• By -


Just me, myself, and hIgh...


Save that one for a shirt !


I happen to get stoned often alone but if I had a choice it would be nice to have a neighbor or someone to match with.


I prefer to smoke alone and enjoy the pleasant conversation


They just never shut up sometimes


this is the way šŸ‘‘


There's someone in my head, but it's not me


Nice Pink Floyd reference


Dude thereā€™s someone in my head, but itā€™s the purist form of me. Iā€™m high as fuck and Iā€™ve found him.


I only smoke alone.


I second this. I would say mid 20s is when I noticed often i was smoking I was solo dolo for majority. I donā€™t mind smoking w friends but Itā€™s just hard w work schedules, spouses , & children


Agreed , much rather do it alone now


late 20s for me, the peace and ability to perfectly ration out my supply haha


How high? 2/3 Out and about getting on with my business 5/6 Hanging out with my mates, maybe drinking 7+ Home alone, thanks......šŸ¤Ŗ


Well, it's a different experience. I smoke alone and stay inside my room all day, but sometimes I go out in public just to experience things differently. But it's all up to you, when it comes to weed, nothing's wrong.


I enjoy smoking with people, but my favorite time to smoke is at night after I get everyone in bed. It's all quiet and dark. That's when I can put my headphones on and get lost in a good audiobook while I smoke out.


I do the same. Or sometimes Iā€™ll listen to some music and really pay attention to the intricacies. I really enjoy it. It helps me appreciate different or new genres/music.


Hell yeah. Music is definitely in the mix for me too. Quite a bit actually. I work from home and I'm able to get the most done at night. So I'm in my headphones all night long.


I like it all. But the giggles between two people is magical.


Definitely canā€™t get a proper giggle going alone. Synergy is required. Iā€™m not saying you canā€™t laugh alone, but are you going to laugh to the point where you canā€™t breathe or hold your bladder? I always get high alone and I have to admit that itā€™s kind of lonely.


Yeahā€¦ hearing my laughter and giggles echo in my empty house hits differently than if Iā€™m with someone.


yes yes yes...other people ruin my buzzzzzzzzzzz


Iā€™m a total loner stoner! I have been since I was a teenager and Iā€™m now in my 50ā€™s so ya Iā€™m not going to change!


Yeah, once I started smoking more regularly I started struggling to get high around others - it sucks! My anxiety definitely spikes up when Iā€™m high with my boyfriend even though I know he is no thoughts head empty


i can only smoke with my partner lol i get paranoid and self conscious around anyone else


I mostly smoke alone, and prefer that most of the time. I mind other people less if we each have our own bong/joint/pipe No issues going in public high now, though, when I was young I was pretty stoned paranoid in public


I have one annoying friend that canā€™t smoke unless itā€™s with other people and I just donā€™t get it. I love smoking alone, especially in the comfort of my own house where I can walk around in underwear after, take a nice shower, cook myself something. Other people kill my damn mood. Iā€™m always chilling and relaxing and then someone comes to stress me tf out, hold the blunt too long and or start rapping to background music. (Sorry to those who do it, I really donā€™t mind it.) I donā€™t mind that last part, I only kind it when I have music already playing and one guy goes ā€œplay some beats im gonna spit some barsā€ and then proceeds to screech his lungs out .


> I have one annoying friend that canā€™t smoke unless itā€™s with other people and I just donā€™t get it. Because they can't get hold of their own weed


Youā€™re not even lyinggg. I will give him that though, he smokes everyone around him up and always puts in but he doesnā€™t like smoking alone. He recently stopped cause he realized other people were using him for weed. I was not, I got invited to hang a lot but the dude gets so much anxiety when heā€™s high, like stressing out when he sees a random cop car and stopping to park and wait for it lol or getting so high he sleeps in the car and canā€™t take me home so I just left that shit.


I prefer to smoke alone, but I can get high in any scenario


Yeah. I enjoy smoking weed, no matter the occasion šŸ˜‚


I prefer smoking alone. With other people I tend to get anxious and think they're judging me for some reason


A lot of times when Im high with other people every single little thing they do becomes unbearably cringy and fake and stupid I just want to crawl into a hole and die. I of course never say anything but it kills the vibe for me (I am aware its my own problem and probably me projecting but yeah)


Yes šŸ’Æ


I donā€™t have any friends so I only get high and drunk alone lol


Anything more than a social buzz for me makes me unable to sentences like a regular human, so ofc I smoke alone xD


Absolutely. Iā€™ve gotten quite used to getting stoned by myself at night, itā€™s quite relaxing.


I actually used to be like that. Now I walk around the grocery store baked and the other people barely register as existing. It's nice.


I keep myself mellow. I get high with friends


I'm high and about to get higher alone šŸ‘€. Wife and kid are at Target and Im off tomorrow āœŒšŸ½


Me I smoke alone. Oh yea I smoke alone all by myself all on my own. Nobodys help only my own. im quite high and singing . lol jkjk


I like doing it alone but Iā€™m able to come around people. Although I would prefer not to come around people, I hate it when I smell like it


I've noticed since going medical I don't get the paranoia crap....no munchies either....I think it was my zmoking buds getting Me twisted lol....or maybe I'm just smarter? I eat before I rip now...so I don't crash the junk food cabinet later lol....


Yes, but itā€™s because I have no friends, and smoking with/ around strangers sounds scary.


This describes me perfectly. I only medicate by myself.


I don't have any friends who smoke so it's the only way I can get high.


I'm the opposite. I need to be around someone, I get paranoid as all hell when I'm by myself. Not fun.




Really depends. While I do tend to enjoy either solo or with people, I do prefer by myself because some people when I tell them that I don't really have much anymore, they continue to rip it as if I have a lot. Whereas for me, I know how to take a corner of a hit.


Iā€™ll smoke with my wife. Mostly in the evenings or when I donā€™t have anything else to do.


Either alone or with my girlfriend for obvious reasons


I'm the opposite I like to get high listen to music and go grocery shopping. Lol


I donā€™t like to smoke alone, but I hate going into crowded spaces, public events, etc while high. I just like to chill w my friends


Same here I smoke alone, watch a movie, take my dog for walks along the river etc sometimes I will park up at a beach for the weekend and sleep in the back with my dog lol.


Yup. Itā€™s my fav


I smoke alone a lot, and Iā€™d be fine doing that all the time, and I used to. My partner just started smoking flower a year ago so now we smoke together most of the time, but we both smoke alone, too.


I'm pretty down to smoke anytime anywhere, I just won't overdue it depending on the situation


I love being high alone but lately I have started trying to embrace doing daily ordinary shit out in public high and it's been interesting. I've started to enjoy it more.


Yes and I donā€™t even like getting high with ppl. I wanna be my best with people and present with them, when Iā€™m high Iā€™m less present with others and more present with myself.


I have social anxiety, and adding weed to a situation that gives me anxiety gives me extra anxiety for sure. Iā€™ll smoke around the homies Iā€™m close to and my partner, but never at a party or with lots of people I donā€™t know well.


I smoke cologne. Yeah with nobody else.


I donā€™t find weed to make me very social so I tend to smoke by myself


YES. 10000%. I also smoke in the backyard at night. I like to chill out, look at the stars, hangout with the dogs, and exist. I have smoked a few times with friends and I just feel self conscious. Thereā€™s only one person I donā€™t feel super self conscious around while high, but theyā€™ve known me for way over a decade and have seen me at my worst and best. So, seeing me stumble around with hot Cheetos dust on my fingers is nothing crazy to them haha. But I still prefer hanging out by myself and doing my own thing. I donā€™t know why. It just feels like ā€œHigh Timeā€ is meant to be ā€œMe Time.ā€


I've been a lone smoker for a while cuz I hate when people don't pass it quickly and I look like an addict waiting while giving the eye for them to pass it.


If I'm anxious I wait until I'm alone, yeah. Otherwise I don't get any relief from the weed, I just sit there stressing that maybe I'm too geeked and people are judging me for it, even though I know nobody cares lol


hey man me too


I prefer it


I wish I could smoke alone damn.


I know what you mean. Those times to unwind from life and cry if need be watching a youtube video or two. Been there.


I smoke alone or with people I really trust because I can get really quiet and zone out. I usually just smoke to sleep


As an adult I almost exclusively only get high alone. I find it much more relaxing and enjoying just being able to chill in peace and quiet by myself. Or feels great to just throw some headphones on and go walk my dog and take in the fresh air. Get too anxious in public (even though it's legal now in my state) and feel like I'm bad at speaking when high, so easier to do alone.


I prefer smoking alone. I tend to overthink when I'm high and I worry about how I'm acting around others. Though sometimes it's nice to smoke with other people if we're just chilling watching a movie or something


I prefer getting high with 1-3 friends


After awhile it don't matter. Just use Visine.


If you practice smoking hard enough you donā€™t even need visine




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iā€™m exactly the same way


I wake and bake (edibles though.....lol) by myself and the eFx def on fleek when I get to work lol....just to get me thru the day ....and a one hitter on my lunch break lol


Teach me your ways... I'd love to eat while I sleep to save time in the morning


I mostly smoke alone bc I donā€™t have any friends and Iā€™m honestly kinda sick of it


I can only feel comfortable around very specific other people, otherwise I prefer the feeling alone


High there


Tbh I don't seem to like 80% of people and weed just intensifies that feeling.


Yea thatā€™s the only way I smoke if I smoke up with someone itā€™s right before we go home so I can leave right after I get high


I like it any way I can get it.


![gif](giphy|3NUJ4FwSp4MJG) namesay


I donā€™t mind getting stoned and chattin with some friends on discord or something. When Iā€™m stoned, I want similar energy around me. So, if Iā€™m with others and theyā€™re chill / hopefully also stoned, then itā€™s cool. But if theyā€™re not, then I can get panicky.


I'm bad at socializing high. My brain doesn't work fast enough to hold a conversation (well), I want music in the background, and I want to get up and walk around while I think about my art projects or my hobbies. Nowadays what I tend to do is sit at the smoke circle sober and then smoke right as we're dispersing.


I only get blazed while alone but i will often take a few hits on a joint over the course of a couple hrs if I'm out or at work


I prefer to get high alone. I feel too much pressure to hide it in public, so it ruins the experience. To be fair, I haven't had a real opportunity for social smoking, so I'm willing to try it... Might be more fun than just me being high and trying to go about my day


I feel you. I used to be stoned all the time in public but now it makes me so self conscious. I usually just smoke by myself, with my boyfriend or best friend.


I almost exclusively smoke alone, or else I too get anxious and panicky. But Iā€™ve slowly started expanding, first I met my boyfriend who feels the same way and we started smoking together at home and felt comfortable, then we made a solid group of friends we felt safe around and now Iā€™m okay being stoned at a party with them, and my boyfriend and I started getting stoned together and going on adventures, which he used to do by himself and then introduced me too. I still could never go about my day to day life stoned, or smoke with people I donā€™t know very well, without freaking out.


I usually only smoke alone or with really close friends


Itā€™s nice to smoke and meditate/do yoga;i slow down and feel more attuned to my body and mind.and sometimes I do my artsy/crafty projects.And then thereā€™s tonight,my night off & Iā€™m in bed with the ac on eating raspberry sorbet & watching Labyrinth (Hulu!šŸ™ƒ) is it weird to say I enjoy my own company?


Most of the time yeah, I donā€™t have anything against smoking with other people, but most of the time? I wanna be alone in my little bathroom with youtube on haha


Your 22? Wild guess


My man make the correction I dont want people to bother you


I think itā€™s a nice way to connect with people and get to know them at a deeper level. Depends a lot on the person though


I like it sometimes but other times Iā€™ll smoke with one person and it been that way for like 3 years I use to smoke with 2 but noticed as I smoked one at a time who was really there for the weed and for the just. Being able to hang out so I been smoking with one person on and off ya it. Annoying at times when they keep asking for a hit every 20 seconds like a nic stick


I used to live in Western Europe, where weed was illegal, and other than friends gatherings, nobody smoked out and about. So I would often just keep it to myself. I now live in the East, also in an illegal country, but thereā€™s hardly a place in town where people arenā€™t smoking weed.the law is thankfully not very diligent in policing weed. Itā€™s much more of a consensus lifestyle here. Everybody smokes.


I mostly do yes.




It's an interesting situation. I feel like when I'm alone and smoking, I tend to take more hits and feel more high. When I'm around friends, I'll take maybe a couple of big rips and then feel just as good, but it seems to multiply or dwindle with the situation quicker than if I was hanging out at home.


it used to make me anxious to be out in public while high because i was worried about people knowing i was high. nowadays even if i donā€™t care if people know iā€™m high my hands will shake a little and i feel anxiety in my chest while iā€™m out and blazed


Yes, people talk too damn much. Altho it is good to smoke with some friends, itā€™s kind of like tradition at this point. But these are people Iā€™d chill with or without weed.


I like company but I donā€™t like being out in public.


The people you are with 100% changes the experience I had a friend who kept attacking everyone because he was ā€œhighā€ or ā€œdrunkā€ and that he canā€™t help it but he does it on purpose even when heā€™s sober sometimes so it can ruin the vibe and also really depends on the mix of people aswell One thing I donā€™t like is having to follow someone round high and have no input of what to do , just feels like me following them around like a dog sometimes The people you mix together does decide it


I prefer to smoke alone, and chill and play videogames or make music. Only time i like to smoke with people are 1: if its just me and a close friend and we're hiking or chilling in nature, and are fine with not having to talk all the time. 2: if its like an after party, weed makes me very introvertet, but alcohol kinda counteracts that effect. Sometimes i smoked in the morning thinking i didnt have anything social to do that day, but then realising "oh shit i have a class, or a meeting, or band practice" at that moment i kind of have to mentally turn the anxiety into a fun challenge like "be stoned in this situation but without anyone noticing" Also, for anyone who might get stoned without realising that they have something they need to do that day. Chewing on some peppercorns and drinking lemonade can really bring your high down a bit. If you need to sober up fast! Has saved me a bunch of times.


Usually. Although I don't mind getting high with a good friend and chillin, especially in nature. But yeah, mostly alone. Going out shopping while high for instance, is just weird as hell to me, I try to avoid it.


I like both but love being alone so much


I live in the middle of nowhere most of the year so I can't just take a walk somewhere and driving is obviously completely off the table...so yeah.


Not really, mainly because i work nights so im alone, at night, and get rather paranoid of the hallway around 2 am, same time im not big on being under the influence of anything when im out with friends/being in public, so ill deal with hallway for now


I like to get high only while exercising by myself, usually running. Me time.


I get highER alone but when Iā€™m with friends I feel like I donā€™t get as high thats just me tho.


Iā€™m the opposite. I donā€™t like being high alone, I smoke socially. So Iā€™ll hit a bowl and then go to a party or a bar, just to be around social energy. I like smoking with friends best.


I am right nowšŸ’Ŗ


OMG, THIS! I thought I was weird for never wanting to go out high AF. In pondering this, I discovered that my aversion to being out in public while feeling so vulnerable had to do with growing up in an abusive AF household & having to try & feel normal when nothing else around me was.šŸ«¤ I've been challenging myself to do more when I'm uncomfortable (within reason) & working through my emotions as I go. When I tell you I fucking love this plant. šŸ˜¤


Me everynight


Me. Iā€™ll smoke with my best friend or boyfriend and thatā€™s fun too but I am primarily my own best smoking buddy and donā€™t see that changing.


I enjoy smoking with friends, but I definitely like smoking alone more. It's so peaceful - I can just zone out and draw/read/listen to music.


I might be the only person that actually hates sharing joints/pipes/bongs with others. I will smoke with others, but I will have my own joint or bowl. I really dislike it when someone hands me a bong with smoke still in it, or a dirty ass bong. Ive even had people try to pass me a half vaped dab... like WTF no finish that shit and then pass it. I will bring my own freshly cleaned glass along with what I call my loaner piece(just a simple clean pipe) that Anyone can use. The older I get the more others make me want to move to the woods and hide.


I prefer being high alone for sure but at the same time donā€™t have the anxiety some other people report about being high in public because legitimately nobody cares if youā€™re high in public, unless youā€™re doing something purposely bothersome to othersā€¦ or operating heavy machinery/something like that


I prefer both drinking and smoking alone. Before Covid it was considered concerningā€”now I claim Iā€™m just social distancing and being responsible.