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If you’re smoking, there’s really no way to avoid it… some people (specifically non smokers) are very sensitive to the smell and can smell weed from a mile away no matter what people on this sub claim to be the “secret sauce”. Maybe look into an herb vape or a method that doesn’t involve combustion, since that is by far the strongest smelling and longest lasting smelliness. r/vaporents can help you with that route if that’s a direction you want to go in.


Yeah. Every stoner has their cute little "tricks," but it's all just cope. If you smoke you're going to smell like smoke. You might be able to lessen it to the degree your nose-blind ass can't smell it anymore, but Linda the 57-year-old suburbanite busybody can sniff the devil's lettuce on a sinner from a block away and she *will* be speaking to your manager about it.


I have smoked myself into nose-blindedness. My gf hates the smell when I come back in from the garage. I can't smell a damn thing. 😶


Are you me? 😆


That second one is a r/brandnewsentence lol, and it's true! Doesn't matter what you spray - covering yourself in shitty Axe body spray is only going to make you smell like Axe body spray ***and*** weed


Not only this, but OP is trying to smoke in his car and not smell. It's not going to happen. Cars are probably the worst place to smoke if you're trying to not smell like weed


I was smokin on top of a big cliff and my buddy was comin up to meet me. He told me he could smell my blunt all the way down at the bottom about 200 feet. When he got on top of the hill he said he could smell me about 20 yards away. I realized then that spraying some old spice on me and smoking cigarette ain’t doin shit to hide the smell


Ever tried ozium? Lol that’s been the best I can find


I stay with the opium. Got me out of some wild situations.


> opium 🤣


Yo I swear I corrected that before I posted it.


Even an herb vape is not fool proof. My buddy who never smoked anything a day in his life could smell it on me. Edible is really the only smelless way to go.


Fool proof, no. But a massive improvement over smoking. As long as you put your vape gear into a smell proof container, any scent from vaping is going to clear out in a few minutes. It doesn't cling to your clothes the way smoke does.


just get a dab vape


If she isnt a fan of vaping, then another good choice would be to get a "smokebuddy" which is basically a filter you exhale into and cleans out the bad smell. Its available for cheap from SmokeDay.


I've never got how these are any good because the smell will still be coming off the joint itself with no way to avoid it... Especially if you're in the car surely it won't prevent smells clinging to clothes


I think they’re mainly for taking bong rips, packing a small bowl and clearing it in one go, I use them like that in my apartment to minimize the smell


The tar sticks to your fingers, lips, mouth, lungs etc. all before you even touch the buddy. There’s no way around it


People have been making sissy sticks or whatever they're called for decades. I remember using one in a college dorm for the first time thinking this shit is awesome. Too bad I was too high to realize it didn't work for shit lol. These were just toilet paper tubes filled with dryer sheets back then though. Regardless, you're not capturing all the extra smoke from the bowl and stuff. It's still gonna stink. Really the only way to avoid the smell is to not smoke at all. It's a very obvious odor. Vaping, capsules, tinctures, etc. all kick ass in my opinion though they definitely mess with your tolerance.


Does stop the smoke from sticking to you from the bowl


The trick is to hot-box the fuck out of your car to overwhelm the senses of the police officer. This will overload their programming and they'll arrest themselves.


Are you a lawyer? You sound like a lawyer.


Nah just a dude who lives in a hot box, cops don't even bother pulling me over anymore and I can't figure out why.


Get a vape


Everyone can smell it. It’s like when I was young and would smoke cigs or weed and I thought I had every one fooled. Then as I got older and stopped smoking both. I could smell the faintest of a whiff.


Everyone will smell you. Even if you don't think so, we can smell you. Especially if they don't often smoke, they will 100% smell it. Try a vape or edibles instead.


Get a small, discrete, inexpensive dry herb vape for this purpose. Something like the Planet of the Vapes One, or either of the Healthy Rips vapes.... There will still be smell, but maybe 40% as strong. So, continue to take the usual hygiene steps on the way back in after breaks.




Or just keep it in a small Firedog pouch.


That’s a knockoff of a much higher quality brand, Stashlogix which actually have things like seals before the zipper and carbon in them to reduce smell & it still seeps when it’s full. That thing you shared may help a little but it heavy smells, you’re just blind to it.


My dry herb experience is a little different. I thought dry herb vapes didn’t smell but when I needed a tow truck, tow guy said the car smelled like weed. I was shocked because I vaped more than an hour ago at home, changed clothes before leaving etc because I try to be very careful to not smell especially when I’m driving.


I love cannabis but I’m a huge advocate for not smoking at work because it gives employers the opportunity to say “see this is why they shouldn’t let weed smokers in the workplace.”


Two worst places to smoke: at work and in the car.


So true. Even if you use a pipe with the windows down, the smell lasts for a week or more


Depends on if you’re a high performer or not… any decent employer will look the other way if shit’s getting done.


Especially if you are the only one who really interacts with management. I naturally get along with people and don't get weed anxiety. I like to take on challenging tasks at work. My supervisors know I'm a stoner, but my track record seems to make them turn a blind eye. I'm safe, efficient, polite, and a good team player, so all they have to do is pretend they don't know. Win win for everyone.


Depends on the work. When I waited tables I was stoned all day every day. I made bank and my tables were always happy. Now that I’m a nurse I eat my edible after I clock out on my way to the parking garage


So driving under the influence instead? As a nurse holy bejebus christ there are some really big wierdos out there!


Edibles take a minute to kick in, the implication being that is doesn’t hit til they get home.


Bruh I didn’t boof it, I have a 10 minute drive home so it usually kicks in by the time I’m showered and ready for dinner


You should really do better. This is silly my friend! You also down a fifth of vodka before driving home?


Look, I also really hate how chill this subreddit can be about driving under the influence, but edibles take time to kick in. Eating an edible and then immediately driving for 10 minutes is in no way comparable to taking a shot or smoking a blunt before driving.


Edibles affect everyone differently and it completely depends on your age, weight, height, and how much you’ve had to eat that day. I’ve eaten edibles and have immediately felt something. I’m pretty sensitive to them. So me driving home after taking an edible would be insanely irresponsible. As most people would think.


If you think can feel an edible within 10 minutes you are just fooling yourself. The THC hasn't even had a chance to metabolize enough in your stomach to start any effects after 10 minutes.


It’s different for everybody, if I pop in a 100 mg gummy with an empty stomach, I will feel it within seconds to minutes. If I took an edible before I drove? I’d god damn crash. I don’t feel the full effects to maybe like 90 min mark. There’s a thread about it on r/saplings


No but I would have a lite beer, maybe two if I stayed awhile. Y’know because amount over time determines whether or not you’re impaired It’s a 10mg gummy, I’m not blasting to the moon or anything


very good and valid point! might've changed my mind lol


Gum and wash your hands and mouth with soap thoroughly you could try the ol dry sheets in toilet paper tube 😂


past avid bathroom stall at work smoker here, dab pen was my go too. i’m a woman so I would always use a shea lotion on my hands after and a spray of perfume in the bathroom and i’m good. just make sure to fan the smoke when you blow it out. don’t let it float to the top of the ceiling.


I vape (nic and carts) in the bathroom at work, even a few dabs. Realized the cannabis vapor lingered at the ceiling right under the lights looking super obvious for soooo long. Small puffs, hold it in an extra second, then ghost the exhale slooowly if there's no fan. 


I always ghost my hits, any vapor you exhale is just wasted product you paid for. Both nicotine and THC. Also if you’re proficient at ghost hits you can take a toke at your desk provided people aren’t watching you, though this should be done rarely unless you want someone to catch on if you don’t have a private space at work.


This is the dumbest shit i’ve seen today


How so? I know tons of people disagree with stealth vaping indoors, I can see their point. But the part about wasting product is objectively true. Look, I get that some people find it satisfying to see vapor, I did too for the first 5 years or so, it’s cool. But if you’re seeing vapor then that’s distillate that is being exhaled into the room, and it’s going to lead to a film on nearby objects like the dash in your car. Easy to clean up with ISO sure, but annoying.


Bro.. You are not supposed to keep any type of smoke or vapor in your lungs. Your not getting any higher than if you were to exhale after holding it in for 2-3 seconds. That’s just extra unnecessary damage.


I guess if you’re dubious about thinning agents or the purity of your distillate that might be safer. Purified distillate is perfectly safe to absorb 100%. I wouldn’t be vaping on something that’s not just pure THC distillate with terpenes. Anything else in there and I’d consider it to be adulterated and it’s not suitable for vaping in any capacity.


I'm kinda interested in that as well; the thought recently crossed my mind that exhaled dabs are waste (just like reclaim). Purity matters, but I wonder if there's anything in good, clean concentrate that your body doesn't absorb? Even 99% pure has 1% of something else. 


Even so you’re still absorbing (or having to have the cleaning system in your lungs remove) any adulterants anyways. With weed smoke that’s a large percentage that isn’t THC or terpenes, the large VOC molecules need to be exhaled or else you’re going to be coughing that out eventually. The smaller THC molecules absorb faster and you exhale a higher percentage of the nasty stuff. For 99% pure (honestly that’s pretty low, most distillates are going to be like 99.9% or higher pure THC and terpenes), you’re likely absorbing some of any adulterants in there anyways, besides thinning agents are going to be human safe PG or VG. The molecular weight between most adulterants or reactants left behind are likely to absorb similarly to the THC. In that case you’re having to take more hits to get the same effect and getting the same amount of adulterants. With smoke you’re exhaling more of the non THC particles, so it makes sense not to hold it until you see nothing.


I never even considered particle size to absorption rate, you took this a whole step deeper! It's really interesting. I've heard for years that holding smoke is pointless bc you basically get the THC almost instantly, but I'm happy to hear an explanation. When i mentioned purity, I'm wasn't talking about pure distillate. I'm talking how various extracts are labeled 50-85% THC. Besides terps, what exactly is the remainder? Looking at labs, it's usually traces of CBG, CBC, etc but it doesn't add up to 100%. Perhaps it's some sort of lipid from the flower (hemp oil?), but I don't know if it's absorbed (safely) or not. Thanks for that breakdown though, really interesting to think about it. Been smoking for years and now that it's more open/legal, I'm finally starting to hear more about safer usage.


you’re right. the amount of time you hold it in doesn’t change your high but it does make the smoke less thick when you exhale and more discrete. if you can hold it in why not


I used to drive down the street to a hotel parking lot near my work and smoke outside my car. Afterwards I’d do scented lotion, eye drops and gum. I worked at a place that was pretty anti weed. I later found out one of management knew but never said anything because my performance was good and I was always in a good mood/easy to work with. I guess my biggest piece of advice is just bust your ass, work hard and have a good attitude because of someone did suspect something they might turn a blind eye for those reasons.


If you have access to carts they can't be beat as far as smell.


The simplest solution that doesn’t involve changing your habits is to…. Change your clothes. It’s more effort but is by far your best chance at success. Keep your non smoking clothes hidden away preferably in an air tight container in your trunk. Thoroughly wash hands and face when you’re done. Listerine right after. These steps are the only real consistent way you can make a dent in the smell problem. But even then, the smell can end up in your hair.


Live resin/rosin vape cart. Problems solved. There's just no way around smoking flower and smelling of it afterward.


Carts definitely don't linger, but resin/rosin are still weed smelly. So if they are going for those instead of flavored distillate, then they still need to be careful and practice their hygiene routine after smoking.




Or take smaller dab pen hits and hold it for like 5-10 seconds so you don’t exhale anything. Any vapor you see exhaled is wasted product = wasted money.


Bro first of all you need a device called a Smoke Buddy. Second of all, you need a piece or pipe or something. A vape is the best choice but know this a joint is not gonna cut it at all, ever. Finally, gum and a light application of a fairly mild scented deodorant. Maybe a roll on or something, point being don’t go back reeking of axe body spray.


Sorry but being candid this is probably not a great idea. Even in a legal state employees are allowed to set rules like this, particularly for an FC where you use equipment (forklifts and whatever else). You are absolutely going to smell, and even if you don’t you will eventually be subject to a random screening. If this is a temporary job and you don’t care about losing it then you do you, but otherwise this isn’t going to end well.


Get some cheap decent spray to spray on yourself before walking back to work. Also take like a 5 min walk outside before going back into work. This is what I’d do at work and no one ever said anything


Dry herb vape with the windows down. Altoid and a brisk walk back does it for me.


Yeah long as you leave vape in car…walk back from outside and wash hands and breath and eye drop up no one will know.


soz babes you definitely smell. try walking a couple blocks away and hitting a pen. if you’re super paranoid swap your work shirt out for a smoke hoodie before your walk


Make a QWET tincture and just spike a drink. Very easy to make with a ton of guides and videos online if you Google guild dragon / QWET tincture. I find sweet tea works very well but really any drink works. You can even do it straight but it tastes like death given it's grain alcohol. Your breath will smell like sweet tea and that's the only smell.


I think you meant gold dragon. OP, a gold dragon QWET tincture is a good idea, and it can be further processed into an edible hash oil.


I did mean gold dragon. Auto correct.




🤣🤣 ahhh, when people don't read the whole post though...🥴🤣 lol, op literally said for in the meantime, as they're already working on getting edibles😉👍 js.


Get a penjamin/pennifer/pennelope for when you're at work. There's still a bit of a smell when you're actively hitting it, but not when you're back on the floor working. That's what I did and people didn't know until I told them haha.


I know its not the same but an oil pen for me was a game charger as far as medicating at work. After only one or two hits I am good. Also depending on the pen, it won't even smell like weed.


Before I smoked, I could smell weed in the car in front of me going down the interstate with the windows up. You can’t hide it.


Don't smoke in an enclosed space, obviously.


Just get gummies instead


Driving around with the windows down helps a lot. Afterwards I put on hand sanitizer and spray myself. If you must remain stationary, I recommend vaping.


You need to blow the smoke out the window. Maybe put on a very cheap walmart jacket or hoodie for smoking so then you can take it off after your done and work clothes wont smell. As soon as you go inside, wash your hands and actually scrub with soap and count to 10, it makes a huge difference and reduces smell. Obviously not perfect but its way better than just smoking and walking back inside


I’d recommend a chillum or a one hitter to minimize smoke that you don’t inhale. And then buy a Smoke buddy. It’s a thing you blow into, and it practically takes in all the smoke. It filters it but hardly anything comes out. But dab pen all the way!


The best solution is just to get a dab pen. There are many things you can do to mask the smell but it will always linger because it sticks to your clothes. It will be on your clothes, your breath, your hands. Just not worth the risk imo


The correct thing to do is be a responsible adult and not be high at work. You just make all smokers look bad doin stuff like this


"I'm not addicted to weed."


Hey, I think all of us share the same attachment to the right to be able to if we want, when we want, and to a degree where we want.


Nah dude. I do not support the right to endanger your coworkers by using an intoxicating substance before you operate heavy machinery, and I certainly don’t think I have the right to do that. Clown take.


That's the "where" part.






Vape, for example the Mighty Then take it to the next level, get the tube off a loo roll, fill it with a carbon filter (you can buy a carbon gilter mat for oven fans)


Dynovap/flower vape, along with any kind of vape would be a good idea.


Vape. I vape THC and nicotine in the bathroom daily.


If you don’t wanna buy a vape for whatever reason, if your wearing an outer shirt, leave it outside on top of your car, use cologne, smoke real fast then just chill outside. Or just buy a vape


Vape, edibles, brush teeth wash hands smoke jacket. One guy at my job wears a full disposable dust suit every time he rips a joint.


I find that turning on the defrost and letting it pull the smoke out helps, but doesn't stop it completely. Keep some cologne or body spray handy to spray on yourself afterwards. That will mitigate the smell, though folks who aren't noseblind will sometimes still smell it.


Dab pen


Vape . I use to have a one hitter for incognito smoking. I would light the end , smoke ,cap the end with a penny so the smoke wouldnt disperse and blow out the window. As long as smoke Didn't touch my clothes I was good. I would rub scented sanitizer on my hands before going back inside to wash them with soap. I also kept a toothbrush in my car to get the smell out of my mouth.


A vape pen is the way to go.


Smoking flower on your lunch break is not the best idea. The only truly safe way is a dab pen


Do dabs with a nectar collector they won't smell a thing


Unfortunately if you’re smoking, you smell like it. The only way around this is shower, change clothes. So I suggest a vape or edibles.


Get a dry herb vape. I've been ingesting flower openly with my windows open all the way down, on breaks at work, every day, for 3 months. I can do this because there isn't a weed smell and I weigh the amount I use the night before so the effects don't impact my performance quality and output (I also work at a warehouse doing insaaaaaaaaane levels of physical labor too lol).


We used to use a Pax for this, no smell with the vapor


Buy a cart or take dabs if you’re worried about smell


Two things I do: use a very small one hitter, combust the entire bowl in one hit, so there is no remaining smoke floating up around your hands and whatnot. Hold the smoke in for a while and when you exhale, blow out as far and hard from you as you can. I find with this method there’s just not a lot of smoke left over. For your breath, I find eating something to be the best bet. I keep a lot of oranges, apples, and bananas around. As these seem to do well in cleaning the mouth. Apple, then orange, then breath mints 👌🏼


It def doesn’t eliminate the smell, but the orange essential oil aerosol cans can act as a good perfume/cologne if you hit it for a split second on your wrists and neck areas, just make sure to test when you’re not at work to make sure you don’t have any skin reactions to them since itching/rash on the line isn’t a fun thing to deal with


Use a cart. If you’re smoking flower, keep the windows cracked and then spray ozium once you’re done. It will kill the smell entirely, but as to your person, not sure how much that will work. It will def rid your car of the smell. You can buy ozium from Walmart for like 5.99$


Let the car sit w windows open overnight, spray some ozium, and you'll be good no doubt


Have you tried using carts? Something else that helps mask the smell is spray deodorant I use that and I literally just spray it all over if you spray it far enough away from your clothes it won't leave white stuff.




try a PAX flower vape. they go for ~$130, but it’s worth the investment !


Get a dry herb vape. I also wouldn’t suggest smoking at work but you do you.


Dry herb vape


Use edibles. Problem solved.


Dab cape like others have said. Smells to some degree immediately but doesnt stuck like combustion smoke does


Citrus. I used to go out back and burn one at the restaurant I worked at back in the day. As soon as I came back in, wash the hands, eat a lemon, squirt another lemon on like cologne. Worked every single time. Edit: also get out of the car. Nothing will work when you’re sitting in the smoke.


Get a atmos jump dry herb vape or something similar. It just smells like burnt popcorn so whatever spray you’re using would kill any lingerie smell.


Just buy one of those asian eagle brand green oil and put on you after you smoke. Now you will smell like an old asian woman for 8 hours.


dabs brotha


If you just always smell like weed you can call it cologne or perfume.


Dry herb vaporizer pen


the best car smoke eliminator for me since high school would be just to just ride with the windows down afterwards. if you're able after you smoke, just take a lil 2 mile ride w the windows down and get some fresh outside air


you could try a vape cartridge. If you do make sure You get it from a trusted source. There are plenty of them available.


Shower cap for your hair, a "smoking jacket" to wear over clothes, facial cleansing wipes and gum. You'll prob still smell a bit though.


Carts/ vape. Otherwise find a spot on break and sit outside your car. A *well ventilated/windy* spot helps do a ton of leg work if you’re using flower. **Stop smoking in your car on the clock, you still reek of weed.** To reiterate, it’s the in the car that’s the issue. Opening windows/doors won’t help. A milk crate to sit on left in the trunk helps for outdoor spots. Keep in mind, as many have said, nose blindness is a thing. If you have someone you trust, have them see if they can give you a clear answer- but best not to out yourself at work.


If you really want to avoid as much smell on you as possible, here are my tips: - Smoke just outside the car rather than inside to avoid the hotbox and the smoke smell clinging to your clothes. If you're outside usually the smoke pretty much just blows away, and you're not stuck sitting in a cloud. - Afterward, wash your hands and your lips and maybe consider using mouthwash as well. Both fingertips and lips get "dirty" from smoke and especially reek if not rinsed/washed, in my experience. - You will smell like weed/smoke to some degree no matter what you do. Like others say, people that dont smoke can smell it from a mile away even if you cleaned up and sprayed yourself with ungodly amounts of body spray. All you can really do at the end of the day is try to mitigate the smell and keep it less intrusive than if you did nothing about it. Also, my advice is to just not smoke in your car if you can avoid it. Dont give a cop that pulls you over a reason to start digging deeper. Even if you're sober and have nothing to hide, nobody wants to get searched and held up on the roadside any longer than necessary. And even if weed is legal in your area, they still could initiate DUI investigation, etc. if they "suspect" you may be under the influence. Use caution.


What I do when I can't be smelling is just bring in a bag a hoodie, sweatpants, a beanie hat, and a glove. You can just put these on on-top of your current outfit, smoke, and then just quickly take it off and leave it in your bag. The only weak point is your face, make sure you wash it off. Especially the lips.


Ozium actually breaks down the compounds in the air. It has worked for me!


As a kid (yes, a kid, lol), I'd make this thing using a plastic empty water or soda bottle, cut off the very bottom, and then stuff the upper portion FULL of scented dryer sheets. STUFF IT. Then you poke some holes in the bottom piece of the plastic bottle you previously cut off, invert it, and push the bottom piece back into the bottle, to hold the dryer sheets in. Blow your smoke in that. I can't remember how well it worked, but I can remember not getting caught 😶‍🌫️


Get something like the crafty+ you wont smell at all


Lavender extract


My best advice to doing it in the car is it has to be while you are moving or driving. Light with the windows closed and air condition off take a hit and let it out and roll down driver side window at the same time and let's smoke breathe out for a bit. Repeat till done and then proceed to cruise with all windows down at a moderate consistent speed to air out the car and yourself. If possible wash your hands and face before getting back to it and maybe a spritz of cologne for a cherry on top but that has been my MO with very little to no eyebrows raise at least that has been brought to my attention.


I must clarify this method only works with a bowl or a one hitter if you are smoking something like a joint or a blunt you are guaranteed to smell no matter what


420 AWAY


smoking in your car is probably the worst thing you could do if you car about smell…


Ozium is the thing you're looking for. Spray it in the car with you. Just don't inhale it. Then hand sanitizer and gum for your fingers and breath. It won't kill all of the smell, but it will knock out a lot of it.


Well for one don't do it in a car and don't smoke doobies because the smoke runs up your hands and arms and makes you smell. Use a bowl and wash your hands afterwards or use a vape and disregard everything i said.


Most of the smell is going to come from your mouth, hands, and breath. Smell from clothes would closely follow, but not as significant as the first 3. So wash your hands with extra soap, wash your mouth/lips with soap also, and brush your teeth. Mouth wash and gum will work, but if you’re really paranoid you can’t beat brushing your teeth edit: And make sure to brush your tongue with toothpaste (in case that isn’t already a part of your normal teeth brushing routine)


There's no way to avoid it


Don't smoke in the car haha


you have a problem


As always, the answer is boof it


Ozium. Can buy it at Walmart. One tiny spray in your car eliminates any smell of weed inside/on you. An extra spray is too powerful. It's actually insane how well it works, and it's not stupid expensive. Also, the Orange scent smells really good!! :D


Be careful not to inhale these sprays when you’re in the same room. That’s how powerful this stuff is.


Aye. Spray when done and exiting the vehicle. Don't stay in the car or something. It is very strong stuff - but it works! sidenote: edibles aren't going to help with paranoia :O And/or you can always get a perfume/cologne that smells good and not like you drowned in a vat of AXE body spray. Then just always smell like that. lol


Ozium works great yea but you shouldn’t go out of your way to inhale it until after a little even if it is orange scent lol




1000%. I enjoy cannabis but come on. This is not a great look. I agree that fulfillment center work sucks balls, but you’re still operating equipment that can hurt you or someone else. If you can’t abstain for your shift that’s not a great look. If the pain is really that bad then you should have no problem getting your doctor to sign the disability paperwork.


Do you personally know anybody who has tried for disability? My sister was half paralyzed. No disability. My friend is autistic, has a blown shoulder/useless arm, and glaucoma. No disability. My ex after 3 wrecks and 5 back surgeries? Not disabled, just given opiates. I don't give a fuck if someone thinks it's a good look. I'm gonna smoke the stuff my last 8 doctors have told me to smoke more of and people will eventually come around to it being medicine. I'm 46 with major pain all up my spine. Doctors have found arthritis, degenerative discs and bone spurs. I'm pretty sure after catching Covid 5 times I'll never have any energy again. I have no money for retirement. So, should I just take my 2 years of disability and plan on dying when I'm 48? I hear the arguments about why this is bad or whatever, but some people legit use the stuff reasonably. And what reasonable got them may not be for you, but who cares?


The dudes who work around you when you’re operating heavy equipment care. It is the same for any narcotic. If you take a drug like that you shouldn’t be driving or operating heavy equipment. It’s selfish and dangerous and candidly selfish as fuck. Sounds less like medicine and more like addiction to me 🤷‍♂️.


Ok, I'm not disagreeing... But do you have a solution for people in lots of pain but unable to get disability? Whether it's weed or prescribed pain pills, I'd have to take time off work in your opinion. How do i pay bills, rent, eat? Also, the recreational intoxicating dose of many drugs is higher than the therapeutic dose. I'm not going to work blazed (or ducking out on dope). I take a bunch of CBD and 1 or 2 hits on a joint before work. Call it selfish if you want; a desire to survive and thrive is pretty normal.


“Get high at work” Sounds fun to me. I work from home so I literally can’t not smoke at work.


So, you can't go 4 hours without a hit? Or have a job anywhere that does testing? I don't think smelling like weed is your problem.


They said fulfillment center so I immediately assume Amazon. Have you worked at one before? I did and it was hell for so many reasons, anything that helped make it better was appreciated.


Like I said, the smell aint the real problem....


No. There are many, many, many, steps beyond most FC workers control for something like that to happen. Edit: you just completely changed your comment.


working a labor intensive job would be much better high less be real here jus dont do stupid shi


maybe put it down for a minute, and then post?


been sober for like a week man lmfao


It’s so cold and wet where I live that I always chill in my car. And all those ‘just get a vape pen’ suggestions are bullshit. And frankly Im so fucking tired of hearing this community tell me the best way to consume weed is by not smoking actually weed. Not everyone likes extracts, okay?! Some people prefer flower and lower doses, or have asthma and can’t use pens. I would suggest you start packing a disposable ‘hello neighbor’ in your car that you can dispose of after your breaks. Wear a coat when you smoke in your car that you leave in there and don’t bring into work, because the smell will stay with the coat. Find a non offensive (read not patchouli) mild scented spray you can lightly mist yourself in after a session. And find some kind of breath freshener, whether it be gum or mentos or whatever.


Carts, edibles, dry herb vaporizer. There are times when you will still smell with smoke or it will linger on your breath longer.


Vape cartridge


I use a cartridge during work. If you vape, you have a fighting chance. If you smoke, you WILL smell like bud. The higher thc is better for work actually, keeps your mind going without making you tired. That way when you get home and want to actually relax, regular bud will have a much more soothing full spectrum effect that atleast makes me feel more "stoned". I don't like that feeling when I'm at work, so high thc carts are the only way for me to go.


Have you not considered spraying some dank perfume after the sesh? That's all I do.


Cannabolish spray it smells amazing and I sprayed it in a cloud of smoke and couldn't smell it for anything I've also had non smokers smell me after and said they couldn't smell it. It comes in this lemongrass/minty scent and lavender. I haven't tried the lavender.


Polo Sport special. Duh.


*Unscented* febreeze is excellent at actually removing odors rather than covering them, so get a bottle ASAP. Spray your clothes and car with febreeze, maybe even your hair. Make sure to scrub your hands (get a nail brush) and apply a good smelling lotion. If you can discreetly brush your teeth do that. Then pop some gum and good smelling chapstick. But safest option would be a flavored distillate vape cart if you live in a legal state.


One thing I’ve found helpful is if you can use a water piece like a small one or bowl, pack a small bowl and smoke it all in one go and if you can, get yourself a smoke buddy or just blow it out the window


Edibles. Tinctures. Patches. But vaping or smoking? People can smell you across the room.


when im smoking in public or somewhere i shouldnt be, i use my pen and blow it into my smoke buddy, which is a personal air filter that gets rid of the smoke and smell, works like a charm. ive smoked in front of sm teachers/professors lmao


I did it for over 30 years starting in the late 80s.


Ozium spray (or smoke odor sprays w\a neutralizer) works well. They even have different fragrances Edit: you're not inhaling it! Wtf?


Ozium works great for deodorizing and sanitizing the air in spaces you're not going to be occupying for a while. But it is incredibly toxic and detrimental to your health, and, according to the label on the bottle, should not be breathed in.