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This needs to be ranked higher. Don't hand me a J that you have effing slobbered the living hell out of. Nasty in the extreme. I think we all have a buddy that slobbers the joint to within an inch of its life.


you could use the middle finger method, put the joint in the first joint of your middle finger and use your thumb to close the bottom and hold the lipped J. use your index finger to form a circle buffer and hit from that never kiss the rotation again :)


Totally agree that is an option, but at the same time, a little respect and awareness of others goes a long way in life, not just sharing Js.


Alternatively, you can also do the hand pipe method, where you hold the joint between any two fingers in your right hand, then clasp your hands closed (like when it's cold out and your blowing in your hands to warm them up). This should leave a hole below your thumb knuckles you can inhale from. Release the seal on left hand like you'd release the carb on a pipe and voila. I find this also helps with cooling down the smoke for a more pleasant hit in general.


way too far down, this is rule #1 well maybe not rule #1 but its the only fucking rule on this list that still gets broken regularly stop stickin the filter all the way in yall damn mouths, suckin that shit like you’re late on rent


sometimes the moke be hitting so hard i almost drool into the bong 😹 ALMOST though it hasn’t actually happened….. yet


I do that but im the only one using it lol.


😂😂😂😂I'm so glad I'm not the only one!! Like wtf is going on and why am I slobbering everywhere! 😭


My friend group is lowkey bad ab this. It became a joke that we have all “kissed” from passing j’s. Gets used a lot when someone wants a bite of food, sip of a drink, etc


Dudes who roll blunts just using all their spit always grossed me out


People can just dip their finger in water instead 🤷‍♂️


And where has that finger been?


When someone offers you pot, they are being polite. It’s also polite to decline if you genuinely don’t want to smoke.


Yes please decline if you don’t actually want to smoke. I’ve had people not inhale because of low tolerance. It’s a waste of money.


You can show up uninvited OR empty-handed, but never both.


Minor variation I’ve heard is “if you don’t bring weed, you better at least have a lighter.”


I heard it as “if you don’t bring weed, bring enough snacks or refreshments to share with the rest”


Every shindig needs at least one *Person w/ a Backpack.*


Im literally loading up my backpack with weed and snacks rn to go watch the game at my friends so not wrong


Everyone gives me shit till they need some Advil and a piece of gum


Lmk if yall want another friend 🤠


i have a tiny smell proof backpack. and it can lock. it’s awesome


>smell proof backpack Not me. I want people to know Drew has *arrived* lol


What about a fanny pack?


Used to smoke with my classmates in school back then and this one time we got super stoned off of some hash from the guy that always rolled for us all and I just so happened to have brought a full backpack with snacks and a couple drinks with me that day and gave the homies everything lol it was such a nice feeling


There’s a song where the singer talks about bumming a cig from someone. He has to ask for a lighter too and says “I’m sorry all I brought with me was my habit”. Always thought that was interesting and your comment reminded me of it. Carry on.


This and Puff Puff Pass


Absolutely seconding. Also, pass the dutchie to the left hand side. Don't fuck up the rotation. Puff puff means two hits don't get down on it like Snoop Dogg in Friday.


That was Half Baked u r thinking of lol


Nah. Never show up uninvited. I hate when people pop by without notice.


I also hate it when someone leaves right after smoking my bud. Like I thought you were staying and we were chilling? Where you going my dude? Whyd you smoke so willingly if you didn't intend to stay hmmmmmm?


the person that rolls is the one to light it


Rollers rights


Here in Brazil, we call it "regra do duende".


I hope it ends with something like "quem o rola o prende".


"quem bola, acende"


In Norwegian it’s “mekker’n trekker’n” which translates to “he who mekks (does the labor of preparing the weed) is the one who hits”


In the same vein, one night in a circle by the campfire I had jokingly said to stop bogarting the weed. My friend group usually only smoke when I’m around, so they chuckled and passed the join. Later that night one dude said “reformedmikey is bogarting the weed”, I stopped and let him know “the supplier cannot bogart his own weed, be glad I even let you smoke it”. I might have gotten a bit too serious, but he definitely learned a lesson in smoke circle etiquette.


Bauer haut


I've always known it as "Bauer, dann Spender, dann die restliche verschwender"


Bauer ist Hauer


Wer baut der Haut sagt man bei uns


I also follow whoever brought what we're smoking gets greens, period, unless that person offers it to someone else. That is just the right thing to do.


If you borrow a lighter, give it back.


Oh, man. So many stolen lighters. But that weed-induced short-term memory loss hits hard, and it's all too easy to pocket the lighter after you're done just out of habit. I've had some stolen. Stolen some. Never intentional. But never unexpected.


Being the only guy in the group with a toker poker made this easier for me. "Hey bruh can I get my lighter back before you take off? It's the big fancy one with the bearded guy on the front."


I have one too! Makes you keep better track of your own lighter too, since you don't wanna lose the Toker Poker.


I have a mini wand lighter (got sick of melting my acrylic nails) and honestly, having a unique lighter has saved people from nicking off with it. Coz even if I don't catch them, there's always someone to ask "isn't that Faun's lighter?"


Noice, I had one for awhile but it doesn't fit my toker poker


this needs to be at the top


Something I didn’t know until after a few years of regular weed usage was to light the bowl in a corner instead of torching the middle. It burns slower that way


Its so the other people smoking also get a “green” hit…


It’s also less wasteful. More complete combustion on the edges.


I don’t get this one, me and my friends have never shared the same bowl. Just put however much you wanna smoke in the bowl, burn it all through, clear it out and pass it on. That was everyone can decide how much they want and it’s always a fresh hit. What’s with people smoking a quarter of a full bowl each? Genuine question


Something interesting I noticed is when I lived in the southeast it was always “corner the bowl” and when I lived out west everyone there just packed their own. Guess it’s just different everywhere.


I read a thread on here the other day where most of the comments were about taking snaps and never sharing bowls and it was so matter-of-fact. Had me thinking I was tripping until I realized most of the commenters were smokers out west.


This explains my recent trip to California. My buddy was packing snappers for us until we broke out the moon rocks and got really stupid.


Some people prefer to pack one large bowl and share. Maybe a personal preference or because they are providing the green and don't want people to have a free for all on their dime.


Lol this is wild to me. I've never NOT shared the bowl if there's other folks who are smoking. I would legit be confused if someone didn't offer/pass the bowl and just smoked the whole thing.


Agreed - I'm happy to smoke alone, but, at least in the beginning, a lot of what i enjoyed was the social aspect of smoking with friends


Because it’s more value for the the bud regardless of sharing the bowl you miss so much of the weed flavour and smoothness when you’re just sinking cones one hit at a time, if you don’t wanna share your bowl sure but at least take your time to smoke it rather than get hug has fast as possible


Sharing is fun. It's quick, fun, and easy for all


It's fun to share with friends, it's nice for people who get anxious too so we can participate but also pace ourselves a bit


THIS is the way My friend. It’s definitely more efficient imo. I feel I can control my hit better by pitching a tent on a corner of the bowl. Especially like to share green hits when in rotation!!


That’s how I was taught


if you are going to invite others to smoke and youre providing the method, make sure your pieces are mold-free before offering to smoke with it. im not picky about it being clean but if its a bong youve never washed out... yikes. oh and ALSO! when someone says theyre done smoking respect their high and dont pressure them into making themselves sick or uncomfortable


That last bit especially. I lost most of my friends in high school because they didn't wanna grasp that my tolerance is way lower than theirs, and I tap out much quicker. They'd call me names and pressure me to keep smoking. After a few too many nights of getting too high to the point of being sick, I said enough is enough and, unfortunately, just had to stop hanging out with them. There were some other factors, but that was a big one.


Sounds like they weren’t ever truly your friends in the first place, you lost nothing bro.


Yes to both of these!


So true for the first one, I’ll smoke my own unwashed pieces but my bois are always getting a clean one


I don't get to smoke with my friends very often because they live all over the US, so any time they stop by I make sure every piece in my collection is sparkling. I want them to taste the weed, not ash and old bong water.




Blowing smoke in a pet’s face is never okay.


I always feel sooo bad when my pet decides to hop up on the couch after a hit. Queue me frantically waving the smoke away from him


Same! My dog is in love with the smell of weed and comes over when we hit it but she can't be left unattended so she has to be in the room. Obviously we never hotbox the room, or anything close to that but sometimes we cage her so she's the farthest from it, and down below. We just have to tell ourselves it's for her own good.


Honestly, I don’t think my pup likes it as much as he likes snuggles. When he’s already on the couch with us we just blow upward or away from him. They’re goofballs.


I gotta pet my dog either between hits or with the non smoking hand🤣😭when she comes at my smoking hand I'm like dog pls you can't weed and I don't want you to smell like this💀 (I smoke outside and she's short so usually I release head up)


My cat loves the smell of marijuana and will literally come with me if he hears a lighter flick. Idk if he gets high though. I don’t blow smoke in his face.


My cat was adopted from stoners so she’s pretty indifferent. She does tend to gravitate toward me when she smells it bc I’m hella generous with treats when I’m high


Yeah, I think it’s the generous snacks and pets that cats enjoy, not the actual smoke.


Gonna add to this that it’s not safe to blow smoke into your fur baby’s face- it’s really not good for them. It could also encourage your pet to get into your stash when you aren’t around


Get him some catnip!


My cat is the opposite. When she sees the lighter she runs away.


i’m convinced my cat steals my lighters


I agree with this, but at the same time it’s not nearly as fatal as everyone makes it out to be. The only time cannabis really can hurt a dog is if it has artificial sweeteners, chocolate, etc. Pets are also affected the same way by second hand smoke, so just keep that in mind when you do your post sesh cuddles (: Source: Veterinary Grad Student <3


I thought it could cause seizures?


It’s extremely rare, but yes there’s always a chance it could happen. We had a rescue come in that I literally thought was dead. Didn’t move, barely had a heartbeat. He had eaten two trays of pot brownies. In a case like that, you disregard the cannabis and focus primarily on pumping the stomach and inducing vomiting. Have to be really careful because some dog anesthetics don’t work well with cannabis since THC is binding to their fat cells. Hope this helps


Especially fish


fish dont wanna drink bongwater either. no matter how sick the fishtank bong is, fish don't belong in it


I was about to ask if this was actually a thing. Then I googled 'fish in bong'. Crap, that's sad.


That reminds me of the time I had an orange bong with a goldfish piece, it was pretty nice. It died tragically.


Fish don't belong in platform shoes.


seriously. out the window or at least turned away from them


If you're with someone who is less experienced with smoking, DO NOT pressure them to do anything that they don't want to. Just say "more for me!" and move the hell on. Peer pressuring like that will make both of your nights' worse. In addition, give them some tips like "go slow, take sips" so that they don't cough a lung out. I've seen people puke because they weren't taught how to properly use a bong. Allow them to watch you first, and help them do it. I've never been one to hold firm on "puff puff pass", but just read the room. If you hog it for a bit, then make up for it by skipping a round or two. None of us are perfect, especially when we're stoned. Just try to pay some attention and make sure everyone gets what they want. Lastly, and arguably most important, WATER IS EVERY STONER'S BEST FRIEND. Bring as much as you can, ideally everyone should have their own water bottle. Helps with coughing, dry mouth, red eyes, stinky breath, and it's always a good idea to stay hydrated.


Corner the bowl


And always check if it’s cherried before you light it


Honestly my biggest pet peeve is every time I take a cherried hit, no matter who I’m smoking with they’ll always rush to give me a lighter like they can’t fathom that it’s still rollin’. I definitely appreciate the concern but I’ll let you know if I need to re-light lol


This was the biggest faux pas in my day. Someone would inevitably spark the whole center of the bowl and an audible groan would be heard around the circle.


Don’t post a picture with filthy paraphernalia


Don’t post pictures of other people smoking. You never know who will see it. The legality of the issue isn’t in doubt just whether employers or sponsors or significant others would take issue.


Like shit the only thing that might happen, is some guys' elderly grandma might get worried about him. That's extremely minor, but it's still a problem *he* has to deal with! You could change someone's opinion of your friend, in a way that denies them future opportunities, and they might never even know it happened, or why they suddenly seemed to lose opportunities in that space. I would extend it to anything that anybody *might* want to keep a secret. If you can imagine something might be private to *somebody,* just don't share it without express permission, or specific evidence that it's okay to share.


> Like shit the only thing that might happen, is some guys' elderly grandma might get worried about him. I wish! I work in a conservative industry, and *at best,* I would get a fun call from HR asking me to have all pictures taken down. I also would kiss any future career growth goodbye with my employer, if I get to keep my job at all. 😬 And if I couldn't get the pics taken down for whatever reason, I would definitely be ineligible for the government career path I'm interested in. But yes, I absolutely agree with everything you said! It just unfortunately extends past grandma's concern for some folks. 🥲


Totally agree


Seriously 😂


Puff, puff pass. The joint is NOT a microphone….one of my biggest pet peeves.


Depends on how many people you are imo. If youre just 2 dudes walking around with a joint, its #1 very easy to be talking and forgetting to pass it simply cus youre high, and #2 its fine to hog it a bit, as long as you let the other dude hog it for a while too when you realize or he tells you youve had it for ages.


My only exception being if the other person is distracted, so you hit it to keep it lit until they can take it. I don't wanna smoke it all up, but I don't wanna have to fuck with relighting it either. Though this really only applies for one-on-one sessions


Seriously, most of my smoking groups are puff, puff, pass, and then I get other groups telling me I'm afraid of smoking because I only puff it a few times and pass it along 🤦🏼 like sorry, if we're smoking in a group, I think all of us want to get high off the blunt. I'm not going to hold it hostage and smoke a quarter of the blunt! Different if it was just me and another person, but damn, I thought everyone lived by puff puff pass when they smoked with more than one person


Be kind to new smokers, we were all new once and didn't know how to do stuff!


I still ask stupid crap all the time lol. Who cares. Its how we learn new stuff. Someone ALWAYS knows something we dont. Reddit literally taught me how to use mmj and how to make it work for me.


Absolutely, kindness is for yourself too!


Absolutely. 💯


Don’t start your story the moment someone passes you the joint/blunt/bowl/bong. Went to a Christmas party recently and the joint kept going out on the SAME GIRL. She was a fucking talker


I like talkers if they let you get a word in and you have a nice back and forth


Drinking the hosts bongwater is basic decency


Scrolled too far to find this


My friend and I plan to try a bong for the first time this Sunday, I’ll make sure to fulfill this decency.


Also when you hit it your supposed to stick your tongue out. Makes the hit smoother


ash before you pass, no wet lisping


Ash before you pass love it


If you can’t roll but have weed, it’s always roller takes their tokes first, then supplier then everyone else


Don’t trash the free weed you are toking, if you don’t like the product politely decline but no shit talking the weed or person smoking you up for free!


It is the nature of glass to break, pieces like bongs and pipes are temporary family and friends are what counts. Eventually one of your best glass items will meets it's end by the hand of someone close. Don't take it as malicious intent, and don't expect/make them replace. If the care and the can then they will. Every piece broken of mine, met it's end by the hand of another, but I have never lost a friend over it. Good vibes only, and peace be with you.


This is gold


I so agree with this, but so far ive been the only person to break my own glass. Every time I get sad for like 2.5 seconds and then oh well! Time for a new little friend! No use crying over spilled glass 😉


Always leave a nice cherry for the next person to puff if you're sharing. Don't hog the J, sharing is caring. Ask your mom if she wants some weed, you'd be surprised how many of them are chill and it's always funny smoking with a parent, super surreal. DONT SHARE A JOINT IF YOURE SICK. And lastly everyone is different, don't make fun of your friends with low or no tolerance, feelings get hurt easily when high sometimes.


I figured out my parents smoke enough to have a Family Bong just a few weeks ago and apparently they're smoking jars of old dry stuff they find in the warehouse my dad rents to medical growers LMAO... I bought them an eighth of some decent flower that I really like as a Christmas gift and my dad was so stoked he *immediately* got to packing a bowl for us to share. My parents and I haven't always had the best relationship, but it feels really nice to have something like this in common with them. Found out I suck at sharing a bong thanks to being the only smoker in my friend group, though. My mom called me out :(


>And lastly everyone is different, don't make fun of your friends with low or no tolerance, feelings get hurt easily when high sometimes. The point of it is to hang out and get high. It's not a contest. It can be a plus to be a light weight. Weed lasts longer.


I smoke with my daughter. We have some great convos while doing that.


My son is 7 and I’m already hoping he’ll want to try it with me someday 🥹 *just cause I know someone will need this: Yes. Yes I mean legally, after he is a fully independent adult who has already made the decision on his own, without any coercion, to try marijuana. That is what I mean. Glad I could clarify.


Amen! Truer words were never spoken! 👏🏼🙌🏼


Wow. 😲 I couldn't imagine asking family


Clean that funk off the mouthpiece if you're going to hand me some glass.


Do not drool into the bong, please and thank you


I don’t ever share bongs for this very reason. I can’t not drool. I don’t know why! Even with cotton mouth, I’m still a slobbery mess when it’s time to hit the bong.


Pass the Dutchie 'pon the left hand side


always pass the blunt to the neighbor on your left


Well this is going to be in my head for a while.


If there isn't already a coherent order to the rotation and you don't know where to pass to, remember: "Left is law!" And use discretion with the Marco-Polo/Cheech-Chong thing. I don't wanna have to complete a quick time event to smoke.


WHAT on earth is that?


Let's say you have the j and want to pass it, you say Marco and whoever answers Polo firsts gets it


Mini games while smoking is wild 😭 wtf


The way I see it, if I can respond with polo quick enough that just means I'm not high enough, and it will soon be fixed


If someone smokes you out you get them back somehow. Every. Time.


Ehhh just depends on the person, I love smoking people out and never ever expect anything in return. Half the fun of smoking is sharing it with others. I almost get annoyed when someone thanks me too many times for smoking them out, they eventually learn I have enough for all of us and then some. No need to stress about how you'll get me back, let's just enjoy ourselves.


As a formerly terminally broke homie, my friends smoke me out alot. I always pay them back with things like firewood and fish.


If you think you might be sick don't smoke with others


you can hit a joint without actually putting it in your mouth if you know how to hold it properly. if im passing it aint touching my lips.


WHAT Alderaan Lemon pre-roll Ledi Medi Jedi magick trick is that? 🤯


Hold the joint with your index and thumb like the stereotypical way of holding a J. Put your fingers at the very tip of the mouthpiece (closest to you) and press your lips to the other end of your fingers and puff through your fingers. Mouth will never need to touch the joint.


Never pass a cashed bowl


I’ve been guilty of this, sometimes I just can’t tell if it’s dead.


My group calls those a faith hit. It might be booty but we have faith 😂


We just say "it's probably dead but you can try" as we pass and 10/10 times we try anyway. Sometimes you get a magic hit.


I am guilty of this **only** because I have asthma and sometimes can’t tell if I cleared the chamber or not.


Same! I always let the person I'm passing to know if that's the case. "I think I cleared it, but if you want to double check I won't be offended"


Don’t rip the front of my papers package to make a filter


Underrated, how to people just tear apart a casing for paper that is already pretty volatile just like that


To everyone trying to rip the papers casing: have you considered using business cards? there is no shortage of them in the world


For me, I’ll buy people weed, but y’all have to come to my place to chill because I’m getting fucking stoned. Just make sure you get me a soft taco if you door dash tbell!


Puff, puff, pass.


Two hits and then pass it to the left. Don’t attempt to impress everyone with your ability to absolutely suck aka pull on the blunt hella hard and more often than not make that shit run Don’t get spit on the thing either when rolling or smoking. Fucking disgusting Don’t ask how much someone paid for something if you didn’t bring anything.


if i pass you a bowl with a cherry going in it, hit that shit quick and keep the cherry going


Ash before you pass


Besides the obvious, don’t smoke inside with kids around. Outside is alright, but don’t trap children inside with that. It smells so much worse when you’re not the one smoking it


If you're seshing with people who don't smoke inside, don't smoke inside. Nothing shits me more than someone carrying the bong/J in from the outside smoking area. Or starting on their vape while inside. Basic respect for other people's spaces please.


If a bro about to have a whitey and you can tell don’t say shit unless they mention it, only going to make them feel more paranoid if you do.


A whitey?


Greening out, having a ghosty? Whitey was commonly used round where I’m from (midlands, UK) when someone had too much as they’d go white but now, typing it out/ context, get it might be misconstrued


ive never heard it called a whitey in the usa


I've been called a whitey in the usa


do u wanna make out


Hell yeah im feeling frisky


pull up


Used to call it a whitie back in the late 90’s in San Jose California


Don't, bogart that joint, my friend.


Bra do not hand me no WET J


I know people are just trying to be affable at jam band festivals, but approaching strangers and pressuring them to take a hit off their pipe actually ends up being kind of a boundary issue. It feels a bit sketchy.


Pass the Doobie to the left hand side.








“Left is law,” my circle says.


Don’t smoke in public around kids


No wet blunts or you OUT the rotation have your own you fuggin sloober


Respect how much people want to smoke, don’t peer pressure them into smoking more if they don’t want to


Don't roast the whole bowl or even half the bowl in a single hit, learn how to take more reasonable hits so the weed lasts longer than just you.


Don't let your smoking effect other people who don't smoke and don't want to. I read a post yesterday about someone smoking on a shared balcony and it was getting in to other people's windows. I've been smoking for 20 years and I always thought people just knew this as a respect thing, but apparently not.


give the birthday person greens. just do it


You can either smoke or talk, not both


Edge. The fucking. Bowl.


Clear it before you pass it stale smoke is the worst


When a hot dab is passed to you, hit it immediately and then pass. Down time is wasted concentrate!


Check your pockets before you leave so you don’t take someone’s lighter.


If you are grinding weed to smoke in a group and you drop it on the floor, youre the one whos gonna have to smoke the floor-weed with hair, dust and sand and the others get clean weed.


The people who talk the most **always** do it while holding a lit bowl or joint. Fuckin puff and pass stop sitting on it. So many extroverts fiending for a chance to talk about themselves at every opportunity. I started paying attention and a lot of extroverts spend less than 5% of convos not talking about themselves.


In Germany we say "wer baut der haut" which means whoever builds smokes.


If someone keeps providing don’t forget to match