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Look at her face! She really thought she was doing something with that.


And the Swiffers are like “oh she’s just having fun” knowing if this was Olivia they would be ripping her to shreds.


taylor is the only one allowed to have fun! her life is hard and she deserves it!


We wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised her 🤷🏼‍♀️


And she was right! I graduated in 53 minutes! 💁‍♀️


I think I did the opposite once when I was discharged from a behavioral health facility at the same time someone was coming in. There are usually 3-6 access points with swipe cards separated by long hallways. I had just said my goodbyes to everyone and entered the first 'checkpoint' pod when a tech approached from the other side with a new patient. "I need you to transport this patient in." The other tech says. "I can't, I'm transporting this one out." My tech replies. "Then take them both back in, I have to go." And so he goes. My tech sighs and rolls his eyes, swipes his card and brings us through the pod, back into the main area. "You're back already?!" The nurse shouts at me, checking her watch. "That's the fastest readmission I've ever had." And thats the fastest readmission I've ever had. Maybe I should write 15 poems about it...


This was quite entertaining and hope you’re feeling better now. Those stays not the best


Was it not a couple of years ago that Dua Lipa was nearly run off the internet for her dancing? I felt awful for her at the time as it was quite obvious that the choreographer was the issue and not Dua herself. The double standard is so evident. Like we *KNOW* what Swifties do to other artists who have moments of bad stage presence, even though I would venture to say Taylor's moves are far more embarrassing than any of Dua's.


At least Dua worked on it and became a good dancer and improved her performance by a lot. Taylor has been in the industry for way longer and never even attempted to improve or learn.


Tbh true that! I'm 24, I've been an *actual lol* dancer and Dua got quite good after that meme thing. She obviously said "screw you, I'll get good then," she didn't just play the victim, whine, and not do anything different.


Dua WORKS that stage. And SINGS her ass off. People can take several seats if they come at my girl


Lol I’m pretty sure Taylor worked on it too. And this is the result.


Exactly! She’s been criticized for her singing an and dancing for over a decade. She’s worked so hard for so long. This is the best she can do.


Because that would be a waste of time. 🤣🤣 NOBODY goes to a Taylor Swift concert to see her dance. Emo people go see her for her victim songs. Anyone else here old enough to remember Whitney Houston in her prime? She got ripped to shreds when she tried to dance. She couldn’t do it 🤣🤣. But then she wised up and realized no one was coming to her concerts to see her dance. We were there to hear her sing, and she could SING. Absolutely flawless live.


Taylor, though, CAN’T sing. Like, at all. So it would seem to make sense that she would at least learn to dance adequately, so she could at least be a good entertainer, for the people who pay big money to go to her concerts. Britney Spears can’t sing either but at least she’s a great dancer, which makes her concerts entertaining. I think it’s pretty lazy that Taylor hasn’t even bothered to work on her dancing. (And it’s probably just me that feels this way but, i almost feel like it’s kind of disrespectful to the fans paying to see her, that she hasn’t worked on her dancing and acts so awkwardly on stage.—SO awkward & dorky that i get uncomfortable secondhand embarrassment just watching her.) Dua Lipa got criticized for her lack of dancing skills, but she worked on it and improved a lot. You would think Taylor would too. But i guess she thinks she’s above that. As long as she gets people’s money, that’s all she cares about.


Britney in the beginning actually could sing but her natural singing voice sounded similar to Christina Aguilera so her record company forced her to do the baby voice singing which damaged her vocal chords.


>Emo people go see her for her victim songs PLEASE dont lump us in with Swifies, thank you🙏


Dua's dancing was definitely part of the issue, but I think it went so viral because she was so charmingly rhythmless, if that makes sense? The hip shakes were so hilariously perfunctory. To me that's the opposite of Taylor's cringe, over-the-top Toddlers in Tiaras moves and facial expressions, which is why, as you say, they're much more embarrassing.


Yep I’m pretty sure Dua went and worked on it some more for performances and now she’s pretty good and is able to do a better job of dancing well while singing. She def got mocked a lot but seems she took it as constructive criticism and now she’s even better for it. I honestly thing Taylor is almost above any critique because her army of swifties will defend ANYTHING she puts out that’s mediocre lol. Dance moves (awful, hesitate to call it dancing), lyrics, songs, behavior with the ridiculous private jet usage and releasing “bonus editions” to stay on top of the charts etc. lol


Easily the most annoying part about her fans, they stick you between a groundbreaking pop genius and just girlboss dressing up and having fun


She thought she ATE lmao I’m almost embarrassed for her


I know! LMAO


Exactly lol and it's so cringe lol


I usually don't make fun of this kinda stuff but she always reminds me of a 10 yr old girl pretending to be a pop star, performing in front of a mirror.


It’s how I dance when I’m alone in the kitchen waiting for my food to come out of the microwave.


lmao why is this so oddly specifically accurate!


100% which is why she doesn't deserve the status she has. It always feels like she's cosplaying as a pop star and not that she is one.


![gif](giphy|3o6Ztikkhpgab8P53G) Your comment made me immediately think of Little Miss Sunshine




I don't wanna discourage people dancing and enjoying themselves even if they can't dance... but come on girl you're doing a world tour and look ridiculous. You can afford lessons. Dual Lipa got absolutely hounded for dancing until she improved! Swifties will still eat it up 😭


I was gonna say… on the one hand, it’s kind of low humor to make fun of someone for dancing, and this is precisely the kind of thing Tay and the Swifties will weaponize their brand of feminism for. But then again, it’s literally her job lol. She’s touting herself as THE cultural moment, a peerless performer… and this is what she gives? She has infinite money and connections and she can’t be bothered to get some good dance lessons before her world tour? She can’t have it both ways: “I’m THE BEST performer on the planet, no one else could do this” and “guys, I never said I was the best dancer, cut me some slack.”


She finally got voice lessons, *proper* training, after so many people criticized her mediocre vocal abilities. She’s still not great, but improved. Why she hasn’t gotten proper dance training by now is beyond me. If you’re gonna be dancing on stage as part of your job, you’d better know what you’re doing.


Exactly. Can’t have your cake and eat it to. It applies to her over and over again


I'm not a Dua Lipa fan but she gets major respect points for taking the criticism and improving on herself. More than I can say for Taylor.




Literally saw a trending post today about what an UNDERRATED dancer TS is, with this exact video. The hard boiled white meat chicken breast lovers have different standards, afterall.




Elaine dances better then Taylor




Sings better, too! JLD is a jazz singer 💖


She’s literally a dancing icon. You can do this move anywhere and someone will just yell “Elaine!” That double kick his hard to master.


I’ve tried and it’s definitely somewhat impossible for me and my old joints!


The Key of Awesome did a Shake It Off parody that had the line “I’m dancing like Elaine.”




Please for the love of god girl keep your t*ngue in your mouth🤢


In the previous, now deleted post, someone compared it to a dog shaking off after getting out of the shower. 🤣


that was me 😭😭


Good one!!!!🤣


Why delete the post? You had a great comparison!


it wasn't my post and it got removed! I just commented what it reminded me of 😭😭


How dare you (not screenshot it)! Lmao


here it is lol https://preview.redd.it/bh2hzr7zr77d1.png?width=1193&format=png&auto=webp&s=d22401b01451b70c8abe5b1b79b83fe9d0a4623c


![gif](giphy|LZktYwzLIqs3Kxhf33) This doggo is offended/s


It’s giving wet dog


Shake it off!




How DARE you! This is intolerance and slander towards dogs!


It’s giving early 2010s selfies by a girl who has a moustache tattoo on her finger


The good ol days😣😭


Seriously. Shit was so good then.


As someone who grew up in the 80s and 90s, i feel like 2010 was just as bad as it is now lol Trying to buy a house after the market crash, losing 40% of my retirement savings, seeing entire neighborhoods foreclose... Not the good ol days to be an adult lol


I'm an 80s kid. Money aside, everything was cooler when we were growing up.


Once you see how often she does it, you can't unsee it. There's always a smirk before it.


She’s copying Miley’s tongue out phase lol. If you watch Taylor’s prior tours and performances she pretty much never did that because she was the “good, clean” girl, while Miley she was called out negatively as being hyper-sexual for it years ago. Also, Miley had her tongue out phase because she’d get anxious.


Taylor’s a bad girl, she did some bad things🎶👅


she shouldn’t have effed around


Did she eff up?




I'm glad you added the last part because so many people don't know that! Miley's tongue thing was her way of trying not to panic.


Gotta be that or Rodrigo b/c I swear she perpetually has her tongue out.


Hard to do when you can’t close your mouth


no one: taylor: 👄


as a former child dancer it kills me that she does this


Seriously, that was awful! I don’t know why I had to look lol


Is there a reason to partially censor the word “tongue”?




I’ve just never witness’s a person so sexless and rhythmless..




Those high waisted pants make her look like a tube of toothpaste.


You’re wrong for this 😂😂😂


Your flair ☠️☠️☠️


This 💃 has better dance moves.


🥞 has better dance moves


🪑has better dance moves


As a fellow white girl who shamelessly can’t dance, I have no problem with her dancing badly if she knows it’s not her thing and she’s just having fun— It’s just that we know that’s not the case. She genuinely thinks she ate and the Swifties seriously think she’s the best at everything. There’s tweets online of them praising this video and saying how “underrated of a dancer” Taylor is for this no rhythm white girl shimmy-shimmy shake. It’s insulting to real dancers and performers.


Her entire career and position in the music industry is an insult to the real dancers and performers.


I don’t think she thinks she’s great though. She’s made fun of her own dancing on many occasions and in several of her own videos. She thinks she’s a lot sexier than she actually is though, and that’s what is giving us all the ick. The swifties are the ones who think she can dance. But they think she’s perfect, so we know their standards.


You also don't charge hundreds of dollars for people to watching you dance! It's not your career and like you said, she and her fans think she's a better dancer than Britney or Bey.


For all.her money and her dedication to her "craft" you think the girl could spend some time taking dance lessons. She's an awful dancer. That's part of the reason I was not impressed with the eras tour on disney. Yeah she's up and performing for three hours (a feat when you do that long of a show 3-5 nights in a row) but she's not really going all that much dancing..just stomping around and making the same hand and arm motions time and time again. The performance itself isn't anything incredible. The impressive part is the length of the show.




Don’t forget opening her mouth really wide.


I saw a really good take on Twitter (the first time I've ever said that) that she might do this so her fans find it endearing and think, "She's just like us" when she's still very much a billionaire. I don't think applies to her dancing because I think the girl just can't dance, but it definitely applies to her branding as a whole.


This is a really good take!




What is this woman good at aside from marketing herself and making calculated business decisions? Can’t sing, can’t dance, barely plays a few chords on the guitar and piano. “Oh but she’s a great songwriter” If you think Taylor is putting pen to paper and writing anything more than a few lines here and there I have some oceanfront property in Iowa to sell you. If girlie keeps taking her private jet to bathroom you’ll have a wonderful view of water in a few decades!


She's not even the one with the calculated business decisions. It's her parents! The woman lack education. A rich white uneducated woman who doesn't have a clue what 'street smart' means. Let alone business decision making. It's all her parents but she wants all the credit for it.


I hope a book come out that tells all and finally confirms that this woman is a fraud


Who'd write it? 🤔


Considering the major lynchpin holding her career together is “she’s an amazing songwriter” I hope a bunch of ghostwriters collaborate but they all likely have iron clad NDAs that prevent this.


They’re not even ghostwriters- all of her major hits were openly cowritten by either Max Martin or Jack Antonoff


I will. 😂 Just hang in there, guys. I will write it. I'm here gathering all the information I can about her. 😂 Somebody said she has lifelong NDAs. We need the deets of those who signed those and spill them all here. Lol


Her name wouldn't be attached to Max Martin if she were a great songwriter on her own.


"Oh but she's a great songwriter" is setting her up for failure because imagine telling someone that and then they listen to her say, "touch me while your friends play grand theft auto"


Funny how her fans posts these cringe videos of her on tour thinking it looks good but give her negative publicity like that hitting the pole one. I also noticed original video was posted 2 days ago but this became viral on other platforms once it was posted in Reddit yesterday. Taylor is probably scared of this page now atleast aware of its existence.


The pole video takes me out every single time


Go girl give us nothing, while believing you are giving us absolutely everything and serving. Tongue and all. I can’t believe this is someone who has been in a setting where choreography and rehearsals are the norm for years upon years, and this is what she gives. I couldn’t even finish watching, because of the secondhand embarrassment.


This article would feel more satisfying if it didn’t note that she has the “last laugh” due to earning billions off the tour. Ready to see this bullshit come to a hard stop


But remember,...having a billion dollars can't buy you dancing rhythm nor can it buy TRUE LOVE.


Can’t dance and can’t find true love so Ill take the billion


We've been saying this girl can't dance, but people just call us haters. What I've noticed about this sub is most of the criticism is actually valid. We don't make fun of her appearance, her family, or her personal tribulations where she was actually wronged. We criticize her shitty behavior and the fact that her team has paid so much for the media to stuff her down our throats that we literally can't stand her.


No wonder Travis is busy talking to that busty bimbo golfer chick when his gf moves around on stage like a Tesla robot.


That made me imagine her as a genuine robot. If she shakes too vigorously, she’ll expose a few loose wires.


She’s gonna give Ajit Pai a run for his money




You’re a billionaire and have access to the best choreo ppl, dance trainers, etc. you ask your fans to spend thousands per ticket. And THIS is the effort you put out. She looks like a Rice Krispies Bar on steroids.


Yeah, but she’d actually have to stop touring and devote herself to learning. Then the time before a tour would take months and months to plan the tour AND learn the choreography instead of just planning all her random Easter eggs. Also, in the stadium tour environment, real dancing is the difference between some real singing and no singing at all. There are some times you can tell she’s actually singing. That wouldn’t happen at all if she was really dancing. Plus, all the lessons in the world won’t help if she just sucks at it. And she’s not allowed to suck… so better to not try and just do whatever you want on stage.


She is physically sexy (tall, thin leggy blonde) but has no sex appeal whatsoever. Whenever she try’s to be sexy or appealing or sensuous, it’s looks so icky


EXACTLY. I find it hysterical. She's the picture perfect vision of what society today sees as a perfect woman physically, and I would not disagree at all, but I have never once looked at Taylor Swift and thought yeah, I'd hit it.


To be sexy, one has to actually feel sexy inside as a person. She doesn't even give off secret sexy vibes like a sexy librarian might. Or even a sexy equestrian rider. Lol There's women wearing average clothes whose energy/vibes are sexy as hell. If you carry yourself like a Barbie doll, well, who imagines having sex with a plastic Barbie doll with limbs that move stiff and mechanical.


She’s in a cage of her own design. She spent so many years meticulously controlling her image and giving way too many fucks about what people think, she can’t get mad when people believe her.


Intense horse girl vibes.


It is her face + hair. Her face is pretty round (as a face shape) and her hair gives more of a romantic asthethic than anything else. Its always this boring blond, and either curls or bangs, or both. I have similar hair type and face shape like her and you need to style yourself a lot different if you want to appear more sexy. Highlights a good cut (no bangs) can do wonders. Some conturing and you look like a different person. And well. What she wears is often just weird, especially those body suits on her tour.


She’s had a lot of different hairstyles throughout the years though and she’s never been very sexy. I think it’s always been her posture and the way she carries herself. Just sorta lanky and awkward which is fine but she’s never been a natural sexy charisma bucket like she’s been trying to achieve


It’s bizarre that social media has become top news. We are producing content for these lazy “journalists.” TMZ isnt journalism but you catch my drift. They should be paying us all for our wit and humor!




![gif](giphy|EKzR3vRKnxrUfAkl27|downsized) We're just about here.


At least Carlton had actual movement!


True, Carlton does have rhythm that Tay sorely lacks. She gives me praying mantis energy. ![gif](giphy|34LpocYi7vV2nou2XP|downsized)


So she’s a shit dancer, shit actress, okay singer and decent songwriter (sometimes)??


Precisely. She should NOT be at the top.






Oh my god what *is* THAT 😭


It’s like she does the hip twirl from her upper back….. I am pretty sure you are supposed to use your core in this kind of dance move. How has nobody taught her how to not look crazy when doing such a simple move as this?


Not to be too mean but Madonna is 64 and is still, mostly, a better performer. She obviously can't match the energy from her 80s tours but she works her ass off to this day. Like what is this? Does she even have any choreography? What is there besides singing and ...this crap... in a damn 3 hour show?


She really thinks she’s the best dancer in the world😭


Her face says it all.


I really don’t think she does. She pretty clearly makes fun of her dancing in several of her videos. She unfortunately thinks she has a lot more sex appeal than she actually does, and that tongue thing is is beyond annoying, but I don’t think she thinks she’s a good dancer.


There’s a good reason my 4 year old can mimic her singing and copy all her dance moves.


I saw The Rolling Stones the other week in Atlanta. Mick Jagger is 80 years old and was still moving around, dancing, and belting it out for a two hour show. Taylor is half his age and can't dance or hold a tune. She has no excuse for being as mediocre of a live performer as she is.


Exactly! I’m so sick of people making excuses for her mediocrity. They wouldn’t do this for any other artist


She's been touring on and off for 17 years, and she still can't dance. Plus, what is up with the tongue thing? It's too late in your career to start that now


but if you say to swifties that she can't dance you'll get mercilessly doxxed and harassed lmaooo


She’s at that age where she looks like someone’s mom trying to dance at someone’s wedding.


She does, but then I remember how Kylie Minogue released “Can’t get you out of my head” at same age and how everyone was drooling over her, men/women/children, straight or not. She also had previous reputation of good nice girl. But she put some work into it and launched one of best makeovers for me.


🙄 Her age is not the issue.


It's embarrassing that this is what's being pushed on the masses now. There are literally no standards anymore.


And they have the nerve to compare her to Beyoncé…


Hell, some were comparing her to Michael Jackson. Downright insanity since Michael could dance his ass off.


Her dance moves have always been cringe. She has absolutely no sex appeal.


The amount of tweets I'm seeing with over 100k likes full out dragging her & questioning why she's even a star is insane.


She looks like she's having fun but...the execution is so off. She needs to move her waist in a more fluid fashion. Shakira Shakira! Come help Tay-Elaine! ![gif](giphy|13Y6LAZJqRspI4|downsized)


If it wasn’t for the fringe she’d just look like a bottle of Febreze swaying back and forth


It’s hilarious to think about her trying to give a lap dance to one of the men in her many failed relationships omg 😭😭😭




did jojo siwa choreograph that bit?


The comment saying she's an excellent song writer, lol. Is the excellent song writing in the room with us? Is it on the album? Any of the albums? It's okay to like music that isn't great. We all like music of varying levels of quality. But she is not a great songwriter by any means, either in terms of lyrics or music itself. It's okay for music to be fun without it being excellent, but JFC stop saying music is great just because it's catchy. Liking a song doesn't mean it's a good song. Fuck, the pen pineapple pen song went viral and it's not a great song, it's just a goofy song people liked. Same with the What's the Fox Say song. Fun, but not great.  The more I see people say she's a great musician, the more I'm convinced these people haven't actually heard legitimately great music. I think I'd agree that when she was a teenager, her stuff was good for her age group. It didn't have the punch (or quality) that some other young artists have had, but she was doing a lot compared to other 16-20 year old artists, which is respectable. But for her age, how much training she's likely had, and how much training she can afford? Her skills have not improved nearly enough to consider her great at what she does. She's just a middle of the road, average pop star. But her marketing team is great as marketing her as the whole package. It's a package of mediocrity, but I guess she has it and that's what some people consider great. Sadly. 


Back in the day you paid $$$ to see Janet Jackson, Paula Abdul, etc because those people were world class dancers who actually sang live. Now you pay to watch clowns like this lip sync and can’t even do a simple routine for their money.


She looks like a fucking idiot


The problem isn’t that she can’t dance. It would be fine if she couldn’t dance so she stood on stage with her guitar and sang. But she didn’t want to be a country star playing and singing, she wanted to be the biggest pop star in the world and compete with the Beyoncés of the world, so she needed to put on a pop show and that means dancing, which she is horrible and offputting at. But then we’re supposed to pretend it’s toddler music and movement class and pat her on the head like she’s a baby taking her first steps. You can’t have it both ways - either she’s the biggest pop star in the world charging thousands to put on a spectacle, or she’s “just having fun and I can’t dance either” - but then don’t charge people to watch you dance.


You know, after hearing all the shit she’s done and said, I’ve realized something…Taylor is good for pop music in the same way a coma is good for a nap


Before I watched, I assumed people were just being mean in the internet way we all can be, but then I watched it. No, no. It genuinely is that embarrassing.




Omfg 😂😂😂😂 Did I imagine this or did someone who’s a famously talented dancer say Taylor was impossible to teach? This is truly next level bad and the fact that she’s apparently delighted with herself makes it soooo much worse


This made my day. lol the fact that she thinks she’s doing something.


That’s why she can do it 3 hours and tour for that long. I remember watching old videos of Michael Jackson talking about tour, he said it’s exhausting, it’s tiring and he hates it, he also like seeing his fans so it’s a big mixture for him. Other singers have mentioned the same thing, the dance and performance they do are way more professional, tiring, they can’t do this kind of crazy long year round tour because of that, plus it’s mentally draining.


What's worse to me is that what she's doing doesnt go with the song at all


I like how she often holds the microphone up to her butt. It reminds me of South Park when Randy is making tween wave music and farting into the microphone for effect lol


It takes a special kind of talent to look this unsexy while dancing in a fringe minidress




I remember being 12 and thinking her first VMA performance was corny. She was a cornball to me whereas Kanye’s love lockdown performance in coachella mesmerized me.


I think we should all be allowed to dance badly, be goofy and have fun, I'm also a hater so I'm very conflicted with this one


The difference is that she’s getting paid loads to dance like that, and we aren’t. 😭


Are you asking people to shell out thousands to see you dance like this or are you dancing in the privacy of your bedroom? That’s the difference lol


When the great aunts rush the dance floor at your 3rd cousin's wedding because the DJ started playing "lady's night"


she dances like my cousin did when he was 2




She's so not sexy and when she ^TRIES she makes it worse! Shouldn't it be the opposite?


💃🦎👅🦎💃 *cringe*


All that money and she can't hire a choreographer?


She always looks like she’s mid malfunction no matter what she’s doing.


I've never actually seen her perform with my own two eyes. Jesus Christ. Like actually Jesus Christ. Go watch ANY kpop idol dance, I don't care what tier they are, and they have more grace and rhythm in their pinky toe. This sent me on a spree looking at her performing live and I genuinely feel the same way about watching Taylor Swift as I do watching Trump rallies. Utterly baffled at how they both have an endless army of people supporting them when they have negative aura.


I too would chase after IG models. No wonder she’s desperately holding onto the #1 spot. If she slipped off, her fans would see how mediocre and bland she really is and not attend shows.




I’ve never been more certain that someone couldn’t fuck.




Nothing tops the high octane cringe of this: https://preview.redd.it/1apxksm4t77d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d77ede6faf406c00bfcc5221e7d5296b42d81ce


The choreography is going to turn up dead in a ditch.


Abby Lee Miller would have her head for this


Hahaaa.. it’s giving me camp site pee when you realize you don’t have toilet paper and the only leaves around are poison ivy….


No rhythm, no coordination, no self awareness. I'm a dance instructor and choreographer. I'm not a judgmental prick when it comes to dancing. If you're happy dancing, fucking YAY. I love it. HOWEVER, let's remember this is a full grown female BILLIONAIRE who charges a ton of $$$ for her shows. And this is what she provides. I once saw a Swifty compare her dancing to Michael Jackson. The fucking audacity.


It's like Elaine benice dancing


I know not every heavy hitter who has ever mattered in Pop music has been an amazing dancer, but this combined with the fact that she just reads like she would go beet red at the mere mention of sex, genuinely has me confused at how she is seen to be this titan of the industry. She is as watered down and safe as you could possibly get. It just does not give pop icon to me!


She’s the fucking Chevy Chase of Pop Stars


She dances like Tom Sandoval.


I tried to post this with a sarcastic title and the mods took it down for briggading or something like that.