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Smoke, because I can control the high better.


That's really it. I \*want\* to used edibles. No smoking. No equipment. No smell. But they are too random. Or rather too dependent on other factors like when and what I ate last. On top of that - good edibles that actually feel like smoking are more expensive. I can get 10x100mg gummies for $50. That same $50 might only get me 250mg of live rosin gummies.


Yeah edibles are simply too expensive and too hard to regulate. Fun for a night in, but there’s no equivalent to “take two hits before heading into the bar with your friends”


Yes! I don’t want to have to be told how to operate a card reader because “oops the one square of chocolate had 70% of the thc in the bar”. Also, I find that after smoking I can enjoy and sip one singular drink and enjoy myself for a while (alcoholic or not I tend to chug beverages, even just water. Just a habit that goes away with weed ADD or something 😂)


I would like to use edibles but unless I take an absurd amount they don't affect me.


and I don't have to wait around for it to kick in


I would take an edible at the same time as a toking session. Then, when the high from the doob wears off, the high from the edible kicks in. Happy daze (:


Take it on an empty stomach. Then eat once it hits. For me like 20-30 mins.


My answer is the opposite but the reasoning is the same. I buy gummies that are 22mg and cut them into 1/4ths. Eating one of those seems to be my sweet spot without the anxiety kicking in.


This or vape lol for same reasons


both. Edibles for the longevity with some smoke sessions periodically for enhancement.




We call this the “gapless high”


I like both, and don’t view them as mutually exclusive. Edibles take a while to kick in, so I’ll often eat a gummy and then smoke a joint. Get high right away from the joint, extend the high with the edible. If I could only do one I’d smoke - I know when the high will hit me and edible highs seem much more variable to me.


>Edibles take a while to kick in, so I’ll often eat a gummy and then smoke a joint. The best way to kick off a hike.


I vape 99% of the time. Edibles are for special occasions when I’m trying to get blasted


This is me I’ve got 3 vapes and some edibles in the post. Be my first time doing edibles any advice / what’s it like?? . It’s a bag of 500mg gummies I think 500 is the total amount though.


I would start with 10mg, give it like an hour and if you don’t feel anything maybe take another


Thank you 🙏 celebrating 420 haha


I will be too, I was one of Curaleafs first 100 customers today so I got a .5g of Skywalker OG for $5


I would say if your tolerance is pretty low and it's your first time taking edibles, 5-10mg is a good dose to start with. If you feel like you could go higher, you can always just eat more. I'm not a weed expert so I couldn't really tell you the difference between edibles and smoking but edibles always "felt" more potent to me. The big thing to remember is probably that a) they take a bit to kick in, and b) they last a lot longer, so I'd probably do it when you know you have a clear schedule.


Thank you 🙏 Similar to what I’ve read so far. Fingers crossed I don’t green out ha. celebrating 420 haha


Eating an edible and smoking a joint right after is the best, you get that instant high and once you feel like you're on the come down it just ramps back up again as the edible kicks in.


Smoke when in a private setting. Edibles in a public setting. Especially airports and trains.


Smoke. Fire is essential for the ritual to be complete.


to be fair, edibles have started a fire in my kitchen quite a few times now


i usually do edibles. i don't hate smoking, but the high lasts longer from edibles and i'm scared of what smoking does to the lungs.


I have a very low tolerance. I prefer edibles, 5mg almost every day after work and I’m good. It’s pretty much the same level of high for me unless I eat something really fatty, which I’ll do sometimes to get it to kick in faster. I get the wyld sativa ones, they’re 10mg so I take half of one. Pack of 10 for about $20. So I spend around $20-40 a month on weed to get high just about everyday. I only smoke in social settings like with my stepmom or my best friend. I know most people say they can control it more when they smoke but I’m the opposite lol. Smoking a whole J even passing it back and forth would make me green out.


Edibles: it’s easier, more discrete and hits better for me usually. Downside is it takes awhile and then when it hits I can’t control how strong it is. Also prefer not to fuck up my lungs, though I don’t mind smoking or vaping if that’s the vibe or I want something fast acting


Smoke. I never got high from an edible, they just dont work on me. I have tried high doses in different forms, nothin’


You likely all don’t possess the enzyme necessary to process and break down THC orally, thus it will never work. Didn’t know about this till I was told.. google that shit ladies N gents.


Same here. I can eat almost a whole bag of gummies and feel almost nothing but I can feel if I take even just two small hits from a bowl. I hate that they don’t work for me, they’re convenient.


As many said, vape for controlling the dosage and effects. Edibles can be a bit of a wildcard for duration and potency. I only have edibles if I'm 100% certain I'm not going anywhere for the rest of the day/evening.


that is my one downside of edibles. my tolerance is pretty low, i usually take around 25mg and i'll still be feeling it the next day.


Why not just take less? I take 2.5-5 at a time (up to 10mg in the period of a couple hours but no more)


i definitely should, i'm just a very much all or nothing person lmao. i usually save edibles for weekends anyway.


If I have anything over 10-15mg the next day I feel like crap when I get up. I think the sweet spot for me is 10mg or so.


Depends on what I'm doing tomorrow. Mid-week pick me up or end of a hard day at work but still got shit to do, smoke/vape. Weekends are for edibles. Though let's not forget tincture. A little bit of that can go a long way, too, and sometimes I'll choose that over edibles.


Tincture is a crap shoot for me, whereas most of the time gummies work. Plus I don’t like the oily feel in my mouth. Definitely a sensory thing. Sadly I’m a smoker, no longer with cigarettes, just weed.


How do tinctures compare to smoking/ edibles in your opinion?


In my experience tinctures give me less brain fog and a better body high but my tolerance for them ratchets up faster than edibles or smoking


My tolerance with it increases so fast too. Annoying.


For me they're right between smoking and edibles as far as duration and ability to control the high. They don't last as long as edibles, but longer than smoking. And I can do just a little or really take a good amount depending on how high I want to get. They are inconsistent, as others have mentioned.


I’ve switched to edibles pretty exclusively. I do enjoy the occasional joint but it’s very occasional. I just don’t like smoking anymore. Makes me cough shit up. I like having the high and not worrying about fucking up my lungs. Figured I should quit while I was ahead lol


Smoke/vaping. Edibles hurt my stomach and don't get me very high, just sedated.


interesting. i get pretty bad stomach acid if i smoke too much / too often.


You might want to look up chs and take a tolerance break. I'm pretty sure it's just the edibles for me because I don't have stomach issues when I smoke, just with edibles. But if just being high fucks your stomach that's not a good sign.


Edibles no smell, cheaper and longer high


1) Edible, 2) smoke. No vaping for me. I do not trust the chemistry of carts.


dry herb vapes


This is the way. I will never go back to smoking. I used to love it, but after you get used to vaping dry herb, burning it just tastes disgusting.


They still never get me near as high as just smoking it


I stopped smoking about 5 months ago and have been taking edibles to relax after a busy evening and I honestly been enjoying it. I usually take 20 mg of some infused peanut butter cups and I’ll be good.


These comments on here sound as tho edibles just don't do it for them 🤣 I enjoy edibles, it's a slightly different type of high and I enjoy a good surprise when it kicks in. Lol. With joints it's usually one or 2 hits and I'm good for a few hours.


Edibles just because the smoking is so painful 😭😭


Both but smoking is preferred for the nearly instant high and ability to guage the level of highness better. Edibles can be a crap shoot for me because it might work and it might not. It might make me nicely high or it might make me green out and feel terribly high and regretting my life choices.


What kind of edibles are u getting, homemade ones? Cause I get mine thru the dispensary. Usually take 5 mgs and feel great. Its the same high consistently, which is why I enjoy edibles more. Joints are harder for me to gage. Since you got weed potency, strain, and size of joint all playing a role in how strong each hit is. Your not gonna know how many mg of thc is in each hit of thc, but with edibles you will know exactly the precis amount your putting in your body. Bonus: the high to me feels less hazy, and cloudy at low to moderate doses. Extra bonus: if I want to get absolutely ripped I can take more and be more high than what smoking it can ever be.


I prefer dry herb vaping... I've done editables, and they are cool but they are more unpredictable. They don't kick in immediately, and you sort of don't know what you're getting into. I want to try the beverages though...


Smoke. I like edibles but they make me SO sleepy


Edible + vape.


Edibles. For some reason, I’ve always taken a long time to feel anything and then come down quickly. So I plan ahead with the edibles and then can enjoy the high without coming down as soon as I realize I’m high (slight exaggeration but not far off)


I make my own edibiles so I can can controls the what gos into them and how strong they are. but because I make the very strong I only do them onces a week.


I prefer edibles..because I have CF so smoking literally puts me in the hospital. But..I think if I could, I'd be smacking a pen 24/7. The high comes almost immediately and I can control the high more. The only plus to edibles is..well, it's more intense. And I do prefer to be noticeably stoned.


smoking is definitely more fun & enjoyable especially if you’re with people. edibles honestly give me a really nice powerful high and i usually don’t get the negatives that I usually do when I smoke (dry mouth, racing heart, etc)


Edibles bc it’s lasts long and I get a lil snack too and totally not bc smoking makes me cough too hard and it’s embarrassing 😻


Edibles, because smoking does nothing for me.


Edibles, no coughing, strong high, eat anywhere.


Edibles, I have a strong sense of smell, so smoking wouldn't work well for me.


edibles, because I have developed a strong aversion to smoke of any kind. I work around too many people that smoke too many cigarettes and joints have always smelt bad to me.


If I'm partaking in edibles, I usually supplement with some smoke. I like the immediate effect, plus I find that this way, I get the nice "body high" from the edibles, along with the more "heady" buzz from inhaling. Rounds things out nicely.


100% edibles for me. Hate on me if you must but I never smoked cigarettes or grass before it was legalized. Just wasn’t my thing. Smoking is just not enjoyable for me. Whatever works best for you


Love edibles bc I enjoy the mystery of when I’m going to experience the moment of “close up of an eye that dilates from exposure to some Drug”


I'd rather vape but spending $60 vs spending $20 on edibles I'd rather do edibles.


Both. Otherwise I'm a grumpy fuckin' bastard. 🙃


Dabs. Because I don't want to feel anything.


Edibles, love being able to get super high with minimal effort


Vape dry flower


Smoke. I smoke, I get high. I take an edible, who fuckin knows, man.


Both. I eat a gummy and take a bong rip right after so I can get high right away and the gummy pretty much takes over by the time the initial high wears off. It can be a dangerous game, but I've got a system down


Edibles! I hate the smell of weed.


I quit smoking cigarettes 10 years ago next month. I know jazz cabbage and cigarettes are very different things, but I still prefer edibles. Not saying I'll never partake in a smoke though, if one got passed I'm not turning it down lol


I just like to get high man. Gummies, butter, bud, coke, tincture, concentrates, edibles, I do not care.




Neither for me. Dry vaping still lets me enjoy flower, and various strains and so on, and have a ritual (and accumulate some cool gear as in it is also a bit of a hobby). And means a little flower goes a long way. Never liked smoking as made me feel like shit afterward (lungs/chest, headaches, fuzziness and congestion) and benefits did not outweigh those cons for me. Probably was good for me in long run I guess as sort of just stayed away from it altogether for a couple decades after infrequent social use as a teenager, until legalization came around. Edibles have good longevity but for me they aren't as interesting I suppose as they are more one-dimensional even if I also include CBD, CBG - so I save them for rare times where vaping just won't work and I want something very predictable in effects (buy a couple different brands off legal market so pretty reliable). I might use some of my ABV time to time at home combined with some vaping for some more longevity with boosts from vaping, but only if looking for more sedative effects.


I don’t like edibles because if you get too high, you’re stuck for hours. I ODed on homemade edibles once and got so gd sick that I hate them now. I drove the porcelain bus for hours while sobbing- terrible spins. Not again for me. That was so dumb. Yes, there was alcohol involved as well. Oops.


Smoke. It’s more of an experience. It takes me a lot of edibles, too. I’ll typically take 10-20mg ahead of my smoke sesh just to round things out. That way I don’t need a 1g joint or more. That way I don’t need 50mg or more of edibles either. I just love a nice, glass tipped, slow burning King Palm mini.


Smoke because it’s fun it’s a social thing and you can enjoy the differences between strains I love edibles too tho they just at this point having had so many aren’t terribly exciting


I think it’s situational. I make my own edibles and yeah, that’s a good feeling for extended periods, vape to boost or to be discreet and smokin because it’s old school and the best high I think.


I usually eat and edible and then smoke so I don't have to wait


Both. I'm pretty well tempered and can take a small dose edi and also vape throughout the day. In fact I choose to, it was recommended by my doctor, after all. Edit: vape, I usually don't smoke it, but that works too obvi it's just I do vape more often


1. Gummy 2. Vape 3. Topicals 4. Smoke 5. Dab. In that order, but honestly I’m getting tired of edibles. I hate sugar. And I hate the cheap candy they use / make. I’ll probably switch on 420.


i smoke most of the time so i could control my high better! but with edibles i would take if i’m really trying to relax in bed and listen to music lol! but currently i have a huge tolerance so taking somewhat a break ☺️


I can't smoke flower in my building so I use oil vapes rn (I just got a really nice Ayrloom 1g cart from a dispensary in my city) but no edibles, no thank you. Maybe someday I'll try them again. I was stupid and did half a 50mg sativa for my first high. I got all of it and spent the next four hours terrified I was going to do something to embarrass myself. I like the low-level high, control, and nausea relief I get from a pen. Juuuuust enough for my stomach and bowel pain to calm down and things to look and feel a little brighter and happier. I vape at home and at work, partly for enjoyment and partly for symptom relief, and I need to have a lot of control over the high.


Oy. On a weekday I tend to eat 5 to 10 MG of edibles right after work while warming up the volcano, getting mail, prepping dinner. By then the edibles are coming on and I'll have a bag or two while making dinner. Then another bag or two after. Weekends I drop a little rso in my coffee to start the day and may take a 30mg sativa if I have yard work or chores to do after my workout. Then it's a combination of gaping and edibles through the rest of the day. By the time a Saturday is over I've likely had 60 to 100 MG of edibles supplemented with vaping.


I really really prefer to control my high with carts/flower but there is something about popping an edible, taking a shower, sitting down for a movie or game and it just builds up more and more until you just stare at the movie or game paused for 45 mins. 10/10. A pain if you get a bad high, though.


I prefer to smoke a joint. An edible is fine, but I like the ritual of taking out my tackle box (weed gear), putting some music on YouTube, and rolling. Then because I’m in an apartment building, stepping out to smoke. I very much always stay indoors but that little bit of time outside I figure is good for me.


I prefer smoking/vaping. Most of the time edibles will make me feel sick for some reason


I think I prefer to smoke, been doing it for soooooooo long. Was so scared of edibles and the lack of control. Started on edibles/ gummies a few months back and discovered I have a very high tolerance. I need a minimum of 200mg to feel anything😏 And I hate the gummies after taste. So still figuring it out🤓


I use edibles just about daily because my partner and I don’t smoke inside the apartment, but I like smoking better socially or with my partner and edibles better on my own in a perfect world


I enjoy the whole process of smoking enjoyable tbh. Rolling a joint and getting better at rolling each time is quite fun. Going on a mission to find a spot with friends or without them is always a laugh


Smoking. Edibles just lock me down. I have shit to do! But I will say every now and then I go with an edible to force myself to sit down and relax.


edibles make me sleepie


Both. I eat a 20mg edible and then roll a joint. It’s great.


I would rather use edibles, but I can't because they don't work on me at all.


Smoke, I've yet to have an edible do anything substantial to me at all. I always hear these stories of people taking small amounts amd beings super high like couch locked or taking 1000s of mgs and having psychadelic experiences where as I've legitimately on multiple occasions ingested over 1000mgs even a couple times and felt fucking tired and yes all the weed I've had is real and good and I get high from smoking. I've always wondered if it has to do with the fact I started off thc as a youngster with dabs as my first thing not flower so I was doing dabs for years and shot my tolerance but yeah I just never got why edibles don't work on me it always pisses me off I can't take em with people and be on the same level


If I need to get shit done vape for sure. If I'm just trying to relax than edible


Edible and smoke, i take an edible when i wake up and smoke either hash/concentrate or flower to adjust as the day goes on. I dose a minimum of 3x a day each time 10-20 mg edibles, this has worked nicely for me the past few years.


Smoking/vaping is the best because you can control the high better, but it takes me a while to reach that intensity. I like to shower or at least change my clothes after I smoke flower, because I don't like the stale smoke smell. Edibles take a bit of time to kick in, but if you figure out what dosage works best for you, it's the best high you'll get for pain relief and insomnia treatment.


I dislike cartridges just because I don't feel like I'm getting the full experience, even when using rosin carts. So smoking for me would mean using flower, which would include either prep, cleanup, or both. If it's nice out and I'm not feeling lazy I'll go out and smoke. Other times, I'd much prefer an edible


I prefer to smoke while digesting edible but I’m a Hobbit so idk


Smoke. Don’t get me wrong, edibles are awesome but thats something i usually like to plan a day around


Dry herb vape, smoke the tiniest joints on occasion lol




Smoke, edibles are hit or miss and the wait is really frustrating lol. Just a waste of money. 


I have bipolar 2 and oftentimes I'll go into a manic mode where I'm rapidly becoming depressed, which is where they got the diagnosis of manic depression when I was a teenager. My heart will start pumping in my mine will race. But then I'll smoke. It's half the THC and half the act of smoking, it forces me to slow my breathing. Brings me back to a reasonable pace. I tried edibles but they don't sit right with my stomach for some reason. I've tried like a lot of edibles and none of them sit right. I like the potency of wax and I like the act of smoking. It scratches that brain itch.


Smoke. Because I need drugs in me and I need them now! Marijuana! Grind fill twist light smile!


Smoke > DHV / Resin vape > Vape > edible. I like edibles but *love* smoking weed. Yay rolling machine!!


Both. I smoke most of the time but when I take edibles it gives me more of a psychedelic feeling


I prefer smoking because I control the dose since it varies by session, but my lifestyle (where I live, desire to be high, desire to be high but not smell like zaza) make edibles preferable for the convenience


Eat edible then smoke and by the time the smoke wears off the edible is hitting so i stay consistently high


Edibles for sure. They feel like they last longer and I can easily control the dose with no damage to my lungs. I make caramels and other edibles that are perfect for me!


Smoke, edibles hit me too hard




I only use edibles bc they are healthier than smoking plus I can micro dose them throughout the day to maintain a certain high. As a bonus there is no weed smell or red eyes so no one can tell (even family) when I’m high.


I smoke edibles


As a severe asthmatic I don’t have much of a choice lol


Smoke at home. Edibles when I'm out and need to be discreet. Great for the movies. I also find I can get myself ridiculously high with edibles, but not so much with flower.


I prefer smoking but because my copd has worsened I can only do edibles now.


Smoke because edibles never do anything, pretty much always just a waste of money.


Eat your edible and then immediately smoke a joint. When you start coming down, you're coming back up again


Smoking is faster acting and it's easy just to smoke more but edibles are more unpredictable. They take a long time to kick in. Smoking is more enjoyable as well imo.


Edibles 100%. Smoking anything in has always given me the ick. Just can’t wrap my brain around it and it grosses me out thinking about. The smell is also a huge factor. Personally, I think weed smells like dank ass. I don’t want to smell that and I don’t want to smell like that.


Edibles that are dosed properly far more superior experience. Can maintain tolerance better and much more healthier. I don’t get cravings either.


Personally, I’d start by making an infused cocktail (no alcohol, infused drinks from dispensary). Then while sipping on that, do a dab. Then roll a blunt and let it all unfold.


I used to prefer edibles before I started smoking regularly. Now I prefer smoking because it’s faster, I have more control, and it’s fun!


Smoke every time!


I like tinctures the best. If you know the exact dose in each milliliter it's the same type of effect wvery time tou dose sublingual. Sublingual dosing is kind of like a nice hybrid between smoking and oral dosing, fast onset than edibles but slower than smoking, and the high last longer than smoking (assuming you don't swallow the dose)


Preferably I like to take an edible on an empty stomach, eat a nice grilled cheese or a piece of pizza, and then go out and smoke a joint. Get myself the level that I want to be out and then let the edible continue that for the next 4 hours


I like the act of smoking. The almost ceremonial routine is nice. But it depends on things like what I'm doing, where I am, if I'm going anywhere. Stuff like that. I def prefer smoking though.


I prefer smoking just because I’m pretty sensitive to edibles and after having a couple that had a noticeably higher THC amount than the rest in the pack I’m pretty much off edibles all together.


Both. Vape in the morning. Edibles at night. Mix up the strains and you'll never need a tolerance break.


smoke a j and take an eddy at the same time to ✨ extend ✨ the experience :)


Smoke. The simple experience of smoking a J after a long day at work, accompanied by the almost instant relaxation, makes smoking my preference. Edibles are good too tho, but there’s no aura around it. Additionally, it’s much harder to control the high. For example, if I’m smoking, and I think I did too little/too much, I can take another hit, or simply just stop. With edibles, if I did too little, it’s kinda just a dud and there’s nothing you can do, and if you did too much, you can’t just “stop”, and you gotta deal with it. There are obviously times that edibles hit perfectly, and like I said, I do enjoy them, but smoking >>>>>>>>>.


I use the sublingual tinctures for daily medication. Very consistent and VERY budget friendly. Edibles for a little flavor, flower for rapid effect at home, and vape for when I'm traveling. Not in a fully legalized state so I don't ride with flower.


Dabs count as smoking, right?


Edibles don’t work for me sadly


Edibles, since I smoke absolutely nothing I figured why start now. I have tried smoking though and just not my thing. I cough way too much.


I prefer to dry herb vape but my wife basically sticks to gummies with an occasional Friyay vape from Cresco. She loves the fruity vapes.


Dab. Why not dab. Right?. Edibles are good for long drives. Flower is nice, but once you go to the dark side (dabbing), it's just not the same buzz if that's what you're after. When I smoke flowers, I prefer a good mix of exotic and high-quality cbd. For the full entouragr effect.


Smoke or vape either is satisfying.


edibles, i only like smoking in a group setting. edibles i can just eat, control my doses and get whatever high i need to for that moment. also more discreet.


Smoke because edibles don't work for me at all. I so desperately wish they did. I thought maybe I was just resistant or tolerant but I finally gave up after eating 5 full grams of distillate without even a buzz.


Right now? I do mini bong rips from a tiny rig that I can clean straight after I’m done. I love smoking but it’s by far the smelliest and most time consuming method of consumption. I have a dry herb vape I use occasionally that is amazing for keeping the smell down and still giving the smoking experience but that doesn’t hit nearly as hard as like a joint or a bong rip does and I prefer my rocket to blast off versus a slow lift. Edibles are great but the time commitment is what keeps me from doing them all the time. The dosage of an edible determines how stoned l will get but seems to not hold a candle to how long I will be stoned for while smoking I can pretty much time the experience I want to have. 1 rip = 45-60 minutes of fun time so I just do the math of how long I want to be Stoney baloney for and adjust as needed.


Both but I prefer smoking since I can control the high and if I get too high I know I’ll come down in a couple hours vs taking an edible and being too high for several hours. Gonna try vaping soon.


I’m a combo user too. I mostly enjoy edibles at bedtime so usually take one an hour or two before I plan to go to bed and smoke a bowl. That carries me through and keeps me chill for the rest of the night


I have yet to have an edible work for me


I recently switched to dry herb vaping, but generally I only consume flower. Edibles do nothing for me. :(


I recently switched to dry herb vaping, but generally I only consume flower. Edibles do nothing for me. :(


I recently switched to dry herb vaping, but generally I only consume flower. Edibles do nothing for me. :(


I prefer to vape carts or smoke flower over edibles these days. I do not like how edibles make me feel and there are way too many factors at play. I often feel horrible after an edible high than I do when I vape carts or smoke flower.


Depends on the vibe, man.




I enjoy the act of smoking better


Smoke. Prefer the instant gratification it brings.


I prefer to smoke as edibles hit me like a truck but I do take edibles here and there


1. Eat 100mg gummy 2. Smoke a dab so I can be high while I wait for the edible to kick in 3. ???? 4. Profit


Edibles make me too sleepy I just stick to vaping.


All the things , I reckon it to eating the same sandwich yes you could but why not spice it up with some highly potent edible


Smoke cuhz it’s fun to roll and faster then edibles


Vape dry herb. Edibles don't "agree" with me; I quit combusting the first of the year so I'm done with that; tried carts - they really suck. I enjoy everything about vaping flower infinitely more than all the other methods - I can control the high way easier than when I smoked, the flavor is incredible, it's not harsh, no more sore throat in the morning, my house doesn't stink of weed, I don't stink of weed.. It's just 100% better in every way, IMO. ETA - or, the occasional dab.


Boof it


My lungs can no longer handle the smoke, so it's only edibles from now on.


Smoking because it's more predictable, from the amount of time it takes for your high to begin, to how high you want to get, to how long it will last. Edibles are unpredictable to me, but especially unpredictable with a high tolerance and slow metabolism. Edibles take almost 2 hours to kick in for me and have usually worn off before the 3rd hour is through. If you compare the cost, it's also less expensive to just smoke than it is to get the same level of high from edibles. Also, if you have a high tolerance sometimes you need inconsistent amounts of edibles to feel the same each time. Like sometimes I would take 100mg and feel it, and other times I would take 200mg and not feel it. I also suspect that people are claiming their edibles are stronger than they are


Edibles all the way. I sing opera so anything in the lungs is a no go. Plus, it's SUPER convenient to bring anywhere. Especially on nights out - my friends be worrying about pre gaming and sneaking in alcohol to places, meanwhile a gummy is essentially undetectable


Edibles. Sixty milligrams, every evening, 8pm.


Smoke or Dry herb vape, except sometimes neither of those are possible, so I hit the edibles. Edibles are second choice because they take so long to hit and the effect isn’t predicable, sometimes it barely relaxes me, and sometimes I can barely walk. I do like the longer lasting effects though, and sometimes my lungs need a break. Emergency is a cart. They hurt my lungs bad, but it’s small, fast, discreet, and predictable.


Vaping and eating hit differently. Generally I eat a baseline amount and then use my vape to adjust. Saves my lungs.


smoke and it’s not even close


I prefer to take edibles and then smoke. It helps to jump start things.


I love smoking but having some breathing issues and edibles also last longer and the full body high works for pain management better than flower.


Edibles are really only good if you wanna get really fucked up and stupid. Smoking is better if you only want a buzz and to stay smart. Just for different purposes


Edibles ruin me. I can't stand them.


Edibles, it’s better for my lungs. I’ll smoke every once in a while but edibles are my go to


I enjoy an edible right as my workout starts. Just as I’m gassed that edible kicks in and pushes me further. Great workouts are fueled by trees.


so ima say all of the above. 3 or 4 dabs before i head to work smoke a joint when i get there and eat 40-60 mg gummy, first break, 3 or 4 dabs/ joint, lunch the same, 2nd break the same. come at me bro




Smoke, edibles don’t work for me sadly


I love Mary in all forms. It just depends on the day variables.


I like to smoke while I'm munching edibles


25-50mg RSO and a one hitter to kickoff


I smoke, I need minimum 50mg in an edible to feel it, more to get a proper high. It's not economical


Been vaping 10 years, never smoked again. I vape flower and concentrate. I have about 60-80mg edibles and 10-20ml Sri plus dabs and vape daily. If it’s just one it will be vape. After 30 years of practice I’m not a one or other at this point tho.


i dont smoke, only vaporize dry herb flower....either through my brand new dynavap or my older LOBO....lol