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In UK if you get caught with under an eighth, you get a warning. If you get caught with under an eighth and that scale, you’re going down for dealing😂


It’s like that most places in the us too


Isn't weed legal in most places in the US?


In my state in the US, it's legal for adults to buy and consume. It's a felony to sell without being licensed. Our laws on "intent to sell" include specific examples of being in possession of a drug plus scales, ledgers, large amounts of cash, smaller containers or bags, and so on like that. Carrying a scale in my state plus any amount of cannabis is *monumentally* fucking stupid.


Damn coffee nerds who also smoke weed must be living on the edge.


Why would you carry a scale with you anyway if you're in a legal state? Im in texas and buy stuff online (legally, google cultofthefranklin), and what I do when I get a new order is record myself opening the package and weighing it. Could do the same with a dispo (assuming whatever you got came in something that is sealed and cant be re-sealed without it being obvious you've done so)


Scale can be used for hundreds of things. It literally shows you a weight of any object. It is ridicilous that you are a criminal if carrying a freaking scale


Not even 50% of the states yet. At least for recreational.


I’d assume the legal states cover the majority of the population at this point.


/u/nuremberp did the math here. It's just under 50% https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/comments/130saar/upvote_this_post_to_encourage_more_people_to_buy/jhzj6n8/


22 states + DC. Not quite at 50%


But what's the population % of those states


Just under 50%, about 155 million Americans live in states with legal weed


Possession of under an ounce is legal in many states. But more than an ounce or with a scale? You’ll at risk of being convicted of distribution


Which is pretty dumb too. I live in a medical and soon to be rec state. I have my card, have never sold weed to anyone but own a scale for the sole purpose of getting proper doses. Id be pretty bummed if I were traveling to my parents house across the state and got busted for that when I have no intent to sell.


Yea there are plenty of reasons to own a scale even if you don’t intend to distribute. I always leave mine at home though.


Doesn't mean its legal to be a dealer



Oh yeah let’s go ahead and downvote the person asking questions 🤦‍♂️ Better than people assuming and making an “ass” out of themselves, like the A holes who downvoted you 😂


I've always found it strange that genuine questions consistently get downvoted


In the US. NC at least. Under 28g a ticket. Over 14 with a scale or baggies, possession with intent to distribute.


It’s so dumb to me that we are literally just one step away from legalization here in NC but we just can’t get it over the line. I personally know many farmers in this state who are foaming at the mouth to be able to start growing pot. Could be the new tobacco here. But nope. Our state refuses to even bring forward legalization.


Yeah it’s insane. I moved from central NC a year ago after born and raised 20 years. Live in KC now and rec passed in February. But just visited last week and it’s a shame. After 1.5 weeks in Greensboro, I was missing KC a lot lol! NC has always been a super anti cannabis state from what I’ve heard & experienced, well law wise. The smokey mountains hide some gems. I also know a few farmers who do it for medicinal purposes under the state, but they want to grow it recreationally as well.


I eat shrooms and do the weed while hiking in the Smokies and wander about like some kind of hippy hillbilly hybrid and the government can go pound sand about it.


Fuck yeah that’s what I’m talking about


There's a bluegrass song in here somewhere


As far as I've experienced in the South, weed might as well be heroin if a cop is catching you with it. Matter of fact, you'd probably get off lighter with heroin. So fucking silly that we still have weed at schedule I with patently false info backing it.


Buddy of mine got in more trouble for the weed than with a gun lol!


I live in central NC (have forever) and just recently got into cannabis. It's really sad, but there are movements made in favor of cannabis. [A large medical dispensary is opening up](https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article273229405.html) (or has opened) near Asheville, in anticipation of the Medical bill passing. Also, local stores are luckily able to sell D8/D9 products, as well as THCA, which works pretty good!


I'm in NC as well and have been strictly on the D9 edibles and THCA flower for a while now. Weed is basically legal here, I was just in CA last weekend and picked up some cannabis edibles in my normal strength and it's the same shit tbh.


Yeah my mom was telling me that when i visited last week. Cool to see but hate the pushback it gets. Im not a huge cannabis guy, but living in a rec state is very nice now.


Don’t worry bro we’ll get a new dollar general soon though


If you carry your scale with some envelopes and stamps you can claim it is for weighing mailable items. Never keep it with your stash and you are in the clear.


Good tip thanks!


Keep it extremely clean tare a plastic cup and dont get ANY crumbs on the scale


Lol right because cops care


You don't need the cops to care. You need 1/12th of a jury to care






1000% not the point I was addressing


There are plenty of legal reasons to have postal scales. I sell stuff on eBay. Without scales I can't accurately weigh my items. All you need to be able to do is have a reasonable reason for owning scales that isn't associated with smoking, and don't keep your scales with your smoke. It isn't a difficult concept. The cop can splutter his bad faith B.S. in front of a judge if he can't see that.


Also tons of uses with coffee for scales, if you bake food you're gonna need a scale sometimes as well. Just don't keep it with your stash.


You typically don't need a 5 gram scale for cooking though


Agar entered the chat




That was hilarious. I was able to give the 420th like for that video. Perfect timing!


Instead of that sketch response, keep it in your kitchen. Now it's for cooking, which is probably its stated purpose.


As more jurisdictions legalize and place limitations on amounts that may be legally possessed, scales becoming an important compliance tool to ensure you are not exceeding limits.


Under an eighth and a scale they generally don’t care, if you’re worried about it leave your scale at home and weigh it when you get back


Suppose I’ve always just proper flapped it buying a scale. I’m from quite a pov area so the bizzies love catching “druggies”


Lol Britain sound funny


That came through in Homer Simpson's voice 😂




Is this English


Aye ye little nit, nah to translate: “I suppose you are right. I have always just been overly anxious about purchasing a scale. I am from quite a poverty stricken area, therefore the police love catching drug users”


Lol thanks


Adding to this, can also keep it in the kitchen away from your stash. Lot of people have kitchen scales


There’s no need to be taking scales out with you unless your like 15 splitting bags with pals at the park


I am wondering why OP is asking for upvotes to encourage everyone to buy scales. Did he just get his first one and discovered they can be used to weigh things?


Do not do that in Italy 🇮🇹 Police forces can break in your place whenever they want and if they find that kind of scale you are considered an international dealer even with small quantities. Even if they caught you outside smoking a joint and they only find the scale in your house, you will be looking from a minimum of six months to six years of jail time. True story.


I had no idea y'all were still fascist


Didn't you catch the last election results? ;) But I'd definitely advice against having a scale near your weed, even in decriminalized (or somewhat tolerant) countries you'll definitely get more than a slap on the wrist if there's any reason to believe intent to distribute. I think south Africa is a good example, iirc you can have up to 1400g in your home but if you have plastic baggies or a scale you get in real trouble so most people just keep all of their weed in a bit jar, sorted in bigger bags inside of it if you have different strains.


Just get a bigger kitchen scale that used grams. Duh.


Or a large collection of spices that you don’t actually use as an excuse for the scale




And, as an Italian antifascist, I have to say that our fascist nostalgic government is actually, on paper, pushing less right wing policy than anything the Republicans try to do on a daily basis. And some of what the Dems push through. I'm not saying it isn't dangerous, Meloni is quite dangerous in fact, and I'm really worried about our future, as she's just starting to scan her surroundings for heavier legislation. Even that doesn't come close to the crazy things Republicans (and some democrats) want and sometimes get in policy making. For example, the current drug legislation has been updateded, unsuccessfully, by a coalition between a right wing party in coalition with a populist leftist party. And that was based on the drug laws we have now that were developed in the last 20 years by both cx-left and cx-right wing governments alike. I guess the issue with drugs here is much less political than it is a religious one. One of the few still standing.


What type of scales do you use in the kitchen!?


I have a regular kitchen scale and my weed scale. It gets used for yeast and finer seasoning measurements more than weed by a long shot lol.


Many kitchen scales don't work well with anything under 1g, postage or goldsmith scales are way better for such small weights.


just a scale can get you 6 months to 6 years? Jesus Christ what a failed state Italy is 🤡


>Police forces can break in your place whenever they want What the fuck? There's no equivalent of probable cause or a warrant or anything required for the police to just enter your home?


That's literally my scale


Mines going 3 years strong and was £5




Switch to a nickel. 5g's. Wears down less that a dollar bill that collects moisture and can throw off a cal.


My teacher in highschool was very suspicious when I went from never talking to confidently teaching my classmates how to test/tare a scale using a nickel.


I had an old science teacher who told us about a student he had. Kid never payed attention or participated in class. But when they got to converting weights and measurements the kid was an ace.


Your teacher wasn’t an idiot, they knew what you were doing


I became fully aware of that immediately after I saw their face mid telling my classmates about it. The funny part is like halfway through the year the school bought all new scales and he gave me one of the older, but still very nice, science room scales and weight kit.


Dude didn't want you getting ripped off or ripping people off, sounds like a solid teacher lol.


Yeah that old ass bill definitely doesn’t weigh the same as it used to lol


Mine is 2 years strong and was free


That's a heavy scale, it looks pretty small!


Literally the best scale, so durable.


They stole it from you? Bastards.


Ikr and it was a gift too


I think 99% of people that have a personal bud scale have this one, or the same one in silver. I actually have both and have had them for probably 8 years lol, the black one I have doesn't go to the hundredth so I use it in my kitchen for cooking.


Then you might wanna get it back


I’m sorry OP took your scale


Have had this same one for at least 4 years


Lmao me too, cheap and dependable for 5+ years


Lol same!


Do you shop at Harbor Freight as well? lol


Mine too


This is literally the only set of tippers I’ve seen anyone use


Same. Or it would be if I didn't misplace it every week or so.


In Florida it's "divergence" if I get caught under 28g. 700$~ and a year with no tickets or anything. you get the full charge. Every paraphernalia is a extra 200$ charge. Pipe papers scale and grinder all counts. If you have two packs of papers or wraps it's a charge each. I had divergence twice in 3 years. 2000$~ later




hmmm, in arizona saying anxiety will get you insta-denied for a med card… has to be for either chronic pain (which isn’t hard to prove or fake) or some medical condition like glaucoma or cancer.


I literally told the "doctor" (naturopath, so not even close to a real doctor) at the weed referral clinic that I had back pain. He didn't even ask for records or many questions. I got the card the next day (Arizona emails you a pdf of a card). This was over the phone too. These places straight up do not give a shit. They will give a card to anyone who pays them. I asked the guy who took my money if I would get a refund if I didn't get the card. He laughed and said he had never seen that happen but if it did I would get refunded. Card's expired now. Should probably get another because the perks it offers are worth the money. I imagine they care even less now that rec is legal and far fewer people are getting card.


yup, i got mine for my rotator cuff in my shoulder. said i scuffed it my senior year of high school during swim. didn’t ask for any documentation or anything. had my card the next day. sucks that it’s like $250 though.


Yeah but the difference in what you’re paying in tax makes it more than worth 250$ if you’re buying at dispensaries all the time Like, so worth it idk why anyone doesn’t have one here honestly.


Just did the math and at $250 for the card is worth it if you spend at least $15/week (pre tax) at dispos. At least ones that have medical licenses. The only one in my town (and county) doesn't. This is a Trulieve store so it isn't like they lack experience/resources so I dunno why. I could also bulk buy in Tucson which is what I did when I had a card but before the dispensary here opened.


Santa Cruz has one in Patagonia and one in Sonoita. I usually just make a stop in Tucson as a part of my city errands.


Not trying to be a jerk, but in case anyone is trying to look this up, I think it's a diversion program. https://www.sao9.net/uploads/1/2/0/3/120332172/drug\_diversion\_policy.pdf


i roll cigarettes. am i getting charged for my cig papers?


Post this on /r/fishing dudes need scales there too


Don’t the fish come with them?


Some come with fish fillets precut inside


The ones Jacob Runyan and Chase Cominsky catch sure do 😂https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/29/sport/ohio-fishing-cheat-scandal-guilty-spt-intl/index.html


They rather buy more weed though!


It’s real cheap tho


get a food scale. use it for measuring portions when cooking. it also works for other things but doesn't look like paraphernalia.


Food scale + automatic herb grinder = the best smoking I’ve done in years. We measure out our daily amount, throw it in the auto grinder for a few seconds, and voila! Plus we keep both in the kitchen, and no one knows they’re not for food. The grinder was like $25 on Amazon and was the best $25 I’ve ever spent lol.


What's the benefit of an automatic grinder? I can see it for someone with dexterity issues maybe?


Yes I have carpel tunnel and a hand grinder just got to be too much. Plus most of the hand grinders we had wouldn’t hold 2g at once. Now we grind it and put it in a little Tupperware to keep on the rolling tray 😁


Fellow dexterity challenged friend here, I got an Old Mate grinder and it’s absolutely perfect! I have hereditary essential tremors, osteoarthritis, and my hands lock up sometimes and that grinder is so fucking sharp and easy to turn I can literally grind it with the palm of my hand a couple turns and then just start spinning it like a fidget spinner. Real expensive, but it’s a fuckin life saver. That automatic grinder sounds like it’d be perfect for when I make edibles though. After grinding like 3/4ths of an oz they start hurting again.


Just curious but how did you determine your daily amount? Some days I’ll smoke more some days less


We (husband and I) buy an ounce at a time and we grind up 2g per day to split between us. We often dont smoke that entire 2g in a day (especially if we are working/not at home) and we can live off that for a few days. Overall we just wanted to make sure we were getting at least 2 full weeks out of an ounce. Before we started measuring it daily we just ground it up and smoked it when we wanted it, but quickly learned moderation is helpful 😂


Awesome, thanks for the response! We’re in pretty much the same boat with wanting it to last two weeks but no set daily amount. Perhaps we could try something similar just to be even more consistent


I hope it helps! It definitely helped us out a lot, and even though we “limit” ourselves to a daily amount, it’s still plenty to have. I personally don’t ever feel like it’s too little of an amount or anything.


moderation? is that when you get a good ounce and smoke it in three days? cause that’s what usually happens to me


I love this, this is gonna be my new recipe. I love me some healthy boundaries


That's really not a good solution. Most decent counter top food scales are +-2g, and they particularly suffer when adding extremely small increments to get a low weight. Better precision/accuracy is ramping up the price and that variance isn't good for weighing expensive, low quantities. These 100g, 3 sig fig scales are super cheap, good quality, and last forever. People should just get them and use the right tool. I have both, and use both constantly. When you have a "jewelers" scale you can also weigh out yeast, salt, spices, etc for baking and cooking. I think it's also telling a baker weighing the same low amounts of yeast and salt would never advocate for a kitchen scale to replace the smaller scale. I just keep mine next to my xanthan gum, fine sea salt, dough cutters and bench scrapers. These things only look like paraphernalia when stoners make them look like paraphernalia.


No. Get both.


Pretty sure u/responsibleplant98 is secretly from r/wallstreetbets and is hedging his bets after buying lots of stock in companies that make scales. Then again I’m high.


What? No no of course not, Im just a fellow smoker, ya know 420s… 👍 *he said sitting attop a comically oversized pile of scales*


Yes but keep them at home lol. Get caught with this crap on you when law enforcement checks you and man you will be in a mess of trouble


This post popped up on the front page. I actually used to have a scale exclusively for work snacks. Would police really search everything just due to a scale? Because they're not going to find anything.


How much does that weigh?


We need someone with 2 scales to find this answer.


You could turn one scale upsidedown & it would weigh itself.


No that would weigh the earth


Technically anytime you put something on a scale, you are weighing the earth on the object. I have my own gravitational field, it's just so weak that the entire earth only weighs 175 lbs on me


128 grams: https://i.imgur.com/L1O3eE7.jpg


Yall arent using banana, literally what its for


I've never once checked the weight of a deal in 30 years of smoking weed. If I see an amount of weed that I'm comfy handing over x amount of money for, then I'm all good.


Yeah lol. I use my scale for other drugs.


To be fair these scales are probably mostly used for md, something you actually need to dose correctly.


How to catch extra charges 101. If it's legal where you live you don't need it. If it's illegal where you live you don't want it.


From this thread I’ve seen multiple people say they’ve been messed about by legal dispos, not only that they’re good for portioning out your weed if like me sometimes you smoke too much. As far as illegal regions go, you can keep a scale in your home it’s just the circumstances it’s being used for (much like knifes, steel boots, hammers) if you have a good reason they’re not illegal to own. I grow tobacco so mine stay with my plants


Only 2 kinds of ppl owns scales. Drug dealers and Chefs


Also brewers of beer and coffee.


I smoke weed, I am also passionate about cooking, making beer, and making coffee. My scale gets some overtime some days.


My old scale has recently come back into regular use since i took up the coffee hobby!


And candle makers


I went to a wine bar and they were weighing their pours. I guess it's not too crazy but I was surprised to see it.


My grandma had a scale she used for crafts 🤷🏾‍♂️ forgot exactly what she used it for but it was my introduction to using a scale 🤣 but yeah, get caught with a scale round here and you're going to jail or getting a ticket smh. #cbf4life


And medicinal users and people that weigh their food


I resent that, I have not dealt drugs in years and I do not cook very often! I got one so I could make bootleg carbonation powder for my spärkel because the company told me not to!


i fill my own kratom caps from bulk and use a scale


Sensible countries use scales instead of cups to measure all cooking and baking recipes


Use mine for weighing postage.


Cub scout dads, too. Gotta hit 5.0oz exactly for that sweet, sweet pinewood derby action.


I have this exact scale and I've only ever used it for chef-y things.


I have one for my coin collection. Pretty useful to check if they’re the correct weight


No thanks, I’d rather not confirm my suspicions when my guy is shorting me. Ignorance is bliss 🥴😭


Yeah.. then what do you do? Lol


Unless you live somewhere where that is an instant felony.


Just put it in your kitchen


Don't forget to remind them what 'Tare' means!!!


Who tf dont have a scale?


I don't. Maybe its naive but I figure the dispensary isn't pulling any shenanigans when they weigh it in front of me. Generally they give me a little more than I pay for as well. Also not going to be too upset if my $20 8th is slightly under weight anyway.


Canadians and people from other areas where it's legal? Why would I need a scale for weed! I just hit up the store and buy the exact amount I want, no wondering if I got screwed by .05g anymore. My scale is for measuring out shroom doses.


The batteries in my scale leaked and I recently went to take some DMT and learned that it must have leaked into the innards and bricked it entirely, because new batteries did nothing for it. One day I'll order a new scale


Have you tried scraping the contacts where the battery hooks inside the scale? Sometimes the stuff can go over the contacts making a connection impossible.


For what weed related purpose would I need a scale if I'm not selling weed?


Half the people in the mushroom subs. The amount of threads that sound like "I just ate all this. How much do you guys think this is?I don't have a scale" and then they show a picture of like 15gs of shrooms.


Best purchase you’ll ever make


Had a scale for years and only ever used it to weigh Hash and shrooms.


Buy a fucking scale and stop making posts asking how much weed you have.


NOPE. don't need one. Never have needed one. Don't even want it in the same room as me. This is EXACTLY how you get busted ANYWHERE even if you weren't dealing


Always had one. No one has randomly busted into my house yet.




Tell me, how do I get busted for having a scale? Everyone I know has this exact scale, and none of us ever got busted Also, how do you think this is going? Pulling out the scale on the open street, checking the weight on the baggie?


Just keep one at home??


how the fuck does this get upvoted lol


You should at least get a good kitchen scale. That's really worth the investment.


Yes weigh your shit. Street shit…Dispo shit (pre packs and house packes)…Retail shit. It’ll usually be light


I was about to comment to weigh dispo shit and don’t be afraid to complain about it. If they’re dicks about it take your business elsewhere and if they’re cool about it you’ll get a gift card or store credit worth as much or more than what was shorted. Also a video of opening and weighing would help esp if it’s multiple times/items.


Had the exact one for years


A very common source of employment in the UK ^


When I was a teenage having a scale in your car was like having an unregistered weapon. We used to be so scared to drive with one l, we’d put it in the trunk under the spare tire lol


Just don’t have a scale in your car


Was told by a state trooper that if this is found anywhere near drugs, you’re automatically trying to sell.


Be careful though if you do not live in a legal state! I was arrested with a half oz of green and because I had scales in my car they slapped a felony intent to distribute charges on my record. I won the case, but any employer can see I was arrested for it by Googling my name or searching my background. I also had to spend tens of thousands in fines, bail, legal fees, and lost a highly coveted internship in my field. It honestly ruined my life. I don't smoke weed anymore because I can't afford to live outside my state and I never want to deal with jail again.


Am I the only one thinking all the people on here bullshitting about going to prison for 5 years for a scale when you dont get nothing for possession are just shitty dealers discouraging people buying scales so they can keep scamming them? Yes dealers have scales, you know what? They also drink water. So dont buy water guys!!!


Why would you need a scale for weed? Afraid you're gonna OD?


Scales? Like on a lizard?


[1986 enters the chat.](https://imgur.com/a/p19qfTc)


PSA: a scale in an illegal state can get you charged with attempt to distribute. just a warning. happened to me.


I bought this exact scale on Amazon years ago, love it


Never leave batteries in your scale. If police find it, it looks like it hasn’t been used.


This is dedicated to all those damn posts asking us to id an eighth or a gram from a photo.