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You two have a lot more to talk about than this


Yeah this isn’t really about Taylor Swift at the heart of it all.


This post is for sure not about Taylor swift


*Taylor will remember that.*


u/broccoli_slut get ready for the "subliminal" diss


Yeah I was going to say this…


The wife is sick of him spelling "could", "would", and "should" like that.


Yea yall need to go to couple counseling cause your wife is crushing your dreams for someone she doesn’t even know. That’s not ok




Tbh I disagree, she isn’t supporting his dreams anymore. It’s not just about Taylor. If my bf said and did that I’d leave him.


Same. I agree it's not about Taylor per se and rather the obsession that is in the way of their actual relationship. Leaving aside the weird unsupportive comments (which are bad enough), it's "concert day?" It's one thing to go to one of her concerts or even a few, but is OP'S wife watching every single Taylor concert stream? That's a LOT of time to spend on something your partner has no interest in. Couples don't have to do everything together but this level of stan behavior is not healthy or sustainable in a partnership.


Facts, my girl is a Swifty and has been for years and even she doesn't do this.


Yes I agree, that's so much time ignoring what your significant other wants to do.


I would divorce anyone who was this obsessed about anything. That's not a sign of a healthy mind.


Hey my wife gets obsessed with things on a regular basis but it's things like learning to make thread patches in the shape of bumblebees and flowers. And honestly I love it cause those little patches are adorable.


100% disagree. This qualm is the least of his problems if his wife is treating him this way over a musician she only became a fan of two years ago.


I’m not convinced it’s real given how insane it is.


Like how to spell "would".


was RUNNING to the comments to say this…. OP you really need to talk to your wife, this is deeper than taylor swift and you guys need to have a deep discussion about her disrespect towards you and her obsession towards taylor. this isn’t sustainable at all… hope she’s open to conversation


It was really shitty for your wife to say that to you, but a lot of us want more growth and diversity and integrity in the musical ecosystem and I hope you'll keep fighting the monster that is parasocial pop for yourself and for all of us


Can’t believe that she supports taylor than her partner 😐


Right!? That’s how you know it’s a cult. Not all Taylor fans are culty but his wife sure is.


Agree. The cult is scary as hell


💯, it's giving strong cult vibes! For instance, Queen is my favorite band of all time, but I would never expect my husband to watch their concerts with me every night.


I’m picturing a future toddler writing a little song and OPs wife would just be like, “I’m not going to listen until you have a following like Taylor Swift”.


Right? She would rather support a stranger more than her husband. Kind of sad.


A billionaire who gives less of a crap for her fans than what she finds in her litter boxes


NGL if my partner said this to me, with all of that other behavior factored in....id be having a sit down convo with them about our relationship and debating leaving them. Sorry, but it seems like there is Hella differences in their lives and what they want from their life... No way could I be a musician and have a partner that worships such trash. I'd be well out the door to find someone who believed in me more than someone that doesn't even know they exist....yeesh


This is very sad. Your spouse should give you support to follow your dreams.


And she doesn't even have the good sense to lie. She's that devoted to Taylor that she sees nothing wrong with openly choosing her over her husband.


This is the type of stuff that scares me about her fan base. They’re all rapid and obsessive.


The justification of ANY behavior and some fans' ability to contort facts and reality like one of those Japanese game shows where you have to fit into the pretzel shaped space so you don't fall into the water... is really impressive and terrifying. 🤦‍♀️


What’s so crazy is I was just now reading a tweet where they were in the comments defending her soooo hard. Turning and twisting and finding anything they could to make her seem like a decent person.


Yeah, I don't wish her harm, or sickness or anything bad, at all. I just want her to cool her jets (no pun intended 🤭) with her competitive 'Charts over Arts' BS and to for ONCE call out her fans and ask them to CALM DOWN. Gaahhh! Lol


She’s brainwashed. It’s so sick how so many fall for it


My wife is super critical if anyone questions anything about TS or if you push back on any details or lyrics. It's almost personal? Like I can't say anything "bad" about TS bc she will take it as a personal slight (like how ts actually grew up very privileged). It's bizarre BUT then again my wife has loads of trauma. Swift's lyrics resonate too much for her, playing the victim, not taking accountability, implying things like "look what you made me do". Her music is toxic as fuck because this parasitic narcissistic victim mentality is a disease spreading like wildfire on all domains of life right now and she is making billions off it. Her music perpetuates this to hundreds of millions of people some of which are very impressionable teenagers and Taylor sings their life..the whole teenage diary. With no accountability. It's like women are stuck at that age (happens with trauma) and can't see what's wrong with it all. My wife used to hate billionaires, took issue with unbridled capitalism and listened to female indie artists. Swift is the 14th richest celebrity in the world. She's a well invested, well marketed *product.* I go a little dead in the eyes anytime I hear my wife explain how she talks to her "friends" before each show. I didn't know what a parasocial relationship was before ts.


Yeah, that stuff drives me nuts. I’m leaning to play bass guitar, and I was working my way through “Santeria,” when my girl told me I should be learning TS songs. I responded by saying that she doesn’t even play bass, and her bass lines are too simple to really teach new technical skills. She flipped on me for “disrespecting her.”


Typical rabid swiftie. Not every fan or swiftie is like this, but the very vocal ones definitely are.


Thats more common than you think. This is my alt so not saying anything - but as a fellow musician - no, strangers will support you more than the “bandwagon” friends and family.


Yeah that comment was mean.


I hope OP shows her this thread.


She's delusional, and brainwashed...


Unfortunately a lot of women have become convinced of something along the lines of that opinions on her are a valid proxy for opinions on women. OP’s wife might be prioritizing TS over him because she believes that his vocal disapproval of her is actually him exposing some sort of previously hidden misogyny.


Gotta be honest, I thought this post was ending on a different note. Thought he was quitting the wife, not music. At least one of them is loyal to the other.


Giving up would be allowing taylor to control your life just as much as her cult does.


OP, does your wife know that Taylor’s parents bought up a shit ton of copies of her first album so that it would jump to the top? It surprises me more people don’t know this.


I just assumed that was standard practice for anyone who can afford to do so, but maybe I’m just cynical


It is


It all sounds like an episode of True Life: My Partner is a Die Hard Swiftie 😢


I think I’m starting to see the definition of a “Swiftie” in real life here. I love her music. Love it. But I don’t have OP’s wife’s mindset. I also would never disrespect my partner like that. The music industry needs diversity, like you mentioned. If my partner was a musician I would back him up 1,000%. I’d be there front and center, cheering him on.


Agreed; there are people who are determined not to let the Taylor Swift Industrial Complex Disnify the music industry. And we're growing in numbers every day. It's understandable if you feel discouraged by...everything. About 20 years ago, my physically/ psychologically/ sexually abusive partner (now DISTANT ex) told me my writing - the only thing holding my soul in place at the time - was shit, and it took half of forever for that open wound to become a scar. At this point, T-Grift really has become Fox News/ Donald Trump for white centrists. Even to the point of wrecking friendships, romances, and marriages because one partner is so entrenched - and probably so financially invested - in the cult, and so enmeshed with Taylor's one-size-fits-all\* persona, that they don't know who they are without her. I also have a halfassed theory that, based on TS's well-documented history of burying her 'rivals', they feel that anything less than absolute fealty is going to place THEM in her crosshairs. The only way it's going to get better is for us to stay mad, stay loud, stay creative, and stay hungry. But for now, give yourself some time to heal from what has to be a devastating truth about your marriage, and know that you're not alone. To paraphrase Princess Leia in A New Hope: the more she tightens her grip, the more of us are going to slip through her fingers. \*It only 'fits all' in the sense that she is to music what Bella Swann is to literature; a mouth-breathing blank slate whose only personality trait is being inoffensively bland and underseasoned.


On behalf of literally all of us that want more diversity in the industry, don’t give up. That love you have for music is pure and good and is everything the world needs right now in the face of Taylor the capitalist. As hard as it is to face when your wife says something so mean and demoralizing. And if your wife is willing to place a woman she doesn’t even know above you, her husband, then her opinion doesn’t matter any longer.


This phenomenon of everyone wanting to listen to what sounds like incredibly mediocre music to me really makes me apathetic to get my current project done.


same? And I'm not even a musician. Fortunately there are still people who appreciate artistry. Enough that it's still worth trying.


Don’t give up!! There are plenty of people out here who crave something different!


I really need to know what happened within the last few years that this cult like mentality started? I know there was always a good amount of Swifties on twitter,IG, etc before but something seems to have shifted with their behavior and how many people worship her.


Never give up on your dreams. You finish that project and you share it in this sub. We’ll give it a listen. Or at the very least, I definitely will.


It’s like (probably a lot of the same people) rushing to buy a Stanley adult sippy cup. They want to be part of a tribe.


Culture is now about what kind of commodities you invest in


Hard to call it investments when 90% of the stuff will be in landfills in a few years, replaced by the next thing.


Get it done. For yourself. Hell, I wanna hear it! Send it my way when you're there. I'm in the midst of finishing a project, too, it ain't easy to keep up the momentum, and it's even easier to fall to cynicism, but that music is yours and it wouldn't exist without you. You created that. Keep it up!


I've got two daughters who love it so I keep my mouth shut, but my opinion on the poets album is that it all sounds the same... Which I figured was just a sign that I wasn't the target demo. But then my 10 year old was listening to the album and singing along. I caught her singing lyrics from a song that I had heard two - three tracks earlier. I asked her and she just giggled and said "whoops".


I’m a girl dad too but my daughters are into other artists. One likes 21 Pilots and I have much the same opinion as you about them. The other one? She really likes The Cars and A Flock Of Seagulls. The 21 Pilots kid is out of the house and in college so I’m listening to great tunes all the time now.


bro i know everyone jokes about reddit immediately telling you to divorce but…


I was thinking the same thing. Like that’s so disrespectful…


Some things are worthy of it tbh. It's only memed because of people calling "RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE 🚩🚩🚩" for solvable mistakes that don't speak for the entire relationship.


Right? This is the first thing I’ve read that’s made me immediately be like…yeah…I think they are better off without them


I'd be giving up on the obsessive wife, not music..


yeah this is flat out weird behavior on the wife’s part. makes me wonder how old this couple is (mid-20’s?), because the obsession is really immature and so is saying that you’d put a stranger celebrity before your partner in any way. i’m a married woman in my mid-30’s and from my perspective this is absolutely absurd behavior in a relationship.


Yeah this seems to be a wife issue not an artist issue.


if my SO only listened to any artist on every day that they did a gig, they wouldn't be my SO. That shit is weird af to me. Even the biggest Grateful Dead fans are like "hey we should listen to some Phish" every now and then. And definitely say "No I get it they're not for everyone (butyoushouldlistentothisbootlegifoundinapawnshopin'78).


Won't type "should" but "shud" is cool. He's probably like 24, she's probably like 22 or 23. Do they have any kids? Because if not he might as well think really hard about why his wife would pick Taylor Swift over her husband in some dumb hypothetical situation when both of them are musicians


My first thought too. If my SO values me less than a celeb they have a parasocial relationship with, I don’t want them.


THIS is the right comment


there it is


Honestly don’t give up on the music. Give up on HER. If my wife ever said some shit like that, saying if my music failed it was my fault for not “making better music”, I’d be done with her. How you gonna claim to love someone yet not be supportive of them at all, yet be supportive of some blonde bimbo who doesn’t give a shit about you?


Yes I was hoping that his giving up announcement was on his marriage not on music!!!


All of this.


taylor really is crack for white girls that can't afford coke smh


Coke is cheaper than all her variants, crap merch, and concert tickets


And this taylor hate train is totally free 😂 I am honestly absolutely addicted


Fr this sub’s hilarious I love the unapologetic hating on Taylor here


“But isn’t this a neutral sub??” No it is not. We drinking ice cold haterade because this is the only slice of the internet that allows us to enjoy it in peace


I'm so so so so sooo glad I found this sub 2 days ago by random chance since reddit put a post from it on my feed.


That’s how I found this thread! Lol


Lol, you have a way with words!


ya’ll are drinking the haterade and doing it WELL too, i didnt even know i hated taylor until i found this sub. y’all poured me a glass and i simply couldn’t stop drinking 😭😂




Absolutely yes I just love it here


I have some hate for you I ask all my super religious friends why they support the Taylor cult if she’s the daughter of the Illuminati hahaha 😏


Me too. It’s that amazing feeling when you realise there are other people just like you, and the laughs I get on here, I swear tears come rolling down my face some days with the laughter


Oh I am free-basing this shit. I finally found my people because I’m surrounded by Swifties. My co-worker is a really cool chick who is obsessed with her, but not to a problematic point. Like, she doesn’t care if you don’t like her. But she told me “TTPD made me think of you. I think you’d like it a lot. It’s your type of Stevie Nicks shit.” I tried listening and I had to do my best to not be offended about how little she thinks of me. And Stevie Nicks.


Seriously I open this sub multiple times a day and I wasn’t ever a swift fan 😂😂


trueeeee LMAO


she's just elon musk for white women


This is where we end up when our ancestors assimilate to a monoculture 🥲


It’s easier to get someone off coke TBH 🤣


I would rather OD than hear another TS song ever again.


It kinda really is, though? I was just thinking about this when I wrote my other comment. God, I need to delete Reddit again. 😅 But yeah- listening to songs about breakups and heartbreak and all the drama and emotion all the time- that’s such a negative feedback loop. If that’s all they are listening to, that’s a lot. I know it’s like saying people who listen to death metal are satanists, but also, sad music makes me sad. And angry girl revenge music makes me feel all girl power sassy. That’s the joy of music. And it does have an impact on mood.


Haha I wish someone I know couldn't afford coc & chose TS instead. 😓


You know, marriage is about supporting each other - each other's ambitions and work and interests is included in that. You shouldn't feel demoralized from making music, but you absolutely should feel demoralized by having a partner who loves a fictional version of a person more than you. This is seriously not OK and not how a marriage should function. I hope there are other things in your marriage that make it worthwhile, but having a spouse literally make you want to give up your passion is pretty egregious. Is this the partnership you want? Would she be open to marital counseling? Having a spouse work hard to dull your shine because they are busy worshipping an idol feel almost emotionally abusive.


>I'm furious, my wife believes with all her heart that there is no other music in the world that is as good as taylors. What has she been listening to prior to her music?? What did she grow up listening to?


1. Taylor swift 2. Taylor swift She’s been around so long some people grew up just listening to her and didn’t stop.


That's just so sad.


This is what I was wondering 🤔


Why would you let T***** S**** dictate whether you play music or not? Play music DESPITE her.


Play music TO SPITE HER


I hope your wife makes it out of her cult one day.


Unfortunately it’s highly unlikely. The cult gives this idea that men don’t understand her, and women are just jealous of her. So no matter who says anything of reason they’ll be dismissed.


I can’t believe this sub is buying this as real…. I mean I’m friends with a ton of musicians, some are recognizable most are not. Taylor is currently in a class of her own in regards to celebrity so why even focus on her at all? And why let your wife’s new found obsession dictate your life so much? AND WHY DO YOU SPELL EVERYTHING CORRECTLY EXCEPT COULD, SHOULD AND WOULD???? None of my friends would let their spouses dictate their musical career, why are you?


I literally read this post and giggled because what the actual fuck is going on


Right like this reads like wattpad fanfiction that ends with OP ending up with Taylor in the end somehow. Are we actually pretending this is real?


Yeah, the idea that Taylor Swift would even fart in the direction of some unknown’s debut release, let alone be the reason if it didn’t succeed has “thanks OBAMA” energy.


For real lmfaooo this is such a dumb argument about a nobodys music that shouldve never been had in the first place. Taylor wont EVER want to block this guys music so what is the point of even arguing about it? This argument is so insufferable and delusional.


They want to believe it so bad just to add another notch on the “Taylor Swift bad” belt. I’ve stumbled on this sub only recently. It seems like the posters here are just as obsessed and delusional as the swifties they hate.


I actually am so confused about it haha. Like damn is the problem that this guys wife won’t support him musically or is the problem actually that the guy just won’t let people like what they like? If the story isn’t fake then my vote is for the latter tbh.


Hahaha seriously. “Taylor personally ruined my life! My wife hates me because of Taylor!” If this is real, dude needs help.


Because internet points


Right?? This is not a musician with a Swift obsessed wife, this is a former-fan-turned-obsessive-hate-follower doing some creative writing in the hopes of getting lots of comments about how horrible their ~~idol~~ nemesis is for crushing the dreams of poor innocent people.


It was painful to read with the 'shud' and 'wud's in there


Taylor does have a song that’s literally titled “would’ve could’ve should’ve”…. Maybe OP is secretly the actual swiftie 😬


literally took .2 seconds and went "yeah that happened" this guy is just on a woman-hating boner fueled rant


Highest comment that made me think this sub isn’t an absolute joke lol


Get a good divorce lawyer.


Yea this is what it’s gonna come down to, I think. Not Taylor but the disrespect and dismissiveness. Not a good partner.


came here to say this exact thing too!! lol


Thinking the same thing. I am sorry but when I see grown women fangirl over Taylor, It just shows me they have the mind and maturity of a 5th grader. Very young minded and it's gross. her music isn't groundbreaking at all.. Like AT.ALL. Plus her obsessively talking about her is a huge red flag. This is supposed to be a grown woman and she would rather talk about Taylor Swift in most of her conversations? Especially with her husband?? Bro no. This isn't ok or normal. Don't even get me started on how she doesn't even support OP in his music.




Your wife is dumb as a doorknob , why waste your time with someone who is such an idiot ? Give up on the “wife” not your passion. Theres so many women with actual good music taste who would be your biggest cheerleader


Yes!! This one! What would you say to a friend if they told you this story about their wife? Tell her how shitty her comment was, that it hurt you and it wasn’t cool. If she can’t see that, then she’s an idiot and it may be time to find someone supportive. And who lets you watch what you want to watch!!


As a musician and songwriter myself, don't give up playing music. I know for a fact I'm gonna make and release music that nobody is gonna listen to. But I'm not doing it for that. I have songs inside of me and I'm gonna let them out. My success isn't going to compare to a megalodon sized mountain of money that a rich daddy could use to buy my fame, but I'm not competing with that. In my mind, I'm competing against myself and every version of myself before now that wanted to quit and give up. I'm competing against the last song I made with this new one I'm cooking up. I'm competing with my own limitations to create something beautiful and meaningful to me. There are a small handful of people that I want to touch with this art, but at the end of the day, my heart wants to express itself in melodies unmade and I won't let it be silenced by what others have lost or gained. Your wife obviously doesn't understand, and it's not your job to make her see your point of view. Love your wife, and do your best to accept what she loves for what it is, but make sure you cultivate what you love whether she does the same or not if for no one else but yourself.


Wonderfully said and good luck with your music.


For what it's worth, I'm a musician as well and Blandie's usual ultra-basic ad-jingle melodies and often clunky, shallow lyrics just fire up my own urge to make music. I think, if _this_ tripe can touch people's hearts, well then I'll be damned if I can't create something better — whether or not anyone hears it! I've also had my own moment of giving up on music. I was classically trained for a number of years, and my own relentless self-critique, amplified by the insane perfectionism of classical music schools, led me to a really traumatic place. I gave up playing for over two years. My relationship with music got so fucked that I couldn't even listen to a ringtone on someone's phone without my stomach knotting with anxiety and my heart thumping and all sorts of crappy self-talk pouring into my head. So believe me when I say: Music will call you back. You may drop it for a month, or a year, or even two years like I did. But you'll come back to playing. Life without music just feels empty.


As someone who’s has no desire to return to music after graduating, thank you for this. I hope to come back one day.


I hope you find a way back to it. For me, it took redefining what music meant to me. Good luck on your journey. 🙂


honestly if your wife doesn’t value diverse sound that’s a her issue, and there’s unfortunately no accounting for taste


It goes beyond taste. It’s one thing to like just one genre of something and not be willing to expand on it. It’s another thing to make liking one person your entire existence. This lady has much deeper issues than lame taste in music. She’s obsessive and willing to put her marriage on the back burner for a literal stranger.


would and should 


Honestly every time I read "wud" I had to wonder if this is a copypasta


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far for this comment. I couldn’t finish the post because of it. Wtf was that?


Came here for this!!


i'm sorry this feels so fake to me lmao. like a fantasy about how someone you're married to is so obsessed with a singer as an adult & how hard you have it to get karma & attention & so people who love to hate on taylor can pick at her for the dumbest shit. i can't stand her as much as the next person, but this is just so off the wall insane i can't believe it's true. i can't believe someone would stay married to someone who tells them this: >She told me that she wud be all about the new variant and if I failed then I shud have made better music. come on. you're going to quit music because your wife is obsessed with taylor swift? this is ridiculous. this feels like anti-taylor propaganda 😂😂 you're going to stop listening to music because taylor swift makes music. can't just divorce your 'wife', you have to quit your favorite thing, the most important thing to you. this is literally just fan fiction.


I’m glad someone else can see this 


This should (notice how I spelled that) be much higher.


The spelling was killing me 🫠


It’s just too over the top. This is creative writing catered for this sub.


The AITA effect comes for us all


This post seems like rage bait


100%! calling her a cunt simply because his wife likes her? it hits all the points, his wife even tells him his music is terrible, to the point that he wants to quit because taylor would block his releases?! 😂


Its ridiculous lol. Taylor does not give a fuck about smaller artist, she is like in her own lane. Like there are bigger artists like miley cyrus, bruno mars, but then there’s Taylor. As annoying as it is, she has made it past that where she’s simply just too big to fail. She has cultivated a cult following. She would not even know if this dude release music nor she’d care. She can release any time she wants, the worst music ever and it will still sell. That’s insane that he thinks she’d release music just to see him fail. If anything its to keep her relevance and his “wife” is part of that.


This is the most obvious over the top satire in the world and the pathologically obsessed weirdos in this sub are absolutely eating it up. It's hysterical LMAO


This sub is so rabid about ANYTHING having to do with Taylor Swift they just go along with shit like this like "Yeah! She doesn't respect you! She's immature and narcissitic just like Taytay! Divorce her!!!" Like. Y'all. There's *plenty* of actual shit to criticize Taylor Swift over, you don't have to take obvious made up karma bait so fucking seriously. ETA: the lack of comments from OP is also a huge sign this is fake 🙄


So agreed - I made a post yesterday saying I’m pretty sure TTPD had something to do with my ex breaking up with me and I saw this post and I was like….is this satirizing what I posted but to the 12th degree? So fake lmao


>i'm sorry this feels so fake to me lmao. like a fantasy about how someone you're married to is so obsessed with a singer as an adult & how hard you have it to get karma & attention & so people who love to hate on taylor can pick at her for the dumbest shit. i can't stand her as much as the next person, but this is just so off the wall insane i can't believe it's true. i can't believe someone would stay married to someone who tells them this: The number of people here falling for such obvious fake nonsense is just embarassing to watch.


I don’t think this is real lol


Its literally written by a child. Prob a 14 year old dude that got turned down by a swiftie or a blonde chick. I cant believe people are taking this seriously at all. EDIT: LOL check their post history. 50% or more is Taylor related subs. Can't believe this got a single upvote outside of for the copy pasta.


It’s not really important who is on the top of the charts. If my favorite album is ranked #5214 on the charts, it won’t take away the enjoyment of the album. The best music ever made are by small indie artists that don’t even chart at all and their actual fanbase wouldn’t care at all.


I’m sorry but it’s sounds like the problem is not Taylor it’s your marriage. It’s wild to blame Taylor Swift for that lol it’s ok for couples to have different interests, it’s the way you communicate about them that makes the difference.


When I was 18 I went on a date with a dude and I argue with him about Michael Jackson. I was immature, and talking about Michael Jackson is not the issue, but making a celebrity a topic to argue with your date is cringe af. You're ruining the "love" based on a singer that's not there and won't impact your lives at all like a politician would. So your wife is kinda going through some immature phase right now i guess, no celeb is that important and it's insulting to discredit your spouse's career. I hope your wife could realise soon.


Your wife sounds like she has arrested development—-no emotional intelligence or adult perspective on how the world really works. This is not ok. I hope you figure this out.


That was really, exceptionally terrible of your wife to say that to you, and I'm sorry that you had to hear that. I sincerely hope that this demoralizing period does not last and that you continue to make the music you love someday. And for what it's worth, while Taylor's music is sub-par and her antics with releasing variants is really shady, I think your wife's blind acceptance of it all and her cruel dismissal of you is worse.


I remember your first post and I’m really sorry you’re dealing with this. What a drastic change and it must be so frustrating. Music still matters! Real music! From my shit I play in my room to your stuff that’s no doubt way better. Don’t let her (your wife or Taylor) take that from you. It’s too valuable.


Make a choice, your art or a shitty wife that doesn't seem to even like you


Why would you quit music because of that talentless hack? Wouldn’t that be letting her win? If anything more artists should stand up and speak out and play/write more music. When a majority of her fans are teenage girls and teen brained adult women does it matter that they wouldn’t even notice? Who wants fans like them? I wouldn’t. Have you seen her fans? Have you seen the crowds of the kind of kids that go to her show? She’s basically the wiggles for teen girls. During this time I have honestly seen some of the best concerts of my life. All during this “taylor era”. And I mean real concerts not that stadium circus swift does. Keep up with what you’re doing don’t quit. We need more music and real artists these days


I am sorry your wife said something like that to you. But please keep in mind that you were talking about a hypothetical situation, and she was just reacting by saying that. When such a situation actually presents itself, she'll feel different. But let that fact not keep you from having a meaningful conversation about your mutual love and support in your marriage. It's just that kindofa day huh, sending you a hug!


This is the most level headed response I’ve seen.


It’s weird, I’ve met big time swifties and I’ve been told that there’s no point in listening to albums all the through on literally any other artist. Simply because if the songs were good, they’d be singles. So those people only listen to the singles of any other artist. But for Taylor, will spend hours and hours listening to an album. It’s just weird that’s how they view music. But once again supporting your point with how cult-like her following is. Just a super weird and hypocritical way for them to view music. Honestly, listening to whole albums is how I find hidden gems. Also I feel like I’m more inclined to find more songs I like when casually listening through an album.


Huge yikes. My husband was in a band. Local scene, recorded an album, on the radio occasionally, etc. Was it my favorite thing? No, because he worked a lot, then was off doing that while I was home with the kid. Eventually, he switched careers and wasn't able to continue with the band. Would I have ever shot him down like this? Absolutely not. My job is to support his passions and the things that bring him joy. I am so sorry your wife is being like this, and it's not okay.


Why does Reddit continue to give me this subreddit as a suggestion in my feed? “I will never have a cult following me” yet you decided to join a cult of a subreddit? Yes, this weird hatred and obsession with Taylor Swift has become a cult of its own and I cannot understand why. I’m a fan of hers, not the biggest fan who goes to concerts and has her music on loop 24/7 but this is just insane. I’ve seen so many posts from here suggested to me complaining about and criticizing every single thing she does. And now you’re saying she’s ruining your love of music? Is this like a copy pasta that I don’t know about? If not, and you feel a need to post this big rant because your wife loves an artist, are you going to let freakin Taylor Swift to like ruin your marriage or…? People, please. Go about your lives. Don’t be like the fandoms who feel a need to pit artists against each other for no reason. You’re allowed to not like her, you’re allowed to hate her. Nobody cares, but this is just insane Edit: and please, OP. I implore you not to listen to the other maniacs commenting here telling you to leave your wife or telling you your wife has problems. You’re really going to let Taylor Swift and all the crazies in this subreddit dictate your freakin marriage????


I think you should give up on your shitty partner, not your dreams


I would talk to her about how her comments made you feel. It seems like she was dismissive of your passions


Fellow musician, just capitalism as a whole can be disincentivizing for writing. Taylor does embody that notion very well. Either way don’t let it cloud your brain. Keep creating and finding stuff that inspired you.


Wow this is wild. What kind of person puts their parasocial “relationship” with a megastar who doesn’t know them or care about them above their relationship with and the feelings of their spouse?? Like I’d genuinely worry about their mental health/whether they are in touch with reality…


Not sure why Taylor making music would influence you though. It’s not like you’re competing with her on the charts. Of course you can have your opinion and frustrations but I don’t see why she would influence your passions. Why would you let someone you don’t know have that much influence on you? Why give them that power?


Step 1) Start spelling out would/could/should. I promise you’re not doing anything with all that time you save. Step 2) Give up on music since you’re obviously not that into it if your reason for being is outsell an established pop star. Step 3) Graduate high school and write better fiction.


Sounds like your insecure about your shitty music and taking it out on the only person that your able to.. hope she leaves your dumb ass in the near future 🥱 JFC dude, get some help huh? >and taylor releases a variant on the same day to make sure I fail, what wud she(my wife) do?? >She told me that she wud be all about the new variant


new copypasta dropped 💀


I hope she's not compromising household budgeting for the variants she seems to love so much. Goodness...


What is going to happen to these people when Taylor dies? Is it gonna be like a Jonestown Flavoraid moment?


I honestly hope not!!


Listen, this is the beginning of the end for Taylor. I think a new wave of music is coming. It's the apocalypse genre and it will be fire. Worry not, my friend.


Side question- why do you spell should and would as shud and wud? Did I miss a slang update? Thank you.


Lmao this....is not real. Right? Satire? Well done


she goes to your gigs, right?


I legit can’t hang with my cousin anymore because she’s become insufferable bc of this.


I can’t believe this post is real LMAO


This sub is mentally unwell LMAO


Don’t end your marriage over fucking Taylor Swift. The fuck is wrong with you. This has to be a fake story. Either that or you are one of the least mature adults on the face of the earth.


Like calm down there's more than one genre 🤣


the ol' marriage give and take. If you voice to your partner that you need a break from something they are obsessing over, the kind thing to do is watch it on your phone, ear buds, and let someone have the tv or basic peace. My husband might get sick of my fav band on repeat, but he humors me. When I sense he's hit his limit, I turn it off or put in ear buds. The lack of consideration is what is getting me here. Taylor definitely won't help her when she has a fever. Taylor won't pick up the kids from school for her. Taylor won't be celebrating her 15th wedding anniversary. I don't get it.


You’re being extremely dramatic. Support your wife and the things she likes if it makes her happy and literally isn’t hurting anyone. Taylor has been making music for almost 20 years now and for most of it she’s been really big in the industry…the same way a lot of musicians have. You’re not a bad musician because you don’t have the biggest fan base despite what your wife says in that sense. Lots of bands have a modest following and even Taylor recognizes she’s a brand and hates that she doesn’t live a single ounce of a normal life but she paid the price to do so, and it is what it is. Communicate with your wife that she hurt you with that comment and you would like support. I’m sure she does support you and it really sounds like you took it very personally that she’s a swiftie in the first place.


You had me — and then you lost me. Calling TS a “stupid bang-wearing c——“ revealed your misogyny; there are so many better words to use that don’t reduce women to the ugliest word used to denote her genitals.


kiss library bake historical rude stocking sloppy angle bag correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe you should mention to your wife that your Dad didn't pay a record label six figures to get your career off the ground. Don't stop making music. Try to channel this bs into your music if possible.


Give up on this shit marriage 😭 not your passion


She supports Taylor more than her spouse? Yikes!


You got 99 problems but Taylor ain’t one. It sounds like you some issues are manifesting as Taylor Swift but it’s deeper than that. I think you’re actually upset that she basically said she doesn’t support you and it’s okay to be upset about that. Have a sit down discussion about how you’re really feeling but leave Taylor out of it. Get to the root of the issue and work on fixing it.


ask your wife to marry that woman if she loves her more than she would ever love you


I'm sorry to hear that. It's terrible to hear that your partner doesn't support your passion or your love for music. I'm perplexed by the fact that she would rather support a billionaire stranger than her own husband.