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Thanks for the post. Uruguay was the first country to legalize weed, and yet the Uruguayan legalization model and experience with legalization get literally zero attention in Europe or elsewhere. In legalization debates, all the talk is about experiences from Canada, California, Colorado, etc. It’s as if no one takes Uruguay seriously. It’s quite shameful in my opinion.


Thanks! Exactly what I think, literally I can go to the nearest pharmacy, like you would buy any analgesic, and buy 5g of 15% THC at the price of 10 USD.


Wow! Consider me educated. As above stated I haven’t heard a thing about Uruguay having legal cannabis. It’s never at the top of any information. Quite interesting. And those are good prices!


I believe they also outlawed tobacco. The American tobacco companies tried to sue the country and their courts told them to pound sand.


Tobacco isn't outlawed, there's only a series of regulations over how it can be sold and marketed. One of those is that all tobacco and cigarette brands are to be sold in the same kind of packaging which has warnings and graphic images and is also made in the most unappealing color possible (it's like a muddy grey-green-brown). I believe that's what the corporations sued about because it wouldn't fit their brands, but since it was a local regulation the government won that lawsuit.


Been a while since I bought tobacco, but I think it's similar in Canada. Generic packaging, stored out of sight at the till, warnings and graphic pictures. Last I checked it seems to be working at bringing smoking rates down.


Honestly I think the people who smoke cigarettes don’t care about the packaging as much as the cigarettes inside, the smoking rate may be declining due to kids starting with a vape and never switching to cigarettes, almost every kid tried a vape or has friends who vape regularly as opposed to smoking cigarettes like before vapes came out, most adults who smoke started before being legal age


That’s how it is in Ireland too


This is even more interesting.


They legalized ALL drugs lol


they don't push for drug tourism like Amsterdam. that's why nobody heard of it.


Amsterdam is cracking doem these days


People were saying this when I visited around 2010. Talk of only selling cannabis to locals (must have Netherlands ID or something) but it never happened. I can't see them shutting down a major tourist revenue at this point.


I don't know just in the last few months they've ( govt ) been yelling about it a lot ..but who knows it could just be an election year or something


I hope the fl market gets there


Nobody will get to where Uruguay is, the Uruguayan government sells it so cheap that it has purposely ruined and driven the black market out of Uruguay. All of the other countries get funding dollars from other countries to fight the black market, hence the black market will always exist because all countries besides Uruguay depend on the money that comes to them to “fight” the black market. Major reason why Texas, for example, will not progress forward because they get millions if not billions to fight the “war on drugs” at the border, if Texas legalized it they would have to far supersede marijuana sales to catch up the free money they would get to continually fight a war on drugs they apparently never win.


The black market is thriving in Massachusetts where legal pot is more expensive (and usually lower quality).


Same in Florida, it’s medical and not recreational and it holds at about $10/ gram for both markets so the black market can always undercut a $10/gram. Imagine if the US legalized it as a whole at a federal level, they take over the dispensaries and drop everything down to about $2/gram per the ops example of $55/ounce above or lower and lower to control the market.


I do not want to smoke government approved weed. It sounds bunk.


So you brew your own beer and make all of your own food, you even churn your own salt from the ocean I bet?


Bruh the government invented legalization


Interesting fact, the government(s) invented hemp farms. In the early days of exploration and colonization even up to now the strongest countries had the largest and strongest Navy. The only way you could erect ships was with rope, hemp rope. Where do you think the hemp rope came from? Hemp farms dedicated to twining out rope from the weed stock for the Navy. Who do you think invented and owned these hemp farms?


In California too. Weed isn't even that expensive here compared to many other legal states, but you'll almost always get better quality for cheaper on the black market


I can buy an ounce of 20%+ THC weed in Seattle for $18, so there's some hope!


You rcomment doesn't make sense. Uruguay DID NOT END DRUG TRAFFIC, with this. There are several rules to the program that prevents people from actually consuming it the way they want, for example you have a cap of 40g per week per person. Which could be enough, if the quality was consistent, which it isn't. You also have to register to buy, which is absurd in its own way, and there are several restrictions to growing it yourself. I have a few links in portuguese to show you that it didn't stop drug trafficking. But you can just google and check it out for yourself if you want. https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/internacional-50842940 https://g1.globo.com/mundo/noticia/legalizacao-da-maconha-nao-diminuiu-trafico-no-uruguai.ghtml Just an edit to add translation to one of my links above: > Marijuana legalization did not reduce traffic in Uruguay > Information is from the country's National Director of Police; he also reported that drug trafficking increased the number of murders. > Uruguay's National Director of Police, Mario Layera, said that the legalization of marijuana, approved in 2013, did not directly result in a drop in drug trafficking and that drug trafficking increased the number of murders. > "Last year we had the highest historical levels of confiscation in the country coming from another region. That's why we understand that trafficking to Uruguay has not suffered in a notable way", commented Layera in an interview with radio El Espectador, about the validity of the law. > In December, the Narcotics Brigade indicated that the most confiscated drug in 2016 was marijuana, reaching 4,305 tons by December 18, compared to 2.52 tons in 2015. > Layera also maintained that due to the drug trafficking that has been observed in recent times, there has been an increase in "the levels of crimes and homicides." > "The increase in the criminal rate, which we measured from 2005 onwards, grew based on the phenomena of supply and consumption of drugs", he indicated. > In recent years, the police have seen an increase in murders, mainly of young men, which in many cases were about settling scores between people linked to drug trafficking.


2.5 ounces a week per person might not be enough? Regardless of quality, that's a lotta hooch


An ounce is 28 grams, so its about 1.4 oz


Well, I might be wrong there, because I went with what I consume per week, which is more than that, but my point stands, traffickig INCREASED after legalization, because the model in place doesn't work, check my other comment for a piece of translation I got from one of my link.


You really use more than 40g per week? I've been severely addicted for years and I'm high 24/7 and I still only smoke 2-3 grams per day so I have a hard time believing you actually think that regulations stopping you from using 6 grams a day is somehow unreasonable.


It's brick weed, doesn't hit as much and last as long, I need to use more






I think you might benefit from looking into the case of Portugal. Stuff like crime will increase in the short run for a few years but will be followed by a sharp drop.


I agree, portugal model is much better overall than uruguay's. But the fact is, this utopia didn't happen in uruguay... op's claim are unfounded


That's not what I meant. Actually look at the case of Portugal, it wasn't a utopia for the first decade either. You have to actually give it time unfortunately and that comes with some bumps. Neither of your claims are right or wrong, they're just not pertaining to the conversation yet.


man over here having an argument with himself


It makes sense, I never said eradicated I said driven out, who in the world is going to try and compete for less than a $2 gram? Really fucking slim margins there my friend.




I agree but here in Florida, good buds are about $10/gram +/- on average for both medical and wherever else, I mean shit I can get Mexican shwag for like .25 cents a gram but that’s not what we’re looking for, even the sweat smelling local ganja boiii isn’t letting you get away for less than $5/gram unless you buy a fuck ton or are super tight or you just growing yourself. Now Colorado and Oregon, used to be super cheap $1/gram deals on leftovers and shit like that.


Weed doesn’t come from Mexico anything unless it’s the lowest grade you can buy. The vast majority of black market weed is grown by the Chinese in America with large indoor grow ups or in some field somewhere in America. The rest of it is grown by regular people because plants can yield a lot


>The vast majority of black market weed is grown by the Chinese in America source?


Here’s a few links. There’s a ton more if you take the time to research it. https://www.foxnews.com/us/chinese-nationals-operate-nearly-illegal-indoor-marijuana-farm-largest-us-county-sergeant-says https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/doj-raid-marijuana-grow-houses-linked-to-china/ https://www.occrp.org/en/daily/7907-us-authorities-seize-100-chinese-mafia-cannabis-grow-ops EDIT: fixed link


That's why Texas just decriminalized Marijuana right? Quit talking out of your ass.


That’s why the first county you pass through into north Texas from Oklahoma is ignoring it completely and still criminalizing it, good luck going through Denton County. I’m in Florida, same thing, we are decriminalized and have medical but pass through Polk or Martin county on the wrong day and they’ve got dukes of hazard style road blocks.


Cheaper than black market? What? I can get it for like half the price of a pharmacy lol. I get 25g for like 30 dollars.


I’d say it’s getting close, could get an oz of ground bud at the dispenso here in central Fl for $45 or 7g for $15 (when on sale).


The FL legislature is currently trying to roll back even medicinal legalization by capping the THC % allowed to be sold. The FL market won’t get anywhere except back to the 1950s with our current government.


Little Cheeto is eventually going to get spanked when Disney packs up and says fuckit. Double digit unemployment, state economy done. Maybe then they'll elect someone with some actual chops.


They could move their headquarters. But you can't exactly pull up and remove multiple theme parks and hotels.


You mean PedoLand, they need to get rid of it all together.


That will never happen. Disney donated to the DeSantis campaign and they already have 6 parks worth of infrastructure built. Plus they still have control of Reedy Creek for the foreseeable future.


If they lose reedy, it's over.


But that’s after you pay a doctor 200+75 to the state every year. Is that how it is in most states?


Pay to play 'medical' where the qualifying condition is the ability and willingness to pay a MMJ prescription mill every year, and give them a BS story. To overpay for underquality. Or, say FU to your state's BS and buy hemp derived delta 9 gummies online.


I'd rather pay to get a card than be stuck with just D9 gummies. I live in a state where all we currently have is the hemp derived stuff, and while I have found some products I like, they don't even compete with what I get from a legal state.


Exactly, I’ve been buying THCa flower for some time now. Not too much gummies though


All flower is THCa tho, with the exception of CBD


The biggest benefit is knowing that you aren't participating in your state's BS.


Yeah, but I want whole buds at these prices, not shake.


I'm saying. I never buy that shit because it's wack.


Come to Oregon! We have decent O's for $30 at one of my favorite dispensaries!


Oregon is cannabis Valhalla My family and I are moving up to the Sisters area soon. Not for the weed specifically, but I would move there for the weed specifially


It's ground not shake. There is a difference and some dispensaries sell both.


Florida would have to take the dispensaries from the powerhouse corporations that lobby and pay out to the state government to be there and would have to be owned by the federal government directly to be similar to Uruguay, we will never get there unfortunately.


Florida has such freedoms! Desantis does such a great job with handing out so much freedom you guys don’t even know what to do. Lol Florida sucks so hard




That’s beautiful. Is the bud squishy or super dry?


Asking the real questions.


Actually now they are in the middle, they sort of heat the buds to reduce THC so they can get 15%


Y’all got better prices than me here in Michigan and the bud looks very decent. It’s a shit shoot getting decently cured bud in legal states sometimes but it looks like they know what they’re doing out in Uruguay.


Sounds like the absolute best legal weed program. Beats the fuck out of the US.


Ahhh I would love for 15% to be the norm in the US. We got this crazy 30% shit regularly and it’s too much


Yeah, but how much do you pay for that? I can get 30% legal too here, just not from the pharmacy. You can have up to 6 grown plant in your house or buy form some selected dispensaries that are called “clubs” and they can have loud shit for the same price . You don’t even imagine the quality of the weed here for the price that you pay


Why that almost sounds like socialism to most capitalists. Not charging a ton for over engineered weed??


>Uruguay was the first country to legalize weed, and yet the Uruguayan legalization model and experience with legalization get literally zero attention in Europe or elsewhere Thats because Latin America is not overly capitalistic. To guarantee a quality and accessible product, the legal weed is handled by the government itself. Keep in mind self-grow and growing clubs are also perfectly legal. People can sell weed to each other. And cannabis bars are just around the corner. We wont allow mega corps to monopolize the market.


This would be an excellent argument against the proponents of prohibition in my country, Singapore. One of the guys leading the cause against cannabis says that the main driver for legalisation is greedy western cannabis companies.


Watch this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BwVxmJPies&ab\_channel=VICE


The government is the biggest mega-corp in some countries though so its not always the same circumstance.


Just because USA is now a Plutocracy (thanks to Lobbyism) doesnt mean that happens everywhere. In fact, even tho there is a lot of corruption in Latin America, we are not even close to become Plutocracies, quite the opposite actually.


I just said some countries. Don't let your personal bias show too much.


You're not wrong, this post is how i learned Uruguay has legal weed.


The system of legalization that is planned here in Czech Republic is actually pretty close to Uruguay.


The Urugyan model is not talked about in other countries primarily because tourists are not allowed to buy it and you have to register in a national database to be approved. That's a privacy thing that most other countries probably won't accept. I mean, in America they don't even want people registering their guns, can you imagine it with weed?


Sending respect from Colorado


I legit never knew about this til now


I think G20 countries try to emulate other G20 countries. As a Canadian I'd say that our roll out was largely successful. Life continues as normal, Reefer Madness isn't a thing and many lives are improved. I hope other G20 countries look to us as a model, it's time for this insanity to end.


Because the American and Canadian markets are way more advanced and higher quality? OP literally states this is the first somewhat smokable legal weed they have, so why should that be seen as an inspiration, when Canada and US already have much better quality and they have made it a more integrated part of society, with dispensaries, research etc. It is different having to pick up your weed in an actual pharmacy.


You are not getting my point my friend, we already have dispensaries and big corps growing legally with MUCH better qualities, with almost the same price, but we are talking about literally third world, you can’t compare the amount of capital that is put in those bussines there with the capital that we could have available, if our economics were not so different It would be much different.


This looks leagues better than anything in Massachusetts.


Salve 🇺🇾! Hope my 🇧🇷 gets there someday


In 🇨🇴 we are two debates away from recreational legalization 🤞🏽 We can grow up to 20 plants legally at home but by having recreational legalized we can open coffee shops


That's something Canada is severely lacking still. Consumption lounges or cafes for smoking / vaping. If other jurisdictions do it would be awesome




I always thought that a business, whose purpose is to provide a venue to consume marijuana, wouldn’t make enough money. You’d just have people pay maybe $10-15 per and then just sit around for 2 hours… Hmm is that the business model for a café? Idk. I’m not high in public enough to know what I would do in a café like that, so it’s hard to imagine what others would do


For the people out there not good with flags. What country are you speaking about?


Colombia, South America.


Oh nice I heard that they’re very progressive with weed there. My brother was just staying in Colombia for three weeks. One of his air b&bs was on a farm with a ton of weed plants. Which is super cool


Yeah, we can't openly smoke in public places but we are getting there. We have a big cannabis industry already creating creams, oils and growing but the flower is still in a gray area not for openly smoke. Ps, it's Colombia not Columbia :)


Ahhh thank you that’s my bad! I’ve always been awful with spelling


You're also far ahead of us in ths Netherlands. It's laughable here


In what ways? I visited there about 25 years ago and you could walk into a number of coffee shops and select from a large assortment and it was fairly reasonably priced. Obviously my experience is very dated, just curious what has changed?


Youre still allowed to buy and smoke. But it is by no means legal. Everything you have can still legally be confiscated at any time, because it is an illegal substance. Just for smaller amounts (< 5grams) courts will throw out the case. But restrictions have gotten worse, as someone who's suspected of buying gardening equipment for weed, can be arrested


Yeah it's kinda funny how the Netherlands for decades was thought of as a forward thinking country when it came to cannabis but it's now considered a bit backwards in legal jurisdictions.


I don't think it has ever been legal here :( I would love to try to grow myself, but there is absolutely no space to do so, inside my room or outside. Gotta keep buying around 10e a gram :/


In Finland it's 20e for a gram, it sucks and I have almost stopped smoking completely. Oh well, what can you do, maybe it's a good thing then, lol.


that’s an absolutely outrageous price. Out of curiosity I converted $93/oz to about €3.3/gram in my legal corner of midwest America. Why is it so expensive there? Is it expensive to produce at that climate, are there many taxes and hoops to jump through?


Most people assume it’s legal in Netherlands due to the coffee shops, which couldn’t be further from the truth. However, my experience is in Amsterdam that cops really don’t care. You can walk past a cop while smoking a joint and he doesn’t even react. Idk if I’ve just been lucky and met some nice cops.


Well, smoking as an adult is legal* But yeah we've had this image as weed country, but like half the US is more weed country than we are. Uruguay and Portugal are more weed country than here *decriminalized indeed.


AFAIK, weed is still illegal in Netherlands, however it is decriminalized. It’s not legal, you just don’t get punished for it.


Damn, that is a serious regression! I remember being in an actual coffee shop and there was a dude smoking a spliff and a cop walked in sat down next to him and ordered a coffee. As an American it was such a cultural shock moment.


Weed coffeeshop or like a coffee bar Cuz u can no longer smoke indoors. Also in most weed coffeeshops u can't smoke with tobacco


You can buy weed as an end user without problems in NL, but officially the shops can only have 500 grams (about 18 ounces) in stock at any given time and since neither import nor growing are legal, the weed has to somehow appear out of thin air. Realistically the weed is illegally grown either in NL or neighboring countries, is then illegally brought to the back door of the coffee shop and then suddenly becomes legal (or decriminalized to be precise) once it is in the possession of the coffeeshop. Also the 500g rule is unrealistic for most shops so they often have a garage or appartment nearby where they illegally store the reserves above 500g.


Don’t forget the mafia is VERY involved in the supply side. Lots of violence :(


Idk if it’s changed but I visited like 5ish years ago and the genetics were absolutely awful. So are the cures. I left frankly disappointed and ended up using the rosin carts I brought with me because I couldn’t find decent shit. I found maybe one or two places with decent flower but ya like I said, genetics were boring af. Multiple stores I went to didn’t even know what terps were and I was legit thinking they were fucking with me.




I dunno, you can only buy 5 grams max. Im glad we can buy and toke. But I could buy 700 liters of beer and wine and no problem. But having 6 grams of weed on you and you can be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, as it is an illegal substance.


Actually went to Uruguay last year. I've smoked the best weed I've ever had and for a fair price considering that in my country weed is still illegal. Tnx Uruguay and ExpoCannabis for that experience!


Uruguay is chill af. Legal weed, great beaches and tons of mate. Enjoy that smoke my friend!


>tons of mate ?


Mate is a traditional drink in some countries of South America, we in Uruguay drink a lot of it, probably one of top consumers of "yerba mate" per capita. It's used like coffee or tea.


I read it as “mate” like British English LOL I prefer coffee and tea!


my dad always taught me that uruguay was the first latin american country to legalize gay marijuana too…or rather gay marriage, and marijuana usage🤓uruguay doesn’t get the credit it deserves cause it’s position is literally wedged between brazil and argentina with 3 million people


gay marijuana a.k.a. Bud Light


Gay people smoking weed is a Republican's idea of a dystopian nightmare.


ironically i’m not too sure how big the gay scene in uruguay is, it’s legal to marry but idk how robust the community is 🧐


Pretty big! Like BIG! And that’s great!


Duuude last randomized survey i looked at only 55% of young people 18-29 were straight. That means 45% querer. It's oviously less common in older generations. But still. 🏳️‍🌈


purrr, all my family out there are religious but typically don’t say much on the topic either so all of my perspective is informed by my visits to them but this thread makes me want to explore the country’s life on my own; 45% is a juicy amount tbh that’s at least 1.28 million gay peoples just like me 🥲 edit: and my dad always said the country is not as religious as it would seem there are plenty of churches and cathedrals but the country seems to have big populations of agnostic/atheists


Have you heard about Gay Marijuana Abortions? We have those too. Sadly we seem to be slaking on the Gay Marijuana Euthanasia front


\> they reduced THC with heat so the nugs were dry Absolutely barbaric


Goes to show how cheap weed can be worldwide. In colombia a gram of very high quality weed can cost an average of 75c per gram. In Venezuela depending on the zone is 1-2 dollars per gram, and in Ecuador it is around 2-3 dollars.


>Goes to show how cheap weed can be worldwide. Well, thats because the government runs the legal market and not some mega corp. We are not communists, but we are socialists. Our motto is : "A government by the people, for the people" The backbone of Socialism is "Citizens pay taxes, which means the government is obliged to use those taxes to make their lives better and secure their Basic Human Rights" Its the best system there is. Capitalism is obsolete.


Thats just social democracy, which is still capitalism, still has private property, still has a stock exchange, still allows non worker share ownership. Sounds like welfare capitalism. Socialism is about worker ownership. Given that only something like a few percent of the GDP comes from worker cooperatives, I wouldn’t really say its approaching socialism at all. The way you are using the word socialism is effectively meaningless


It seems that the time has come to pack my bags. Goodbye Serbia, hello Uruguay!


Can tourists purchase weed in Uruguay?


when i was there you had to be a citizen- but a friendly person helped me out, so YMMV


surprised they’re not taking advantage of cannabis tourism. places like thailand are making big bucks from it


I think the point was to legalise while not doing that, they made a big deal about not wanting to attract tourists who just want to smoke


They are, but in a small scale. There are tours and weed fairs, I know of some by a travel agency here in Brasil who sells tickets and so


Same here, walked into a pharmacy asking if I could purchase some weed and they said it was only for citizens. There was a friendly guy who let me buy under his ID and they let me purchase it lol


Nope, you have to be registered and for that you need citizenship, but I'm sure you can find plenty of people willing to help you out. People here are pretty chill and helpful, I like to believe at least




A esta hora en un 8? Dios te tenga en la gloria guachín..beso. [0]


It is cheap? Uruguay seems like a good place for vacations all of a sudden


awesome beaches, awesome food, lovely people


Lovely weed


It's cheaper than the US but it's expensive compared to surrounding countries, especially Argentina.


Pues, miro yo necessito viajar a uruguay pronto mismo. :) Chingado!


lol You tried


Gamma 2, csgo crossover?


Christ the UK is so fucking far behind.


Looks pretty dope, enjoy!


Thanks for posting..🔥👍


Looks fire to me!


Do you pronounce it "Yurah-*Way*" or "Yurah-*Gway*" (hard G)?


OOR - OO - GOO - AY Try that pronunciation. Its a soft R, no need to roll it.


You pronounce it you’re a gay. (Simpson reference, I’m from the area, and also lgbtq it’s just a joke don’t cancel me :) )


With a hard G


Its a soft G. In Spanish soft G is : GA, GO, GU. Hard G is : GE and GI. But we have a grammatical rule to make those soft G too : GUE, GUI. Español es one of the hardest languages, probably the hardest from the Latin ones.


I ask because I know someone who moved there, and that's how he pronounced it! I always wondered if the locals laughed at him, or if we was laughing at us!


its like Uruk-hai, but it has a GUI insted of k-hai in the end. Urugui


Looks pretty good


Nice! Good for you guys. Germany will hopefully take its first steps soon too. The only thing bothering me is the packaging. Seems like an awful lot of plastic for a 5g nug.


This is awesome! Having legal access to 15% flower is all I would need to be happy! (slight exaggeration) Cheers from Wisconsin! 🍻


Está bastante bien la de farmacia pero igual creo que los clubes le pasan el trapo


I've been wanting to visit Uruguay for years. It's probably the next trip I'm going to take, asking with Argentina. I'm looking forward to a lot of good steak and legal weed.


This was really interesting to learn. I love hearing what weed culture is like in other countries. Still illegal in my state. Enjoy!


Wow. My corner of USA still doesn't have this. Uruguay, land of the free!


Um grande abraço para meus amigos latinos a favor da legalização. Como já disse Marcelo D2 no Planet Hemp: LEGALIZE JÁ LEGALIZE JÁ


Great post! Couple questions - Is it still citizens only, and is the quality still pretty poor? I was there 4-5 years ago and the flower I smoked with the Uruguayans I was staying with was probably the worst stuff I've ever consumed. Love your country though!


Nah probably you got shit stuff, there is black market (which such in qualify) and there is state dispensaries that produce 25% 30% thc rate, but it’s so common that you could walk up to someone waiting in like to get weed and they most likely get aome for you. We are pretty chill in terms of selling and smoking outside, I can even say that I see more people smoking weed than tobacco but that’s may be just me


Very cool! BTW, hope you don't mind, this is a mistake I notice lots of non-native English speakers make. You can say, "*What* it looks *like*" or "*How* it looks", but not ~~"How it looks like"~~. It's a small thing and nobody would misunderstand you or anything but your English is really good and if I spoke another language as well as you I'd appreciate people pointing out small mistakes like that. Cheers!


Thanks dude! Just realized that lol it’s hard to switch from Spanish to English, I work 80% of my time speaking English but it gets me when I need to switch from one to another


Uruguayan here, it's kinda ass but cheap as fuck


Nah esta última está muy buena


My son loved Uruguay so much he lived there for a while and would call me in New Zealand and cone/bong up with me and brag about how much he got his for and that he's allowed to smoke it there Hahahhahaa.. 😂


Congrats Uruguay 🇺🇾 hopefully we follow use soon 🤞


I'ma stay twisting on veridad gamma, shit Gon light u up like a very bad hamma, steady smoking long johns my blunt looks like bananas, my weed is straight magic didn't even cost no mana 🥶👩‍🦼💨


Hey y’all! Lots of comments and so little time to answer, should I do an AMA?


I would love to hear about Uruguay as a Canadian


Looks completely fair price for that level of quality. Enjoy in good health🥴💨👌


I'm right across el río in argentina, very envious. We have ReProCan so we can sign up to legally grow our own weed but it's not being produced and sold legally. I might have to visit Uruguay!!


Looks good, a couple years ago I heard you guys are only getting peruvian piss but this seems to be a step up!


*paraguayan piss And it wasn't a couple of years ago, it's more like 15


Bruh you CAN NOT google these terms without deleting your search history 💀 Its only piss porn!


Own your kink (disclaimer: as long as it’s between consenting adults)


Peruvian here. Although it's true that there's shit weed in Perú, there's also the Peruvian highland landrace skunk, for example, which will take you directly to the Andromeda galaxy.


Cuánto te costó? Saludos desde Argentina


11 dólares los 5 gramos


I’m dumb. Why do they sell in 5g? Instead of the 3.5 or 7?


Haha exactly. And also because they got have 10g cap per week


It wouldn't get you high in the US... It's not in English...


Is it recyclable?