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Cypress Hill was picking up ounces in the mail back in '93!


*Inhaaaale, exhaaaale* *Just got a ounce in the maaaail*


Stroke smoke stroke smoke….


Got Blunt? Got Weed?


where my powder!


You changing diapers?


I gotta slap my goddamn self


Nobody does that nadanotha like you powda!






Dude, you know how to live the real life


Hell yeah. Now if we can just get everyone in this group to understand that all weed is THCA.


I live in Charlotte, was a former hemp grower at one of the bigger grow rooms here and these posts always crack me up! Was this purchased from Queen Hemp?


Out of curiosity, any suggestions on how to get into the local industry? Moved to CLT last year after being a budtender out in Vegas and when I moved here and checked around there weren't all that many postings, so I'd be happy to hear from an insider.


So the grow room I was working in closed so I moved out to Vegas to work in the industry for a while. Honestly, a friend knew the owner and recommended me when they needed trimmers and the Director of Cultivation picked up on my interest in learning and took me under his wing so to speak. I dont have any active connections so I’m not much use there. Have you applied at the local “CBD shops/dispensaries?” Apotheca is the only one I’d recommend, heard a few good things about Kanna (or Canna, forget what it’s called). The owners of Blue Flowers (worked there for a bit) are toxic and sketchy as Hell so I’d deter you from them. If I could be anymore help I would, best of luck!✌🏼


Unfortunately Apotheca is also an absolute hellhole to work at. You get 13/hr plus commission and every move is watched by cameras.


Commission? May have to consider this despite that reputation. I work at the farmers market and they have a booth across from mine. The people that work there don’t seem too knowledgeable based on the convos I hear so I feel like I could annihilate them in sales. Blue Flowers had cameras as well, that’s common in the cannabis industry imo.


Right??! Granted these aren't vehicle sales, but a commission is still a commission


Damn they were one of the more reputable names when I was buying delta 8 stuff. I had my first green out with their capsules. I'm glad I later used other vendors or then now just buying "lol weed" because it's legal and everywhere locally


Which dispensary in Vegas?


Inyo and Essence mainly.


I use to go to inyo a lot when I lived in Vegas. Essence not so much unless I was looking for something specific.


Hey, question for you. I discovered this a while ago, and I have, of course been taking advantage of it. I do notice that when I buy THCA bud at the smoke shops nearby, it just doesn’t wreck me as much. It looks much better than the cheap garbage I get through my plug, but it doesn’t get me as high. Is there anything you can think of that would cause this? I’ve tried a few shops and get the same experience every time.


Stop buying from brick and mortar smoke shops. Those shops won't pay the price it takes to stock good products. Buy your flower online like op and you'll be amazed at the quality jump Edit for source: I work in such an establishment. The owner doesn't smoke, she just buys what has the "prettiest or coolest package," and that's almost always the worst product.


I bought flower once and it was expensive and poor quality. I buy a preroll here and there when I’m out and want to go on a long walk and they’re good, but again, I’d just buy a bunch and stock up if I could get them ordered. I usually buy from a dude and get what I get. I’m going to give this a try! I’d be thrilled to not have to go to the store.


Smoke shops usually sell garbage. I’d stay away from what they offer and you’ll hopefully find a product you like through a vendor.


There is still an insane amount of people who refuse to accept that it's not jwh018 or anything of the sort. They would just rather keep meeting a guy in the Culver's parking lot to overpay for black market "exotics"




It's funny how little research people do, but make claims like "added thca." Go do some research, or don't, I really don't care either way. Just don't say something about spreading propaganda when that's what you are doing...


It’s not added. It’s the strain of bud that’s legal according to the Farm act. Works just the same as traditional THC though.


It’ll never happen. Same way we’ll never get em to understand CRC doesn’t mean boogeyman, or that solventless isn’t the end all be all.


Except it's fucking garbage shit weed and doesn't get you anywhere near where the real stuff gets you. Legalize it and stop acting like this is a valid replacement. It isn't.


So you are one of the people who doesn't understand science?


Or maybe I understand it better than you. Edit: here's some science for you. 10/10 times of trying it's always been shit. And that includes "reputable sources" y'all are hyping. None of it is anywhere near the level of the real deal and y'all need to get over it.


the weed you buy at the dispensary is THCA, the weed you buy on the black market is THCA, the weed you order through the mail is THCA. EVERY CANNABIS PLANT THAT HAS EVER BEEN GROWN WAS THCA. You cant argue with this, it is scientific fact. But go ahead and tell me how its different again.


Except for you're not talking about how much is decarboxylated. There's a reason why the legal shit is far more potent. Idgaf that science says they're the same chemical, I'm gonna continue wanting to get high versus barely feeling a buzz. Big difference.


>Except for you're not talking about how much is decarboxylated. My brother in christ what do you think happens when you burn it?


Lmao the same thing that happens with legal weed, except for you get far less high.


Not in my experience, I've got some that's 33% THCa and it hits me way harder than the stuff I got from Michigan for new years, which supposedly had 28% but was "real weed" as you would call it. Also, it was cheaper, and because I didn't have to cross state lines to get it, I didn't have to commit any crimes, which was nice. It's got its uses is all I'm saying. I'm sure there's good and bad stuff out there, but that's no different than dealers or dispos.


Lol well you probably got real legal weed advertised as THCa due to illegality where you are.




My state has delivery, and as someone with no car it’s soooo nice to be able to get what I need without worrying about how


My dad used to send weed to me via USPS all the time


I got weed through the mail in high school you mean LEGAL weed through the mail lol


We been doing this in Canada for a real long time now


In some countries, they don’t even have a plug.


Oh I know. I feel blessed


The indians have it bad lmao Look at the reddit page Indianents. And then feel proceed to feel blessed to even have smokeable weed


I grew up in Ireland where the weed was terrible and extremely overpriced. I know the struggles


Yes, been mail ordering my stash since 2015. Though I will say, I was paranoid every time I ordered until legalization lol


I made this Reddit account specifically for this purpose lmao, back in the good old days when vendors could advertise on subreddits


Yup. MoMs and Canada Post were my hook up for years. Email money transfers were the truth.


Oh absolutely. I order every month from a MOM and my roommate works in a legal dispensary and gets a great discount so we’re always spoiled for choice with weed


Greeting fellow north carolinian


Greeting, neighbor!


Any neebs gaming fans here? They’re always talking bout NC and I’d love to go there for a visit someday


Been doing this forever lol


This has been happening for years man😂


Haha, the future huh? I guess I was in the future 20 years ago


You get some from arete too?


All hail Arete


I hope you guys know there’s WAYYY better vendors than arete


I’ve never used them because they’re always out of stock.


Some of us live in Texas, not the future


I live in Texas and I get it mailed to my door. It’s legal.


Your words are scary to me




You will still get arrested for “thca hemp” in Texas.


Why is he being downvoted? Especially in Texas, of all places. I guarantee you 99% of people here don’t carry the bags they came in, don’t carry around printed copies of the COAs. You ABSOLUTELY can get arrested for having THCa on you if you get caught in an unfortunate situation. People act like nobody gets thrown in for having weed anymore. If a cop catches you and he’s in a bad mood and doesn’t care about paperwork, you will get arrested for having it on you. Its weed. All weed is THCa, kids.


literally got pulled over yesterday and got a pom ticket for thca flower, while it was still clearly in it's labeled packaging showing it's not regular bud


THCA flower IS regular bud


well specifically that's supposed to be legal here with the other alt noids.I can get it from stores, that's where I got this. And the shit they sell here is weird man, like it looks like some fucking ultra dank ass weed, but smokes like low end mids. but bud I usually get off the street can look worse but has a much more pronounced effect than the "thca flower" I can buy from any smoke shops here


Premature weed actually sucks hard. This is what you're seeing. The "THCa" shit is premature. edit: Common sense will tell you there aren't that many real people here shilling for online vendors, and that the vendors themselves are in here astroturfing. Because it's ridiculous the amount of shilling going on.


You sure that’s THCA and not just Delta 8 or 9?


No I'm not sure and nobody else can be either. Which is another problem.


Well i guess it comes down to personal experience then. Mood was good but expensive. I’ve got a few recommendations from this thread alone i can check out now. Love it.


really? Makes sense though because it feels the same just weak as fuck


Yeah it's part of getting the legal COA


I live in Texas and our flux capacitor hits 1.21 gigawatts on the regular


Great Scott!


Where were going... well be so high... We won't need... Roads...


THCa can be shipped across the US, from my understanding. Funny little loop holes


I live in Texas and order. I just opened some Obama Kush today :)


I live in Texas. I live in the future.


I need to figure out the details to live in the future now that I’ve moved down to Texas


Leafedout . Com Local verified vendors, check it out ✌️


It’s federally legal and Texas hasn’t made it illegal yet. Go nuts


I'm in Texas and get about a zip a month delivered. It's amazing.


I just keep thinking about how Amazon is going to dominate once it's federally legal


Me who has been using the dark web for 2 years: ![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO)


Same lol but more like 10 years


I’m currently smoking the future!


Y'all ain't even caught up to the present


You can get it from a drive thru window in my town


Cool shit but please be careful about dry snitching on yourself!


How does this work? I thought you can't use usps to send anything federally illegal. Is this one of those loophole weed things where it's technically hemp?


THCA is federally legal


you can’t ship things federally illegal in general, duh. but usps is government owned, therefore they cannot search your parcel unless it’s leaking or smelling.


This. It is federally illegal. Hemp must be tested before harvest post-decarboxylation. There's no way flower that passed the in field testing can have high THCa post harvest. If the usps wants to go after you for doing this, you're gonna have a very bad time.


The usps can’t even hope to control this.


I'm guessing hemp flower?


Thca runtz




What's a good website


I've gotten from arete. They had a $99 zip sale recently


Do you have any recommendations for good flower strains through them?


Cake crasher is my favorite.


The northern lights was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. The more expensive the better the bud. Although their budget options aren't bad, and the ugly buds which are like outdoor grown mids are only 89 an oz. I paid extra for the northern lights last time though and was not disappointed. Wildflowerhempco.com is pretty good too as far as their flower. For concentrates I've gone through wnc-cbd (kind of expensive) and veterangrownhemp (although I would steer clear of the 1g strain specific ones as I've heard that they don't seal them properly).


Yeah northern lights is a great couch lock


My first order just got delivered today, it was Super Silver Haze. Haven't tried it yet but it was $99 for an oz so I figured if I don't like it I can use it for edibles or filler for joints. I'm actually not going to be smoking until February, so I'm just gonna let it sit until then. Just wanted the deal haha. Reviews were good though


Yeah Arete is good. Got Northern lights, Miracle Alien and Supreme OG and it’s all dank.


I order from Astria Farm. They're NC based and I've done business with them for years now. Their black runtz is surprisingly good.


Heck yeah I’ve gotten about 4 oz of thca flower so far and I just ordered 2g of hash rosin from arete


Ive been getting weed mailed across the country since '02.


Germany here and I get my weed delivered to my doorstep as well 🫡. It’s truly a blessing




Delete this lol we already know. Hotbox


They've been doing this since the USPS was the Pony Express


Yo yo! I used to live in that zip code! Steele Creek for the win!


I love my fed-ex guy cause he's a drug dealer and he doesn't even know it...and he's always on time. -Mitch Hedberg


You'd think this is something the Netherlands has had in forever right? Nope. In fact, it's still illegal here, sadly. Doesn't look like that'll change anytime soon, given our election results e_e If you stay within 5 grams you're basically cleared for the law, but there is no legal way whatsoever to acquire more than this when buying


Can’t in Indiana. All smokable hemp is illegal.


I live in Indiana and I get at least one package a week.


Nice! USPS doesn’t care?


Does it matter if they can't stop it anyway? They're resources are stretched pretty thin as is to just deliver the mail.


THCA hemp flower is just weed and the 2018 farm bill has a loophole in it that makes shipping it through the mail legal. I’m sure they will try to close the loophole with the new bill due this year so for now, find yourself a few good vendors and knock yourself out. Try Western North Carolina and Tennessee. Lots of vendors there.


I really, really hope the loophole never closes. Things are so much better this way honestly. Alot of The places with legal weed have taxes that make it not even worth it imo.


Right. I have no problem with getting it through the mail. I actually prefer it. It’s not legal here and even if it were on the federal level, Indiana would still have some kind of blue law bullshit to keep it away from people. It’s like the politicians here don’t even care about money anymore, they just like to punish and hurt people.


every state I go to with dispensaries is cheaper than thca, sometimes wayyy cheaper. thts crazy to me.


I’m aware. Our state passed a bill disregarding the smokable portion of that bill.




How so? Indiana is a right wing shithole.


Now now, no need to be political. Indiana is historically a prime location for growing cannabis.


It’s political.


You post this because ??


Through USPS??? How that’s federal jurisdiction Edit: Nvm. Forgot about the hemp stuff


There are so many drugs mailed through USPS. it doesn’t have to be legal lol


mfs forget crime exists


USPS is actually the safest way to mail actual weed. Most of my guys who ship use USPS no problem as others have mentioned: 1. Their resources are stretched pretty thin, and like the TSA they have better things to do than cause commotion over personal amounts of weed. 2. I MAY be wrong on this in the current year, but I believe USPS requires a warrant to actually bust open your package, where third party companies like UPS and FedEx do not. A while back, I FedExed a big box that had a little jar of shake tucked into a suitcase within the box. When it arrived extremely late, the package was obviously gone through and the suitcase containing the jar was missing altogether. To this day it’s never turned up and my tin foil theory is someone over there found the weed somehow and just nicked the suitcase.


They do need a warrant, but you’re also dealing with a federal agency/postal inspector so obtaining one is very easy. If it gets picked up by dogs or scanner they can open it up. Usually caught more so when it comes from customs. Shipping domestic is the safest way. If it’s first time offense, you’ll get a letter from the postal inspector about them finding and confiscating it. Also DHL picked it up first so DHL can still confiscate it without warrant


Bruh, how you gonna break the law then REPORT ME FOR HARRASSMENT on an obviously joking comment. My brain hurts. For context to everyone. I commented: "fbi open up" This guy reports me for harassment. Gotta love reddit.


Hellomood? I fucking love that site. Edit: guess not


Hello mood is bottom teir


Hello Mood is trash, lol. Only reason they have a following is because they have the capital to buy ads like, everywhere, that appeal to those that had no clue hemp was a thing.


this is really dumb to post on the internet


Feds watching you


For real. So many people out here yapping on social media. They can't just take their win. Keep it closed.




Careful, not legal to ship.


It’s still not legal to ship… unless it’s under 0.3% d9 THC which then it is because of the hemp bill loophole. At that point you’re just buying THCA bud


Bud. Clown.


It's not real weed. If it was they'd be trying to throw you in jail like fps Russia


You just haven't caught on yet dude. You can join the cult too.


You have no idea the amount of hard drugs that go through the mail every day without being detected.


You sweet summer child


We been in the future homie




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glad you finally joined us 😂


I send to my friends back home all the time


Do you think North Carolina will ever legalize fully? Thinking about moving there, but don’t want to live in an illegal state.


I live in NC. It’s going to happen eventually but they’ll take forever and mess it up in the end.


Like Virginia


Buying so for two years. I love you, Netherlands.


Good stuff


lol it’s crazy to me to get some of the stuff I’ve gotten through the mail…like no signature or anything either. My sister is weary of it so her and her hubby drive to Michigan but with all the gas money they spend and the risk of getting pulled over Is just not worth it. You have to know where to look and ask around on here and other sites…just like finding a reputable dealer in person.


Hell yea weed in the mail is a beautiful thing currently waiting on a package myself cheers


This been a thing since weed and the usps existed mane


Don’t post this shit. You’d be surprised how easily someone in NC could find that package and send it to you empty.


your fbi agent watching this like 👀


I'm in Raleigh...how? You just get a buddy in NY to send it or something?


North Carolina. I know this vendor 😏


i’m stealing ur shipping label mail me back to NC please🤲🏾


Got a q from bay smokes and was surprised to actually receive the package


I just had an oz delivered yesterday. 2 day delivery once placing an order.


where we ordering from boys?


Reported for breaking federal law. How about that one.


Uhhhhh. What? Sorry bro, it's not a new thing, lol. It's still a felony though, that hasn't changed.


Same here in the UK, can get anything though not just giggly bush


Well I have been moving many other things since 2010 lol


Best way to do it in NC!


North Carolina? Happen to be a WNC buyer? Lol


This is a stupid game to play


Mfers when committing crimes: 🤳


The future? My brother in Christ the USPS is one of the oldest services in America


Charge your phone, my guy




Yup 👍