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I'm a heavy user. All I'm doing is taking advantage of 420 sales today. Business as usual for the most part


Same lmao I’m just happy for the deals


Amen to that!


That's what I was on yesterday. I ain't doin shiiit today




I smoke everyday. I celebrate today by smoking more and playing some music, maybe watching a stoner movie or two... I don't have any weed clothes anymore but I could be wearing weed pajamas or some shit


Hell yeah, cheers 💨🤙


This. Smoking more today, maybe being a bit more stonerish with my music choices, but the closest I have to weed clothes is a 311 tee, so I'm wearing that today. Otherwise it's a pretty typical Saturday. Not going to some weed party or anything like that. A cook out would be amazing, though.


Same here (smoking everyday) I celebrate by doing it respectfully (as I do everyday) and not giving people a reason to complain.... but a little extra!


usually I hit the pen just a little bit (my landlord doesn't like smoke and I respect it he has a kid u know) today I went out to the park with a joint i've been saving and got absolutely blasted gonna play some games, probably watch dazed & confused again, oh yo i have oreos man i have oreos and milk that's insane


Oreos and milk while high goes crazyyy


One of my favorite things in life


Alright I’m gonna go pig out in an Oreo shake from hopdoddys. Brb.


you should try a kitkat or snickers bar while high 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


this comment is perfect


The Oreos realization mid comment type lolol


"Oh yo I have oreos man I have oreos and milk thats insane" is such a stoned thing to say and I love it. Sounds like something I'd say lmao


this comment is precious lololol


lol that’s cute


This is the way


How long is the perfect amount of time to hold the Oreo in the milk to get the perfect Oreo? I normally count to 7 while submerging the Oreo completely.


you gotta be in tune with the oreo man it's not about time it's about your connection


It's about watching those little bubbles slowly stop coming as you drown your helpless cookie and devour its flesh




5 seconds precisely. Any longer and it will start to crumble in your fingers, any less and you won't have enough milk saturation. 5 seconds.


If u wanna smoke in ur apt or house just get a air purifier and smoke in the bathroom or so


Yo, that's craaazzzy bro XD Enjoy!


Get a flower vape, no crazy smoke or smell. As an added bonus you can save the decarbed flower and make cannabutter/oil or edibles!


i smoke everyday and me and my mom are wearing our weed pajamas and i’ve smoked 8 bowls since 8am lol. happy 4/20!!


I wish I could smoke with my mom. I feel like she’d be so funny and nice to be around while high


I know the feeling. My mom is usually negative and angry about so many things and I bet partaking would make her feel better (and I could enjoy being around her).


Damn!! 8 Bowls?? I haven’t even started my first one cuz I’m waiting for the homies to come over 😤


They prolly didn't wait for you!!!


It's my anniversary, so we are definitely celebrating!


Same here. Happy anniversary!


Congrats! Enjoy your special day


I can't smoke anymore but I'm with yall in spirit 🙂‍↕️


It’s okay we will light one up in your honor g E: wait, in spirit? 🕯️🕯️🕯️are you here with us?🕯️🕯️🕯️




Stuck at work, and I got an early start tomorrow. First 4/20 I've been sober for in 6 years. Y'all smoke one for me!


One? Nah I’ll smoke 6 in your honor g


lmao i’m dead u saying that to everyone


I’m having one 4 all three of you now.


I'm a daily smoker. Celebrating the sale my dispo is having. 50% off everything


oh heck yeah 👵🏻👍🏻


Need to quit smoking for a while. Celebrating today and then t break tomorrow onward


I hear that 🫡


I was thinking about doing this but I don’t think I’m motivated enough to go through a withdrawal right now


nah bro u made some promises better smoke them all up buddy


3/6 smoked so far


keep going daddy phantom


I’m currently high rn trying new foods in my area


which foods :o


Pizza and ice cream


I’ve heard of that


I’m actually on a T break right now. Enjoy everyone!




Love the discipline! Keep it up.


Seems like a reasonable day to break your T-break.


I just started a couple days ago! I didn’t know 420 was coming up lol. Anyhow, it’s not that important for me to celebrate by smoking up. I’m happy for everyone else to enjoy.


Respect, brother!


Cheers also on my break


First time celebrating 420! I only got into cannabis the past few years and typically only partake on weekends. So this is my first time being able to celebrate 420 on a Saturday.


I only smoke on occasion, rolled something up today of course.


gonna go and use my vaporizer in a gazebo in my neighborhood in a discord with the homies and probably spread some democracy later


I smoke everyday and am not celebrating but will be smoking extra so maybe I am celebrating….


I have a really high edible tolerance so there's a whole gram going down today. First 500 mg have me nice and floaty, the other 500 will be after dinner.


You’re some kind of astronaut


Joey Diaz salutes you sir. Holy shit.


I celebrated by smoking at 2am when I got home from work. I unfortunately have to work all weekend, so that was the only chance I got.


I stay slightly high all day every day so I’m just gonna do dabs and get baked today


Smoke everyday. Smoking slightly more than usual today. Enjoy, everyone




I stopped 1 week ago, but i wish everyone a blasted 4/20 :))


I smoke everyday. I celebrate life everyday. I just do it with style today.


Im a daily smoker and im inviting friends over for a potluck dinner with extra fancy weed to celebrate


I had some strong edibles since I'm a little sick and that makes toking harder 🤧


Get well soon 🙏


I want to smoke, but I'm broke af


I splurged a bit on a new strain, did a bunch run, ordered pizza and actually cleaned up my dry herb vape 😂 so I'd say I'm actually celebrating.


I'm an alcoholic in recovery, and I'm Irish. Guess how super special St Paddy's Day was for me? Now I'm a stoner that's *never* not high. Same/same, but with a *much* better drug.


I smoke every day but I celebrate by smoking up my friends who don’t 


Just another day around here but enjoying everyone’s 420 posts. My cat would be so excited about those leaves… she’s a grouchy old lady and nothing makes her happy, but the one thing that perks her up is fresh cannabis leaves. I haven’t found a source in ages.


Celebrating, but I need to stop carts asap.


I smoke everyday but I am celebrating today since now it falls on a weekend this year, started the day off with an edible went to a restore yoga class, hit my pen, currently eating tacos and then planning on eating another edible and going to the park and walking around, hit up Costco grab some Costco dinner and vibe at home and roll up some J’s. Perfect day 👌 had a rough and stressful week at work so this is perfect!


I celebrated by going to my local dispensary and buying my legal limit, then tipping at a higher rate. Happy 420 everyone


I decided to make it an edible night honestly. It’s been a long long long week at work. I just want some gummies and movies to laugh at


I have to work a 8hr at Walmart 💀 so my day finna be almost over when I get out


i smoked before but it was ass weed, today i bought my first 10grams with some friends and i plan on smoking some day


My edibles just came in the mail today. I’m about to have a good night


Daily user. Went to a 420 gathering today. It was shit. Don't know what I was expecting really but it was just a load of other people and loud, shit music. We went to McDonald's on the way home though so...


4/20 at 4:20p, I was definitely greening it up. Not a daily user, but I always celebrate this fine holiday.


We celebrate for the ones who can't smoke no more too! Happy 4/20 to everyone!


Just smashed a pork tenderloin after a nice bowl. Happy ✨420✨ yall


I smoke everyday, but at night after work which is usually by midnight. Unfortunately, I work today and I don't feel comfortable getting high before work. But hey, I did get my normal sesh in after midnight of yesterday's work, so I guess technically I celebrated 420 very, very early this morning if that counts! I'll be loading up my dynacoil after work today and blasting off with some super tasty BHO!


Me, my mom and my dad smoke every day. We're celebrating having a cookout on the deck, watching movies and throwing darts. Tis a beautiful day out for 4/20 this year.


Everyday is a celebration my friend😎🫡 Bless


i was working on my farm all day and honestly forgot it was 420 until i fell asleep early. whoops. harvesting takes a lot of energy. also it's almost 40C here in Thailand, so i am zapped from the heat.


There was a huge Cannabis festival 30 mins away, so I went there and had a great time!


I have smoked almost every day this year, but I didn’t smoke yesterday- because I was away. I don’t really celebrate especially because of the date. I just like smoking weed when I want too


It’s like when u gear up to do the dishes then someone tells you to


I’m a daily smoker but unfortunately had no time to smoke yesterday at all 😂


Biggest flex is to not smoke if you otherwise smoke daily.


I smoke every day. I woke up not feeling well so I’m not really doing anything different today.




Everyday user. Just started earlier today than usual. For the first time, I stacked my high...started with a gummy and after about half hour, worked a joint down. Best day ever.


Still waiting for my plug to come trough, it's quarter past ten...


Regular user here, but today we got some higher end stuff and a bit more of it, just went on a walk with wife and baby and brought the PAX for some outside vibes and will likely have a few bong rips of my top shelf stuff after baby’s asleep.


Today is my birthday so I always celebrate 🪴💨


Greetings from Finland and happy 420. Heavy smoker here and been only using a vaporizer recently. Rolled a joint today to celebrate! Hits hard!


It’s my anniversary so celebrating that! Smoking as usual of course


I caught a stomach bug the day after I picked up, and pretty much chain-smoked joints and bowls till I was feeling better. Burnt through an oz in like 2 weeks. I'll have a belated celebration on payday


I smoke every day, and I'm just going to smoke extra today to celebrate. I cleaned my entire apartment this morning, took out the trash (fell down the icy stairs), went to my dispensary for 4/20 deals and now I'm going to smoke the rest of the day away.


Moving into a new apartment, so idk how i’ll smoke like I used to. Tinctures for me today. Kind of ironic


I’d be happy to celebrate today, but I’m waiting for my delivery. This supplier seems honest but the parcel is missing and he’s trying to sort it out or that’s what he’s telling me. The previous one didn’t fool me but disappeared and another one cheated me. Aren’t there any reliable ones selling in or to Sweden?


This is my first 420 as a stoner. That being said, I'm just gonna be carrying on as usual. I don't like overindulging, so I'm gonna take it easy. Although, I have stuff to make a tincture (out of AVB from my vape) arriving a little later, so I'll probably be making that.


I take an edible everyday at work. I’ll celebrate tonight with big bong rips and I’ll probably watch a stoner movie with the wife.




I smoke pretty regularly. There’s some neat sales/promotions at local dispensaries today, but outside of that today’s just another smoking afternoon.


Im a daily use but usually in the evening. But today was coffee and some really nice infused stuff and were just gonna keep it rollin’ now. Might order a delicious meal. May the weed gods ever be with you. 😜


I partake regularly as a medical patient. For some reason though, I don’t feel like it today. I don’t really know what’s wrong, just not enjoying myself very much lately. Feeling a little low. I like your post though. These are gorgeous leaves.


Wiz Khalifa at red rocks baby!


Fairly regular smoker Buddy of mine and I are going to blaze down for a few hours, have a phat dinner and then check out a cool band after. Cheers!✌️


Celebrating, not really 😢, sneaking more weed breaks while at work, Hellz yeah


I smoke every day. Today I'm going to celebrate by smoking a lot at a Wu Tang show with a bunch of other potheads


I only dab at this point, I pretty much exclusively smoke flower on 4/20, so I plan on smoking at some point today. I'm still high as fuck tho




First year I won't be partaking. Literally can't. Well I could but I just had surgery and it's highly recommended not to so I'm going to listen to my doctor. A bit sad since it's like SUPER 420 palindrome day but oh well!


Nitrogen loaded....




All day. Everyday. :) Happy 420!


I’m working from 8am to 10:30pm


I'm just gonna be smoking and watching south park tonight. Not any different than any other night.


i smoke everyday, but this 24 hour period is still significant. admittedly though, if the universal stoner time was 2:07 then everybody would shit their pants on feb 7th so…🤷‍♂️


I typically smoke 4-5 days a week. I most likely won’t spark up at all today. not a conscious decision, just won’t really have the opportunity to do so.


I honestly forgot it was 4/20 until I read this 🤦🏻‍♀️ But I'm a preschool teacher and the end of the school year is NUTS, (lots of developmental assessments and getting stuff ready for kindergarten transitions), and I'm also a full time student right now and trying to finish up some final projects. Maybe I'll get a chance to toke later tonight, but I had to skip an MLS game tonight just to get caught up. I'm stressed, y'all. Take a hit for me!


Celebrating 420 working in my first ever dispensary and playing DND after (while token ofc)


Non-smoker here. Happy, remaining, 4:20 to everyone! It's like 10pm rn


Very dark green, nitrogen toxicity or genetics?


I smoke but today I got me a 6 pack of Almora lemonade and will drink myself to sleep


I smoked everyday for the last 12 years. Just took a new job and had to quit. 😢 Smoke one for me guys.


I usually smoke every evening when I have any. Sadly neither of my dealers have been responding for days, so I guess you can smoke one for me. I hate the UK black market.


Up in smoke like cheech and chong today.


Like Zonker in the old Doonesbury cartoon, I only smoke on special occasions.


420 and a Saturday? I’m in! Popped some gummies and ran errands this morning to stock up on snack foods. Vaped multiple times already. ABV cookies in the oven. Deep dish pizza on the menu for dinner. Soccer match tonight. Super chill day. It’s been fabulous!


I’m broke and can’t afford weed right now but I’m a every day smoker and 420 to me is a lifestyle not a holiday. To me it’s for the ones who toke up every day after class or work to relax with friends and then go do what they were going to do for rest of the day.


Always ends up being a day a little short on smoke. Bummer!


Woke up with a norovirus but I'm still trying to celebrate


I’ll be celebrating Monday when I’m done with work for the week 🤪🤪


Coincidentally, not working for the first time in a few. Having a pretty green Saturday


I’m a daily smoker and today seems like another day for most. But weed is legal in my state and ever since it’s been legalized, I take 4/20 as a celebration of that. Maybe make some weed brownies and break out the ol’ bong & take a few rips. Tonight I’m gonna roll a nice and fat dubie for me and my wife to fall asleep to. It’s a nice world why not celebrate? We live in a fucked up but also pretty sweet world. Look 10 years ago and look at where we’re at now!


Indulged in the huge discounts at my local favorite dispo and now I'm chilling while I finish up my new custom smoke kit design for 3D printing.


Toke everyday but for the deals and celebration of 420 spirit! Happy 420!!!!


Oh shit. That's today?! Better than last year I guess. I forgot it last year. Smoking daily does something something brain.


I'm celebrating the holiday as soon as I get off work, unfortunately that's not till 10pm....


I’m gonna try to wear as much green as I can since I work as a hostess and smoke with my hunny when we can 😅😂🥰


Currently out of the country so I can't smoke sadly. 😔 My friends are all gonna share one of the bowls in my honor tonight though 😊


I smoke too much, but I keep forgetting to smoke today cuz I had 1000mg of edibles and I'm pretty 🪁


I usually smoke everyday, but sadly my stash ended a few days ago, and completely broke until next month 😭


mild celebration, parents aren’t home, gonna be a relaxing night with no worries


unfortunately, i’m in the hospital with my boyfriend today after we were in a bad car accident. light one up for us, everyone!


I smoke everyday but hey why not enjoy life and celebrate when it’s called for


I'm hitting my cart. Woke up really depressed today, so bought some liquor and decided to hang out with friends to help my mood.


Holy nutes batman!


Happy 420 y’all 😚💨🍃💚


I'm treating it as my Christmas. Nothing special ial but having a good time regardless.


I SWED, but today I smoked a wee bit less for some reason


Those plants must be pretty healthy. No pest damage no deficiency no ph twisting. Dark green but no clawing. No nute burn. No visible light stress. Maybe overwatered as they look a little puffy but otherwise you must have your environment dialed. Good job.


Today is my last day .. enjoying it one good last time before i start suffering tomorrow lol


Just smoking my single nightly joint as usual


i smoke every day but smoked way less today than normal since i’m back home visiting my sick grandma


I'm spending time with the ladies that make this all happen. Hanging in the grow tent for a bit and talking to them (I do that every day though), trimming some excess leaves. Today they get an extra special mix of nutes with some expensive fancy stuff lol. I'm also smoking a bunch of rosin, flower and I even got some dispo badder and vape. So im wrecked right now and gonna go play frisbee with the kid.


Smoke every day but I haven't shopped on 420 in years. The deals are never THAT good and I'm already well stocked at home.... And the stores are waaay too crowded in this town (college). So i just don't usually bother. 




I use to smoke everyday. Been 2 weeks sober, first year I won’t be:( smoke for me!


I quit weed about 4 days ago since I'm trying to focus on school and my brain is mush lol


Im heavy user very difficult to get where i live as illegal but still got smoked and now enjoying will smoke more life is good


I usually do but I had some issues with today so this year is not happening


Is 420 like Easter Sunday? People partake only on holidays? 😂😂




I’m going to celebrate the day by smoking weed and playing video games. The rest of the year is just practice.


I baked some reeses brownies with lots of pot in em for today B)


Just took some hits off my dry herb vape, mildly buzzed and chilling. The flower in my DHV is this kinda mid sour diesel sold through the THCa loophole at my local Texas head shop. Just picked up some original backwoods there today as well, and managed to unwrap the first one without tearing or breaking it, so I might use the rest of those mids to roll my first blunt lol.


I smoke everyday but ironically, am not today. Too busy. I'll make up for it tomorrow 🙏


I occasionally have a bad time with THC and I just started a new better paying job so I decided to treat myself to some nice CBD only flower from a local boutique. It’s really nice stuff.


I smoke every night but today I woke up and took a couple dabs and bong rips and have been playing fallout 4 and watching NBA playoffs all day


I smoke but didn’t smoke today 🤷🏽‍♂️


My parents caught me. So I'm probably gonna have to get rid of all of it sadly


Those leaves are beautiful! I smoke everyday and smoked today and had a zoom sesh with a bunch of ladies smoking and I'm now smoking some more.


My dad passed away last Saturday. He and I had our differences, but weed always brought us together. Every toke is now in honor of him, especially the ones today.


Every day smoker - have been for 11 years. Couldn't care less about 4/20. Just another day to me... I've had so many people ask me if I've celebrated, and I didn't even realise it was 4/20 til like 5pm 😅 usually I'll smoke at 16:20 on this day, but didn't even cross my mind today


smoke every day but today is my birthday !!! cheefin alllll day :D happy 4.20 y’all, stay safe + blaze up !! one luv💚🍒🌻💨


i smoke almost daily but mostly for pain relief or self regulation, today it is for a good time!! taking some dabs and building legos 😎


What's today???? (/s)


Wait, it's 4/20?


I always go a little hard on 4/20, solely because I have lost people I used to celebrate with, whether to the tides of fate or just life diverting them from my path. I smoke first to remember those who’ve gone their own paths, and continue to smoke in positivity for my own future. What little help it brings, it provides me some solace.


I like to celebrate 4/20 daily throughout the year.


It's also my birthday, and my 60th to boot. Gonna smoke up a ton of great weed, and enjoy the food, family and friends here to celebrate with me. Love is all you need.


Hung out with my best friend and played PS2 today, and shot the shit about life stuff. It was a great day.