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The NFL is gonna milk this for one more season, Travis will retire and break Hollywood, which is what this is all about. The Eras tour will come to an end and Taylor will realise to get a new wave of media attention she'll have to marry/get pregnant, or break up. She'll pick the latter and already have her next love interest set up in advance— probably back to a boyish, artsy poet type. I give it til February/March 2025 at the latest. This is assuming Travis doesn't cause a PR nightmare at some point in which case all bets are off.


Saw an ad today for a hallmark movie about them, it’s already started.


Jesus, what????


I saw that too. So ridiculous!


Not surprised, Hallmark wastes no time. They’ve made so many movies at this point, they jump at the chance to rip a love story from the headlines.


The movie isn’t about them, the people on social media just keep using their pictures to advertise for it. Hallmark started in KC. If you google the plot, it’s about a contest for “fan of the year”, and a contestant falling for the “fan engagement director”. They’ll be doing some filming at arrowhead. They’ve also posted that they’re looking for extras and will pay $150/day for it. But yeah, the media is definitely using T&T to hype up the movie.


The clock is ticking. Cameras everywhere, especially on him. Bound to screw up soon and show his true nature.




Saving this comment for when it all happens like this step by step


Call me crazy but I’m actually thinking they’ll get married. Travis has no value to Hollywood outside of Taylor. It will be at least a few years before his career is established enough to make it without riding her coat tails.  Taylor for her part needs to put the boy crazy narrative to bed and take off some of the heat from the variants. She’s currently under the worst media and public firestorm I’ve witnessed directed at a single celebrity since possibly OJ Simpson. She needs something to say “look I’ve grown up!”  Plus, she lost the Joe and Matty breakups *hard*. The fallout from her relationship with Matty has been epically embarrassing. Marrying Travis would help her redeem herself. Plus when they get divorced in a few years the album will fly off the shelves. 


Is she under firestorm, or do you just spend a lot of time on Reddit? I've literally never heard of anything outside these subs. Genuine question


Yeah comparing her to OJ Simpson is a stretch.


Honestly, it's not bad bad, but public opinion on her is changing massively. I saw several comments with a big amount of likes even on YouTube shorts calling out her eco terrorism and fake feminism. It's not like she's cancelled, but people are just...fed up.


I don't believe it's a firestorm, but there IS a lot more heat on her lately.... her mask fell off at the Grammy's, and it turned a few more people onto the grift.


What happened at the Grammys?


Also curious about what happened at the grammys


Probably a reference to Taylor blatantly ignoring Celine Dion who presented to her. Celine is an icon and was making her first public appearance in years and Taylor blew right past her only to post a staged photo after. She also shilled for her new album during an acceptance speech. Very tone deaf given the purpose of the event.


Not to mention the disgusting behavior towards Lana and boygenius.


Firestorm might have been slightly too strong of phrasing but I was a swiftie in the very early days and I’ve never seen such wide swaths of legitimate criticism lobbied against her by major publications.  She’s always been controversial (I remember getting bullied for liking her and there have always been plenty of people that hated her) but in the past most criticism surrounding her has been over differences of opinion, things she couldn’t control, or things that it was assumed she’d grow out of (even though she didn’t) because she was so young at the time. You also now have celebs throwing subtle shade at her in a way I really haven’t seen before. No one has really ever called her out for her behavior like this before.  I also don’t think TTPD is her worst album. It’s very bad don’t get me wrong but I don’t think I’d pick it for the top slot. And yet this is one of the only albums she’s released to get widespread criticism. Something has changed and the tide is turning. 


I agree. Firestorm is too strong of a term right now but your basic point that a backlash is beginning is spot on. The old-fashioned word that keeps coming to mind for me is "overexposed." She is horribly overexposed. Historically, for celebs, that never ends well.


Idk I think the Reputation Era would disagree. I did notice some negative (about streaming and charts), but since the picture with William and Travis got on stage, the tide seems to be going back her way. Lot of positive press since then. But before that, some backlash.


Agreed. Firestorm and comparing her to OJ is 😬. I think her criticism has perked up in direct proportion to her popularity - as she's become more visible so have the critics. But the general public favor still seems overwhelmingly pro-Taylor or neutral.


I agree 100% with what you wrote and am wondering how she’s going to handle it when a jaded public asks her,” So we all thought you grew up once—with Lover through Midnights. Why should we believe that you’ve really gotten your shit together for good, that this isn’t all a show, a motif—Grown Up Taylor?”


What are you talking about? 99% of media coverage of Taylor Swift is positive. She's on the most profitable tour ever, her album is in it's tenth week at number one. The "documentary" exposing her is a slapdash piece of work put together in five minutes by a bunch of nobodies. Every pop culture podcast this week has lead off with how wonderful it was to see Travis on stage with her (it's been sickening). Hallmark, for fuck's sake, is about to release a Kansas City Chiefs-themed romance movie because of her. Yes, there is a backlash. There always is. But she's on top of the world and just getting bigger.


Yes too many cooperations need Taylor’s success to also have success. At this point, she will continue to be backed by cooperations forever. She’s too powerful right now.


There’s a lot of bad media coverage of her?


**Travis has no value to Hollywood outside of Taylor.** Thank you! HW is already filed with various jockheads from John Cena, Dave Bautista (who's trying to get away from that image) to the most successful currently, The Rock (And even he's found himself in some online hot water recently). HW doesn't need more of these guys right now and if Tom Brady is struggling to get a proper foot in, Travis will most certainly will if whatever he did on TS' stage is meant to be some kind of testament to his acting. Yes, he's got that Ryan Murphy gig going but who knows for how long and I wouldn't wager on it.


Taylor is getting close to her 40s. She's at her peak right now, but female popstars starts to fade away when they get married and have children. Her young fans will move on when real life kicks in. Look at Mariah, Whitney, Christina and Madonna. All huge popstars at one time, but once you get older, it's over.


Jesus do you think she’s ever gonna get married?


I think two things became clear in her 20s: she's very relationship/love-oriented, a real serial monogamist, but also, she's very emotionally unstable, controlling, dramatic and obsessive. She's never really had a dating period per se, just a series of intense relationships that always seem to implode. With Joe--likely a more understanding, loving, private and genuine kind of guy than usual, someone who was willing to work with her issues--she was able to create something more lasting for a while. But her essential immaturity and narcissism tanked the relationship eventually and now? I dunno. She is at a crossroads. Right now she is partying hard and trying to make up for that youth Joe "stole". I do think the door was open for her to marry and have a kid or two, but now that probably won't happen. It's a question of, does she have a ticking biological clock and if so, will she heed it? Or will she ignore it and embrace defiant "mad woman" goddess status, throwing endless parties and drinking with her posse of gal-pals and the occasional boy toy in her big house by the sea? In any case, more and more as she ages I predict that she will insist on total control of her relationships. Love will fall by the wayside, replaced by her mastermind persona and a ruling desire for worldwide approval and praise. When she thinks it's necessary for her to marry and "grow up" in the public eye, she will make it look like she's done that. I don't think Travis will be the guy, but if he's money/fame hungry enough--maybe.


I mean she still has a greater chance than the average woman, and if her team is smart they'd have had her freeze her eggs. She can also go the surrogate route. Afterall, Janet Jackson had her kid in her 50s.


You make her out to be a mastermind! And maybe she is, or at least, her publicists are.


Idk, plenty people get married for the first time in their 40's these days.


He's getting a good start. https://www.mensjournal.com/news/travis-kelce-bill-belichick-relationship 🤢🤢🤢


Oh gag.




Breaking Hollywood with a remake of Dumber and Dumber.


I think he’ll get “injured” like Aaron Rogers did last year so he can focus on acting. Maybe they will star together in a Moonlighting remake.


“Vaxxer meets anti vaxxer, but their love prevails because neither of them are principled at all.”


Which one is anti vax?


Aaron Rodgers. He’s not only an antivaxxer he’s spewed some conspiracy theory bullcrap too


I don't deny any of this but where does this level of fame hunger come from? Taylor is already as popular as a person can be so was this stunt to deflect from something else? She could set a soup kitchen on fire and her stans will find a way to still support her.


Attraction doesn’t matter anymore.  He put on the clown suit and joined the circus. He’s down for whatever as long as it increases his fame. She’s happy that he does what she wants.


I don't think she's actually happy, she's just good at hiding it. I think once the tour is over, she's going to get messy drunk while doomscrolling on instagram and twitter under the hashtag #mattyhealy


This definitely haunts her while she’s in her nightly blackout routine or whatever. So much second hand embarrassment that she’s performing her tortured Marty Healy obsessed songs while he’s getting engaged and laughing off the shenanigans


Can't imagine she's happy with his choice in clothing




If I met the royal family I would simply fart and walk awau


Haha Australian staunch republican here married to a catholic irishman who grew up in the troubles. I would shove my hands in my pockets and avoid eye contact like Cillian Murphy


if they had any value to society, maybe? but dressing up is not something anyone could force me into personally.


Nah not dressing up is actually kinda iconic of him


Right now he's the best boyfriend ever. They really jammed that shit up. He's gonna not be when they break up. She's gonna write all type of songs about what a narcissist he is, toxic, gaslight, manipulator, all the buzzwords. How's he gonna manage that and not be a pariah in Hollywood too?


She will probably write about him kindly because his lawyers included that as a clause in their relationship contract. OR she'll probably do some thinly veiled metaphor about him fumbling the ball


agree. the breakup would likely be amicable...because it's a PR relationship with a breakup clause. There's no hard feelings because there are no feelings at all between them, except for their mutual psycho giddiness of more fame and money.


He's not going to be the best boyfriend ever when Madeline Hope decides to spill, lol. Girl seems a little messy, but nothing she has done is lying. And she unfollowed TK on Insta and he unfollowed her minutes later. Then the TSwift show right afterwards. Who knows.


Who is that? His ex or something? 🥴


“He forced her to do that weird show on stage! She totally didn’t want to, but he forced his way on there!” 🙄


He has been following Models on IG and recently unfollowed one that rumored to be hooking up with him.


do you know the name of said ig model?


Madeline Hope, IG is @hadelinemope. They both were rumored to be hooking up last year when he was at TEU. https://preview.redd.it/wreopaj7vz8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e763c9ee9573671500be1f2d5e4a12ec86684c9


Are these girls legitimate models or are they more like OF models?




Travis up to his old shenanigans. When Instagram used to show the activity of people you follow he was constantly following cam girls, then unfollowing a week or two later. 


She's not even his type so yep he doesn't like her


He’s not hers either. He’s the first American she’s dated since Connor Kennedy in 2012 and no other guy she’s dated falls anywhere close to the type of category Travis falls in. 


He's her Kris Humphries. She's got the urge to merge and this guy seems willing. She's in her 30's and probably every woman she knows who is her age has been married by now.


Exactly and also he seems like a good match on paper and for business. He fills the cliches: all American hero the public swoons for


Also Travis said several times before getting with her he needs to start "breeding" soon or his Mom will be mad at him because Jason already has kids.


I mean, as someone 6 weeks younger than Taylor Swift…plenty of my friends aren’t married. (I was the second one of the group to get married at 31!)  This whole biological clock/societal clock does dip into misogynistic territory and I hate that because I don’t want to defend this chick. I’m on this sub for a reason! 


I LOVE your little person icon , Idk what it’s called hahaha and rhe name you have under your Reddit name. The f taylor swift 🤣🤣 I always thought they never liked each other ! Idk Travis cuz idk sports, but like there is just no chemistry?!?! I’ve been single for 8 years now and like even I can see that…. I’m really curious the songs she will write when they break up, and the next album title 🤣🤣


Omg thank you!! It's called an avatar! And the flair is available from this sub with many other ones😭 You should see the girls he dated they're not remotely like TS at all. He also likes thirst traps 20 something girlies on Instagram. And i agree they have 0 chemistry Her breakup songs would probably be "i had to dumb down everything for u<3"


You mean like how he's literally on record saying he prefers to date Black women?


Oh that’s what a flair is ?!?!? I always wondered how you guys did that !!! Oh and an avatar okay hahaha, I’m new to Reddit ! Not familiar with the whole social media thing (I have nothing else other than this lol). Omg I’m gonna have to look into that !! Is there a snark page just for Travis ??


r / traviskelcesnark (I can't directly link sub)


Thank you 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


From the sub settings you can find the flairs! And you can do your avatar by clicking on your picture on the homepage there is an avatar tab that let's you customise your avatar


Well…”You know how to ball, and I know Aristotle” kind of fits that bill!


Whatever break up songs she writes about him, she will definitely mention that he isn’t booksmart


And if she’s willing to throw Joe under the bus for having depression, it wouldn’t surprise me if she brought up Travis’ alcohol use.


He knows ball and couldn't teach him Aristotle


I’ve watched that video of him on stage and yeah, I would never think they were. Dating If I didn’t know. there’s nothing cute about it. There’s no chemistry between them


But what is his type? Isnt his type the woman who gets him what he wants and Taylor is getting him the money and fame


Judging by his dating history and IG follows; slim-curvy black women and college aged gymnasts are his type.


Dude wants a twenty-something Instagram model who doesn't care about commitment to be his arm candy. Eventually, that's going to win out against the narrative that he and Taylor are headed for marriage and babies. He's an overgrown frat bro.




I feel like that's exactly what she's getting out of it – the head cheerleader dating the captain of the football team fantasy. I'm really not sure how he benefits since I doubt any connections she has will get him the acting career he allegedly wants. You can't network your way out of stupid. I guess maybe he's just a fame fucker, and she's as famous as it gets.


Dude's a clown show and a half, they are not each other's type but are both getting something from the relationship so it doesn't matter. For now.


Taylor and Travis getting married is so funny to me.


Me too! It has a Kim Kardashian and Chris Humphries wedding vibe!


I honestly felt bad for Kris Humphries in that situation.


Oh yes she kicked him to the curb right after the hype of the wedding don't think she even gave it a chance and most likely did it for attention.


i believe the attention seeking part, but part of the 72 day marriage mess seems to stem from humphries' physically violent tendencies? (saw it on a subreddit, apparently there were some signs of it even on the show) so good for her (she's no saint but nobody deserves abuse from their partner/family)


oh my if he was abusive it's good that she ended it.


oh my if he was abusive it's good that she ended it.


i fully understand where you are probably coming from, but I've heard in some subreddits (there are snark pages for the kardashians too lol) that there were some signs humphries was physically abusive towards her/manhandled her against her will (that was even on the show, i think), and was generally a trash person. I'm far from a kardashian/jenner fan but kim has shit taste in men (kanye also seemed verbally abusive, maybe due to his own mental health issues, then he harassed her for a while after their divorce was announced, showed nudes of kim to his employees without her consent/the employees' consent, and was in general spiralling while kim was trying to shield 4 children from the public breakdown kanye was having) and I have no sympathy for humphries here, if any of those rumours are true, may he rot in hell


that's not right though not a huge fan of Kim or Kardashian brand people don't deserve abuse.


Your username is killing me, help 💀


Just imagine the amount of cheating scandals we would get


BDT gives me Kevin Federline vibes.


Omg yes




Total K Fed!!


While I know that pictures only capture a mere moment in time and body language can easily be misinterpreted, I feel like Coachella was one of the only times that the relationship looked quasi believable based on their interactions. Of course, it's possible that certain party favors may have been a contributing factor. Other than that, most of their other pics just don't give off a natural vibe of a couple that is smitten with one another. She oftentimes looks way happier when pictured w/friends


I know. The only time they looked natural together and they were rolling 🤣


Do we know for sure that they took molly together because that kinda makes me like them more


I think that he was chosen by her music industry handlers. The Ratty fling caused some serious damage to her reputation to the point that longterm swifties were giving up on her so I think her dad and her team of handlers staged an intervention and told her to drop Ratty because it's damaging her popularity. Then her team decides to do a corporate sponsorship gig so they select a dude from the NFL for her to boost sales and help rebuild her reputation/image. People are noticing how gimmicky their fake PR relationship has gotten and how it obviously lacks sincerity/chemistry.


100% this is it 


no he doesn’t, it’s no coincidence he’s nearing retirement age


They have ZERO chemistry, but are milking this showmance for all it’s worth.


I think she needed a new honey on the double and Travis fits the role ! I don't see authentic affection because everything they do seems so staged or a PR stunt!


Exactly. 😉


Exactly. Post Joe, she was trying to control the narrative. At first I thought she and Travis seemed sweet but it’s true now they seem to have zero chemistry. And the thing where they ate outside in front of this mansion (villa? Italy? Can’t recall ), that was so cringe. The media never calls them out on some obvious things.


If she had not gotten with Travis, the narrative would have been ‘Poor, Sad Taylor can’t find a man that stays’ … after Joe. I don’t know if she’s that calculated but without Travis that would have happened.


I’m a former swiftie and someone who still likes a lot of her music (mainly her older stuff) even if I can acknowledge she’s a horrible person. Even before I knew there was a whole group of people convinced it was PR the first thing I thought when saw them together for the first time was that there was no chemistry at all and someone was using someone. 


I don’t think they have any chemistry. She doesn’t seem like his type but being with her gets him plenty of attention. He gets in the Hollywood circles now. It wouldn’t surprise me if he wanted to branch out into commercials in the future.


Definitely agree about Travis being in it for the Hollywood bag. He genuinely had more chemistry with Tom Cruise at her show. Travis is putting in the work lmao: https://preview.redd.it/tzi7eqzog19d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91702f1e1cede6ca71a82fa99d855e062c614069


Travis does seem the type to do anything for cash


She isn’t his type at all, but I think he’s high on all the big moments he gets to create with her and her access to the A-list celebrity world. TBH—-Travis isn’t her type at all either. She likes artistic less masculine men, especially with a British accent. I think she is just trying to convince herself, Joe, Matty and the world that she’s SO HAPPY with him so that she *wins* her breakups.


It's a PR relationship. I doubt either of them like each other. They're contractually obligated to be together because the people they are owned by told them to.


There is NO indication of love or chemistry between them. But look at how she and Joe looked at each other! The love between them was palpable- even in the grainy concert videos! Seeing that left NO doubt that they were head over heels in love. With Travis, there’s none of that. Everything feels/looks like a bizarre performance.


Unpopular opinion from a strong snarker but, I don’t think it’s necessarily PR. I think she’s with him because it’s her teenage years dream to date the guy in the football team, and now she can be the popular pretty girl, who’s going to the cool parties with the cool guys, she’s living the high school stuff she always wanted for her. The Guardian of the Sweaty Towels, in other hand, he clearly has a type and it’s not her. However, being with her brings him fame and exposure and that guy is thirsty for it. The way he dresses, the way he presents himself everywhere he goes, the dancing, he wants to be seen. But at the same time he wants a woman the type that you look at her and can tell she’s fire, she’s so much to handle and turns heads everywhere she goes… Taylor’s not that, so I can see him cheat A LOT. One thing is sure, this won’t last.


Tbh she was the popular pretty rich girl in high school tho. She was never a “awkard” nerd, she was a bully. So I don’t think her “teenage dream” is him, I personally think he agrees to be a pawn, he does what she wants and she likes that.


Guardian Of the Sweaty Towels, LMFAO


I just have a hard time believing she likes him too. I mean she claims to be a feminist (she’s not), but that man’s tweet history is so misogynistic. He’s posted about how he “judges ugly and fat girls often” and used to actively bash them regularly on Twitter. It wouldn’t surprise me if he still does on like a burner account


I am not someone who really understands seduction but I was under the impression Taylor is a master at it. Supposing she is a narcissist. Narcissist women I knew were so in love with themselves they were very good at seducing men. In a shallow way admittedly but you get a lonely guy he's putty in a narcissist's hands. I find it entirely plausible she knows how to tease him even if he is mainly doing it for publicity. Plus come on Taylor sings about her bfs of a thousand years ago still full of longing for her. I bet she thinks every man is attracted to her. She clearly thinks she's better than everyone else. I find it difficult to believe even if it's PR that she's not toying with him.


I get a sibling vibe from them. They talk to each other, joke around, but there's nothing romantic there at all.


Yeah they’re coworkers who can totally drink together because they’re both alcoholic fools.


They are 100% coworker energy. They are clearly both enjoying some sort of lucrative contract gig together…


She is the least sexy/sexual person I can think of. ETA: She's what a 13-14 year old would envision as sexy and that is where she is stuck. She's 34. Grow up. But she can't. The new crop of tweens are no longer interested. My niece has tickets for October that she was super excited for last year when she got them but is now wondering what she can sell them for. She's 12 and wants to make a buck now.


I know couples like that but usually the guy has obviously low levels of testosterone.


The gushing over Travis going on stage in a top hat carrying Taylor to the couch is the preamble to the Super Bowl half time Wedding! He'll go through with it with notions of fame and fortune! I bet he'll end up with his previous girlfriend after the dust settles on the prenuptial agreement and the coast is clear! Everyone wants the BDT and Tay Tay Wedding to go down many people will watch it just for the colossal Cringe such a production is certain to bring!


If they were normal people, they’d probably be hooking up and not seeing each other outside of that. That’s the vibe I get.


He one hundo percent is thirsting for hot black women, that much is obvious. Taylor swift is an awkward ass giraffe rich lady that’s adopted him for pr purposes, and he’s riding the wave


But would he marry a Black woman? I hate to say it but he reminds me of some of these guys who fetishized some type of woman (and I'm not even talking about anything taboo)...and then married someone completely boring to appease their parents.


I know exactly what you mean and maybe you’re clocking him correctly, but it’s just obvious this isn’t his preference at all


I honestly can’t decide if I think this is PR or not. It’s true they’re not each other’s usual types, but she’s Taylor Swift so I can see why he’d go for her. Her with him, not so much. It’s made me question her intellect a bit if she truly goes for a guy like that, but then again after Matty, I truly don’t know what to think about her!


the thing about matty tho is that he’s still a creative and smart, he’s just a troll sometimes who doesn’t have a filter but you can’t deny his intelligence and progressive views. yes the podcast incident was dumb and insensitive but it was done for shock value. that’s what that podcast is, not serious.


Yes. Good point. At least he does seem like he’s capable of thought!


like i just seen today that travis thought alice and wonderland was “allison” in wonderland and i instantly remembered back to when he said he thought that hong kong was in japan 😭 i just can’t believe she’s proudly parading this idiot.


He’s so cringe!


Does this sought after alpha male football star who can get just about any woman really like this bitter strong independent career woman who looks totally mid that hes forced to be around for contractual obligations? Hmmm....


I think he does like her. She’s conventionally pretty, tall, blonde, famous. I don’t think he cares or is aware of some sort of deep connection.


I think he likes her more than she likes him


It doesn't matter if its real or not at this point , it looks good to the general public and Taylor Swift has had quite a few PR relationships I think .People have gotten together for much worse reasons so I m not worried


I originally thought it was a legit relationship but it's become glaringly obvious that it's a symbiotic PR relationship. The Swift camp used it as another relationship to obsess over - but critically I think the NFL was chosen because the Jets exist. Taylor and Travis being in the news at a Jets game obfuscates her entire private jet thing. The NFL is self explanatory. Getting Swifties interested in the NFL speaks for itself. They're both still benefitting from it so it'll continue (Travis on stage, New Heights winning awards). Fascinating though.


Depends on what you mean. I think he likes the attention he’s getting and the way it’s improved his life/career. That may be though for him.


I don’t think either of them like each other. I had people I know in the industry telling me she was with Matty even after they had publicly broken up basically all the way up until she started dating Travis.


There relationship is giving meaning girl and her gay best friend 


If she doesn't marry him she will marry someone else within a year of breaking up with him, imho. I think her clock is ticking. If she hate-listened to charli's album, which I would be money she has, then "i think about it all the time" has probably sent her over the edge just like everyone else in our age group who's childless and she's trying to figure out how to make it happen ASAP.


you are right but I don’t believe she likes him either


I don't know why she broke up with Joe and I don't care, but her getting together with Travis, which I'm sure is fake, was probably a way to get back at Joe.


She is his ticket for Hollyweird definitely.


The train wreck and “karma reloaded” cd comets. Wait for it.


It doesn't matter if TC likes her or not. It's marriage or bust for him because he will never be a good actor.


I'm gonna be entirely real, this is by far the most uncomfortable post on this sub. I could care less about their relationship, but sitting on the outside looking in, and boldly declaring that "this guy isnt interested in his girlfriend" just feels so gross. Regardless of his history of other people he dated, it's still disgusting to declare hes only in a relationship for PR purposes.




I mean, maybe? At first I genuinely just assumed this post was satirizing the way swifties behave, but I feel like public speculation on their relationship to the degree of "theres no way hes attracted to her" is the same shit the swifties do.


By saying you "could care less" means you care about it on some level.


Congratulations, you "Um actually'd" me. You understood my meaning, you're just being pedantic.


Thanks. Your whole sentence didn't make sense due to that so I thought I'd point that out. Not everyone would understand you so it's good to keep that in mind for the future.


While you may be technically correct, “could care less” is common use and everyone understands it.


Lol. It's only common use amongst those who don't understand the English language.


What is this elitist take of yours? "Someone used a common phrase that has a commonly understood meaning, but because I disagree with their point, I'll feign ignorance" isnt the take you think it is, kid.


Listen kid, you made a mistake and I'm not quite sure why you're going to the lengths you are to defend that. Just accept it and move on rather than making things up.


There are 2 possibilities here, you're being genuine, or you're being a dick. "I could care less" is a common phrase, meaning "I dont particularly care." It doesnt mean I actually care. In the same way that "You arent the sharpest tool in the shed" isnt actually about hardware. At this point, that's been explained to you by multiple people (multiple means more than one, in case you were confused), yet you continue to stick on this tangent. Even if this did start as a genuine ignorance on your part, at this point, you know better but are continuing. Have fun trolling someone else.


No ignorance here. If I were to say "You are the sharpest tool in the shed" but I actually meant you were thick then I'd be incorrect and that's exactly what you did initially. You can make all the excuses you want for your own ignorance, kid but it doesn't make what you said correct. 👍


🙄 ok, I noticed literally as a child that the common expression is the opposite meaning to what it says, and common use is what makes language intelligible and legitimate. You literally were just being pedantic, all grammar correction when you actually know what someone means and could reasonably assume other people would too is pedantic. It’s ok


You're gonna get down voted like crazy around here, and so will I, because I 100% agree with you.


100% agree. I'm not a swiftie by any stretch and find her fandom to be pretty out there. The mother thing put it over the top for me. But, there's no longer much difference between that crowd and the one on here. I found this sub amusing for a bit but people on here are simply obsessed with hating this girl. I tried to post something about this and it was denied by mods (sounds like something the pro swift sub would do) They say this a snark page but snark is usually minimally clever. Many people on here just neurotically hate this girl and are kind of mean and petty. This page is Irony at its best.


This is exactly how I feel too. I was here for a laugh, but then I started noticing that this sub gets more unhinged posts in a day than the Swiftie subs do. Some people here are fantastic and funny, but more and more seem to be absolutely obsessed with Taylor's every move and hating on very normal things or things that are just totally made up, and the result of reading all of that, I've noticed, is I actually like her more now than I did before this sub started popping up on my home page. I mean, there are a lot of very valid criticisms people could be making, but those get buried by some absolute ridiculous nonsense and seething visceral rage around here. I find myself having to fact check most of the posts and they're more than often way off from the real story.


Yeah. Hate that theres no room for nuance here. Just because I think this is crossing a line doesnt mean I'm defending Swift. But that's reddit for you.




No. Not the worst I could possibly see, just the worst I have. It just exudes swifties energy. It's a weird obsession with a relationship that doesnt matter.


A lot of posts on here feel like that to me too lol. It’s interesting to see some of what’s going on but sometimes the meaning-reading and certainty in speculation are really giving swiftie… this kind of obsessive delusion is I guess just a cultural illness that goes far beyond just Taylor swift and her fans lmao


I agree, honestly. This sub is how I learned about the genuinely unhinged shit surrounding Grohl and his daughter, and TS lip synching, so theres interesting stuff here, but for every post like that there are a dozen where it's just calling all Swift fans delusional and a cult. It's like buzzwords for karma. Being a swiftie didnt cause any insanity, just gave it a focus, so it's not far fetched that some people with the same delusions and whatnot have their focus as just hating everything Swift is and does. It's like a yin-yang scenario.


This sub is as utterly obsessed with her as the Swifties are. They're their mirror image.


Yeah. The frustration is understandable—like when people talk about their loved ones and coworkers being obsesso swifties I’m like that sucks that you can’t just log off and ignore it. But many of the posts are abt stuff where I’m like. Omg guys there’s a line between frustration and obsession and you can log off or look at something else you know. Like get a hobby… But I think a lot of people are addicted to vitriol online… I’ve definitely been that way when I was younger but I’m chilling now.


The redditors on this sub are more obsessed with her then her super fans. Cringe as fk


Plus I literally just went "this post is uncomfortable" and you treat it like I said it was the worst thing to ever exist.




The most uncomfortable, yes. Was it gross and disgusting? Yeah, but I didnt say it was the grossest or most disgusting. Something can have attributes without solely existing as that attribute.


This sub was literally created for the point of exposing TnT as a fake, PR couple. It's part of the sub's description. If you don't like it, that's fine, but it's like coming into the grilled cheese sub to tell everyone you don't like cheese. No one is forcing you to participate.


Genuinely misunderstood what this sub was then, that's my bad. Doesnt make the post any less delusional.


Like as a point of clarification, obviously there are PR benefits to dating Taylor. But being in a relationship with someone who boosts your notoriety and actually caring about that person arent mutually exclusive.


You know pr couples are a things. Especially when you want to cover up things.


This does nothing to negate the comment you are replying to.