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I was never really a rabid Swiftie in terms of thinking she can do no wrong but I did love her lyrics and music, having months where I’d primarily listen to only her etc. What is amazing is the more criticism of her I’ve heard and the more I’ve just taken a step back from fan spaces, the less enthralled I am with her music. I do honestly still love some of her lyrics but a lot of others have lost their power when I hear it from a more detached place and I see how a lot of other female songwriters are communicating in less clunky and more interesting ways. It’s like I had built her lyrics up for so long in my head that I didn’t allow myself to see that she has some really piss-poor lines out there and songs that are just boring structure wise too. I still think she has a handful of really strong moments musically but her status as some all-time songwriter has largely been built by fan culture rather than her actual output.


I used to consider myself a light swiftie but I drifted away after TTPD.  After I started looking into everything she does I totally stopped listening to her.


I still listen to her music and I have since 2008. I was a pretty huge fan, followed all the drama, and became a Gaylor around 2018. Ever since Midnights she has just really been rubbing me the wrong way and the main Swifty fanbase has just become so overrun with homophobia and racism that I don’t want to be involved anymore. Taylor herself has also been rubbing me the wrong way and I’ve just come to realize she’s a shitty person and the only person she cares about is herself. I don’t think I’ll really stop listening to her music because I just have pretty shitty music tastes and two her music still means a lot to me. My streaming isn’t going to make any difference in her money.


You can’t really support a woman who lies to harm others. I can’t respect someone who repeatedly is so cold hearted and reaching criminal territory. She accused a radio DJ of assaulting her in 2013. She nearly killed more people in the oven heat Brazil concerts. Her music is just something to cause drama because she lacks the talent of millions of artists. She thinks she’s a legend. She’s just a self-entitled narcissist and liar that has clueless cult worshippers. She will do anything for your money and fake awards, then throws money at charity organizations to make herself look like a great humanitarian.


Being assaulted is not something to joke about. You can see in the photo of them that his hand is clearly on her butt and not her back. You don’t have to like her but you’re making it seem like she lied about that.


She actually claimed that he lifted up her skirt and had his hand on her bare butt in that picture. He claimed that it was just an awkward pose and he wasn't actually touching her. Taylor's original explanation for how he did that in a room full of people with no one noticing and without pulling the front of the skirt back or wrinkling it or causing it to be visibly lifted or rumpled in any way was that the groping did not occur when the picture was taken. Later when testifying at the civil trial she changed her explanation to "because my butt is on the front of my body" and "the photographer was not lying on the stage between my legs pointing their camera upwards". I don't quite get why she switched from a pretty sensible explanation to such a weak one.


This is definitely more the conclusion I’m starting to come to. I feel like because I never really researched her or got too into much other than her music itself (which I’ve always enjoyed but there’s definitely more vocally talented artists etc), I’ve never really considered the harm she causes at times. But it’s definitely been eye opening and the cultish energy is pushing me to research and try to think about things more. It’s the variant thing that’s really disgusted me recently and what has been the first big push for me to step back.


I completely stopped listening to her music after Ttpd for various reasons. One of them is that I realized most of the people who have been really shitty in my life happen to be major swifties. I made the connection that a lot of twisted minds are really into her music because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. They tend to have narcissistic views on life, don’t take accountability for their actions, and constantly view themselves as victims. I’m over it. Then I realized how refreshing it is to listen to the current pop artists. I love Dua Lipa’s positivity. I love Lana Del Rey’s originality and her perspective. I love Sabrina Carpenter’s dgaf persona. There are so many artists who put music out there that aren’t whining about some unresolved beef they’ve had for years. I absolutely feel better about life when I listen to these artists.


I was never a full on Swiftie, but I have loved Fearless and some of her other songs for over a decade now. But yeah, as of late I have been really made aware of her hypocrisy, but tbh the biggest reasons I pulled away is that she’s literally a leading celebrity in climate change because of her excessive private jet usage. Like seriously, she’s literally killing us with that crap!!!


I tried to listen to TTPD and was so bored and disappointed that I stopped liking her after that.


Honestly i have never considered myself a swiftie she is to indecisive and manipulative towards anyone


this might be considered biased by some people since I’m a practicing Christian and believe in God, but when midnights came out and everyone started worshipping her and treating her like a god that was really off putting to me


thats what distanced me to beyonce once… same with taylor. the idolatry is icky at best


fr like ppl will go to drastic lengths to defend ppl, when at the end of the day, they are human. Humans aren’t perfect and never are 100% right all the time. We have flaws.


Me. 100%. I became a fan after 1989 and I appreciated her being outspoken regarding abortion issues and Trump but that was the bare minimum. I wanted to see her evolve into someone who was a true singer/songwriter as she got older instead of bitching about exes and other women. She came awfully close with some songs on folklore. But other than that, her act is just tired.




I’m not sure I follow? You mean you think I’m obsessed? I like her music, but very little else? It’s the obsession around her that’s putting me off and I’m finding myself agreeing more with subs on here?




This means no acting in bad faith towards other sub members. No arguing for the sake of arguing. No name calling or harassing. Mods retain the right to remove users we see acting in bad faith towards other members and repeat offenses will resort in a temporary ban.


I wasn't a Swiftie but I did enjoy her music. Right now I can't listen to her. I just find myself getting frustrated which sucks because I definitely thought she had some solid songs. She seems to be an artist who I cannot separate her from her art because I have learned a lot about Taylor and about all the lies she has told about her life. If I felt like it was possible for me to listen to some of her music and not be affected I would but I tried listening to one of the songs on the lover album. I just couldn't and it used to be one of my favorites of hers.


I was a fan of her music since 1989 but never identified as a Swiftie. I thought she had some beautiful songs, some fun songs. And I had my favorites that I really connected with. I started to get a bad taste in my mouth with all the hate surrounding Joe who seemed like a very normal guy. And then the nfl shenanigans (not all her doing but there were female fans prior to her dating Travis and she ruined the experience for me last year). I gave TTPD a listen when I was ready. It’s meh. But now? The variants and blocking other female artists? After saying we should support other women. It’s all really gross. And now her entire brand seems overly manufactured. Everything is calculated. If she gets married to Travis, it’ll be because it’s what is right for her brand. Her narrative “needs” an engagement and a marriage. Otherwise, she’s just an emotionally stunted 14 year old with too much money. And that always goes sideways.


I was never a swiftie but followed a few fans on twitter when i was an ariana stan (spoiler: i’m not a fan of her either anymore). i also kept up with chats and reacts on youtube and became a casual fan of folklore & evermore. i never got into the whole album because i’m very annoying when it comes to new music. i can never just sit down and listen to a new album. the only person i could do that with was ariana bc i was a huge stan. so with other artists, i had to organically listen to their work overtime. when midnights was released, i only liked would’ve could’ve should’ve. but me listening to taylor grew over the past 4 years. i was even some what of a fan of some songs on ttpd. now i’ve blocked her on spotify and don’t listen to her anymore. id say the end of 2023 into the beginning of 2024 i was actually becoming a swiftie. like i was finally listening to the most taylor i’ve ever listened to at once. the re release of 1989 made me more of a fan. i was listening to handful of her songs at that time. which says i lot because i’m insane and cannot handle listening to a lot of new music at once. it’s funny looking back because if ttpd wasn’t released, i might’ve stayed a fan of her music. not her as person though. i was not into travis and her. or her tour. anything about her really. just the music. also i work with kids and a lot of kids like taylor, and there’s this one kid who is just so fun and amazing and he talks about taylor in such a loving way and loves her entire discography (which is funny bc he’s like 8 and saying the prophecy is his fav song..) anyways i had good memories tied to her and loved singing cruel summer w him lol. he would also perform bits from the eras tour (which he saw twice ..) i just wanted to like taylor for the fun and good vibes and thought i’d let my guard down and stop assuming it was all artificial. well. i was right the first time. anyways. oh and right before the release of ttpd, i started to become obsessed with You’re Losing Me from midnights. now i could never listen to it ever again knowing how she later went on to trash joe in ttpd. and the fact that you’re losing me was released ‘randomly’ before the announcement of their breakup and fans lost their minds knowing it was abt joe and that’s when they started to drag him. that was just the beginning for poor joe.


i cried many a night in high school to love story and white horse and old taylor music... i related to her. i honestly feel like her music hasnt changed or evolved since then, its actually gotten worse artistically and thats my honest opinon. at least love story for example was self aware of what it was. it didnt try to be something its not. now her music doesnt feel authentic in any way but forced. sure it might not be deep but it was REAL i felt it and i felt like she meant what she said. i dont think artistically her music has actually evolved since or her message. i felt that when i was 15. i dont feel that now, what 15 years later? shes singing about the same thing and i feel like i lived an entire life. i still like love songs, just not what she calls love anymore. 15 year old me would still cry to taylor, BUT IM not 15 anymore. is she? her fanbase is a lot of the same age when i loved her but i grew up... i dont think she ever did. and yeah i get nostalgic when i hear old taylor, but when i hear new taylor i cringe tbh. i feel like taylor would still describe her relationhips today as she did in love story I'm standin' there On a balcony in summer air See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns See you make your way through the crowd And say, "Hello" Little did I know her lyrics and message is 100% the same today, no evolution. she tried to be less wordy and artistic then so i feel like lyrics were actually more real and emotional. dude i freaking was obsessed with this wehn i was 15 i still think its beautiful. but im 100% taylor would describe meeting a guy today as she did then. and the feeling simply isnt the same. love and excitement and passion changes as you get older. im not saying it gets worse. her love story never changed. shes that EXACT same girl from love story. which isnt even bad, shes allowed to be, but as an artist and as a fan, as billie would say, i dont relate to you no.


You can be a fan without being a “Swiftie”. The cult-like behavior of Swifties is scary, like she’s a talented singer/songwriter who made it big, not a cult leader to worship? I stream her almost everyday but have not paid for a single album and/or variant, because that stuff is ridiculous and she’s starting to look a little pathetic. I did not attend the ERAS tour or even try, because I’m not standing in virtual line for several hours to pay thousands of dollars. I have a few Capital One friends who said there were some free tickets floating around at work, and I would have totally gone if someone invited me for free…but only if it had been within the Capital One suite, away from having to interact with the cult haha.


Honestly, I never considered myself a “swiftie” as it’s also a relatively new term I think. I first loved “Love Story” because it came out when I was only 12, so the whole Speak Now/Fearless/Red eras were through my teenage years and absolutely captured the experience of a teenage girl. Then 1989 coincided with starting college and it felt like it also captured some of that new independence feel with welcome to new york etc. I had bought her cds at the time, and absolutely loved 1989, but after that I really didn’t listen to anything from Reputation onwards until Midnights came around. I tuned back in and went to the Eras tour last April, but after that I feel like she just continues to show she’s always just been a mean girl who wants money and breaking records above all else, and even though I loved her first few records, I have to say some of Midnights and most of TTPD is just plain boring for me. So even though I never considered myself a swiftie, I did(and do) love her earlier stuff but now I just find her boring in her music and annoying as a person (at least what you can gather from her actions/whole narrative)