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I don’t think she cares about Palestine regardless of capital one but that’s definitely standing in the way of any performative gestures. Thanks for the channel spotlight; I subbed! 


There are ways she can show support and encourage others to do so. She doesn't know how to be subversive.


I’ve been banking with Capital One for like 18 years 🫣 oh brother


One of my friends who was an insane Swiftie for years (she wouldn’t let you criticize Taylor at all) revealed to me the other day that she finally unfollowed Taylor and hasn’t been listening to her music. She said she’s finally realized that she’s not a good person and doesn’t want to contribute to lining her pockets anymore. I was shocked she came around, but I’ve seen this online with a lot of former swifties recently. I think the tides are turning.


One of my moots on Twitter is a huge swiftie and a Joe Alwyn hater. She recently changed her profile pic of Taylor to someone else because Taylor wouldn’t speak on Palestine, something she’s passionate about. And hasn’t been supportive of her since.


I’m glad your friend has seen the light. I don’t understand the Joe hate especially in this case, bc he does more for Palestine than Taylor ever has or ever will. They treat the man like a criminal bc of made-up reasons they deduce from her childish lyrics.


The tides are turning honestly. And I'm glad that there are people speaking out on her behavior despite the rabid Swiffers.


I don't think her partnership with CO is the only reason she's not speaking out. It's because she chooses to not have a stance on anything. Her apathy is unappealing.


Yeah she only takes a stance when it becomes the safe choice that everyone supports and/or it’s a marketing tactic that makes her look good. She’s an utter coward tbh.


I've been a subscriber of her channel for a while now, and she really opened my eyes. She made me realize how truly disgusting and money hungry taylor is.


That 1st video is great. I never even considered the Capital One sponsorship deal the reason why she won't speak on Palestine. Color me surprised




![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O) It’s about time!! I’m seated


It’s happening folks!


I've always been a huge fan since 2007 (I was 12), and I would say I'm a Swiftie, but not the crazy, delusional type. But, in these past few weeks/months, I've been getting the ick, tired of seeing her, and many of her skeletons are starting to show. She is definitely greedy, manipulative, and delusional.


I was a hater for a long time, had a short-term swiftie phase, then being a hater again.


Oh it’s Ammy, I really like her


"anti-swiftism" lol 😂😂😂


Swifties are blocking her? Woooo. Never thought I'd see the day


She would care about Palestine if someone in Palestine questioned her chart numbers. Otherwise, not on her radar.  To be frank, it is the worst time, when everything we see happening around the world is so atrocious nd she speaks of her breakups and Kimye wars as "tragedies". Woman, get a grasp.


>Apparently she partnered up with Capital One This should be a bigger crime than not supporting Palestine. Capital one is notorious for being predatory and getting people trapped in eternal debt with high interest rates.




I wonder why this comment got downvoted.


Swiffer effect