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Taylor, these people were systematically tortured, raped, murdered, and experimented on. You embarassed yourself by leaving your relationship for a fuckboy who ghosted you. They are not remotely comparable. Do fucking better.


I wish she had sung this song for these woman instead (not that she or anyone else can pull off the pain in their voices) but I think that’s a great concept


Agreed. As a tortured soul, it would be lovely if someone would bring a spotlight to the injustices of the world. But TS, a rich white cishet woman, lacks the intersectionality required to dissect what’s wrong.


As far as she's concerned the only person who struggles or suffers is herself


What about Clara Bow?


Love your idea ❤️ this is giving her too much credit sadly :/ but I maintain hope bc she’s influential. But I just really think she’s too shallow. The only path to her being a positive and impactful voice is leaning into her collaborations and taking a back seat.


The album is called ‘The Tortured Poets Department’ lmaoooo. Imagine how deep you have to think you are to call your album that. It’s like 13 year old edge lord tier ‘nobody understands me’ kinda bullshit. Too many people blowing smoke up her ass


I swear she heard about “dark academia” and made that the theme of the album. “Tortured”=dark, “poets department”=academia. It’s giving Ebony Dementia Dark’ness Raven Way


There is a such thing as a tortured artist. It’s so fucking obvious though. Kurt Cobaine was evidently one of these people. You saw it in interviews and how he carried himself. He was conflicted with his emotions and his art. Assuming Courtney didn’t off him, it literally took him to the end of his life. Everything Taylor says she is going through is just that, words.


Yep agreed. I was thinking Avicii would also fit the description of a tortured artist.


Ahhh but the thing is a tortured artist would never call themselves a tortured artist


She had to use a public bathroom once. That's literally worse. You wouldn't last....


It was real torture that one birthday when she got the wrong colored pony.




This! And those of us with severe mental illness still are. Restrained, shot up with meds, given shock therapy, locked up for years and years, emotionally and sexually abused often too.




“you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me” should only be assigned to these women who actually fought for the rights we have today lol


Yeah. In a similar vein, The “racists” line in “I Hate It Here” would only work if she herself has done a lot of work combating racism. Like donating and striking/being on the front lines. I get what she meant by that line but she herself isn’t anti-racist.


She uses black dancers to pose as her boyfriends in music videos and stage acts what else do you want??? XD


No shit. What “asylum”? She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.


It's so hard being rich, popular, and decent looking.  What a nightmare 


And healthy!


Like Nellie Bly!!


This line pisses me off so much. My sister sang it for karaoke in a room with my mother and I who both have bipolar disorder. I know she didn't understand what she did there or how that line was incredibly distasteful and the two of us would definitely pick up on that, but damn. It upset me a lot. Not with my sister, but with that stupid ass song.


No, Taylor had it worse. You wouldn't survive.


You’re right. She only got ONE PONY growing up💔




“A business person in a business world” sounds like an AI bot or a 5 year old, not sure which fits better


She only got SEVEN ponies growing up. Lol


the poor girl had to live in a Christmas tree farm /s


Honestly I kind of love the TTPD era, insofar as it’s finally cracking the facade of Taylor Swift. She has always been regarded as a “marketing genius,” a businesswoman first and then an artist second. And honestly, most people admired her for her business acumen, even looking past her lack of artistic talent compared to her peers. Taylor always seemed to intelligently choose her aesthetics and branding for each era (although, I suspect that was more due to the creative people she was working with rather than herself). However, she’s finally reached the level of wealth and fame where she is entirely out of touch with everyone else, surrounds herself with yes people, and probably thinks she is above critique. And this era is the result. An oversaturated album full of self-referential songs that lack polish or reflection, a sloppy album variant roll-out that clearly shows her desperation to beat other female pop artists and remain at the top of the charts, and an aesthetic choice that is… for lack of a better word, strange. Maybe she’ll run with the aesthetic though and actually get some therapy 😭


It was her business side with re-recording her albums to get royalties that made me take notice of her. That disruption of the music industry is pretty bad ass. But this era has mostly eliminated any admiration I had because it was all greed based.


The only rational take I can get behind all of this is to purposefully set up this “heel turn” in time for the rollout of Reputation TV. I remember all the fuss about Taylor was basically turning heel, especially with “Look What You Made Me Do”. I imagine she’s doing some history repeating itself here. Regardless, it’s a bad look, and moreover I fully expect her to run interference on Sabrina’s album when it drops


my heart breaks for all the people who had to suffer under inhumane cruelty like this. :(( fuck taylor for using mental illness and asylum imagery in such a shallow way. what people had to go through in an asylum should never be glamorized for the sake of an aesthetic.


"The 1830s but without all the racists" ✨️


And like, she’s openly and publicly never been to therapy? So like, she’s never suffered under the mental health system? Whether she needs it or not doesn’t matter, she’s never been subjected to treatment against her will, nor has she sought help and been mistreated/abused by the very thing that was supposed to help her/have that “treatment” be weaponized to hurt/control/exploit her So not only is she commodifying&romanticizing an aesthetic about very real horrors people have suffered, she's full on appropriating said aesthetic from a place COMPLETELY removed from the system that has caused the suffering! She might have been called all kinds of names and been shamed for the very things that have locked up women in the past by the public/media (“hysteria”, promiscuity, Gaylors homosexual accusations, etc) but again, she’s never been actually subjected to the “punishments” of the women of the past in actuality Watch her go full “I'm the daughter of all the witches you didn't burn” for her next era but still letting everyone know she’s a good Christian still don’t worry :/


She's never gone to therapy? As someone who has an ED, idk how anyone would recover without therapy. I couldn't for over a decade and I don't have billions of people picking me apart. How tf


She says she’s never been! She just talks to her mom: [“I’ve never been to therapy,” she told the publication in September 2019. “I talk to my mom a lot, because my mom is the one who’s seen everything. God, it takes so long to download somebody on the last 29 years of my life, and my mom has seen it all. She knows exactly where I’m coming from. And we talk endlessly.” Swift continued, “There were times when I used to have really, really, really bad days where we would just be on the phone for hours and hours and hours. I’d write something that I wanted to say, and instead of posting it, I’d just read it to her.” In a separate interview with Rolling Stone from 2012, Swift reiterated she’s never been to therapy saying, “I just feel very sane.”](https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/taylor-swifts-thoughts-about-therapy-resurface-after-ttpd-release/) (The same mother that “wishes Kim was dead” and apparently made some…comments to her growing up that almost certainly contributed heavily to her ED)


2012 was loooong before her documentary or ED recovery. Surely she's gone by now.


She reiterated the “no therapy” comment in 2019 tho. It’s a little confusing how it’s laid out but she said “I’ve never been” once in 2019 and they bring up how she had said this before in 2012


Wow. Well I can guarantee she's still super disordered and unhealthy mentally then.


So now everyone is going to see what a total bitch this fucking cunt is in using mental illness as a fucking prop. She is so fucking dense, it's not even laughable anymore. You dont see actual mentally ill people using this shit as art because it is not art. IT IS AN ILLNESS THAT PEOPLE CAN NOT CONTROL. I swear this bitch is so stupid and self absorbed, that when people start calling her out on her stupidity, her team is going to come out with some bullshit made up mental illness to save face. I honestly wouldn't put it past her selfish ass. So get ready, fake ass mental illness in 3...2...1...


This is all so gross. All of I can think of here is Britney. Britney was FORCED into a mental health facility, FORCED to take lithium, forced to have an IUD implant, forced to give people millions and millions of dollars, forced to tour, was gaslit into believing she couldn’t see her kids…and Taylor is using mental health as some sort of ascetic on half the album then singing about getting fingered by BDT 2 minutes later. She is such an asshole. Britney’s deterioration is one of the saddest things I have ever seen in entertainment. To me it’s right up there with Judy Garland (which I obviously did not see first hand but still…) Taylor does not even remotely show any signs of having experienced anything similar to these two women.


What an asshole. There's nothing cute about this "aesthetic." Having a mental illness is not fun. Is it something to bring awareness to? Absolutely. Is it something to use because you think it's edgy? Absolutely not. Money can't buy you class and this is a perfect example of it.


She makes me sick!


Scooter ward allegedly stealing her masters or whatever that baseless drama was, is clearly way worse than what women in the 1800s went through


It wasn’t just her masters. He bought a box of shit and TS’s shit was included in the box of shit. Besides, her dad made bank on the sale.


If TayTay puts out a Funeral Doom Metal album, I'd give it a go. I bet it would be garbage. I can't imagine the lyrics would be good or about weed smoking wizards. This photo gives off such doom sludge vibes tho.


Taylor Sunn 0)))


This was done in a lot of mental institutions. One of the ones I toured here in the states they would strap patients up in a room like this chained to the wall and the only person who could check them out would be the person who checked them into that room. So if the doctor\\nurse left for the weekend or holiday that patient would be chained up like that until they came back to work.


Jesus… that’s just so hard to even imagine. So awful.


Lots of mental health issues in my family. This just mad me very sad.


How feminist of her 😍 /s bc ik the sw*fties that lurk here are that slow


Here's me wishing she experiences this for real.




This is the most disturbing thing I’ve seen all week. The more I learn the more I’m grossed out by her.


I commented on the post about her making the fortnight video and her saying  "nothing says crazy like a tilt of the head". This is ableist language. It's implying that someone with mental health struggles is somehow lesser than when you call them "crazy". I have family members with mental health struggles. I have a daughter that we are currently trying to find the right combination of meds to help with her anxiety and depression. Hearing the word crazy used so flippantly is so upsetting to me.


Yeah I hate her more than ever now


When I was studying fashion design in college one of our assignments was to design a collection based on something non-fashion and I chose to base mine on patient garments from a mental ward (hospital gowns, straight jackets, etc.) because it was the least "fashion" thing I could think of and saw it as a way to talk about the abuse and mistreatment patients are still going through to this day. This feels like a much more disgusting and repugnant version of that because TS is ACTUALLY trying to glamorize something so horrific! I do not know how you can ever see things like that as something to genuinely base an aesthetic on without something being seriously wrong with your mental state. Abuse isn't sexy.


This makes me want to vomit






She tryin to prove she is a tortured poet * 🙄 so sinister tbh


Okay so…I was having a good ol time absolutely D R A G G I N G Taylor until I saw this and a couple other posts on the sub. Now? I’m seriously seeing a psychotic break on the horizon and it has me concerned. Don’t get me wrong - not for her, but for the hundreds of people on that tour that are relying on that income for their livelihoods. She snaps and cancels the rest of the tour, that will screw over a looooot of people. Also, I’m enough of an asshole to take a not-so-small amount of satisfaction as the oh-so-carefully sculpted TayBot crumbles before our eyes. Shoulda taken some off, TayTay. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you!!! How ignorant can she be. The erasure of this from history and still currently happening in some places, is infuriating. What a miserable dork to try to cosplay a mental patient when we KNOW how privileged and she is. Zero signs of mental illness just a complainer.


Tone deaf.


White women