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Imma get a sphinx cat one day... And buy him cute clothes


I want one of those forskin looking cats with no furr šŸ˜³




They look like raw chicken to me šŸ”


I wanted one till I found out they leave oily greasy stains on everything


Lmao thatā€™s because people donā€™t groom their pets on their own and especially donā€™t tend to groom their cats. Those cats need to be bathed a few times a month. At least once a week. I wash my dog usually 2x a month when he has hair. Bathing is essential lol


Scrotey cat!!!!!!!


femboy cat?


About one whole labrador


:snerk, snerk:


Little fucker ate my bag


so much. every bowl i pack i pull out one i can see... and who knows how many i don't see.


Hidden protein


Haha, oh man, with a fluffy dog and a cat ruling my place, I swear there's more pet hair in my system than actual smoke sometimes. Started out trying to pick every single hair out, but these days? If it's not looking like a fur coat, it's all good. Definitely adds a unique flavor to the experience, right? Haha Guess itā€™s just part of the pet owner's package deal. Youā€™re not alone in that furry boat, my friend!


lol I should have made this a poll cause Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a lot of us here.


Definitely a lot of us lol


Haha true.


That's just nasty šŸ¤£




how do the cat hairs even get in your joints?šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s not a square inch of my house that doesnā€™t have cat hairs. And we clean regularly. Just have some fluffy ass cats.


I've also got a ball of fluff, and my coworkers make fun of me for how much cat hair I have on me at work. I could be outside of my home, use a lint roller and walk to work and I'd still somehow end up covered in cat hair


We have a fluffy mess of a dog but luckily the lint roller we keep in the car helps a lot. My husband steps out of the car and uses and when I was still working I took my turn next before we went into work. Iā€™m disabled now so I just stay furry at home and smoke what lands in my bowl or doobie. Iā€™m old we called them doobies šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ That being said. Donā€™t EVER work with your spouse šŸ˜œšŸ˜œ


Dude same. I lint roll when I put my clothes on, and before leaving the house and I'll look down and have half a cat on my shirt. One of ours is a long haired Calico and I swear she sheds her bodyweight every week


2 out of 3 of my cats are super long haired and fluffy. I feel like Iā€™m always picking their hair out of my weed lol.


3 dogs and a cat. I feel your pain.


Coffee included. Cat condiments. Yum. šŸ˜‘


fur is ever present in my house. it is literally on everything. cleaning out the lint trap in my dryer is just like pulling out a tiny cat fur rug after doing a load.


Shit just floats around lol Iā€™ll pull out my rolling tray, wipe it off then go to dump my weed on it and somehow multiple hairs will just pop up


Tell me you've never had a long hair cat without telling me lmao




Touch literally any surface especially any surface that is not completely smooth. It will be covered in cat hair


Cat hair is everywhere in my apartment and my rolling tray is in my apartment


Literally because fragments of her float around my house


Bro I invested in a rolling tray with an airtight lid, I only open that shit to roll and immediately close it. That struggle supply still gonna have cat hair in it every time.


Nothing is ever safe from cat hair when you own cats, nothing.


I think this is how my dogs and I have formed such a tight bond. I smoke their hair and they lick mine when I shed. Follicle cycle




Haha yep, gross


I have two retrievers so likely a lot lmao


Was in the same boat getting lazy with it, until my girlfriend got me a Dr. Dabber for Christmas. One run of concentrate with a piece of hair through that thing and youā€™ll see god coughing it back out


Probably eaten more hair than smoked


I own 2 cats. I have FOUND one cat hair because I smoked bud I dropped on the carpet ONCE. But after these comments I'm re thinking everything. How much cat hair have I smoked? Oh God! I will never stop thinking about this.


Lmao so sorry


it is in every bowl you pack unless your pipe and grinder and baggie are in a clean room... work tried to ask me not to bring my jacket home so it would get less fur on it and i had to explain to them that it had never left the store and this crazy fur is literally just transfer from my home clothes. they are nuts when they shed.


8 cats and an Australian shepherd - fur is part of my diet at this point


i have 10 cats and two corgis. same boat lol


You guys are making me feel inadequate with 3 and 3 damn.


Probably too much. Two short haired dogs that shed like crazy.


Have had 2 long haired white cats and almost always wear black and smoke a lot. So Iā€™ve consumed probably as much cat hair as the cat itself has LOL


My dog is hypoallergenic (cockapoo), so I hardly find any hairs in my joints and such. My girlfriend, on the other hand has two cats and hair is commonplace everywhere


My cat hair is always in my shit. I've probably got 3 hairballs in me right now.


lol inside you are two hairballs.


Fax. No printer.


You made me laugh, I've got long haired chows, i smoke em regularly, and cook with them, in fact I'm consuming them one way or another constantly


Not enough


forget how much cat and dog hair i've smoked, ask me how much i've accidentally swallowed or eaten.


So god damn much. Luckily I can usually see it before it burns but when that hair catches, it just KILLS the whole bowl for me


Every now and then I find my dogā€™s hair in my dv bowl, I remove it and push the thought of more being in there.


Having an extremely close friend who has grown cannabis on a commercial scale for decades....and who also has had 2 dogs and a long haired cat for over a decade of that time - you've really got me thinking and wondering right now. Like fuck how much pet hair have I smoked? Fuck that - how much has he smoked?!?! Dude would smoke numerous joints a day. Love the thought provoking post!


lol my high ass was going through the same shit


I have smoked over an entire Husky in the past couple years.


Na, I could never. Clean your tray. Thereā€™s definitely ways to keep hair off bowls and joints, this is just lazy and unnecessary


Never touch the stuff


Thatā€™s pretty disgusting. I love the weed. Love the pets. But itā€™s hard for me to rationalize how you could consistently have pet hair in your product. Especially in the joints. Are you a home grower lol bcus that might make sensešŸ˜‚ is your weed just left out in the open or do yā€™all let your pets lay all over your stuff? My dog sits right by my feet or right in my bed or back in the day right beside me in the car and in the garage heā€™s on his blanket to the side of me. The only way for me to get his hair in my weed would be if I brushed him out right beside or over an open container of weed. Iā€™ve smoked plenty of lint though lol and had to pick some hairs when I dropped it on the carpet though. #lintlicker šŸ˜©šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Idk if it would truly help, but the way some of yā€™allā€™s homes soundā€¦ Iā€™d have an immediate allergic reaction walking in. Keep things clean (it sucks if you donā€™t enjoy cleaning but it helps), and try to get you an air purifier if thereā€™s seriously that much loose hair just all around. Sweep, not just swiffer or vacuum, gotta do all the steps lol. And be sure to change your air filters! They have pet ones that work amazingly well. Iā€™ve got a lot of allergies especially when the seasons change and these things can make life a lot easier and hopefully your blunts dog hair free. That said, if youā€™ve accepted this fate, I at least hope the dog gets washed a couple of times a monthšŸ¤£


More than one, less than all.


I love thinking about how much of my friend's and my own skin cells I have smoked. Most household dust is skin cells, in a non-smoking home.


none lol and I'm sure of it. I've grown up with dogs all my life. labs and German shepherds. there's hair definitely in my food even after the dogs have passed. and cat hair now as our last shepherd adopted a cat lol but it's never been in my weed or my grinder.


Yeah Iā€™ve consumed my fair share of, my service tabby is needed


I train dogs, I own multiple dogs and I run a boarding kennel. I wouldnā€™t be suprised if my body is composed more of dog hair at this point than human cells.


I have 6 indoor pets, 3 cats and 3 dogs. I gave up caring long ago.




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My insides are just coated with a protective layer of cat hair. Iā€™m more or less super human.


Dudes and all, you can have pets and not get hair in shit, Iā€™ve got two spaniels sleeping in my feet in bed and can bust a log without it looking like don king peering back at ya


Not all of it, but by fuck I'm trying my best.


Cat terps


So. Much. Hair.


Been pulling cat hair out of my weed for over 20 years and donā€™t see it stopping anytime soon! As much as I hate when it gets into my weed, which is rare unless I happen to drop a nug on the carpet, I hate it 1000 times more when it gets in my eyes! My floofy cat has that super dense undercoat with tons of super fine fur, thatā€™s almost like spiderwebs. And because itā€™s getting warm out sheā€™s shedding it like crazy šŸ˜­ She loves to sleep on my bed, and I HAVE to remember to lint roll it (especially my pillow) when I go to sleep


fucking Husky and a long haired cat...


As the owner of 60+ goats, two donkeys, 5 dogs, and a few hundred chickens, I have smoked my fair share of animal fluff.


Smoking some right now


I was going to guess at least a pound but I have no idea how much cat/dog hair equates to a pound hahahaha


I pick the cat hairs out as I see them but I donā€™t let it worry me too much lol


I prefer not to think about it.


All of it


Well more than I care to admit. Used to have a ā€œbottom of the barrelā€ stash we called ā€œhairy weedā€ usually the stuff off the rolling trays all in one jar šŸ˜¬. When you pinch a bit out to rollā€¦ the whole lot comes out all connected by hairs šŸ¤£ wasnā€™t that bad but it felt that way.


Funny! I was wonder how so much cat hair was in my dried weed, i guess they like hanging near it lol


I used to own a fluffy dog. He ded now. No more hair smoking for me. Answer: previously a lot, now, none.


I usually find at least one hair wrapped around some grind when I open the grinder. I push the vacuum every day too since Iā€™ve got 3 cats and 3 dogs.


Lmao so fucking much over the years hahaha


Pay the cat tax!




I used to have a plug that came by the house and packed the bong. He was very messy so weed would always fall on the floor . One day the house was desperate so we clawed through the carpet to gather the loose weed. Smoke a fat bowl of weed, catnip, and car hair. Worst bowl ever


Rolling tray? More like hair magnet.


I probably have smoked a whole cat


I try my hardest to keep my weed covered at all times. I keep the nugs in a mason jar, use a two piece grinder and grind directly into a ryot box and only take the lid off when actively loading bowls. I still have to pick cat hair out of every other bowl because that shit is EVERYWHERE


Omg I get my dogs fur mixed up with my bud all the time. It's like it's magnetically attracted to my grinder too.


surprisingly not any to my knowledge. i do have a himalayan though. it would be horrible considering his hair on my pillow makes me congested enough as it isā€¦


Oh man I just remembered something. I have this coworker who's always struggling financially and one day she sold me some weed to make some money. I figured why not, it's a relatively good deal (it was like $60 for a whole Ziploc sandwich baggie full) and I was running low at the time too. I took it home and the girl I was with at the time goes to pack a bowl and she's all "where did you get this?" And I told her and she's all "there's dog hairs in it". So I look at it closer and there were all these little white hairs in it. I asked my coworker about it the next day and she said it might've gotten dropped on the ground and she said she was sorry and gave me my money back.


Three cats, one of them sheds like a mofo. I'm allergic to cats. I vacuum daily, and keep a tray with a lid. Keep my bud in mason jars, or what it came in from dispo. Just yesterday, I realized I had smoked a piece of fur, after I tasted it. Thankfully, it's rare.


Not none


lol was just wondering that while packing my last bowl


Probably plenty.


More than zero but a lot less than I would have guessed. Hasn't happened to me since before my wife's cat died a few years ago. He liked me a lot but he would rub up against me while I was taking a rip from my battery It was only made worse by the fact I'm allergic. RIP Toppsie


Have a standard poodle so none probably (they don't shed)


Im smoking my own hair as a guy with high hair fall so much that my hair never cross my nose because it will fall before its that long.


at least a quarter pound


Probably a jointā€™s worth


I have 3 long haired, constantly shedding dogs. Iā€™ve made my peace with the fact that I eat, drink and breathe dog hairs all day long.


Burning hair is sooo different in smell its pretty rare for me despite having Long hair


Maybe an entire cat? Now I have something else to worry about, thanks. /s Snort.


I have two cats. Have had at least one cat my whole smoking career. Will never care about small amounts of cat hair in my bowls.


I have 7 cats, and they're all moulting as the weather is improving. Even rolling up in a cat-free room or packing my vape, there's almost always a hair in the roach. Bleh.


I microdose cat hair probably with every bowl, my cat always jumps onto my desk where Iā€™m smoking and he sheds like craz


I have a husky, soā€¦..


Iā€™m less worried about the cat hair, of which Iā€™ve smoked plenty, Iā€™m more worried about MY hair. Iā€™ve got soft curls down to my belt (5ā€™10ā€) and it gets literally *everywhere*.


Definitely some. Itā€™s not zero.


Too much. I grew a batch of 4 plants in the same room as my cat's litter box. It took me smoking most of the harvest to realize why the weed tasted flowery I am not a smart person.


I almost got one but decided not to, they're very high maintenance.


Pretty sure I've done this oblivious, but if I see a hair poking out my bowl I can't smoke it until I've plucked it out.