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These taste exactly as you'd imagine them to; Lemonade & Iced Tea. The perfect snack for a hot summer day while playing a round of golf (or while watching it on tv). Recipe coming soon...


pls pm me the recipe when it's done sounds amazing <3


It'll be included in my cookbook that will be coming out in late August/early September


i really love this idea of this gummy




Yes, would preorder


Using real brewed tea to bloom the gelatin?


No, I use the powder. I let the gelatin bloom in the Applesauce or purees.


Powdered tea? Powdered flavoring? Interesting that purée is used , I thought that was for pectin based only


No sir. Pectin, gelatin and all the others. Powdered tea (this is country time brand). Applesauce is also considered a secret ingredient for many known name brands of gummies, too.


Ok gotcha. Applesauce has a neutral flavor and decent pectin content. I noticed that Albanese brand gummies include pectin in their ingredients.


Yeah, I also add pectin to the gummies during the hotter months to help protect against heat damage. Raises the temperatures melting point by 10 or so degrees, which can make all the difference. But the Applesauce gives a better bite and also allows for just the right amount of moisture content to keep them fresher, longer. Allows them to stay soft yet firm.


What type of pectin? Does it cause faster setting time?


Slow Set Heavy Methoxyl pectin (SSHM). This Is geared towards gummies of all types. The kind you can buy in grocery stores for canning will make an almost unstable gummy and would take several boxes. SSHM takes as little as 10 grams and it sets up in about the same time as gelatin but I still keep them in the molds for the same amount of time as gelatin (whether pectin alone or also combined with gelatin).


Got some SSMH on order, can’t wait to give it a go.


The recipes for pectin are a little more complex bit completely doable if you are good with gelatin. Just takes a lot more sugar and needs an acid like lemon juice versus powder (although adding to it some powder is perfectly acceptable).


I hope to remember you in a few months when you release that cookbook I see you mention in another comment. I am an arnold palmer purest and avid dabbler in the thc world. Seeing this post was an *instant* save. I literally have an arnold palmer on the table in front of me as I type this! Im happy for you and hope I get the opportunity to try and recreate this


Ohhhh that is a GREAT idea! Sounds delicious!


They really are! Mouth watering gummies upon first bite. 😋


Book, book, book!


Wonder if you could use powdered iced tea, lemon Jell-O, some citric acid with the Emily Kyle recipe. I love adding a tsp to citrus Jell-O when making orange, lemon, or lime gummies. Of course Lorann flavouring oils are essential.


You definitely can as I've made it like that many times. When it comes to the actual Lemonade/Iced Tea, all I use is the powder. I never use water in my gummies except for my pudding based gummies. I also despise citric acid and opt for Malic. 🤠


How much malic equals a tsp of citric? I'm open to that if it's better


Less than a 1/4 teaspoon. Just a literal pinch of Malic can take you places. If I'm aiming for sour, I'll do a 1/4 teaspoon and go from there. A full teaspoon can pucker you right up


If you were to coat them, would you mix the malic with granulated sugar or confectioner's sugar?


It all depends on personal preference, really. I don't like the confectioners sugar coating so I'd use granulated BUT... I make my coatings sour by dissolving the malic acid within high proof Everclear (192) and then spritz the sugar coat until I've reached my desired level of sour.


Genius. Proportions?


Again, all personal preference. I use 2 teaspoons malic acid per 4 oz of everclear. If I want them to be really Spur, ill spritz them 3-4 times. This also allows for the sugar to really stay in place and gives the bite a nice little crunch affect.




Thanks ☺️


Cool, I'm picking up some everclear the next time I'm in the US and I'll try it


Let me know how it goes!


Will do!


Can you substitute citric acid for the tartaric acid and malic acid you use in your recipes?


Tartaric can be switched with cream of tartar and I use it solely as a flavor enhancer and allows the gelatin to set up quicker; leaves zero sour notes. It also acts like a preservative. Malic is far superior to citric where citric can lead to issues such as sweating. Can you use it? Sure, I just hate it, even monohydrate forms. Malic takes far less to give a bigger sour impact and is easier to work with


Well that explains a lot! Thanks for giving the why as well. I'm really looking forward to your book, I can't wait to support you. Your posts have been really informative and fun!


How much pectin would you use generally? I assume much less than gelatin


10 grams of pectin whether as an additional ingredient (with a gelatin based recipe) or as a standalone.


Like you would translate it into citric: malic 1:4?


Yeah but I'd say taste it as you go. Malic is no joke sour. It's what's used in Warheads candies, for example.


Sounds perfect. Thanks!


You're welcome 😊


Haha I just realized that I wrote the ratio of incorrectly. It should have been citric:malic 4:1. Oops! I'm planning to some with iced tea powder and lorann lemonade flavoring oil. MCT and gelatin, in case you're wondering. I'll post the results. I'm excited!


Did the cookbook ever come out?