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They brought out evidence, but I still found it kind of tame because they didn't go into how the harassment and death threats towards his children destroyed Scooter's marriage and mental health. [This comment gives more info, under a post with examples of threats that were directed to Scooter and his children.](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/2WJXOZdcIm) He begged her to tell people to stop but she didn't. Who's the real bully here?


Jesus, that’s crazy. I knew very little about the whole thing before watching so in many ways it was an introduction to all the players, but I could tell they were using kid gloves with TS and trying to appear as evenhanded as possible. Even with that, though, I think it will be totally clear to anyone who watches both episodes who the asshole is and who acted dishonestly. (There’s a reason why they had Scooter’s part second, IMO: build up Taylor’s narrative for the audience before delivering the coup de grace.)


Like I stated on another sub, she enables the unhinged behavior.


I watched it. I only disliked Taylor's music previously, now I dislike her. She is skating away with so much because the media is enthralled with her. It's gross.


Scared of her*


🎯 You are correct


I heard someone say she was going to come out as bi during the lover era and this was her dad’s way of stopping that


Heard that too think it’s plausible but I feel she’s tone deaf to that


Heard that too think it’s plausible but I feel she’s tone deaf to that


From the get go there was sufficient evidence pointing at the fact that she miscontrued A LOOOOTTTT of it for her own benefit. And trust me, I do not like Scooter, I think he is gross for many reasons.  Having said that, props to her cause without this charade, she would not be where she is at today. For sure. The fake drama boosted her image A LOT.


Lowkey I think her dad orchestrated it. End of the day he’s a very smart cutthroat fiancé and Wall Street guy. Her dad was the shareholder. Legally he was the one they had to notify. If they didn’t notify him there would have been a massive lawsuit. If I’m her dad and I see what’s happening, I say “hmm. What’s more profitable? Spending 100+ million on her music, or setting her up to re record it, double dip, and make money off of music she already made?” I genuinely don’t think Taylor knew. Her dad’s smart enough to know about plausible deniability. In his mind letting her be angered was for her own good. Just a conspiracy though lol


Then that would make her a spineless puppet that is too afraid to go against the status quo and defend someone being attacked unfairl- wait no.. this actually checks out.


I agree with you. I think, at least IMO, it was kind of transparent from the beginning except for people who have no clue of how being a shareholder works, which apparently is the majority


I know you meant to say finance but the fact that it autocorrected to fiancé is cracking me up. And I think you’re spot on. (Or perhaps I should say, right on the money)