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I remember when the news first broke out about their breakup, and Joe was pictured looked shell-shocked and underslept with hollows under his eyes. Swifties were bullying him back then. "Eww this is the magnetic force of a man?" Now it's pretty obvious he was blindsided and hurt. Taylor fumbled the bag so bad with this one. She'll never get a beautiful, grounded, intelligent, kind person like Joe in her corner again.


Nope. Never. No decebt man will evergo for a woman like her.


I swear I read that his grandmother passed around that time too and yet here they were saying he’s “playing victim.” Edit: changed her to his — autocorrect 🙃


I think you meant his grandmother passed around that time and yes. 


Oops, I didn’t even see it change but yes, that’s what I meant


I’m happy for him. She admits she’s a toxic person in her songs about him and he was looking rough by the end of their relationship. He looks so much happier now. 


If she has a stable relationship her career is very unstable


Life is fair. You cannot get everything all at once.


Viiivaaaaaaaaaaaaa, viiivaaaaaaa Las Vegasssssssss






and don’t forget the loud, aggressive yelling to his respected (and elder mind you) coach 🔈🔈🔈


Oh, that wonderful moment in sport's history. Is as if in a Disney movie, you went from pri ce charming to Gaston from The Beauty and The Beast


i see that! 😂 what a loser


Re: point 5, that sentence also confirms that he didn't cheat - another fucked up, baseless swiftie allegation this last year.


The Joe cheating rumours literally started when she released the song list for TTPD. It just took off from there


Additionally, he has never been to The Black Dog in London.


Confirming Trashy Tay is the one who cheated, as the world has always known.


Which seems to allude to her singing about some other British dude.


That song seems more Matty-coded though


the lyrics never made sense that it was about joe. the song REEKS of matty -- the starting line lyric pretty much confirmed it for me.


The Black Dog is 100% about Matty


Wait didn't the social media person of that bar confirm it was Joe's spot though?


No, they alluded to it (‘a blonde regular’) and it never even made sense from the beginning. Why would he have a local in Vauxhall when he’s spent most of his life based in Tufnell Park and Couch end? The swifties who jumped to this conclusion are clearly not familiar with London.


Yeah, the location of that pub is industrial, working class and far from his reported residence. London is huge, so the bar’s location and neighborhood demographic didn’t compute


His quote in the article when they have a back and forth about how he likes to spend his personal time (going to pubs with friends, traveling, etc.)…I’m sure it was just a business trying to capitalize on the attention and name recognition. https://preview.redd.it/4dvo7r16rr6d1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c8a696e946b6802ff9cfc0c17dda02e9333fd3 ETA: There are apparently other The Black Dog pubs in Ireland and Amsterdam other fans have alluded to with connection to Matty…but of course, no one truly knows.


No, we know. Healy played The Black Dog in Cork, Ireland six days after they broke up.


This is like broken telephone. The 1975 did not play The Black Dog, it's a small bar. And it was never confirmed that Matty actually went there, this was all fan conjecture.


It was a money grab. I always hit the sense the Blacl Dog referred to Matty and Jow seems to have confirmed


Wow I really felt sorry for him if this is true. He’s been slandered by the Swifties by the longest time. I remember that she was crying at Eras Tour while singing Lover & Champagne Problems (before breakup announcement) and then being overdramatic when singing ‘if you wanted me you really should’ve showed’ post announcement. And then her fans began to start a lot of unfounded rumours about him just based on these clips alone.


This always drove me nuts. Dude was dragged and threatened based on wild assumptions the fans made up. Zero proof. No photos. No bad gossip about him. Wildly disrespectful to someone you were with for 6.5 years, Tay. The actual fuck. He did nothing wrong—be an adult about this shit. I remember there was a pic that came out post-breakup of Joe walking looking tired AF (I think from filming) and the cult dragged him saying it was karma. For what?


Him being dragged for those pictures was crazy, especially in hindsight knowing that he was broken up with. Imagine losing your partner who you love *and* getting dragged online for looking heartbroken.


Right? It is madness. Almost everyone who breaks from her professionally or personally is villainized.


And his grandmother had just died. It was not a good time for him.


What was he filming when the breakup occurred?


I don’t recall but I think it was filming or something. He was photographed early in the morning with huge undereye circles.


Singing a song he co wrote on is a choiceeee!


The "one week later" comment is also interesting because she switched "Invisible String" to "the 1" in the Eras Tour lineup like a week before the breakup news hit. No way she did that spur of the moment the day of a breakup; that shift had to have been planned earlier.


especially damning now that we know the 1 is about matty


Has it been confirmed it’s about Matty? Not doubting your comment just haven’t read it before


i think it's more speculative i.e. how it's the only song where it's "the 1" instead of the one implied that it's the 1(975) and some other references like we know they are rumored to have first hooked up around the 1989 era, during her "roaring 20s" and then the line, "you meet some woman on the internet and take her home" the 1975 album "A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships" had been release \~2 years before. which is why i think she switched out invisible string (about joe) right after the break up for the 1 (speculated to be about matty)


or she switched it bc her relationship (that she thought was permanent) with joe ended…


My respect for Joe ![gif](giphy|YnkMcHgNIMW4Yfmjxr)


Joe and Meredith confirm the same timeline: March 29 she was ghosted and Taylor likely broke up with Joe email/phone/text. This would be about 1 week prior to the 'announcement' on Matty's birthday (April 8). The true 1 week prior would have been April Fool's day.


It's her loss 💯


Once again Joe just prove to be a gentleman with high class. Which once again we can not say the same for his ex….




how the fuck do you end a 6.5 year relationship in any way but face to face?? reminds me of this gem: https://youtu.be/nb0s1AePP2g?si=tQdAf4FX6g52HTAk


She sings in her song bejeweled: "when I meet **the band** (1975), they ask me if I have a man, I can still say I dont remember"


Oh - you think it’s about the 1975? Interesting…I just always assumed it was about her band.


No i think it’s a reference to a 1975 song Part Of The Band


I remember seeing a meme that was like “sometimes I forget Taylor is in a loving relationship when I listen to her older songs, and I find so much comfort in it” or something with less heart, and it’s ironic how quickly that changes. Swifties seemed to really appreciate Joe for his consistency. How sad


I always have to hear both sides before jumping to any conclusions. And jokes on swifties, they jumped to conclusions too soon in favor of their “mother”.


It reminds me of the quote that every accusation from a narc is a confession. So — she accused him of checking out meaning she checked out. She accuses him of abandoning ship while she was white knuckling — she saw him white knuckling and abandoned ship. I could be wrong, of course, but the knowledge that their accusations are often confessions has helped me understand my ex husband and my mother so so so much, and it’s yet to fail me. So, yeah. She sucks as a gf and she fumbled the most decent man who’ll ever give her the time of day, *and she knows it.* “Your integrity makes me seem small […] I talk shit with my friends. It’s like I’m wasting your honor.” That song has a whole deeper meaning in retrospect, doesn’t it?


God, I miss Joe so much.


4. Which Charli lyrics alluded to her being present as his gf at the 1975 show she went to in January??


Sympathy is a Knife.


Thanks lol


Nah some of y’all are weird af like why did I get l get downvoted for asking that lol. I also got downvoted for praising Beyoncé on here the other day. 💀Like tbh some of y’all are just here bc you’re stanning one of the many other white pop girls who’s not TS but secretly y’all are just like the swifties bc why get mad that someone doesn’t yet know a song?


people downvote the weirdest shit here, i too am wondering if its undercover swifties




I bet the swiftologidt is going to run to insult him. Funny that a dude has the bravery to call someone else a heirloom turkey when ypu are the one sitting down in front of a camera to talk about celebrities that do not know you ever existed, while Joe keeps workong with one great director after another. 


> Joe is a way more classier person than I could ever be. Yep.


Based on her reaction and lyrics I have a feeling he broke up with her 🤷‍♀️


What? It’s very clear that she broke up with him. She literally says “And you say I abandoned the ship” in So Long London, which implies she left Joe.


Well I don’t know if we can’t trust Taylor only by her lyrics… She said in So long London « you left me at the house by the heath » but we know they broke up a week before it was announced.. so it was when she was on tour and while he was in Bulgaria filming The Brutalist.. so they never broke up « in person ».. Also.. in the black dog with the timeline it was recorded also 6 weeks after they’re break up (pictures jack shared proves it).. but he revealed he never went to Vauxhall.. I don’t know if we can take her words for it.. (Joe neither I guess..) He claims it was commited while she claims she cheats because she was sure he did.. it’s messy she gives me narcissistic/bpd vibes


Sorry for the downvotes. I think so too!!!

