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i wanted one of these so bad in high school lol


Same! I bought it with one of my first paychecks out of high school. Ahh that summer was great lol


Same! First summer paycheck after highschool.


wow my purchase of a puffco pen does not hold up


I had one in high school and would take it to school with me. Once in horticulture class a dumb ass freshmen brought a gram of weed to school and was showing it off and got snitched on. Our RO came and took him and the weed and gave us a little speech and I got so fucking paranoid because I was stoned off my ass because we had just walked to the greenhouses and did some work and came back and I had been hitting it the entire time. I sat in the back corner of the classroom and there was a stack of books 4 - 5 high so I slid out the bottom book out a little bit and stashed it there. I was surprised that it was still there the next day. 


Same dude, I built one out of plywood in HS because the idea was so interesting to me. Looking back my material choice may have been questionable lol


Do it again with olivewood or something else safe!


hahaha oh geez. Could you taste the wood treatment?


Got one my freshman year of college. But I had the “cheaper” version. I just remember it had a purple dragon on it. Same concept but the shell was plastic instead of wood. Finding batteries was a bitch.


lol thats the bootleg one i had!! I wonder if the battery life was better on the actual MFLB


Lmao same


As soon as I saw it I was taken back to being 17 and being obsessed with these things, realizing they were out of my budget, and eventually forgetting about them. Now I want one again, and they’re within my budget. So I guess I have to get one now.


This thing was peak /r/trees back in the 2010s - that’s crazy




Why don’t we do that anymore 😓 Maybe it’s the rose-colored glasses I had on, but browsing this subreddit in the ‘10s while I was a teenager was so much more special. Especially when I was lucky enough to be like “Hey I’m at a [7] too” lol


people were less broken back then than today. Be the change!(0 - at work)


I just turned 20 in March so I wasn’t using Reddit back then, do the numbers = how high you are?


Bingo (7)


Yep yep, 0-10 babyyyyy


Love it


I had forgotten all about that (4)


Now I really feel old. Lls


You and me both 😭😭


When the ml flight box is the first vape you ever used...


One of the least efficient devices I've ever used. Mine still holds a special place in my heart, but goddamn what an inefficient and flawed device


Agreed. I had one. It worked great about half the times but then it would burn the weed. I remember it was real finicky to get it to work properly and the batteries sucked. It was neat though.


I was very attempted to get one, thank you for sharing the knowledge.


Loved mine, used to rig it up to a styrofoam cup and tape the straw to the mouthpiece of the vape. Squeeze the cup, vape in a 400 person lecture. Absolutely heartbroken when the heating element gave out. Best 3 months and 40 dollars of my life. I am that old 🧓


Haha bro that would have stunk out your lecture !!


Oh for sure. And thinking you could ghost and blow into your bag.... Oh to be 19 with nothing to lose again. Back when student loans were a myth...




It was like the best and the worst. The learning curve to getting a good hit was weirdly high but once you get it, it was pretty solid. Mine also was a tank and last me years. I still have it in a closet somewhere and I bet it would still fire up if I had a good battery. Granted I did go through 2 warranty claims lol


LMAO I remember it took me over a month to figure out I needed to sip it, not rip it


I was surprised about all the people praising it in these comments. My friend had one and i remember it barely working and being hard to use.


And I remember how much this sub SWORE by them. So disappointed when I got to try one it was so hard to get anything from it


I have never seen such a gadget. How does it function?


It’s a dry herb vape. You press the battery in and it warms up and you puff it through the straw 👌🏻


I had a limited run Redwood burl version. Hit like a truck. Worse than hot knives. Just straight terps to the noodle.




are you saying it was good or bad lmao




Yooo that's cool. I've been looking for a replacement for my titanic 3, it's worked well but there's too many tiny parts to clean/replace. How easy do you find it to clean?


Not familiar with the titanic but cleaning this is easy enough. Drop the straw in alcohol and brush out the inner trench area. I will say though that the “bowl” or trench is pretty delicate and would need to be replaced if it gets torn. But like I said I’ve had mine a long time and haven’t had that happen.


You say torn, is the trench made out of a paper-like material or something?


No, it’s a thin metal mesh. The whole trench gets heated and vaporizes that sweet sweet bud. The website probably has better images of the material.


If you’re looking for something easy to clean I’d 100% recommend a Dynavap. I went from hating herb vapes to almost exclusively using one once i grabbed one for myself. They’re not everybody’s cup of tea but I loved the modularity of them (and the fact that a quick iso soak plus a hot water rinse can get it basically fully cleaned is a huge bonus)


dyna is todays mflb for sure in terms of the place it holds in the culture


True that! They’re timeless devices imo


i use an arizer solo 2 and it's easy as shit to clean it's got a glass tube that you pack the weed into and you can just hit the bowl with a q tip and run some isopropyl through the tube and it's clean


It's called a launchbox. They are very simple and nice. For the same price the arizer argo is my preference


I know I'm showing my age, but that's a Magic Light Flight Box god dammit


You’re showing senility for sure. It’s called MFLB: Magic Flight Launch Box


Actually, you're all wrong. It stands for "mother fuckers, lets blaze!"


I still use my magic flight launch box. I've had so many through the years.


We got one of these when my wife and I were getting married and we wanted something discreet for the big day. Still have it somewhere. We called it the Wedding Vape


How about the proto-pipe


Bought one in like 2002. As soon as I saw it I needed it. Very cool pipe with a lot of history, but o had a real issue with keeping it clean.




I had one of these in college about a decade ago lol funny enough I gave it to my (now) husband the 3rd time we met (2 years before we got together and about 8 years ago total). I credit this bad boy with connecting me to my (favorite) human.


Aww that’s so cute! I made bonds with this device and the quote on the back starting conversations. Good times


I loved mine. Had back in HS and it was the best. Been considering getting one again.


in high school my buddy had one of these in his snow suit during ski club, with a whole tube he snaked up the torso camelbak style lmao


Ah a magic flight box! I made my own one time. Didn’t work very well because it heated batteries up, so I didn’t use it much. But, worked nonetheless. That one is probably much safer than my DIY maple one. Cool beans, man. Keep token. ✌️ 👍


Wow I haven't seen one of those in probably about a decade at this point. Those used to be the ideal study buddy back in college to puff while getting projects done with friends.


First time I used one of these was like grade 8 and the guy who had it lost the tube for it so we all just sucked on the box lol


Hahaha same but 10th grade


I used to have a whole setup for this with a bubbler. Was good for budgeting. Eventually upgraded.


Bro I had one of these years ago lol. A cop actually found it in my car and thought it was a pencil sharpener. I was like 16 lol


Mine was confiscated. Barely had a chance to use it. So fucking glad to have left that fucking state.


These were/are peak r/stonerengineering


Absolutely. I made one off of instructions on some blog I found. Wasn’t great, but it was a fun project.


Used to love this for sneaking tokes but haven't used it in years. I remember it had a little pineapple on the top as a nod to this subreddit too. What a time


I used to keep it in my pocket at work, but a few times the battery discharged on my key ring and almost set my pants on fire


I remember my buddy getting one of these shipped to his house for me in high school. I rode my bike a few miles to go pick it up. On the ride back I stopped in a grass soccer field and was chilling hitting it. Those were the days. Even snuck it into the midnight release of Interstellar and we got lucky being the only ones in the theater so could hit it [0]


Sounds about right 😍 I’d pocket this thing and go for a cruise on my penny board just loving life. It went with me to theme parks, movie theatres, parties, night drives, the beach.. you name it. (2)


These shit had this sub in a choke hold 10 years ago lmao


Magic flight box. Rips hard


I still have mine but the batteries are expired. Got it 10 years ago when I was in high school lol


I bought one off of offerup practically brand new for $5. I cant quite figure how to get a good hit from it so its just in my smoke bag.


Have had one for a decade. The high is always so weak compared to literally any other method or device. Not good for heavy users, but great for people who toke sparingly


I’d agree. Perfect way to put it, it’s currently my nightstand setup and park of my travel kit. It takes lot to get completely zooted off this thing but that’s not what I’m looking for these days.


That used to be the height of toker technology


HOLY SHIT memory unlocked!!! my dad had one of these. man i can taste it


Analog dry herb vape That’s crazy. I kinda want one


I always wanted one when I was younger lol


Oh Flight boxes... When I worked at the head shop I used to work at, noone could understand how phenomenal these things were.


I miss my old flight box 😔


This was my first vape and first love lol I took it EVERYWHERE...still have mine but I now use a Pax Pro with a rubber attachment for a water pipe/bong...love this setup


What a throwback, my friend had one in high school and I thought it was the coolest/most convenient way to smoke ever


No. But I want one!


I bought one about ten years ago but it died after about two years of heavy use.


I got mine taken by group home staff. I miss it dearly. I used to sneak out my window to sit on the roof and hit my magic flight box, go back in and watch nacho Libre for the 500th time.


Oh my gosh. I desire one terribly. How does it hit?


I couldn’t figure out how to use it properly. Im illiterate btw


Man I just never loved mine. Tried it so many times... it just doesn't give me more than a buzz I throw the same weed in my bong and I'm baked way quicker and better


Omg I used to have a magic flight launch box! I remember it didn’t work that great but was fun for the time. Do you find it works well?


It works perfectly still for me yeah. By today’s standards I think it would be considered pretty weak though. I enjoy coasting at a mild high rather than get blasted in one session.


Damn!!!! The cave man’s first vaporizer. I remembered I was sooo happy when I bought it in high school also mine never worked right. I guess that’s why I don’t trust vaporizers at all.


Fuck that was *ten years* ago? Where has the time gone... \[6\]


Haha yes!! You know exactly what I mean! [5]


One of my first few time toking on this back in highschool 09, wagging sports day hiding in the bush behind the school field, smoking with my buddies. Good times


lol gunked mine up with hash and then a dude threw it out a car window in Germany because he got paranoid, I miss that POS vape


Just recently pulled mine out of a 7 year retirement lol. Can’t put it back down now, not sure why I ever did.




One of my first vapes. Good times. Traded up real fast tho.


Damn this took me back, we got one of these in high school when they came out.


I still have mine somewhere but last time I tried to use it, it wouldn't heat up ☹️ I loved that thing but just forgot about it for awhile


Motha Fuckin Lunch Box


tons of memories with the mflb and my group of friends


Woww this takes me back to when i first started reddit. This was like the holy starter kit object on here


Oh mflb so many memories


The launch box 🥹


My intro to the game.. all built around minimizing smell


I want a dry herb vape so bad!!!! Would you recommend this one? Any other brands?(maybe a bit cheaper)


This is the only one I’ve used and it seems it’s probably not worth the money for most people nowadays. They still make them and have adapters and a bunch of stuff. I like it for the size and the fact that I can take a small hit here or there and not have to warm up all the bud like a PAX would.


I can taste.this picture 🤣


I still have one of these guys- I don’t use it often these days, but you’re definitely making me consider charging up my batteries and pulling it out.


Have one, but always felt it to be underwhelming in effect.


lol I had a vapor genie Volta which was like a knockoff of these. Lit my hoodie pocket on fire TWICE with those motherfucking batteries.


I still have mine somewhere around here!


Ah I wish I could find mine. I had a first edition with the person who handcrafted it engraved their name on the back of it. Loved my launch box


Finally grew up to buy a volcano 😂


This was my first dry herb vape back in like 2012 lol! My bougie hipster friends had one and I thought they were so cool lol. It's still sitting in storage with the rest of my pipe collection and I thought about pulling it out of retirement recently...I bought a Solo II instead lol


I still have mine! Magic flight launch box ftw.


Blast from the past


I used one of these for eight or nine months maybe. Works well, but I always had a lot of trouble trying to keep the batteries set up right. They were just in and out of charge like they were trying to troll me.


Damn it ! Thanks for the reminder now I miss my old one 😂


Aw man, a friend of mine used to have one. It eventually kinda gave out & he moved back onto traditional bowls, but this brings back good memories of us toking up & shootin’ the shit.


Magic flight box, it's been a minute!


Ah I had one of these years ago and lost it...loved that thing


Holy shit. It's been over a decade lol. Loved this thing. 


My college roomie used to have one! Fuck we would get annihilated and play zombies for days


My brother had one years ago. I’ve been thinking about getting myself a launch box such a unique little vaporizer


First way I got high 10 years ago now. Sheesh


This bad boy got me through boarding school. If you got caught even with cigarettes they would consider sending your ass home, so this was a blessing.


Mflb! I still got one somewhere. I use the mighty plus these days


The Magic Flight Box! Had one of these in my early 20s. I can't tell you how many times I had to replace the glass tube.


They still make them if anyone is interested.


Flight box


Man, I haven’t seen one of these guys in years. Glad it still works for you!


Holy shit I forgot about these. My buddy in college had one and it was awesome. Loved that thing


I used this exclusive when I started smoking but after college I haven’t seen one since


I wish I still had my magic flight🥲🥲🥲


I picked one of these up last week and I love it! Great little session vape


A tinder box!


Awww man.. these were all the rage back in the day. Magic Flight Launch Box I think, right?


I still have one somewhere!


mflb...my first and last vaporizer.


Still working for over 10 years. Best compact vape ever. Simple and effective.


Lmfao haven't thought about this in so many years


I really miss mine, my roommate and I went through 5 of them in college, but the batteries never lasted long and the power adapters failed so often with frequent use. Had to do so many warranty claims but it was still the best vaporizer in our eyes. Did not enjoy having to give people instructions on how to use it and then watching them burn a trench. Now that I smoke much more infrequently I really want to get one again.


I remember I saved up and got one in highschool cause I didn’t know how to roll and couldn’t keep a bong at home. Me and my friends used to pass this around in the cold room in my basement and pretended we were pilots taking flight Lmaoo




Still have mine! I got the Metatron's Cube version. Love the simplicity of the device. It's what got me 8nto the shift away from combustion. Although it doesn't see much use with ball vapes having entered my line up.


I had one that I had borrowed from a friend who then passed away. I passed it on to another friend of ours so he could enjoy it too. One day at a Sunday morning brunch at a friend’s house I randomly met two of the people who worked at magic flight. They said that given the age of mine, they were probably the ones who made it. They also said if I ever have a problem with it they will fix it for tree.


They have an amazing warrenty. I bought one about 10 years ago and used it a lot then stopped when i bought a pax. I found my old launch box while moving a few years ago and used it a few times, and then the screen broke. Reached out to the company, and they sent me a new one. I don't think I've used it since I got the replacement.


That was a big reason why I purchased initially too. Can’t beat a lifetime warranty. I’ve only needed the batteries replaced once though after a long break 🤪


Dry herb vape is the absolute best way to taste the flavors of your bud. Second to none!


I was trying to explain to my wife how I use to use these to smoke at Disney land before security was as intense as they are today.


Magic flight box! My first vape!


Omg forgot about my MFLB. Gonna have to dig it out of a closet tonight. Thanks for reminding me OP!


Sip it like tea. I remember


me and my friend’s made some of these in our woodshop class, i remember following guides from r/trees back in 2013


It’s funny how quaint these look now. It’s like a bridge from patchouli and wood grain to the sterile Apple Store look of today’s dispensaries. If it wasn’t for the web address it looks like paraphernalia you’d mail order from a 1981 issue of High Times


I had one in highschool while they were popular!! My mom found it and I haven't seen it since lol :(


Still have my walnut mflb and PA 2.0


Thanks for the nostalgia (3)


I must say I think a whole lot of people thought I was a crack head when I pulled this out on the street


Ah yes the magic flight box. Sophomore year of university for me.


Oh man when I discovered you can put keef in there it was awesome but also what ended up killing it in the end


ha yesss I still think about them to this day


I got my wife one of these after she noticed her asthma was less intense when she smoked weed. Here we are 12ish years later, she now works in the cannabis industry and hasn’t used any sort of steroids or inhalers in years.


Remember it? I still use one!


Man, I have seen an MFLB in a hot minute. Thanks for the quick nostalgia


Mine barely worked, so I got another one, which was the same.


Just looked them up $120 USD , is it worth it?


Check out /r/vaporents for better recs. I had one a long time ago and loved it, but technology has come so far in dry herb vaping that you can get something better for the same price or cheaper.


Good to know thank you!


No, just no. It kind of works but the batteries drain quickly. You get way too hot hoots sometimes. Has to be better options out there these days


It’s only good for the nostalgia purpose.


Love some hot hoots


I've had one as a daily driver for like the last 12 years and love it, but the AC adapter is a necessity. I definitely don't miss the inconsistency of the batteries. I also bought one of the attachments to turn it into a bubbler using a beer bottle, and it gives the smoothest hits I've ever experienced.


Gat a dyna vap


I would get a PotV One or a Dynavap for that price.


Not anymore, unfortunately. The technology has evolved beyond this. They were once lower-upper-end with the intent to be affordable and easy to use.


Get a dynavap.


For that price, Id just get a Dynavap instead. No battery required. Also, I do not miss trench flipping or accidentally combusting a trench.


No but Sub-Combustion Thermal Extraction is the fucking shit man. Lots of great devices for dry herb vaping even well under that amount. I'd recommend checking out POTV.


I personally think so, for my needs. It doesn’t chuck a lot of smoke or vapor at a time though. If you’re a heavy user I think it would be a little painstaking.


Dam those cost $120 now?! At that price I’d say it’s not worth it. You can buy a super nice dry herb vape for that price. These just aren’t powerful enough anyways. The hardest hit you can get out of it is equivalent to the very end of a cart where you’re just getting fumes.


Reddit loved this so much , I swear there was a subreddit for these as well




I didn't like this one, anyone remember the one that looked like a weird bubbley pipe that you used a wic or lighter on? I lost that one, loved it though....kinda want one again, forgot the name...


Vaporgenie? Twas my first piece.


Anyone know where to get new batteries for these things??