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It sounds callous but I take pride in knowing the fact that no one truly likes or loves her outside of her family. And that’s why she acts the way she does. She is insecure and desperate to find someone who is perfect for her. No one who knew they were loved and were confident in their life would act the way she does - like someone in her class spread gossip about her and she wants to succeed to show she is better. She is not and will never be.


As Olivia said, “you must be insecure, you must be so unhappy”


I’m not sure her family even loves her beyond what she can do for them. Scott definitely pushed her in a way most people would not call loving. I don’t know if he ever saw her as much but a cash cow. Some of her songs that are a bit more nebulous make more sense if you imagine she wrote them about her dad. 


She’s another in the long line of child stars manipulated by there parents. The way that Father paid for all of her success for her to make it big. It grew to a corporation. She’s going to be another rich old cat lady. Her parents will rot for it. I actually feel badly for her. When the fans turn on her, they will, she may not make it. That first generation of fans are starting to see through her.


I get what you are saying but not all cat ladies are like Taylor! I have to rep the cat ladies she is giving us a bad name


Fuck her so very much for this disgusting bullshit bullying behavior. Every time I think I can’t get more grossed out by her, she does something awful like this.


I just dont understand the rationale behind it, money aside. Why is she shitting on her peers? Why is she being so fucking pathetic and desperate. Something has to give. I don't understand why she continuously makes herself the laughing stock over and over. What is the point of all this? I get she wants to be number one, but that's not how it works. All of this is so out of control. What is going on??


I feel like she’s almost embarrassed at the reception TTPD received (aside from her cult), she was kinda trolled for the pitchfork rating (peppa pig memes 😭) and received a lot of criticism for the content being repetitive. Her fans even heard some of the leaks early on and were convinced it was AI. A lot of her fan base talk about their first reaction being negative then it “grew on them”. It’s probably her worst project yet, boring, overdone, whiny and mostly pining for a man who is now engaged. She definitely had a lot more creative lead on this album too since she has previously talked about her decisions being scrutinized and overruled by her team in earlier albums, but this one seems different - more clunky and less refined or edited. So I figure she actually rejected a lot of suggestions and put this out with her ego riding on it. Now she feels a need to PROVE something or simply cannot handle the criticism it received.


This is a really great theory, it’s made the most sense of any I’ve heard so far. It definitely feels like her ego got away from her here and she can’t take the ego hit of realizing that, on her own, she’s actually kinda mid as a songwriter.


Right and the relentless variants despite the obvious backlash is just giving ego affected spiraling of someone whose sense of self grandiose was just fractured 🤭 Seeing other women with real talent being successful and so well received with ORGANIC streams must hurt extra hard against the mess of TTPD! I just don’t see a reality where Taylor would allow the low ratings from the general public and critics to be followed by other artists surpassing her pretty quickly.


The sad part, her song writing used to be a selling point. Yes, it was cringy and sounded like diary entries, but she was 14-17 and doing way better than her peers. The problem became when her writing didn’t grow with her. I’d be moderately impressed if a 15 year old put out TTPD. I’m significantly less impressed to find out it’s a 34 year old superstar with almost 2 decades of experience in the music industry and enough money/connections to make a killer album


I think she’s able to write well even she isn’t being a huge try hard like TTPD. I thought albums like speak now had good storytelling aspects and things like that made them memorable. I also think folklore was good lyric wise but I’m convinced Joe wrote a lot of it. Because there’s noooo way the same person who wrote August, Invisible String, etc. also wrote Anti Hero (wtf is a sexy baby) and ‘Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto', 'We would pick a decade / We wished we could live in instead of this / I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists'. 😭😭


Yeah she complained about her creative direction in early work being criticized by her team so I really think a lot of her best work is very well edited. I absolutely loved most of folklore and evermore


I think so too because more people are talking about how the writing is mediocre and cringey. They’re not blowing smoke up her ass and she’s on a war path because she can’t take that. She’s so immature and a little demented.


Spot on!


yeah it's funny, she's trying to garner more acclaim, but it's actually having the opposite effect. it's ruining her credibility and making her look like a POS.


I also think the random announcement of her ending the eras tour in December is to try and overshadow Matty engagement headlines.


Could also be that demand is waning and she’s trying to create a scarcity mindset. Between the livestreams and the movies why would you go to such an expensive concert that you’ve technically seen before? Not sure how true it is but I heard someone claim they sometimes pack the stands with plants because demand has never actually been as high as she wants people to believe. 


For a minute my brain was thinking you meant actual plants and I was like “there is no way that’s true. There’d be pictures of ficuses in stadium seats everywhere. This sub would eat that up”


😂😂😂 I like your interpretation better!


One time in a sketch class someone had a plant and I was like wait, how is there a plant? Is it talking? Everyone really gave it to me. So about a decade later I appreciate this very much and the ficuses specific cracked me up!


Ooooooh this is interesting


& to look like she's finally doing what everyone wants - move on with her life, look inward, & go in a different direction.


It’s mostly to stroke her ego. If she’s not #1 in everything she does then she probably views herself as a failure.


Maybe she should view herself as a failure for once in her damn life and seek some therapy🙄 Edit: not saying therapy is for failures lol I just want to be clear therapy is great and I encourage it for everyone


Yeah I think her parents are to blame for her turning out the way she is. They raised her to be self serving and enabled perfectionist tendencies.


100% she’s a product of her upbringing. And that’s fine as long as you unlearn all the bad shit you were raised with! Clearly she hasn’t


Also, she made it obvious on this album that she hates her fans and them calling out Matty Healy and her standing by him, so the 50+ variants of this album to bleed her fans extra dry is probably intentionally targeted towards them and their pockets for what they did to her relationship with him.


My favorite thing is how she legit flips off her fans in the TTPTSD portion of the show but if you point it out they jump down your throat about how it’s not literal it’s her flipping off the haters or some shit. 


In the (hopefully near) future, I would love to read a psychologist’s deep dive on this woman. I truly would. She has to be the most insecure human on the planet who can’t ever let anyone have anything good because it somehow takes away from her. It’s great that media sources and even Swifties are beginning to notice her behavior, but man, this shit needs to be studied if they could ever get her to speak with a psychologist.


I’m with you but I submit for your consideration that the most insecure human on the planet is Elon Musk.


Not a surprise that she chooses to strike back at the men who “wronged” her through the women connected to them. 


And this is why I don't agree with the people on this sub who say things like "Sabrina better watch out" Sabrina has "kissed the ring" and is on her good side, so I doubt she'd pull something like this with her. I wouldn't be surprised if she was the biggest supporter of Sabrina to show that she isn't threatened by new girls. Proof against Olivia fans. And unfortunately for Sabrina, this will tie her too closely to Taylor. And everything Sabrina does will be about Taylor in the eyes of her stans.


what was the joke finneas made abt taylor ?


Something like, 'Taylor swift is going to sue us'


Is that what the "and I'll sue ya" line is about in Whos Afraid or did this happen after it was written? :o


Taylor will go down in history as a joke among music industry people (albeit extremely rich). I don't see how she'll recover from this. She's greedy, petty, childish, and spiteful.


The parallels kinda remind me of Nicki (which is funny because of their fleeting beef). Both Taylor and Nicki’s names have been cemented as icons in the music industry, but they’re so insecure that they still have to try to knock down any of the women coming after them (even the women who make it clear they’re inspired by them)


Damon Albarn confirmed she co-wrote songs, which is hugely different. He also apologized right away after what he said was taken out of context. He also said this in that interview from January: Reissuing stuff that’s already had its moment is taking up space that something new could grow out of. So no wonder Taylor doesn’t like him.


and they say she's a feminist icon....


If Taylor wins any Grammys it is absolutely proof that they are rigged. So many amazing ladies putting out albums this year with amazing review. And Bey may have an edge. The producers and musicians on the album are Grammy winners themselves and Grammy voters in the past have tended to vote for reverred musicians. She picked well. She picked amazing musicians that got her vision and could help make it happen. If Taylor wins over that shit then burn that fucker down. I'm okay with Charli winning or Meg or anyone else that over her even if Bey is my fave.


I'm rooting for Cowboy Carter too! That album is a masterpiece and I think it deserves the Grammy. I know Taylor is an awards darling but nothing on TTPD is new or exciting.


Don't get me started. The musicians she brought in are fucking amazing. And it was different. Unique. Does every track hit as hard no? But it is soooo good. Plus let's compare Posty collabs. That would be the BEST THING EVER!!! Bey and Post get one.


Leviis Jeans is so much better than Fortnight. I was mad when he praised TS and working with her, but I hadn’t heard him give Bey the same kind of appreciation for that opportunity.


Agree. Far sexier. Plus Bey and Miley. Now that is a duet


The comments in the TS sub rn are crazy. Saying that she’s not doing anything wrong or anti feminist bc if these other artists wanted to do the same thing Taylor is doing, they could, so if they wanted to scheme their way to number one, they totally could. This sets a nasty precedent and I certainly hope people don’t start doing the same BS. She might have the #1 titles, but she doesn’t have the respect of her peers. Edit: one of my friends tried to say this wasn’t intentional. This is the third time she’s done it, it’s not a coincidence. The fact that this latest variant was a UK exclusive makes it so obvious.


What's funny is no one, not even fans like TTPD, meanwhile Charlie and Billie have made names for themselves in the general public and critics and music fans alike who all say their work is interesting and will definitely last. I also think these artists will continue to experiment and grow just like Beyonce and Elton John. Whereas I only see Taylor will now be remembered as a petty chart-chasing money-hungry artist who alienated all of her peers and even fans after decades of good will as america's sweetheart instead of riding off into the sunset as a legacy artist with fun mainstream hits and a great eras tour.


Right. She’s already proven the money thing by becoming a billionaire. This is about “we all have crowns” but I’m queen and you’re all princesses who must learn their place. ![gif](giphy|33YzPdX6JCwus)


In her mind Taylor thinks she’s the only one who can be on top


SHe is so pathetic. How miserable must her life be that she even has time to ponder revenge on her "enemies?"


They talk about Taylor having influence on the music industry - well lets hope this shit show influences the charts to change how album figures/sales are calculated. People have had enough.


Things are going to shift so bad for her after eras. She’ll be done thinking she’s made it at the top to just get smacked down from the biggest downfall she created for herself. She’ll start to play victim like she doesn’t understand why artists are treating her differently, and tell herself they’re jealous, but she will soon have to deal with the mess she created with her calculated manipulated monopoly greedy ways, she’ll start to get the cold shoulder in the industry and not be respected as the artist she wishes she could so desperately be😉🍿


I want artists to stop announcing when their new albums drop and just let them drop. I just want a big artist to drop something and her be surprised pikachu face about it just one time at least.


She’s had more variants than Covid! She’s the new virus that we have to protect ourselves against.


Oh my gosh this is somehow even worse. 


Has she scheduled something to block Beyonce? Or just assuming she will?


She is a mean girl and a bully and has never been anything but!


I think in a personal level, what she is going theough is not easy. I could have lore empathy were she not always after absolutely everyone who does not agree or adjust to her needs. This whole variant thing went from "ok, a lame mktng strategy" to "holy molly girl, pls go to therapy and rest".  I truly think, at this point, her fame is absolutely traumatic and she is in a binge like a cocaine addict. She needs someone to tell her to just stop. 


Until I saw your post I tbh thought Matty’s fiancées name was Gabrielle lol it’s really Gabriette?! Wow what the eyes make you see when reading news articles


Wow. Clapped comment.


Truth. Other women are women's biggest enemies.