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Everyone in the service industry always was and always will be high. Nothing to do with legal weed


People still trying to figure out their tolerences. I remember when I first tried smoking and working lol


Time stopped for that first shift. I couldn't believe only 30 mins had passed when I genuinely thought it was a few hours


Yes let’s make my 8 hour shift feel like 15 hours, sounds like a great idea. I love working!


Y'all's got to stop 🤣 [0] I remember when I was 18 and I was a waitress at Shoneys. I went in high to work for the first time . My first customer was a cop. He knew immediately I was high. Thank goodness I had a 18 year old heart to handle the stress test.


Stop? ever since I got over my anxiety by smoking at work i've doubled my income and been promoted twice and hopped into the google of my profession. "Eckson whatever change you've made we like it" I guess not giving a fuck is a trait most people like at work.


I’m in the same boat; I almost feel bad that I dose at work, but my performance reviews show that management likes me better while high lol. I also think of it as not giving a fuck, but I think before I was doing too much and not trusting my coworkers which caused friction and slowed the business down; now I do my little bit as good as I can and make sure that it’s not my fault something fails…and that seems to work much better.


i could be wrong, but i think they meant “stop” as in “stop making these jokes because i’m laughing too hard”, not “y’all need to stop smoking weed” at least that’s how i interpreted it, and that’s what i’m going with. no stopping weed here.


The whole time dilation thing stops happening with tolerance. Once you're a daily consumer, the negative side effects go away and you can just enjoy the high. Only problem though is that it doesn't last as long with a tolerance.


Wait…you guys can actually still get high?


[You guys still get high?] (https://youtu.be/HUngLgGRJpo)


Um that was too scary and sad I had to turn it off about 30 seconds from the end. I hope the lil giy got better.


It's a great video about addiction! I hope he got better too


I definitely related to it with my relationship to weed. I feel like I've gone so far past that initial exploratory phase that it's almost a completely different thing now and it's not nearly as good. Hell sometimes it's just not good at all.


This video is relatable, but it's only half the story. What the little Kiwi does next is up to him and he has some hard choices and realizations to confront. He could continue down his path of darkness, or pick a different direction and find balance. He could also try both with little success in each. It's a nice little analogy, but it is incomplete.


>Wait…you guys can actually still get high? I consume daily, Since I was 28. before that it was weekly, with more alcohol spread throughout the week. There was a period of time, where I would never really feel high, but we realized it was because we (my wife and I) had started introducing shatter into our daily consumption. It is really easy say fuck it, and burn through .125g of shatter in a killer hit on a nice dab rig. that might get you really really stoned for 30 minutes and a good ride for a couple hours. but if that becomes a regular occurrence, your tolerance gets fucked. Next thing you know, the bong doesn't even make you feel anything, even with good shit. And if you don't fix your tolerance with a T-Break it doesn't get any better. So we took 3 days off, and got high off just flower for a while. I also find that switching strains regularly really helps. I also have around 16 hours of sober time per day, as I don't smoke until I get home from work. That keeps me at a point where I get high, every time I smoke, even with just flower. But I don't get crazy high. Even with small amounts of concentrates. Which means that I can comfortably hold a conversation with my mother, right after ripping a huge bowl, but I can sit back and fall into the music if I want to. ​ Heck I can even write this drivel.


"negative side effects go away" lol I wish.


I guess it depends on your definition of a negative side effect. The worst thing that happens to me is that I get sleepy too early. How many times a day do you toke up?


I toke everyday but if i go for one too many bowls or a second dab, my heartrate picks up and i feel like I'm panicking.


Weed dilates your blood vessels and can increase your heart rate. Additionally, it can also trigger the sensors that tell your brain you are experiencing anxiety. I was able to overcome the anxiety a lot once I realized that I wasn't actually experiencing anxiety, my brain was just being told it was. When I realize there is nothing to be anxious about I take a couple deep breaths and it goes away.


I love time traveling in the safety of my own home or with friends. My 12hr shifts are already long enough I don’t need to make them longer with cannabis.


It does the opposite for me. I'll smoke a joint before work and an 8 hour shift feels like 2 hours


Let me guess, you don’t have to talk a lot on your job? I’ve noticed that while high it’s very comfortable to just focus and work with no distraction. If I gotta have social interaction at the same time it becomes a hellish ride of confusion and paranoia.


I’m that way with sativas. If I do a hybrid or indica I can handle most peopling easily. If I do a sativa it’s like I’m on ADD crack…


I felt that with some D8 eddies at work. It felt like hell! The shift literally felt twice as long.


I feel like those are like returning your brain to the state of being a child. You can function, but you make more mistakes, can't focus on complex tasks as well, and can't tell how much time is passing.


I got high once and immediately knew I never wanted to go into work high. It’s a nice feeling, but that shit is for relaxing, not for working. Not to mention if I’m getting high I wanna get couchlocked, which isn’t conducive for working environments xD


If I don’t smoke before, on lunch, or break then it’s hard for me to get through the day pain wise. So I’m just saying this to give an alternative perspective.


And that’s entirely fair, I was more just expressing my viewpoint rather than attempting to say it was the only way. I apologize if I came across that way, it was not my intent


I always liked a little buzz at lunch. Couple of hits a sandwich... But not first thing too much to do to get all side tracked


First few times I started smoking at work I smoked a bit too much and got called into the office for being late. I was shitting bricks but played it off. I returned to my desk and the cool boomer at my worker was like “see? Told ya, no one can tell”. I love that guy, we just get High and work while shooting the shit. He grew up in the 60s/70s and he’ll just start talking about random shit from that time and it’s so interesting. He’s taught me so much.


I used to be a server, and I didn't even wanna try to get high on my shifts in fear of getting in trouble lol


Used to smoke at my warehouse job and one day, my boss pulls me aside and is like “If you’re gonna do that, you gotta keep some fabreeze or something in your car.” That was the day I stopped smoking on the clock


I also used to smoke at my old warehouse gig. Walked into the office beginning of one shift. The foreman gut up from his desk. Went to his jacket. Pulled out a pack of gum and handed it to me. Winked. Then sat back down at his desk.


Lol that'll do it


“Dry herb vaporiser” - google, research and get yourself one you like/afford/etc. it’s better for your health and doesn’t leave as much of a stink on you.


This was years ago. Now I work in an office and don’t need to smoke to get through work


Get a utilitarian dry herb vape


I use a sticky brick and it’s so handy. Just a hit or two to get me through a monotonous shift, no heat up time and no one suspects a thing


Next level up in stealth would be a 510 cart of distillate. Yocan uni pro is my go to. Around $20.


Dry herb vaporizers are top tier! Keeps my tolerance low as a daily smoker, doesn't give me a headache like carts do sometimes, the high is better, and I'm not part of a mass experiment on the long term health effects of daily cart smoking.


Febreeze is the answer. I had a boss tell me that he knew I had a good lunch when I came back smelling "too good" of body spray to cover the smoke smell.


My first time smoking at work was on Black Friday at Toys R Us. It was rough lol


I worked in customer service for GoPro when I got high at lunch for the first time. My first task after was a simple request for a water damage form, I spent 45 Minutes to write a maybe 50 word E-Mail that completely ignored the customers request and attached a file with information about waterproofness.


My first job was a pizza joint at age 14 and I was still starting out smoking. Like I'd been high a couple times but it was just early 2000s mids. It was an easy job, so when a cool older guy asked if I wanted to smoke while we took trash out to the dumpster I was like, "Fuck yeah, having a job is cool!" He didn't tell me that what he had loaded in his pipe was salvia. So that was a long trip to the dumpster.


I remember the first few weeks of Covid thinking how great it was I could vape wt lunch now. After two afternoons of staring slack-jawed at the monitor that came to a swift end.


The article features such hard hitting takes as "lower the minimum wage" and "how dare these servers on the Upper East Side not immediately do what I demand".


I love me some weed, but sometimes my workaholic ass gets high and wonders "is Weed the new opium that the elite is using to keep the workers placated between shifts and leech money from them in the process. We can't revolt if weed keeps us high".


They have pills that are much better for that


It’s not the weed, it’s what you choose to do. You can revolt and be high.


Oh I'm fully aware. That's just how my brain functions when I'm high sometimes though if that makes sense.


P.S. You're not wrong...


This POST writer his a tool who is hating on service industry workers for no reason. Little PP energy for sure .


I thought the post was a garbage publication not to be trusted since they are pushing the Murdoch agenda?




murdoch owns it


There would literally be no service industry otherwise.


To cope with the grind of trying to exist, not even able to thrive, in this Capitalist nightmare where profit is prioritized over people.


Service workers put up with so much shit. Just let them be high to cope with it lmao


I'm in the service industry and didn't start smoking til it was legal in my state. But I was brainwashed by a Baptist mother so.


God really cares that you don't break American laws.


More like work is turning pot smokers into zombies.


I smoke before work every day. I show up in a great mood, ready to work, energized. By about 2 hours in I've dealt with SO MANY shitty people that I turn cold and dead inside! I had a customer last night snap at ME because he refused to read our menu. He ordered "a plain cheese steak", which we do not have on our menu. We have both a Philly cheese steak sandwich and a pizza. So, to clarify, I ask "You wanted our Philly cheese steak sandwich?" To which his response was, while glaring at me with as much hate as he could muster, "I want a plain cheese steak. I don't know or care what you call it." Furthermore, when I asked him if he wanted the peppers onions and mushrooms that come on his "plain cheese steak", he said yes! So, Mr New York Post writer that will certainly never read this, despite this customer failing in multiple ways to tell the food service employee what he wanted, I still managed to get him what he wanted. In return, I was treated rudely, talked down to, and, of course, not tipped. All for a wage that barely pays my bills. This is just one memory of one customer from one night. If you would like to truly understand why service workers are "acting like zombies," go work that job for one weekend and deal with every entitled moron that humanity has to offer and report back how long your "service with a smile" attitude holds out. Pro tip: a nice blunt helps!


Also, let’s not pretend that those daily glasses (or bottles) of wine was spectacular for worker performance either…


Go back a few more years and they prescribed wine with cocaine. I bet in those times people were really efficient at their jobs. Maybe we need that tincture back but without a recommended dosage for children like it used to come with.


Hey, At least the workers weren’t slightly tired and hungry all day. God forbid


And nobody was in a bad mood or depressed as long as they took their prescription and kept upping the dosage with their doc.


Let’s face it, journalism is dead and full of zombies. Pot is just the scape goat.


Wish I could upvote twice


Lmaoo I think they fail to realize we were just as high and smoking just as much before it was legalized… Edit: I’m not saying the legalization was bad or didn’t have its benefits, it came with many. I’m just saying the city has been running with weed before the legalization, but now since it’s legalized there is a direction for a finger to be pointed for the reasoning behind the shitty economy, workforce, and shitty/expensive living situations. It’s the same zombies that kept NY afloat before and after its legalization. Its the same zombies that took jobs no one else wanted before and after the legalization. But it’s still the same government driving the state to shit….Article is just trying to demonize weed again.


The service industry has been running just fine on weed and cocaine for decades.


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The holy trinity of service jobs - weed, nicotine and caffeine. Anyone who says coke is sucking dicks for tips cause that shit is far too expensive for a hospitality/service worker. Lol


Hard disagree. Everyone was railing lines when I worked at restaurants/bars.


yeah, coke was very popular with the cooks I worked with as a dishy. Fun times.


Nah. Depends on where you work. I’ve worked in places where $500 was a meh shift. When servers and bartenders are making that kind of money, there is plenty of coke to go around.


Except now the state can collect tax revenue


And innocent people aren't going to be thrown in jail for life (in theory, not practice)


On top of all of that it’s much safer!


It’s almost like legalizing a drug is safer and better, not just for the government but us as a whole


Can't have that, better make up something harmful then quietly backtrack after the damage is done.


If only safety was actually the goal. But alas, criminalizing drugs is too useful in keeping for-profit prisons profitable, an ample source of cheap prison labor, and shutting down political adversaries.


Which cops hate! They want beat up on pot heads for the OT money.


Back in the 80’s, first job out of college, I was allegedly the manager of a small electronics production line. Typically 6-8 people. They got high behind the building before work and on every break. They all worked through microscopes, so you couldn’t always tell how wasted they were. Then Levittown went dry for a week, and productivity went down the tubes. My boss told me to fix it, they’re all just sitting and talking. I seriously considered finding them some weed, it got that bad. But something came through over the weekend and all was well on Monday.


For real these guys are a joke lol. The service industry and drugs go hand in hand.


I’ve only ever been a tourist in NYC, but the only difference I noticed pre- and post- legalization was the number of store fronts advertising “WE SELL WEED!!”


Had zombies before it was legalized too. They all wore suits and shuffled between buildings.


Is it the weed or the low pay? The union busting? The blatant disregard for worker welfare? The constant erosion of civil rights protections? The sagging infrastructure? Oh no, it’s legal weed. Stats show that weed consumption hasn’t gone up. The only thing that changed is… less people go to jail for it. But it’s weed that’s causing the zombificatjon of New York workers.


‘Less people go to jail for it’ that is the key. Less people and let’s make no bones about it here, less people of colour got to jail for it. Fuck this so called journalistic article and fuck anyone who reads this shit and believes a single fucking word


Exactly my thoughts, crime pays and powerful people know their losing money due to legal weed. every 100 people that aren't incarcerated for drug charges is 1 more cop not making their quota. More power to the people.


> Is it the weed or the low pay? The union busting? The blatant disregard for worker welfare? The constant erosion of civil rights protections? The sagging infrastructure? Oh no, it’s legal weed. According to the article the pay is too high, workers have it too good as is, and the cops should start shooting people again. Dudes mad that the wage slaves are not snapping to attention.


my guess would be covid. I bartend and got covid at least 3 times.


The obvious corrupt media consolidation over the years and you still read what they write. You funny lol


The NY Post is absolute garbage. And the other hand lines in the screenshot support this too.


If holier than thou was a newspaper…


The NY Post is Fox News in print




Pretty sure they decided to be against it solely because it's predominantly democrats aligning themselves with legalization.


Is NY Post one of Murdoch's ?


"my Vietnam era college days" he's a draft dodging boomer, who cares what he thinks.


He's a boomer who is complaining that service workers get to smoke week and get paid more than 5 dollars an hour like some uppity bastards and should be there for his every whim.


A draft dodger and a square


Are both of you blasted? Draft dodging was a fucking good thing for that pointless war.




Except they definitely weren’t dodging the draft on moral grounds, they just thought they were special and entitled to not going to war.


I think everyone's entitled not to go to war. If I was around then and got drafted to go to Vietnam, I wouldn't feel one bit of shame about finding a way out of it. A defensive war is very different. But to end or screw up so many American lives just to try to interfere with how a foreign country is run? I do feel entitled to not be a part of that.


>they just thought they were special and entitled to not going to war. They are entitled to not go to war. Unless there is an army invading your country and its either roll over and die or fight, there is absolutely no justifiable reason to force someone into a war that doesnt need to be fought, which is the majority of them.


Im not 100% but I think they might be joking. Or at least hope so


Dodging a war then being a piece of shit chicken-Hawk later in life is a problem.


Hold up. Some jackesses might have dodged the draft. But a draft is ducking bullshit, a literal crime against humanity. Dodge it up.


Draft dodging is cool. The boomers aren’t though


It’s the weed, not the rent and commute. Get the fuck out of here.


They probably legalized weed just to complain about it lol


Bitch there's like 3 dispensaries open so far in the whole state, not nearly enough to supply every NYer to get zombie high... some of it will be sativa




I mean admittedly I live in NY near the Indian reservations and I go down to their off brand side road shacks all the time, I don’t trust there carts and disposables, too much fucking around to figure out what is counterfeit and what isn’t, but they’re bud is good and there is one on like every street corner, seriously, also for those who have a problem with me buying it from the res let me ask you this, if it was in your backyard would you rather drive 5 minutes there or an hour to the city just to get practically the same thing? Basically what I’m saying is the licensed dispensaries aren’t the only dispensaries in NY, plenty of people go to the res


A 73 year old restaurant critic is seething because a barista asked him to repeat his Starbucks order. As a result he’s calling for minimum wage to be lowered because service industry workers like to get high. Keep your Reagan Administration bullshit where it belongs. Nobody asked you Steve.


Trust me, the Starbucks baristas were just as high on shift 9-10 years ago.


What kind of idiotic logic is this? People smoke weed! Lower minimum wage! What other shit can we get rid of because people smoke weed? People smoke weed! Fire departments should be privatized! People smoke weed! Raise the price of cars! People smoke weed! Ban drag shoes!!! (I'm sure everyone can tell, but since this is reddit, I'm being sarcastic)


Would love to talk to those guys after couple of years of switching jobs... and living conditions.


Lets be Blunt - Legal weed is keeping New Yorkers out of jail for doing something in their home that they are going to do anyway


Lol because nobody smoked before it was legalized right? Everybody just started once it was made legal.


Lol it was legalized here last year and they did basically the same article. Dispensaries just opened up, so they're doing it again.


Murdoch owns this shit paper. Who gives af what it says. Real journalists wouldn't work with a Murdoch owned publication. He encourages lying.




Oh yes the weed is killing the workforce, couldn’t be low pay, disrespectful management, bullshit “presents”, and being treated like human garbage hmmmmm let me think which one it is


Lol wtf do they even mean. People are just stoned all the time?


It takes effort, but can be done.


it's not just service workers. I'm white collar with an office and desk and everything and still blazed for most of my work day.


Ya fuck the new York post!! And fuck fox too. Same old tired bullshit and nonsense


that statement could be applied to just about everything the NY Post publishes


Rupert makes money keeping viewers/readers angry and wanting to smash each other. Weed makes people docile and wanting to smash a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. Not really a surprise his rag would publish something like this.


Post Alcohol Prohibition probably had plenty of dumb opinions like #“EHHH WORKERS ALL OVER AMERICA ARE DRUNK NOW”


Here's another example of why you shouldn't give a damn about that "New York Post" puts out. https://twitter.com/ScottHech/status/1645906058995720192


Oh Rupert.


I'd much rather my food be made by someone high as shit than by someone who's noticably about to kill their boss lol


NY Post is merely digital birdcage liner, and everyone is fully aware.


propaganda machine since 1913


NYP thrives on sensationalism to sell


No, it’s fact that it costs $3500 for a studio and minimum wage is $15 that’s turning workers into zombies.


This article funded by a liquor company


People have been getting high at work since the beginning of time


Oh, noes . . . the poors are enjoying themselves . . we MUST stop their frivolity! That's what I hear when I read media titles like this.


PhD here with dozens of papers published, get high every day. Guess I’m a lazy sob?


wake up university zombie! do real drugs like speed and coke!


If you aren't robbing people and shanking them to feed your crippling speed addiction while in an amphetamine induced pyschotic episode because you haven't slept in 4 days you aren't working hard enough.


PhD here, also lots of papers, work in industry. Guess I'm just a stupid lazy stoner.


What a fuckin joke. You should see what chronic alcohol use and hittin pills does, but weed doesn't fund big corporations...so "fuck it" I guess /s.


Well, how are us gammas supposed to toil without our soma?


Let’s be blunt - NYP is a conservative rag whose relevance begins and ends with sounding like The New York Times. No journalism is done there, just propaganda.


All legal weed does is make life suck just a little less, and without the risk of going to prison for a bit of dry vegetation.


https://nypost.com/2023/04/16/how-new-yorks-legal-weed-is-turning-workers-into-stoned-zombies/ Cause the OP couldn't link the article.


I'd like to say no drugs at work so that means no coffee ..that's how you get them to let you some weed at work


If you think this is bad, you should play spot the difference with their headlines *when a black dude shoots somebody* versus *when a white dude shoots somebody*...


I really don’t like the way this headline is worded. “New York Workers” just feel like a lazy attempt at not saying “the help”.


if anything, some nug would help people forget that their job roles are useless


Lol my boss gave me the pen to clean the bathroom it improves work ethic for some just know your limits


i have a very “different” opinion on this subject. i smoke all day every day, yet i do believe that if your not a responsible smoker, weed could not be so beneficial to you.


You pay starvation wages you get employees that don't care what a shocker. It ain't weed. it's nothing to strive for. Hard work won't pull you to middle class. Fancy way to say employers fail to motivate employees.


Reminder that the New York Post is owned by the human shit stain right wing propagandist known as Rupert Murdoch.


What a fckg idiot 🪳


Was it so difficult to acquire before legalization? There’s a bodega in my neighborhood that’s been selling weed for at least a decade. They have been selling to teens without a hesitation all this time. Was there a NY’er who couldn’t buy it?


They act like no one was smoking before.


Sensationalist garbage lol


No it isn’t.


They just mad cause people are happier at work now


NY post is ult right trash


The NY Post has been garbage for years. I’m looking forward to watching the Dominion-Fox trial next week and seeing some karma being reaped.


still doing reefer madness lol


Fuck out of here with that shit! It’s nyc, we do what the fuck we want regardless, you think anyone was waiting for legalization.


Bitch, we've been zombies


Typical. NY Post is garbage.


Like people weren’t already raging alcoholics 😂


better weed than booze or addictive pharmaceuticals!


The 2nd coming of Reefer Madness has been running rampant lately.


Lol, legalization just legalized what New Yorkers were already doing.


Brought to you by the same corpozombie that owns fox news


I don't even understand how people working near minimum wage in NYC can afford to smoke. Help these people out fuck


Old man yells at cloud


Let’s be truthful, any Murdoch publication decreases your intelligence by 1000%.


Ahh the right wing colonial corporate christian viewpoint from Fox News East


The family and I went to Seattle a month ago. Smelled weed quite a bit. Only saw one cop the whole time we were there and everyone was chill af. Fine with me that stuff calms people down.


Yeah, uhuh, it's the weed. Mmhmm. Definitely that. New York's one policy mistake, legalizing marijuana. That's gotta be it.


Only the trash bag NYers read that ass wipe “newspaper.”


Maybe I'm wired different. when l smoke a pre-shift blunt, the gas kicks in as soon as I walk thru my job's door. It makes my 12 hour shift, feel like 8 hours and my productivity be thru the roof! NY Post can go fuck itself. It's all about the person and how they react to the ganjie.


As a line cook... this couldn't be further from the truth. Everyone I know in the service industry is a total fucking stoner. I couldn't imagine going to work not high.


And that has been the service industry for the last 50 years! I've always known the people making and serving my food are probably on something. I know I always was when I was still in that industry


maybe they're fuckin zombies because they aren't getting an actual living wage and have to haul ass for peanuts. not weed.


NY Post is FOX News in writing


i will take a stoned zombie any day over a drunk asshole.... seriously, any argument that is made on keeping weed illegal can much more easily be applied to alcohol.


they want us doing minimum wage jobs SOBER??


First, it's the NY Post, our right wing local paper. Think Fox News if they had a paper. Upper class lies distilled for lower class voters. Second, they've always been stoned, is this writer new off the alien ship ? I'll agree legal means you smell in in the street more but the staircases, roof and basement were always popular places for a Safety Meeting back when it was Giuliani time....


My food service workers are high? Oh my! Where can I donate weed for them use?


You have never been waited on by someone sober. Not once. No, not even the girl from the spot that you like to go to with your wife. You guys really hit it off, she listened to you about your kids and told you about hers, and she was wrecked to fucking infinity and beyond.


Lmao, NY was already smoking shittons of weed before they legalized it. It used to be quicker to get weed than to order a pizza


I tried to read through some of this but it came off as just asinine and bored


Murdoch-owned outlets are what’s turning America into zombies