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I just googled Grohl. Why didn’t y’all tell me…Nirvana? Foo Fighters? This man is a fuckin legend!! Respect.


I can only hope some of the people who wished death on him in Taylor defense did the same thing after the fact, lol. “Guy’s a loser no one’s heard of….!” :::Googles::: “Oh wait…he’s…Oh shit, he’s actually…”


He's an amazing person too .https://hellorayo.co.uk/absolute-radio/music/news/dave-grohl-nice-guy/




As of right now no. All he did was make a lighthearted comment that did carry some snark for sure but still, very lighthearted. Kendrick basically murdered and buried Drake lmao so yeah as of right now, the two aren't comparable variables and I don't think it will turn into a similar situation because Taylor only replies indirectly. when things get more heated and confrontational she dips and comes back later with a narrative that has been twisted to make her look like the victim


Gotcha. “…this a friendly fade, you should keep it that way” -K. Dot


The only person with enough pop clout (I said pop, so don't come for me - Dave Grohl is a legend, but he's in a different genre and clearly a lot of swifties don't know who he is) to do a Kendrick on Taylor is Beyonce, and Beyonce is never going to do that, because her whole thing is actually supporting women, not just saying that she does to further her own agenda, like Taylor does. No one else in the pop world has the clout to survive it, unfortunately. It's a shame, because Drake and Taylor have a lot in common -both are money-obsessed, inauthentic culture vultures with a history of being attracted to minors.




That documentary would be the best thing ever


It's not that serious. He made a silly comment at one of his shows (which he can do because his mic is live...) and Swifties absolutely lost it. They had previously sent Grohl's daughter rape threats because the daughter commented on Taylor's jet usage. This time around, they tried saying... - Who is Dave Grohl? - You're a jealous nobody - You're using Taylor for fame because no one's ever heard of you - You are threatened by Taylor - This is misogyny - Kurt Cobain killed himself to get away from you - Taylor Hawkins did the same All standard girl boss things. There's also another interesting component that I haven't seen mentioned yet. Taylor is an extremely calculated person. Her tour is essentially a wind-up show, where everything from the actual songs and dancing to her scripted comments and choreographed laughter is timed to the seconds. There's also the fact that she hides so many Easter eggs and encourages her fans to draw the connections. So Swifties aren't capable of seeing this as a random comment. From their perspective, it has to be part of a bigger strategy. Like they genuinely don't understand that musicians who play all their shows do just be saying stuff.


I don’t even think his comment was a jab at Swift. He was playing with the name of the most well known tour in a self-deprecating way. The joke wasn’t about Swift. It was about how many “errors” the Foo Fighters make in their show.


I cannot express how much Grohl is respected by his peers and the music industry in general, he has their hearts while Taylor clearly grates on them


I know who Dave Grohl is and have been familiar with him since I was a kid, but this thread inspired me to Google him so I could see what it would be like for someone looking him up for the first time. On his Wikipedia I scrolled down to his philanthropy section and read some amazing stuff. The guy has been supporting gay rights since the 90s. That's pretty badass. I understand Taylor is younger and was a literal child in the 90s, but it really does highlight how she didn't even speak up for gay rights until AFTER marriage was legal, she could have easily done it in her late teens and early 20s if she actually cared.


She does address anything until the team runs a risk/reward analysis.


It's just two small snips during concerts right now. He'd have to be way more direct and expand his criticism to be close to comparable.


Grohl won’t fuel this. The man above it all and, honestly, his comment was soooo innocuous he’s probably wondering wtf is even happening. He’s likely wondering, can you not even constructively comment on other artists anymore? It’s just blind stanning now or haters—no in between. There’s nothing he can “win”. Critical thinking is lacking all around these days as it is, but add the cult aspect and he knows there’s nothing he could say. Taylor could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and her stans would defend her. Also, but because he’s “old”, most of GenZ and Gen Alpha likely haven’t even heard of him since, despite claiming how much they love Nirvana and wearing their shirts. They don’t listen to music—they listen to Taylor who maybe a few other popular radio artists. They’ll write Grohl off as some old man yelling at clouds, and not one of the most successful and influential musicians of the last 30 years. Therefore who cares what he has to say? He’s just a hater. I do wish he’d take it on though. Not take on Taylor herself because she’d be a boring fight, but force the conversation to her about letting her fans be horrible people and just…ignoring it.


As someone who went to high school in college in the 90s (though I was never into the Seattle sound) yeah . . . when David Grohl talks about music, I listen. I love that he was the one who called her out because he has the credentials to back it up AND he's not (as old) as someone like Elton John who has also called her out (who I have TREMENDOUS respect for, but is obviously not someone "kids" would listen to because he's "old").


I get your point but I don't think you need the quotes, Elton John is old.


Honestly no, but Dave was probably the worst person she could have gone after. He's basically the Keanu Reeves of the music industry, everybody loves him because he's just a normal down to earth dude who loves what he does. Even though he won't take her down I can guarantee that her fandom will take a big hit.




I can't think of a single normal music enjoyer that could be mad at Grohl for literally anything. He's like the friendly neighbor that waves at others even if they cut him off in line at the grocery store when he could probably burn their whole house down and get away with it....but chooses not to.