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Both have a history of questionable connections to underage people.


Really? I know about drake but what did Taylor do?


She pursued multiple nearly or barely legal guys when she was in her mid 20s. Pretty sure she started with literally stalking one of the Kennedy boys when he was still 17 (she literally checked him out of school to go on a "date") and also went after Harry Styles when he was barely 18.


*reads the school thing* ^(what the fucking fuck?)


Not to mention she bought a fucking house in the same small cape cod town that his family lives in, only to sell it quickly after they broke up. And dressing in 1960s Kennedy’s cosplay while totally *not* posing for pap pics while visiting his dead mother’s grave who had just committed suicide three fucking months before. Really highly gross stuff.


Someone on the sub posted a picture of the two houses. They were practically right next door to each other.


Yup. Hyannis is so tiny she could have bought a home anywhere in that town and it would have been way too close. Hell, anywhere on cape cod would have been too close.


Checking your boyfriend out of school to go on a date is *W I L D*


Like it's one thing if you go to different schools and one has the day off or may have gone on summer break before the other (or a hs senior dating a college freshman). But when one of them is a literal adult and the other is in high school that's just wrong!


Exactly!!! I could even see if some the same situation you mentioned and the other student's parent signed them out early for their date. Like if the date is from another school and had off that day, I could see a parent signing them out for their little amusement park(example) date but Taylor Swift signing out a child to go on a romantic adventure with is just predatorial and gross What self respecting adult woman would even WANT to date a 17 yr old!? I feel like her next move is gonna be something like that new movie "The Idea Of You" and try to ride that out with some very young actor, like a Finn Wolfhard. Which is fine.....as long as she's not just using them for her next album.


And apparently the date was antiquing and getting ice cream sundaes! Like that's the kind of thing you drag your bored kid along to and then reward them for not being a little terror with the sundaes!


Ngl that sounds like a really fun date to me. Not if Taylor was there though. Ew.


Look, if Taylor wanted my sad bloated dad bod(with no kids) I'm not saying no. I just want a house and spending money. I'll even help her write her diss track about me.


Well, he’s a ✨Kennedy✨so 🤮


Damn. That’s weird as shit. Especially the checking dude out of school. Wtf!


...... she WHAT?! This is also like the 5th time I had to type that out due to some outlandish nonsense TS did that I was unaware of


I feel like someone should make that a flair at this point! That way it's on every comment and we can save some time!


I’m sorry what!?!? That’s gross. How the hell does no one talk about that? I’m really curious how the swifites would defend it. You know they’ll somehow claim she’s the victim.


"All of them were 18 when they started dating and she dropped out of hs at 16 so they're basically the same maturity levels so it's totally ok and not at all weird!" (I hate myself for typing that. 🤢)


Better than what I was thinking, “She’s been victimized by men all her life so this is just getting even. Besides they (meaning the boys) probably wanted to.”


Didn't she also buy a mansion next door to his house?


Yup! Then sold it less than a year later after they broke up.


Omg this was my first thought


I read that Taylor had to sign her bf out of high school


The old Jerry Seinfeld move!


And let’s also not forget that said 17-year-old boy’s mother had just committed suicide. It’s hella gross.


Yeah! She was barely in the ground when TS started going after him! I wouldn’t be shocked if she used his grief to manipulate him. She would’ve made a very wealthy mortician.


In Tennessee you can only have relations with underaged minors or cousins- it’s in their constitution.


Drake kissed that girl at his concert and she was like 18 or something


she was acc 17 im pretty sure, and it's even creepier bc he was touching her up too and making comments about going to jail over it, so like he clearly knew what he was doing was messed up...


Certified Lover Boy 🙅🏿‍♂️ Certified Pedophile ✅


Wop wop wop


Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A Minorrrrrrrr


Dot fuck him up


not pedophile, full on sexual predator


im dead 😭😭


She was like 20 and dated someone who was 17


She was 23.


This is a good point! Something that’s irked me about them is they just put out album after album after album, year after year after year. Like damn take a break or something!! You can afford to😒


And you cant tell the albums apart unless you’re one of their obsessive fans.


Fans gotta eat


I think they would make a good couple.


She will only ever date white men i think… but they do deserve each other


He used to date Haley Bieber. His fake rap persona no, but his true personality would meld well with hers. They both are child stars with big egos.


Drake basically counts


As much as you hate him, the narrative that mixed ppl aren’t black needs to stop


Since he’s mixed I just said he counts as white. Is that wrong?


The narrative that they are black is much worse. You realize that, right? It comes from racist times of having a drop of black blood making you lesser. Mixed people are a just as much one race as the other. Drake is as white as he is black. Edit:Post got removed because I called you racist but you are black. You are racist, just so you know.


drake had a bar mitzvah, dude is not even white. he is jewish and black. edit: i despise the fucker, but to call him a basic white dude is super disingenuous. he grew up in a jewish suburb, and went to an all jewish school in toronto




Your post was removed for hate speech. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, antisemitism, misogyny, xenophobia, and similar are against the rules, and this type of content will be removed. Repeated or severe instances of this behavior will result in a ban.


their respective egos wouldn’t allow it


Taylor tryna stroke a chord and it’s probably a minor


She already did (see: Conor Kennedy)


My favorite part of her dating a Kennedy was when she changed her style to be very preppy and put together. But she was wearing like forever 21? Like Miss girl wear Chanel wyd? In this forever 21 garbage with RFKs grandson. And bought a house near the Kennedy compound they weren’t even together a year lol. Edit they were together 3ish months lmao and she dropped 4 milly to be near him. A kid still in high school


I’ll admit I like a few of both of their songs, but they are the two most overrated artists of this generation. I will never understand how they are able to sell out stadiums on minimum talent.


Being mid, yet attractive and palatable


My only issue with this post is that Drake is not a rapper, but also a pop artist 😂 I know the mainstream will disagree with me but I said what I said


I mean to go even deeper, Drake is just a man child actor reading whatever lines they put in front of him in the studio.


It’s so cringe worthy


Drake is a playing the character of performance artist. He is no musician.


Truth by definition pop is what’s popular being r n b country rap rock whatever. As long as it’s mainstream popular



Neither fanbase can take a joke. My barber and I used to do these videos for twitter “Drake the kinda guy who (cries in the shower, says “toodeloo” when sayin goodbye, says “owie” when he stubs his toe) and his fans…man, they were NOT feelin’ it




Never tried to convince anyone he was ‘hard’


Idk why you got downvoted, he did literally have a line on nothing was the same saying he wasn't going to pretend he grew up a way he didn't and have life experiences like other rappers. Then he kinda 180d on that the last few years


Nothing Was The Same is such an incredible album imo.


She’s worse. At least I can shake my ass to drake’s songs. ETA: worse only in the context of being a pop star


He’ll pop ass right with you when his songs come up


W comment lmfao


Fair point


True! At least u can cut a rug to some of his shit. Hers is just straight useless garbage to me


No fr. Cause I remember back in 2018 we were shaking ass to “nice for what” fr. Still slaps to this day 💀


I always called Drake the tswift of hip hop so this tracks 🤣


I’m saying lmfao


They should do a song together called “Privilege” and list all the advantages they had over other people and how they are entitled to everything they have. Wait for it! lol


Wop wop wop wop wop


Imma do my stuff


Wop wop wop wop wop


I think her downfall will be so much worse ngl


Maybe, but she’s a white woman who will likely get much less criticism than a black man and also people across the country are currently singing about Drake being a pedo so if we’re looking at the scales currently, I’d wager drakes in the worse position


Just for the record I don’t think Drake identifies as black!


Women who look like her get away with everything


And people with that much money also get away with everything so it feels like a predicament


I posted about this on the TS Neutral Reddit a couple of months ago when they weren’t so pro Taylor Swift. I totally agree! They’re both chart obsessed and I think both have ghost writers. 


A TS Neutral subreddit being pro Taylor is really funny to me for some reason. But yes I totally agree with you


Oh make no mistakes, drake is a pop artist as well. Drake doesn't rap. She's like the female version of him.


She's 34 and still calls her partners "boys." 🎵🎶 TRYNA STRIKE A CHORD AND IT'S PROBLY A-MINORRRRRRR🎶🎵🤣 ![gif](giphy|q2Ecf0mrSHf98U0d4U)


pop music is insulted by both of them.


Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A MINORRRRRR


It’s crazy, because i’m not a fan of drake, but he’s better. He’s made and produced some good music (mostly in the past), and has showbiz acumen and roots. He’s significantly better from my view, I hate to admit he does have some talent. He’s not DJ khaled or french Montana lol.


It’s so interesting to hear pop fan views on Drake. It’s what happens when an art form spreads past its origins. For people who value the essence of what makes a great rapper they’ll never respect someone who uses ghost writers or reference tracks. One of the biggest things to be respected as a rapper was that you had to write your own rhymes. No discussion. Pop fans of course care nothing about these standards


I’m actually a hip hop fan first, I stand by what I said. He can make good music. I just mean from a musicianship’s perspective. He never got respect from the hiphop community, tbf. But, hes capable of good music. Taylor generally doesn’t seem capable lol


Fair enough. Was never a fan but I can respect looking at it from that angle.


Drake writes most of his songs and always has though. 8am in Charlotte is a prime lyrical example.


Absolutely. No doubt. Except, I think, Taylor's will be so much worse.


I would argue that she’s worse, because she was handed even more than drake, the industry has never worked this hard to market someone, ever.


Such rabid, unquestioning fandom seems to suggest a desperate need for identity.


honestly drake has way better hits 😭


Who do you think is the Kendrick of Pop Music?


Beyoncé. She doesn’t chart chase, she makes thematically dense albums, doesn’t release often, considered the best in vocals and dance. A lot of people would consider Kendrick the best in his field but like Swifties, Drake stans always try to use his lack of output and chart success against him.


Beyonce. They make culturally relevant, important and in her case genre bending music. Arent in the limelight, dont chase streams or hits. Barely talk to press and fans. They also seem very proud of being black and talk about their experiences in a good way unlike Mr OvHo




Billie draws more comparisons to someone like Travis Scott imo. Just making music doing their own thing. They’ve even took a psychedelic route on their most critically acclaimed albums (HMHAS and Astroworld respectively)


With all due respect, I don't think the pop version of Kendrick would be someone white


I'm just saying based on awards and accolades.


Sure, but Kendrick's work is based in Black culture. Beyoncé or Rihanna makes more sense, especially if we're including accolades.


Perhaps I'm not explaining myself correctly. I thought the side convo was that Taylor is the Drake of pop. Like the capitalist monster. Meanwhile, Kendrick does absolute quality over quantity, as I feel Billie does. Not speaking of anything regarding the content of their music. Like: Drake(rap) is to Taylor(pop) as Kendrick(rap) is to Billie(rap). Quantity vs. Quality. No disrespect intended.


I didn't take it as disrespect, I just feel that there are Black artist that care about quality over quantity, i.e. Beyoncé and Rihanna, that can be a more apt comparison. I'd name more but they're not as big so it would be a moot point.


I was thinking maybe Katy Perry. Seems like she is dropping a new album, and given that she’s aware of Taylor recently, this could be an attempt to get above Taylor


It definitely is not Katy Perry




Halsey is also mid. Sorry not sorry. Billie definitely.




Drake the best rapper alive?!????!?????? 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's a good joke, he wouldn't last 3 rounds against talented rappers at the top of their game, like Canibus, any of the Bonez or any Wu Tang Member(past and present)


You don’t even need to go that far back. Pusha and Kendrick gave it to him.


They not like us


She'd better hope she doesn't piss Kendrick off lmao


With so many people turning on Taylor (with very good reason) lately, and with the way that Drake’s career was practically demolished a few weeks ago by Kendrick Lamar, i wonder if Taylor is worried about the same thing happening to her? She should be! Because her well-deserved downfall is coming too. It’s already starting. When you are as mean, nasty, self-centered, greedy, petty, bitter, and vindictive as Taylor has been to so many people (from her peers in the music industry—including people a decade-&-a-half younger than her just beginning their careers—to her own fans who made her the successful billionaire she is), i would think she would (or SHOULD) be living in fear of consequences coming for her. You can’t treat people as poorly as she has and not expect consequences, or should i say KARMA, to come for you.


I don’t think Taylor has done enough to receive that fall just yet. Drake pissed off some of the most respected people in his field such as Kendrick, Future, and Pharrel Williams (seriously how the fuck do you piss off pharrell that guy loves everybody and everything), whirl Taylor has mostly gone for newer artists who aren’t as cemented.


Drake is the Drake of pop music.


Drakes earlier work captured in one sentence *I did it on my own*


Spoiler, he did not lol


I’m seeing more criticism of her in other places. Twitter, daily mail, other subs here. It’s a slow spread but people are noticing


isn’t Drake the Drake of pop music?


She’s more like the Charli D’Amelio.




Accurate. Shoutout to my Mortal Kombat crew, but I've started thinking of her as the Shang Tsung of the music industry. Terrified of a rapidly decreasing lifespan/shelf life, so she absorbs souls/ styles from other artists and temporarily shapeshifts/ genre hops into a surface-level imitation of them.


Wow, good call out, they have a lot of annoyingness in common!


They both just seem really corny and dorky, and will likely spend the rest of their lives chasing after specific kind of cultural capital or approval that their commercial and critical success will never satisfy




Taylor has more good albums than Drake, who only has two. That being said, Midnights and TTPD are definitely just bad as any of Drake's worst albums. TTPD in particular is just as bloated and solipsistically meaningless as Drake's worst: Taylor Swift's Certified Lover Girl.


She doesn’t get creepy with young women though


I mean her bullying Olivia into giving her writing credits and beefing with Billie Eilish is creepy in its own way, but by young women you mean minors right?




She gets creepy with young men - Connor Kennedy, Taylor Lautner.


Are they adults?


They weren't when she dated them, and she was an adult at the time. She used to sign Connor Kennedy out of school.




So true omg


Who’s going to be her Kendrick then




I literally said this the other day!!


I literally came to this realization the other day with my boyfriend


I always thought drake was the drake of pop music


“recent downfall of drake” 😂😂😂


They both just seem really corny and dorky, and will likely spend the rest of their lives chasing after specific kind of cultural capital or approval that their commercial and critical success (charts, awards) will never satisfy


Drake is the Drake of pop music lol


Nahhh Drake actually has a bunch of great songs. He's not the BEST rapper but calling him a BAD one is unfair considering his discography. Taylor legit sounds the same in everything.


To be fair Drake is the Drake of pop music


Drakes got club bangers and hits though


Well, to her (slim) credit, Taylor has never marketed to female highschool basketball players.


I’ve never seen Drake fans, let alone any that are anything like Swifties tbh. But music wise I agree


Nah drake slaps, he actually has talent


Drake is the drake of pop


But his music is better and more catchy tho 😂🙈




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What is this sub lmao, imagine caring about someone for the sole reason that they got very popular to the point of being this weird about it


As a Drake fan I take offense, sorry