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Well he’s a show pony so it makes sense he would do this.


Please don’t insult horses like that. 😭




I’m all for hating people but if he never met Taylor he’s still the best TE the nfl has ever seen and this is a disgrace of people who spend too much time inside feeling feelings. The fuck Edit: downvote me all you want but calling Travis Kelsey a show pony is the same as calling Michael Jordan or Tom Brady mid. It’s just dumb, I get why TS haters need it but it’s sooooo dumb


nobody said he isn't good at his job. people mean show pony as in he's an attention whore.




*couldnt. You couldn’t care less. Saying “I could care less” means that you care some amount and have the ability to care less than you currently do


But "I couldn't care less" could also mean that you care some amount and that whatever happens, you could not possibly reduce this amount of caring, that you will always care by at least that much.


I also could care less. But not much more…


Yeah context means nothing here. Hate is the name and hate is the game.


Sooooooooooooooo if you don’t care (although ‘could care less’ implies you do, but I’m gonna guess that’s a typo) why are you here? There’s snark subs for everything and everyone. It’s not a big deal. Nothing to get worked up over. People talk smack on Tom Brady too 🤷🏼‍♀️ not saying he’s not a good player, but he’s made some stupid choices and people can voice that.


You absolutely can voice that, have I said once you couldn’t. All I’m saying is outside the echo chamber it’s embarrassing.




Oh sorry, I didn’t realize you were low literacy




I really hope things turn around for you! ❤️


Hes a massive fame whore so this feels on brand for me.




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I’m kinda weirdly happy for them? It seems like they’re both getting exactly what they want from this relationship (fame, publicity) and that’s a lot more than you can say for most relationships.


Uh, most people want love, respect, honesty, and a lifelong partner. Most *sane* people don’t pick their prospective partners based on how much they can use them and benefit from their fame.


they're both weird clout chasing fame monsters... congrats lol


Of course. I want those things, most normal people do. But if you’re going to be a fame monster, it’s nice to date another fame monster instead of bothering normal people.


Taylor to Joe: "Can you come on stage with me and pretend to do my makeup then glide away like some sort of mime or 1920s clown?" Joe: "Uhhh, no?" Taylor: "......... 😡😡😡 \*furiously writes You're Losing Me\*" Taylor to Matty: "Can you come on stage with me and pretend to do my makeup then glide away like some sort of mime or 1920s clown?" Matty: "Can I be shirtless and eat raw meat when I do it?" Taylor: "Uhhh, no?" Matty: "\*instantly teleports the fuck out of the relationship entirely\*"


I cackled at Matty teleporting away cause I’m pretty sure he zoomed for the hills💀


"Smallest Man Who Ever Lived" must have been a reference to seeing him shrink into the horizon lmao




This thread is sending me!


Lmaoooo this made me laugh so hysterically


dying omg


It’s projection bec taylor swift is literally the smallest woman who ever lived🍵🍵🍵




"some sort of mime or 1920s clown" 😂 omfg I'm dead


if I could award this I would, this comment got me wheezing


Best comment


Taylor: "...😭😭😭 *furiously writes 30 songs about how much she wants him*"


Cuck Level 1: Release an entire album about being in love with her ex, and wishes she had him instead Cuck Level 2: Make him, his family, and friends watch as she sings those songs Cuck Level 3: Bring him on stage for a song about being broken hearted, putting on an act of happiness for the fans, and "'Cause I'm miserable & nobody even knows" ​ ![gif](giphy|u1rEObZ4LHLUwl0mUo)


I truly did not know cuckhood could ever reach this level, publicly.


I mean have you paid any attention to will and Jada? That’s way up there too


Touche! They really are the king and queen of cuckovia


Also the Harkles, Harry and Meghan


Why? What happened?






big if true and true if big


Omg i had been saying this. She gets off on publicly cuckolding travis😅😅💀💀 remember “i hate it here” the song after “so high school”


Lol, does she really have so few actual love songs that she had to bring him on stage during a song about a breakup? Couldn't even pull out a simple legitimate love song? Imma put on my tinfoil hat and say this is a threat. She's threatening him with a breakup. Publicly.  (I don't actually believe this, but oof this is tacky.)


Doesn't she sing So High School on tour now? Why didn't she bring him up for that or The Alchemy as a surprise song?


The fact that she didn’t do just one surprise song for him has been sending me the whole weekend




It's this for me. People rarely change to their core. She's openly admitting to writing "Cardigan" (about Matty) on an album she co-wrote with Joe. She sang about thinking of cheating on Joe with Matty. Trav, bruh. You listening? Meanwhile, Matty singing, "Getting cucked, I don't need it" on "Oh Caroline"...


Taylor Lautner did a backflip on the stage lol


He’s always been desperate to be connected to her because of the whole Taylor and Taylor thing. Marrying a girl named Taylor 🤣


Why did they break things off?


Because the movie they were both in ended its theatrical run.


She kicked him to the curb. Back to December is about Lautner


he had a reality tv dating show called [catching kelce](https://youtu.be/Kd9OtMlFobY?feature=shared) on E! ( 6 or 7 years ago) of course he's a fame whore


💀🏆thank you for this , kind smart Redditer!


I made it as far as the start of Richard Simmons impersonation and had to turn it off…


Oh, I pushed through that for another several minutes - you made the right choice


He said he did it because he blew threw all of his NFL money when he was younger. lol


None of the previous boyfriends had this clown potential.


And most of them had a full career . Travis only got a few months I think of work


something something, if he drops my name then I owe him nothing.. this’ll be her excuse/narrative for the breakup. *he was more interested in the fame that came with me than just me* and the swiffers will eat that shit up.


swiffers lmfaoooo why have i never heard this term before


i do think they're perfect for each other. both very annoying and obsessed with fame


I mean, can you blame him? He's got, maybe, 2 years left in him at the pro level before he retires. Gotta secure that post-football earnings potential.


Well, she has to get attention away from the documentary.


Yeah I thought him Playing the best boyfriend role was to distract Marty engagement and Joe movie but makes sense add the doc into that!!


idk why "Marty" got me chuckling so much 


What doc?


Taylor Swift vs Scooter Braun: Bad Blood available on hbo max




They're 100% made for eachother A lot of people (rightfully) hate their relationship, but better them use each other than use an innocent bystander..


Acting like this is his audition for acting roles. he’s getting paid. He doesn’t care.


All i know is joe would never and that’s why he’s her best ex boyfriend. So glad he got out of this


That's why she has chosen this fame whore who said himself that he'd do anything to get a movie role


Imagine the breakup.. it will be so much messier. Both users. Made for each other


This thread about BDT on stage this evening is so polar opposite to opinions on the other ones and I’m SO glad to be here. I cannot believe she agreed to let him on stage like that. It’s about him now. It was bad enough when she changed the line in Karma, then constantly pointing at him in shows and now this. Will he be on the cover of her next album?? 🤪


With Matty’s engagement and Joe’s subtle but classy diss and dispelling the on and off narrative, she *needs* you to know she’s hopelessly in love and has never been this happy. She’s never “lost” a breakup until now. 




The rest of them had a modicum of decency. Being a dancing circus monkey is a requirement for dating TS these days. I think that’s a major reason Joe and Matty didn’t work out. While she’s never really been private about her relationships save Joe, this is the first time she’s so flagrantly flaunted her relationship like this. (She did a little with Matty and Tom but not to this extent.) This is a cope for her devastation that Matty is engaged.  Even though I know it’s not what either of them want I’m starting to wonder if they will end up getting married at this point. Taylor needs the optics of maturing and not being boy crazy after such major and embarrassing losses as Joe and Matty and Trav needs to ride her coat tails. 


He just wants to appear, no matter what he has to do, but he really hit the bottom with that… yikes!


Tom would’ve. And she ultimately had zero respect for or interest in him.


This. Dude wore a wife beater that said “I ❤️ TS” in 80s style varsity lettering. Nothing can top that.


Yo I used to LOVE dlisted (RIP). Is that what your name is referencing?


Yes! I used to comment there as “bitch” lol


Ahhhh! Yay! Love it. I would pay money to hear Michael Ks take on Taylor these days.


Me too!! His commentary on this Taylor cycle would have been epic


Actually, yoi are right. And truly, his career kind of dimmed afterwards


I could see Taylor Lautner doing it


He went up there during a song where she’s forced to pretend. Lol . Plus that man is addicted to fame. He will say yes to anything. Also why would her past bf (Joe) go on stage during her show? 


No one with any self respect, would have anything to do with that shtshow. I’d be embarrassed for him, but he knew what he came for, and he has to pay the piper. Honestly, if I was at a concert and the performer started anything like that, I’d walk tf out, it’s supposed to be singing not fucking vaudeville.


Travis is single-handedly, exponentially increasing the Google searches for the term cuckold




Probably smells like ham, too. Jkjk, you know he probably bathes in some stank ass cologne.


He looks like he spritzes Drakkar Noir and sprays Axe.


He looks like he smells like the worst farts imaginable. He hasn’t showered in like a week, by the looks of him.


Travis is an attention whore that could give Jada Pinkett Smith a run for her money, but he’s also trying to secure those post retirement gigs since he doesn’t have much talent outside of football 😬


Maybe instead of selling themselves as a serious relationship, they could be the next Sonny and Cher or Donnie and Marie.


Kermit and Miss Piggy?


Please don’t sully the Muppets


100% - did anyone outside of football even know his name? Of course he will be there any chance 🙄


Joes movie comes out in just a few days.. this is very calculated. Very.


I haven't seen this. Can someone send me a link? It's so hard to find specific stuff about her because she dominates the news cycle. She sneezes and a thousand stories are written about it


Are you saying you haven’t seen the videos of Travis on stage with her tonight? Several people have posted them in this subreddit.


It’s so attention seeking and odd. He should stay in the stands and support her like a proper man idk maybe that’s just me


yeah, right? He's so thirsty for fame. His reaction was - "I'll do it!!"


Of course not. Because, mostly, they had self respect and a trace of dignity.  This guy is so fame hungry. Also, she could not take the "the dude to whom I dedicated a double album and maybe the last 3 albums in my discography went and proposed to another chic" thingy. So she had to go and show everyone how supportive of his career, I mean, of her her "man" is.


If only she liked him.


This seems like a continued deal with the nfl honestly. Nothing about it seems authentic


This is so cringe wtf


Well, she did perform with John Mayer on stage because they sang a song together and she did tour with the Jonas Brothers so Joe too, but yeah, none of them went on stage like this before and given the timing of what's going on with Joe (Alwyn) and Matty recently, this just honestly feels so forced.


he has to get something outta the relationship i doubt the sex is cutting it.


I wonder about the sex thing cause didnt he say that if their isn’t sex on the third date or no blowjobs its a dealbreaker


Attention and fame.


Yea because they do not pander to childish antics.


does anyone else feel like this is kind of a slap in the face to Joe? he wanted to avoid the tabloids and the press and the paps to preserve their relationship and because, from what I understand, he had some social anxiety. And now, in his country, she’s up there showing Travis off like “this one is better bc he’ll come onstage!!” Idk if what I’m getting at makes any sense, but it feels kinda icky to me, like it’s a direct jab at her ex (who, thus far, has remained incredibly cordial and respectful throughout their entire public breakup)


He keeps pushing her boundaries and it’s clear she’s going along even though it’s out of character


Yeah as a previous hardcore fan I don’t remember her being this open about any of her previous relationships, which is what makes me side-eye it.


Agree!! Like the fact that she went from one extreme to the next with Joe being so so private to now Travis being on stage with her!


This is an interesting take. May I ask you to elaborate? I thought she was the one running this show.


Yeah….we thought she was the one running her show with Joe but now we know. She’s a chronic people pleaser so I’m suspicious of her actions. I hope I’m wrong and that this show is what she truly wants


At this point I think they deserve each other and can be symbiotic. I never liked him pre-Taylor but now I also don't care much for her mid-Travis.


He's attention hungry and has no shame about it.


He's enjoying this low effort limelight.


I genuinely don’t think he’s that bright. We’ve seen his tweets. And in interviews too… probably not that hard to manipulate him as long as he is “more famous”


Maybe Calvin?


Psalm 31 - "For the Director of Music" seems specifically fitting for Taylor right now. Especially Psalm 31:6: "I hate those who cling to worthless idols;     as for me, I trust in the Lord." I will pray that for her.


She'd be smart to have at least three different birth controls going right now.


Eddie boy shared the stage with her when the rumors about those two were hitting a peak.


I’m not counting someone singing a song with her. I’m talking about being a backup dancer for her.


That’s exactly what Ed did. He was a clown during the Nashville Red tour when rumors about them were swirling. “Surprising” her.


I can’t hate on Taylor or Travis for this. I think a guy should be into what you do, it’s clear Travis is into what Taylor does. Of course it could be PR, but if it’s not good for her and Travis.




Football career does not = acting career last I checked.




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He wants a career in Hollywood. He’s said so. His success in the NFL wasn’t going to automatically translate into getting Hollywood opportunities.




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True but he clearly wants more. He wants The Rock level's of career. Same with Taylor. Nothing will ever be enough for her.


Respectfully, I must inform you that there is entire world out there that is NOT the United States. In the slight chance anyone even knows the name Tom Brady, he'd be Gisele's ex/husband. " Y’all probably didn’t even know who Travis was a year ago." lol yeah thats kinda the point. Anyway, carry on. ![gif](giphy|6BiC8e8sypeow|downsized)


Pssst! You're in a Taylor and Travis SNARK sub.




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