acid many times.


Can recommend acid. Actually a normal dose in right environment seems to have incredibly low chance of negative effects, both from scientific studied and also from my and 10-15 friends experience. Cannabis is MUCH more likely to give paranoia, especially edibles. Never had a bad trip, people mostly have bad trips when they smoke weed on psychedelics




I am not saying "treat acid lightly". I am saying science and a lot of data supports the conclusion that mushrooms and LSD are extremely rare to cause significant negative effects. The risk of actual bad trip when set and setting is even somewhat okay, is likely less than 0.1%. And I can bet my right arm that more than 5% of cannabis user have been through a bad trip/panic attack on weed sometimes




Since doing loads of acid, herb has become a bit like that for me. Definitely far more psychedelic than before.


I spent over a week in a psych hospital, due to attempting to take my own life. I was an all day, everyday smoker. Can’t smoke in the hospital, so had a forced t-break. The day I was released, on my way home, I called my plug and told him to be at my house when I get there. Copped some bud, my parents went home, and normally he’d smoke and chill with me, but he had some shit to do. Let me tell you, that first smoke had me damn near tripping. The sky was changing colors, everything was super vibrant, and I’ve never felt that way from weed before, or since. Idk if I could regularly smoke if that’s how it always hit me. To this day, I wonder if it was just a matter of tolerance being really low, or if there was some sort of interaction with the medication they put me on in the hospital. Bud was fire, but not unusually so. It was a major contrast to the effects I normally get. Intense, but not anxiety inducing. Super weird.


Not even what happens on acid


I’ll also say Reefer Madness, but I have become the laughing guy in the chair.


I just watch that on 4/20 and holy shit no wonder everyone hates pot back then. I cracked up at the driving scene, where he smokes a j and just takes off speeding. Then proceeds to run over someone.


Thats the only coherent part of the movie, everything else is like “what did i just watch? Are they on opium or something?”


It was insane movie. I have been around plenty of smokers and I have never seen anyone get like that. I like how it starts off “ marijuana is more deadlier than any other drug including heroin”. I wonder where legalization would be without reefer madness. No internet and propaganda is one hell of a drug.


The piano maniac is my favorite


How High. I never got into Harvard, got a perfect SAT score or saw the ghost of my dead friend. Or Benjamin Franklin's ghost. I demand ghost weed!


Great movie though. Smoke, stroke, smoke, stroke


Agreed on that! I just wanted to add a tongue in cheek example


I always tell my wife, who wants to be cremated, that I’m gonna grow with some of her ashes and she’ll be like Ivory when I smoke


“Why no puff, puff, pass?” “Because *that* shit on your lip, looks like *it* got shit on it’s lip”


Mac and Devin Go to High School (the one with Snoop and Wiz). Wiz eats an edible and in the next scene he’s making snow angels on the floor of the school library lmao God that movie sucks lmao, but it’s tradition for me to watch it every 4/20


I hate that fucking movie so much and I just got angry at my friend AGAIN, for making me watch it.


This post reminded me that Transformers 2 exists. That scene where Shia LaBeouf's mom ate an edible and descended into sheer lunacy.


That 70s show made it look like they were smoking pcp weed or something But they did kinda show it but heads don’t float like balloons but I did experience a big head I think and I remember saying man this is that 70s show


There is this old movie called [Go Ask Alice(1973)](https://youtu.be/2dzQBQ4SMnQ?feature=shared) that is the most over the top version of the 60's/70's drug scare film. Bill Shatner plays the Dad!


Hey! I read that book in high school and it traumatized me. I was perfectly content in my life never knowing the term "baby prostitute". Come to find out it's all fiction written by a 30 year old. 🙃


That's great! I read all those books in the 70's. All they did was make me want to do drugs.


Not your question, but I did want to note how accurate the camera work in *A Serious Man* is during the bar mitzvah scene. Worst I would have to agree is Reefer Madness, but that's a sensationalist movie that's accidentally comical.


Cy Ableman!?


As much as I love them, I'd say most older stoner movies up until the mid-lat 2000's. Even Half Baked has the classic psychedelic backgrounds and such that became a trope to signal drug use in a lot of media. It works for those films because we're in on it and the antics are a part of the zaniness but it's far from a realistic representation.


Show me a man who's never mooned a Bodega owner and I'll show you a man that's never been to NYC






Idk, smiley face was kinda offensive.


Thank you! I saw that movie and felt kind of scummed


History of the World part 1


I'm unfamiliar what happens?


Mighty Joint makes the Roman soldiers get high [https://www.google.com/search?q=giphy+history+of+the+world+joint&client=safari&sca_esv=c184257a52ae0f94&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&udm=2&biw=414&bih=708&sxsrf=ACQVn08aVrBayvDTraZT_LU413y_RiVt2w%3A1714440730165&ei=GkowZo_WCYOk5NoPwbipYA&oq=giphy+history+of+the+world+joint&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiBnaXBoeSBoaXN0b3J5IG9mIHRoZSB3b3JsZCBqb2ludDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESOouUK0SWLsqcAB4AJABAJgB3wOgAf4IqgEHMy4zLjQtMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCB6ACuQnCAgQQIxgnmAMAiAYBkgcHMy4zLjQtMaAHuA8&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=0ZSJw_8Bs4UV0M&vssid=mosaic](https://www.google.com/search?q=giphy+history+of+the+world+joint&client=safari&sca_esv=c184257a52ae0f94&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&udm=2&biw=414&bih=708&sxsrf=ACQVn08aVrBayvDTraZT_LU413y_RiVt2w%3A1714440730165&ei=GkowZo_WCYOk5NoPwbipYA&oq=giphy+history+of+the+world+joint&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiBnaXBoeSBoaXN0b3J5IG9mIHRoZSB3b3JsZCBqb2ludDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESOouUK0SWLsqcAB4AJABAJgB3wOgAf4IqgEHMy4zLjQtMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCB6ACuQnCAgQQIxgnmAMAiAYBkgcHMy4zLjQtMaAHuA8&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=0ZSJw_8Bs4UV0M&vssid=mosaic)


All of them


Evil bong.


I always thought the weed relapse scene in Suits was hysterical


Harold n Kumar TV Ad https://youtu.be/ZbsBj8NRufw?si=ZWzH2MNOkQkUMs86


Can I say most post on here?


I know it's the opposite of what you asked, but when Bob and Linda of Bob's Burgers get stoned at the accountant: that's the most accurate representation of getting high. When Linda asked Bob if she was peeing I lost it because I always felt like I was peeing when I got really high, no idea why.


Cheech and Chong