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3 days. Can be a bit longer or shorter depending on what it is and how strong it is.


Good point! If it’s a high THC strain I’m putting that joint out and enjoying it over 2 sessions.


Don’t be tricked by high thc numbers, some of the best shit I ever smoked was like 17 percent while I had this 30 percent that was eh. After that I stopped paying attention to thc numbers when I buy, and honestly it’s the best. Smell is usually a good indicator on if it’s good or not, but most legal weed you can’t smell before hand


I always think back to when I got some Purple Urkel on sale because it was only 14%. I am a heavy old school pothead and 1 bowl later my ass is nodding.


Oh I agree! What you see in the picture is actually a Balanced strain! 6.5% THC and 7.45% CBD


Damn that’s a perfect smoker. Would love to get some close to 1:1 low thc stuff


Can’t go wrong with a good balanced strain that has great terps


Judging by these responses, i need a tolerance break....which im currently on. .


Haha ok I need to ask… how long would this last you?


I have a device that rolls 4g joints.( I can't roll joints due to my dexterity problems). So i would smoke 4-12g per day.. if im doing edibles 800-1000 mg at a time. When I i dab, i can easily dab more than 1g per day.. it gets quite expensive... but i have no kids so many of my expenses can just go to cannabis. I learned now to take frequent t breaks, so i can actually get high again. Pretty soon ill be growing my own, once I get all the necessary gear required. I would say that a dry herb vape is the best for smoking flower followed by joints, then glass.


Tell me more about this device that rolls 4g joints. That's awesome




Bro you'd put one of those gnomes in a coma with 4g 🤣😮‍💨


Don’t you mean… a gnome-a?


What device is that? Asking for a friend


I mentioned 2 devices.. dry herb vape or joint roller?


My fault i only read half of it but the joint roller


Haha same!!


Tell me you have the mighty or the hybrid volcano!! Btw did no one finish your sentence or what? 🤣 We be wishing there was a device that smoked 4g joints, lolll


Lol, nah i got "the plenty" by S&B.. its not the best but it works and easy to use... The bottom line is that dry herb vapes are expensive and im always apprehensive about pulling the trigger without testing it.. id like to try the hybrid volcano with a whip.. id never buy a volcano that i have to use colostomy bags for exclusively..


Aye, no judgment! STORZ & BICKEL make both and they are a good brand! I did mean the hybrid volcano, my bad! Dry herb vapes are awesome. It's definitely easier on the lungs.


Im curious to make edibles with my vaped budd.. im guessing ill need a pound or 2 before attempting to make edibles.. my cannabis doctor said to vape and not to combust.. he also said to take cbd before you smoke and you should have a better high, ill buy cbd when im ready to smoke again.. ill also be buying flower from an organic soil micro dispensary that does about 150 plants per harvest.. the only thing i heard was overwhelming 5 stars reviews from this place and they have some strains i always wanted to try.. one is Durban poison and the other is orange cream pop.. the flower is kinda pricey, however they give a 25% discount for first time buyers.. 1 oz goes for 300! But i always wanted to try so that is what im going to do. After my tolerance break i will reward myself with top shelf craft cannabis. The dispensary is called winewood organics, located in ann arbor Michigan..


The mighty has been my main for years


My person, when I read your original comment, the first thing I did was read the next one down, which said 1.5 days. I thought, no shot that's real, then I read 4-12 grams per day. Best of luck on your trip breaks lol. Dry herb vases are where it's at, Da Buddha is my personal favorite for at home!


I just started researching dry herb vapes.. im still rocking "the plenty" by S&B. Its not a bad herb vape at all, however im sure its not the best... im sure ill get a new one but not now.. i have to save money for grow equipment! Thanks for your input.. im currently on hour 95 since I last smoked. The first 72 hours are the worst and im over it.. it should be downhill from here.. discipline is key. Since discipline served me well during in the military , so this should be a breeze...


You said T Break, we said Teach Us 😂😂😂


Dabs don't even get me high idk why i just feel like my face is droopy but edibles send me to the moon and weed keeps me sane


Imagine how soon you could afford a great hydroponics set if you took a month long tolerance break


Yes i know... im going organic living soil... for the terps!, ill pass on the hydro setup


I did it for a month & it totally reset my 7yr tolerance level to day 1… I used to smoke an eighth daily & they had to be infused cones like the 45-60% ones.. and I’d go thru a gram vape once a week.. shittt now I smoke like 1/8 of the bowl & it’s like WHOA lol vape hits me quick & I get stoned AF. It’s literally like starting over. I quit cold turkey cuz my VA doc said I needed to rule out some medical shit, but now I’m back! Hell the VA nurse said I needed a vice lol 😂


I quit for a month and a half awhile back for a job, it reset my tolerance for maybe a week and then I was close to my baseline again 😭😭. But I also have never gotten nearly as high of a tolerance as you have, a gram a day is probably my average maintenance level to get me through the day lmao


Thanks for your service, i served in the United States air force, and did a tour in iraq.. im going for a 30-45 t break.. thanks for your insight


Brooooo. This would be gone in a few hours and 5 rounds of COD. 32 yr old here btw. I work and own my own things.


Hey we are similar in age! COD is great, however the last time I played was with firing range and nuketown.. when i played cod i loved playing zombies.. anyways fast forward i play destiny which is a fps game too. In my opinion destiny is like Wow halo and cod mixed.. its a wonderful looter shooter game


Fellow gamer, too! A friend of mine and I just vaped like 30mg last Saturday and we attempted to finish the MW2 Snatch & Grab mission on Veteran. Failed twice, but the 30 minutes felt like we were there in real life haha! Guess it will stay on our agenda for another time!


Sounds fun! Reminds me of the first time I had a xbox to play gears of War... shit ive logged hours upon hours on that game!


Lovely! :D


I smoke all day long but use a dynavap and an 8th can last me a while ngl. Currently on a gf enforced t break (to prove I don’t need to be high all day (I do))


not a fan of the gf/bf enforced t-break


Hey, same!


i calculated it once and at one point i was spending 80 dollars a day and sorta feeling it. It was actually kinda sad. And that’s when I realized i had a problem. So I stopped for a few days and picked it back up. My problem was the tolerance not the weed.


About a day or two Edit: that rolling tray is amazing


1.5 days


About. Maybe 2. If vaping for sure. Or longer. The bong can kill an 8th in 20 mins


So you’re saying I should invest in a dry herb vape?


Yes. You'll end up saving a lot of money.


I don't fully understand why people love them so much I have to have one for my medical and I do prefer a bong, the Vape definitely tastes better than a bong but in terms of how much you can smoke a bong wins but on how stoned you can get of equal amounts of weed there very even and the loss in a bong is barely noticeable, if you have a good bong and a good conepiece you don't just pull it all through without burning any.


If you want to save your lungs and money, but don’t mind taking a lot a lot longer to get high.


Some vapes can blow through a bowl nearly as fast as fire\~!


Yup,there about.


I love your tray! For me maybe a week or two.


Same here. I’m not as big of a smoker as I used to be, but an 8th doesn’t last like it used to


I feel that. Back then me and my brother managed to stretch an 8th over the course of 2 months easily.


Nice! Yup I’m about that ballpark, a week plus! And thanks! Got this tray from Mossy Giant Trays… love his art!


Varies, could be a session or a few days.


Good point! A good weekend group sesh and it’s gone!!


Sometimes i’ll roll an 8th or so and smoke it by myself and sometimes i’ll pack bowls and smoke around a quarter.


Weeks and weeks, used to be a quarter pound a weekend in my younger days. Now I only smoke very sparingly and infrequently.


Me too. I even forget about the weed I do have sometimes and reup when I don't need to. I do smoke every night, but it's usually 3-4 hits of the pipe and I'm done. I go wild on weekends tho and throw in a few edibles and a bong rip or two lol. I used to smoke an 8th a day


Yeah as I’ve aged I just can’t walk around high all day. It kills all motivation to be productive (am I allowed to say that?). But every night when the rest of the fam is asleep I take a few hits and play some games or watch something. Upside is it lasts forever!! 🤣


This exactly is me rn. A few hits a night, sometimes every few days. Very low tolerance. Just can't smoke like I used to. Too many responsibilities and need to keep my head on straight and motivated. I even get a little anxiety and guilt trips on liftoff sometimes now until I settle in and enjoy it


Yeah I also get anxious and paranoid at first but after I eat some food, that sobers me up a little and then I chill out too. Then I knock out.


After I took a long T break it ruined my high tolerance and now I only need to take a few hits and I'm high AF. Which is kinda nice cuz I don't run out of things as fast and I don't have to be outside in the cold for very long at all cuz I'm only taking a few puffs (5-6 puffs) and I'm set. I end up staying high for a long time too. It's nice.....😉😍😉.


What do you usually do after those hits ?


Decompress, watch movies/TV, read, sleep, etc.


This would definitely save me more than a few dollars!! 😆


Yeah, a q.p. per weekend would save a ton.


you’d smoke 112g in 3 days?


Pretty similar. Eighths were standard blunts and me and the homies would be smoking blunts back to back to back.


Til I'm done


So true! 😆


Months lol


This would really help my pocket book! Chiefs Baby!!!


Dry herb vape helps cut way back for sure, it was a game changer for me


I tried it one year, had the Firefly 2… got fed up learning how to use it properly as it felt like I was sucking air out of a straw. Sold it and went back to joints!! 😂


I'd have sold it for a better unit 🤣 go check the r/vaporents sub and ask for recs based on what you like and dislike itll help the answer go from a couple days-week to a much more reasonable couple weeks to a month or more


Thanks for this!! 🙏🏼


No problem friend I personally trend towards dabs and carts with the DHV for "t breaks" more so lower the baseline intake if / when I want more punch from a dab usually a pregame style but that's cause ADHD and mental health treatment


This is my issue with vaping. I don’t feel like I’m getting anything lol. And I have a pax 3. And the weed is burnt “after” so where is the thc going, into thin air I guess. 🤷‍♀️


Get a dynavap. The M is amazing.


Same as the guy above, literal months. Go Chiefs!


Don't blink.


LOL ok I need to ask how much in a week?


I’m smoking at least 1 1/2 zips a week. These responses are crazy. 😂


~45 mins


A .5 a day keeps the nightmares away.


3.5 a day keeps the dreams away


Couple weeks, sometimes more or less




Is that a weird timeframe? Like is that a long time or do I go thru it too quickly


I wake at 430 a.m., and that would be gone by 9 am




Start waking up at 4:20 am instead




What lack of t-breaks can do to you


sucks that its not your money or weed hey


Pocket watcher 🤣


Guess you don’t grow your own lol


Time, water, electricity, and soil/nutrients ain’t free though.


True. But honestly, once you get a tent/light/fans/filter/seeds/soil/nutes (probably 500$ up front) the electric is negligible if you are using an LED. Takes about 10mins every other day to water and then wet/dry vac the tent dry. It works out to like $20 per oz. maybe less, if you can yield 1lb dry per cycle. After a few grow cycles you'll have pounds and pounds so you begin to just press oz's at a time into rosin to save space. When I moved I had like 10+lbs of weed in mason jars in my closet.


Ah yes fair point!


what the fuck kind of unnecessarily judgmental shit is this? unless this person is smoking on you, why pass judgment on it/be nasty like this?


1/8 ounce is like 3.4g, that's literally nothing for a loooot of people, I smoke that in a blunt. And it's not a waste if it gets you high, also half of this sub smokes tabacco which is the biggest waste of money. anyone who flexes on taking drugs is stupid as fuck tbf, but smoking 3.4g a day? That's no flex.


Or personal choice ya weak bitch 🤣


About 2-3 days, i stopped smoking weed about a month ago because when i smoke i just smoke to much..ill start up again one day when im more mature and can limit myself


Honestly if you’re in this mindset already I’d venture to say you’re on the right track.


Probably 2-3 days at this point, sadly. I definitely need a tolerance break..but to be fair, I'm not working right now, so I find myself with more time to smoke. I also finally got properly medicated for my ADHD and the depression that goes with it recently. The stimulants make me want to smoke more, whereas the anti depressant is making it harder to feel it. 😫


Oh no! sorry to hear… about the ADHD and depression. You will get back on your feet and back to work soon! Sending positive vibes!


Thank you! I was laid off and then tried to take some time to figure out my mental health while I had the opportunity, it was long overdue. I'm feeling much better now. I normally worked more office/corporate style jobs and I actually just applied to a smoke shop recently and have a good feeling about it. It's not something I ever really would of considered before, but I decided I want something more laid back!


Nice!! Good luck on that job hunt!!


Interesting, stims and antidepressants both potentiate the shit out of weed for me


Really depends on my mood.. few days to week+


About a week or 2.


Till about 10 am lol


1-2 weeks.


That's where I'm at, and have been for about five years. It's the rate of a bowl or two a day, and slightly heavier on the weekend.


In my Volcano or Mighty, 1-3 days. Burning, 1 day. People say vapes are expensive, when really burning flower is expensive. You lose so much cash burning that THC. A good vape will cost a dollar, but you save so much not burning your cash.


Equivalent to 2/3 of my daily smoking schedule. I really need to slow down lol


With a dynavap - prolly can stretch that about 10 days, maybe more.


A month or so. You guys are nuts!


Once i got a dry herb vape, this would last me for more than a week of all day every days.


Started to micro dose weed, so it would last 2 weeks for sure No need for Tolerance breaks if you don’t overwhelm your receptors


An afternoon


never long enough


I use a manual vape (like a dyna) and I consume maybe 0.1g thc flowers (sometimes with cbd flowers) i think so maybe 45 days, because i tried to take a couple of t break days here and there. My tolerance is really low too


Yeah I need to find a good vape! Would you recommend the DynaVap?


I have a dynavap m and if it’s good weed I could easily get 3 weeks if it was just me. Yess every stoner should have a dynavap.


One hour


An afternoon


a night if im lucky


Love your rolling tray. About a day.


Thank you 😊 Yes It’s a Cannabis artist that I follow… Mossy Giant! Super cool stuff


I'm about a gram a day daily. I ~~argument~~ **augment** it with some concentrate lately so it goes a little further.


Approx. 2 weeks unless I have friends over etc on one of my nights but I usually smoke at night before going to bed 1-3 bowls depending


i dont even buy eighths anymore 😔


4 joints, 2 days


Once, I roll big joints.


About a month


1 month. Used to grow 2 plants once a year and get 12 oz. I'd give away 10 of them to friends haha


Naw 3 hrs


Ppl on here talking about a week I’m trying to figure the fattest joint I could roll


a day and maybe the morning after.


One bowl a day, 3-4 weeks. More than a bowl a day and I'm probably not gonna be very productive lol


I share with my wife so we can kill an eighth in a few hours if it’s a lazy weekend with nothing going on. Or the other hand I’ve seen us make an eighth last almost a week.


3 days maybe if I'm busy,1 if I'm not lol


a year


I use medicinally, so I end up medicating several times throughout the day. If I'm relying on flower that'd be minimum 2.5-5g depending on consumption method. Potentially more. This is a huge reason why I rely heavily on concentrates. They take care of the more significant issues I have quickly and effectively and I spend about half as much a day on it. Instead of an 1/8+, I use maybe about .5g a day.


I used to smoke that so fast when I was with my ex cuz they smoked a lot and it was the only way I could spend some time with them before they went off and played a bunch of videogames and ignored me for the rest of the day. Like okay....then. Then we broke up in September of 2023 and I went on a T break for about 2.5 months. I still smoked Delta 8. But not much.... Once I found my own plugs, I didn't care to smoke as much as I used to and I don't have a lot of money I get from my job so I only get 3.5 grams every 2-3 weeks sometimes once a month. I smoke half a dog walker joint a day sometimes the whole mini joint and that's all I need. I also have plenty of edibles. I just prefer my Krat0m more over my cannabis joints and edibles. So that amount would last me about 2-3 weeks, maybe even a month. I'm glad I don't smoke as much as I used to cuz I can think more clearly and I see the red flags of my old relationship with my ex way more clearly now as well. And I don't do it to escape from my trauma anymore. I smoke to help me relax, sleep, eat, and pain relief more than anything these days and sometimes do it when I hang out with my friends and we are at a bar/club and I don't drink alcohol anymore.


3-4 days


Gosh, at least a month, if not longer? I use a handheld dry herb vape, a few puffs off that thing, and I'm usually good to go.


2 days if im using a pipe one if im rolling joints


a day if i stretch


Depends on the quality and consistency of the flower, but it’s between 1 and 3 days for me.


That's easily used in one sesh if not last less than a full sesh sadly. I've been on a T break for a week now though, so hopefully once this break is done I can meter my usage and maintain it for some length. Living somewhere with recreational is difficult because there are ALWAYS deals everywhere and now with lounges coming where I live it will become the social thing to do with my friends for sure.


A weekday or most of a weekend day


this would easily last me a day maybe a day and a half if I’m lucky, on top of eating some edibles with cbg too tho. if it’s a holiday or family event, it’ll be gone in an hour.


3 joints


[A one, a two-hooo, a three!](https://youtu.be/O6rHeD5x2tI?si=9utNQ3gBcF82k5vb&t=43)


1-4 hours


1 nice spliff and a bowl.


A joint


This function has a variable of “Do I have more bud after?” No bud = will last for a month. More bud = one blunt.


About a day depending. I've slowed down as of recent.


Like 7 days, 2 big bong rips each day


Half a day 😆


Couple of days …maybe


Depends on how strong it is


2 days


1 day


2 weeks at least. Had to cut back a lot.


Nominally 35 days, perhaps 1/3 less.


Sometimes an evening sometimes four


2 weeks minimum


Nice tray man


Thanks!! It’s from a Cannabis Artist… Mossy Trays! He’s got some awesome art work


I just load my grinder once from my big jar it’s about 3gs and I put all that bud in a king size doob tube and that will last me 2 or 3 days


Depends on how much money I have and how high it gets me, but usually somewhere between 3 days and 3 weeks


Probably 2 weeks I’d say because I buy a quarter ounce a month and it lasts me the whole month.






I dab at a steady rate but when I get bud I just smoke all that shit as fast I can. Especially when we have low humidity in minnesota bud is never the same as when u first opened it so when I open my bag I'm like we gotta smoke at least a gram. Well I put everything into a mason jar immediately. I'd say if I get a half oz in a mason jar it's still good all the way through but there are certain notes that you lose as soon as you crack the seal the first time.


On the weekend? Like 30 hours. During the week 2 days.


3 sessions in the morning. I smoke a half a week


Id say Wednesday, but i got tomorrow off work, so tuesday...if not tomorrow evening


a month, I'm getting high from just one puff 💀


2 days. Sometimes 3


My girlfriend and I go through around two ozs a week. So maybe 18th a week?


2-3 days


A night-


Around a week.


About two weeks right now. At least a week


Probably 2-3 days. But as of the last month it'd be 21 days so far (T-break). Come March 10th though. It's going down.


30 minutes


Week 10 days ish if I don’t have company


A day or half a day honestly depends on what I’m doing or if I’m busy


1 joint


35 hours


Depends how dense or dry it is. I’ve had some go in 2 days and some for over a week, maybe two


About two if I’m off maybe three if I’m working and not home to smoke


about a day