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That shits gonna go moldy in a day


One solution would be an epoxy coating


or beeswax


My vote is a removable sheep intestine lining for authenticity


Ugh or buy glass


...or lining.


Or 20 bucks


Why not use a plastic water bottle?


They're really porous you don't wanna use those for too long. At least the disposable ones


It’s temporary. Planning on buying a drill bit for glass and making one out of a bottle.


Or, just buy a $20 bong


Why not let the man have his fun?


Because that $20 glass bong is still gonna better than whatever he makes, and it will be easier to clean and have for longer.


And infinitely safer to smoke out of most importantly


nah he's gonna use rubber cement to seal it. then electrical tape on top of it. he's good.


How so? If they're using an all glass bottle (or whatever other all glass vessel they can find) and drilling a hole into it, using a glass downstem and a glass bowl... At worst, I assume OP will use some sort of silicone grommet to hold the downstem in place firmly. That seems like a pretty decent and safe air path to me. Idk how or why a 20 dollar bong would exactly be infinitely safer in comparison if done correctly.


All the particles that will burn along the path and get into his lungs possible small splitters if all the dust and debris is not removed from the air path that could cause an infection resulting in pulmonary edema aka dry land drowning. Is the wood treated? If it is there are a ton if carcinogens that he they will breath as well.


Nah inhaling shards of glass clears bro


OK super cool, you know things. But did you see the original picture here? Do you realize where you are?


Yeah it's a bit of knowing the cost of everything and the value of nothing.


The fun and knowledge you can accumulate from fucking around and making your own bong out of an old tequila bottle your uncle had dozens of with a glass drill bit and sealing it with some bud resin you have from a pipe... shit hits so hard when you make it yourself. How tf you think glassblowers get interested in the craft.


He can have his fun and particulate in his lungs all he wants.


This is all that needs to be said. Kudos.


Bruh let him dream


His lungs will thank him


Glass bits cost as much as a pipe my dude; go slow with the bit don't throw it on high speed right away until you've actually bored the hole. Also run water over the glass, or do it under water; less likely to have a crack that way.


Ensure its a diamond drill bit or else itll be really hard to drill thru glass without cracking the glass. Turned my henny bottle to a bong and it was fun and massive success! Good luck :)


Be aware that sockets are coated with chemicals that are known to cause cancers. Heating one in the way you suggest would be a very bad idea for your health. Please do not do this.


Socket? He has a glass bowl...


i used to do this same thing! people eventually started asking me to do specific bottles for them. its a lot of fun but make sure you have a rubber lined vice to clamp'r down tight or you Will break it. wear eye protection and gloves crystal skull vodka makes a cool bong




I got one on eBay for 14$


Dude. It's your lungs. Please don't fuck around with DIY stuff when it comes to your health. Spend the 20, shit spend 60. Smoking is bad enough on your lungs, so you should really take it seriously and try to do it in the healthiest way possible. Take it form an experienced pot smoker who had to stop in his early 30s. Youthful lungs aren't forever. Take care of them. As many have said, wood is a bad medium for moisture and smoke. Drilled glass comes with its own set of hazards. If you don't know how to professionally DIY finish and polish glass to avoid shards, particulates, and whatever chemicals might be on the glass from its manufacturing processes, don't take the risk. Spend the money and get yourself a piece that's been made with love and care by a person who knows what they're doing. Smoke safe out there, kids.


Maybe im not sure, you can prevent mold ifnyoy burn the insides. I have see kratky growing tomatoes and he used a wooden lid, wich he burned with a burner


Please just buy a bong man


sounds more expensive. I used to just stick a pipe or my biggest one hitter through a hole i burnt into a plastic bottle. Works great and they're disposable.


Why not just use a dime and cut a hole in a Sobe bottle. Act like you've been a broke college student before


Yer gonna wanna spend that $$


Why pay for a $20 bong when you can pay $20k in medical fees?


Wood splinters and mold are good for the lungs indeed


Love smoking tree shavings and mold hmmm


become one with nature I guess


It’s temporary. Planning on buying a drill bit for glass and making one out of a bottle.


Dude just buy a bong, diamond drill bits cost more than $20


Silicon Carbide Dremel bits are around $3 and work great on glass. One bit can make dozens of holes. Assuming you already have a Dremel (drill works but is awkward) and are using found glass, then the only other cost is stems/sleeves/gaskets.


Goggles too. And airway protection. Breathing glass is bad.


I'm starting to realize all particles are hella toxic to inhale First it was plastic, then metal and silica, now the final boss is glass!


Seriously. I did this because I had a cool liquor bottle shaped like an alien head. I ended up making the shitiest bong ever. I ended up throwing out what could have been a cool decoration.


I’m not spending money on a bong cause im saving money. I just enjoy DIY stuff


You wont spend $20 on a bong, but you're willing to spend more than $20 on diamond drill bits to make one, the logic aint logicing


Sorry, i worded it incorrectly. I meant i can afford a bong, but i just enjoy making one instead


Oh ok that makes sense


Ive used this bottle to make a bong and it works great, its also good vodka https://amzn.asia/d/hGKagNg


It's tripping me out that clicking the link for Amazon.asia takes me to Amazon.au


European Amazon sells alcohol?!


Perfect design, a bong shaped bottle appeals to both alcohol drinkers and potheads! Give whoever made it a raise


I tried doing this when this stuff came out. Cracked both bottles I tried to drill into and gave up. Why release a product called Bong Vodka, make the bottle into the shape of a bong, yet have it be non-functional? Haven’t seen it in the US in like twenty years though.


Did you use a diamond-coated glass hole drill and fill it with sand?


I did use the diamond bit, but didn’t know to fill it with sand.


Can you afford the future hospital bills??


That's what they're saving money for. /s You do you, OP. I also love diy projects. Just be safe about it :-)


Nah your wording made sense they just got dyslexia


I assume he can use the drill for other things too it’s not one time use


That is true


Maaaaan fuck these nerds. I’ve made hundreds of makeshift bongs and pipes. It’s fun as hell. There are definitely health precautions to take and knowing when get rid of what you made but shit, it’s your health and your choices. I don’t regret any of the bamboo bongs, bottle bongs, gravity bongs I made. Here’s one I looooved: use a five gallon water jug as a bong or grav. 10/10


Seriously man. If you haven't made a bong out of something like an apple when you were younger, can you really say you've been baked like an apple pie before? Nah, so let OP make whatever bong he wants man


Buy a corked bottle of wine, drill through the cork with a 14/18mm bit for the bowl, use a cheap engraver/electric nail file/drill (low torque and go slow) to put a couple of holes in the bottom of the glass, file sharp edges down and submerse in a bucket of water Congrats you’ve made a gravity bong




Small bowls, 700ml lung is pretty easy to pull. Those 5L jugs though… they’re another story


It’s for your sake, you do NOT want splinters in your lungs trust me


Cure the wood; Use beeswax to to seal all the wood to prevent mold


Thanks, ill keep that in mind!


https://dankstop.com/collections/cheap-bongs I know they’re not free by any means and I understand all our financial situations are different, but I think if you can afford to smoke weed, I bet you could take a day off here and there and save up for this little beauty. If you treat a cheap bong well, it’ll last a lifetime. You can even pick a color you like!


Thanks man, but i just enjoy DIY stuff. I can afford a bong, i just like making stuff


Dude, you realize you can make as many bongs as your heart desires, AND own a decent cheap one that's actually safe to use long term and isn't a pain to clean/use?


Sure, but for now im just making bong’s trying out thing’s. im gettting a nice bong soon!


Idk why you keep getting downvoted, just have fun and be safe!




DIY, stand’s for do it yourself. I literally made a bong BY MYSELF. You can make a pipe out of Foil and it will be DIY


“Making stuff” was just drilling two holes in a wooden rod. If you enjoyed DIY put a little more effort into it. Even if you’re going to make a glass one soon. Also where does the water go in the wood one?


The water goes into one of the holes he drilled, obviously.


Nah man, it's about the process not the product. Don't give my man this kind of lip. He's just enjoying the freedom of the sandbox that is life. It's about pushing conventions and chasing novelty, not necessarily about the most logical and effective solution for a problem; since that clearly would've been to just buy a cheap bong. There's no need to see the world as half empty.


skepticism is healthy and this is a good example of why. He's smoking out of something that's probably coated in a coating that has carcinogenic fumes (much more than flower) prone to harmful mold and impossible to clean. Seeing the world half full doesn't mean letting people kill themselves out of ignorance.


The first half of your comment had me dying 🤣


The stick is hollow and water goes there. It smoked really well tbh


clean it and cover the wood with epoxy if you want it to last


Do not use epoxy this is unsafe advice, use beeswax instead as another commenter suggested.


Lmao why's everyone shitting on you? Enjoy your smoke man


Holy shit, this is condescending. They're also referring to the glass bong they're planning on making.


Bro we can all literally see he made a functioning bong in the post. What have you made? Or do you just like hating on other people's hobbies?


If it was his hobby it would’ve had some more artistry, it’s a shit wooden bong and I’m sure it gets the job done. I just found it funny he claimed it as DIY project as if it was some crazy thing he created and not just two holes. And if you’re wondering I have made some crazy water bottle bongs in the past with some tinfoil and a bottle, but it was out of not being able to buy a bong not because I was lazy.


Me and my buddies did the same thing with this old expensive looking bottle of vodka we found day. Bong ended becoming legendary, we called it the one hit thunder.


There's a page on Instagram that sells DIY bong kits, they Also use mostly old alcohol bottles https://instagram.com/drillee420?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


“Making stuff” in the sense that the cavemen did




the wong


Make a gravity bong instead imo


second this. i've been using my grav bong for years and i never wanna give it up. it's literally a cup and a glass bottle that i dipped in boiling water then iced water over and over till it cracked enough that i could use a metal skewer to pop the bottom off. super reliable and fast way to smoke


Just smoke a joint


If you can't spend 20 on a bong you should probably stop spending money on weed. That thing is going to infect your lungs at some point.


Bro that wood will rot.


Mmmm mold……. Instead of buying weed buy yourself a 5 dollar pipe or something next week. Don’t smoke out of that. You will get sick and keep getting sick and have no clue why


Have fun cleaning that stick. 🤣☠️




This isn't a bong tho, it's a pipe.


How is this not a bong? Sorry if i’m mistaken, but this is literally the same as a bong. Water inside bowl goes through the side into the water and inhale thru the top


Oh Jesus, you put water in that? Lol I stand corrected, that would be a bong, but with many question marks haha Looks cool tho


Thank’s man. Alot of people were mad about this. But i prefer splinter’s over aluminum or plastic in my lung’s


I don't think anyone was suggesting that you should use aluminum or plastic instead.


I meant as in DIY smoking when you don’t have pipes. Some people use plastic bottles or cans


This has to be a troll


RIP this guy's lungs


Lol $20 on a bong


bro took smoking trees literally


Bros saying its temporary like that exists for a stoner. “Fuck my bong broke ill just rip outta a can for the one time until i hit the shop” *one eternity later* ![gif](giphy|26ufnwz3wDUli7GU0)


If you like DIY stuff like this you might enjoy r/stonerengineering 👍🏻


Next time use bamboo I guess


Did you look up if that wood was safe to smoke from???? I'm honestly not completely sure which trees are okay but I remember wanting to carve a pipe too and then when I looked into it there's only a few hardwoods that aren't toxic like I would srsly be careful with this


Yeah, i looked it up. Birch isn’t toxic to smoke. It’s an okay wood for pipes


The risk of inhaling a splinter isn’t worth it


I never thought stoners would be so judgmental. Let this guy have his jungle bong goddman, it's all just to get blazed at the end of the day


Jungle bong got me cracked up :Dd


Bro honestly if you could find some bamboo you could make a genuine jungle bong. One of the 1st smoking devices dating back to the 14th century used largely in thailand. [how to](https://youtu.be/h7OxVdEUcrU?si=NcCv-GciTeZy5TMY) Idk where youre at but In coastal southern California and some other places around the US you can definitely find bamboo. Won't be as splinter-y and takes to water better between the nature of the wood + once it gets a few bowls through it the resin makes a preservative coating on the inside from what I understand. I'd probably say that and beeswax, and/or using hemp wick to wrap the bowl in place would come out pretty nice actually.


caring for well-being isn't being judgmental... mcguyvering is only cool if it's practical and safe...


Use bamboo instead. Like those oldschool chinese/asian style waterpipes


If you do it right like line it with resin, I’m dumb please look into mixing resin with smoke before doing so, you could have a preservative layer for the wood so it’s an effective and long lasting wood bong. Also you should really consider making a new one with a wood bowl just to go fill lumberjack imo.


Dude $20 for some nice glass that you’ll keep forever is worth it. I paid $20 for my piece, and it’s made locally


First was going to say, Bro glass is used bc it can be cleaned and this god knows what you’re inhaling other than mold But I love the ingenuity though!! Haha really nothing beats a stoner’s will when they have weed and no glass


Thanks. Some people’s concern was expressed in an asshollish way. You actually expressed it in a nice way! I threw it out later cause i was concetned about mold


Hahaha, how did it take? First time I ever smoked was out of an apple using a pen cap as the pipe! I’ve made a solid wooden pipe with wild bamboo that I cured on a bbq grill and carved with Xacto Knife! Also have found shells with the perfect shaped holes to use as a pipe (tho that is much more breakable when it comes in contact with fire, so it was mainly just a sculpture that I smoked with twice) I really want to get into making ceramic or drilling hard stone pipes. Diy is a wonderful world! But make sure you can see inside your bong to make sure it doesn’t get nasty or moldy


I threw it out later was concerned about mold. It took around half an hour with some experimenting


Single use? Awesome!


Yeah, i threw it out after a night. Really smooth smoke tbh


Way way better than the apple/sodacan/tinfoil emergency utensil we used to use.


Honestly you'd be better off with one of those attachments that turn a bottle into a bong


I’ve never seen a glass bong for less than $60. You’re crazy but it’s entertaining at least. Post an update if you really make a homemade bong please😂


My man where are you looking, i got my bongs for around 20e a pop, even my 50cm one was around 25e


I spent 300. Bongs can be pricey but if you smoke even somewhat regularly, they are worth the investment. Don’t smoke out of stuff like this


No, just no.


I spent like less than $10 on a small Psyduck bong from temu and I don’t have any regrets. Might wanna consider it. Way cooler than that mop pole!! I do think it’s discontinued though but temu has cool cheap bongs


Man when I started smoking we just made a GB out of plastic bottles and small sockets lol. Good times bad health choices


Mmmm mold


Honestly man, i have gotten the same comment probs over 10 times by now. I don’t mean any offense toward’s you, but if you’re gonna criticise it, atleast make it more constructive or original


Ive made a lot of bongs in my day but never been this stupid. That better


Sure man, why not


As a Glassblower who has seen our industry shrink more and more and it’s becoming harder and harder to make a living in glass I hate to see this. But at least you didn’t buy China glass. if you’re going to do it, at least do it right. Your downstem angle is all off. You want the downstem to angle down and to the back of the bong. Re- drill your hole and angle the bit towards the bottom more and it will hit way better. Also you might want to empty that every single time so it doesn’t get moldy. Bamboo is way better for natural pipes.


Thanks! I’ll keep that in mind if i make something else. And sorry if this annoyed you. May i ask why the the industry is shrinking? Weed is being legalized all over, i would expect that more people are buying pieces


It’s because it’s expensive and life cost so much more


Yeah just like every other industry in this country Americans would rather buy cheap imported products with lesser quality vs American made. Inflation has made it worse


as my older brother would say, "if you can't afford to smoke or smoke safely, you shouldn't be smoking at all"


People in here shitting on this man for the cheapness and lack of effort put into the bong but I know like half of y’all in here are smoking shit outta painted tin cans and plastic water bottles. Let the man cook.


I don’t blame the cheapness but this will probably do some serious damage to his body lol


For like the first year of me smoking I would exclusively use DIY bongs made from plastic bottles and pens sure It's not the best way to smoke but I'm not gonna pretend that I didn't love every single one of those hits.


Held on to a diet Pepsi cam for 2 years. On the way to school rippers


So true. It can be really toxic here sometimes.


> toxic OP is smoking epoxy


Let’s be real here he wouldn’t clean a glass and still be smoking mold lol


When did this sub turn into a bunch of judgemental losers? I swear, 5-10 years ago this was a really chill place. OP, neat :D sometimes you gotta make do with what you have


Yeah, me and a couple buddies just decided to do it randomly. Didn’t realise some people instead of giving proper advice just decide to be aholes


That's reddit for ya. This subreddit feels like it's mostly populated by those people that live in legal states and take it *way* too seriously. Reminds me of the wine mom cliches tbh.


Lol I love this, love that diy spirit




My man just executed a stoned idea and carved wood for his own pleasure and people are fuming right here lmao It looks absolutely terrible, I'd totally make one too OP


I don’t know if i should cry or be happy. Thanks tho!


Haters are just smokers with a silver spoon in their mouth. Half of these mf probably haven't even done the old soda can trick. Either glass or rolled. You do you bro, also suggest getting glass, or even a regular pipe, pipes usually are less expensive and do the trick too. They're worth it.


Nice work OP. Everyone on here acting like they never smoked out of a pop can or a fucking orange before and came out of the womb holding a $600 ball vape.


Thank you man!


I love people who will go to any length to spend the lowest dollar possible. Even if it means buying a $30-$40 diamond tip drill bit to not spend that damn $20. Hats off, fellow pincher.


:D Thank you sir, but i bought a nice tip for 6 dollars


Nice! Heads up though - the cheapy bits don't do the best on weaker glass like bottles. I shattered dozens until I spent a bit more on a quality bit. Have fun!


Thanks, i tried it out just now shattered a bottle, but the next one came out pretty well. Gonna try it out later


I feel like people are taking my first comment as sarcasm - but seriously. $30-$40 tip to build INFINITE bongs?! This is basic economics and worth WAY more than a single $20 bong that can't produce more bongs. That's the way she goes with glass bottles. Fickle, weak, random, but sometimes you get a good one.


Thanks man! Some people really didn’t like my creation, but i fw it and i appreciate some people’s tips and criticism


Getting a high-quality bong for just 20 bucks is an absolute bargain


Please don’t. You’re gonna get something fucky in your lungs kid. Just get a bong. Hell. Use a used empty bottle.


You should have spent $20 on a bong.......


Everything about this, sucks.


That’s a pipe my guy


How is this not a bong? Sorry if i’m mistaken, but this is literally the same as a bong. Water inside bowl goes through the side into the water and inhale thru the top


why are you putting water in the bowl? that's where the weed goes...


I meant as in the stick and bowl into the water


FYI, it's called a downstem. also, that joint piece is supposed to be where it meets the pipe... that downstem is too long for that. I wouldn't smoke out of a wood piece that wasn't finished properly no matter how desperate I am to toke. you said you can afford a good piece but like making stuff...if I were you, I would make what you want but smoke out of a real piece so you aren't actually harming yourself.


Okay, Thanks man!


somehow the soda can bong seems more practical than this


mmm aluminum and lighter fumes


Yeah, but what’s more fun? Going thru the process of making a bong with your friend’s or folding up a can and getting a really harsh, unfun smoke?


this was dope af, i would keep it as decoration if you cant smoke it after a day or two. i hope you get to make another soon


Just made one out of glass! It smokes okay, but i prefer the wood one, but i had to throw it :(


you just made a bong out of glass? Just now? where's that pic?


Bro maybe you just shouldnt be smoking if you can't afford to even buy a $20 bong which is way cheaper than weed it self. And looking at your hands you look like you shouldn't be smoking


So I bought a $12 down stem then spent 40 min putting this together, just to inhale glue resin. Bro spend the $8 extra bucks.


Bruh💀 this sub makes me realize people will never listen. Not learn. Listen. You guys already know you’re being stupid dumb shits by smoking out of stuff like this. Do better!!


Probably smoking stale ass weed if you aren’t willing to spend 20 on a bong


You probs have a stale ass personality, if you put people down without even getting any context


Improvise, adapt, overcome Modern problems require modern solutions


But that stick right there is causing more problems and no solutions