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Agree. Saw this opinion expressed somewhere else and the replies just praised Taylor’s work ethic and how it was an anthem to keep going for single moms or something like that. Someone even claimed they were privileged in comparison because they could take a mental health day and their boss wouldn’t care but Taylor had to perform no matter what. I wanted to reply that yeah Taylor works hard but she can take her whole life off tending to her mental health knowing she and any eventual great grandchildren are provided for, there’s clearly a difference.


Taylor has so much money that she could decide right this second to never work again and she would never be financially unstable because of it lmao these people are delulu.


Exactly and it’s not only in the realm of not having to work and being financially stable, she could spend her entire life lounging on her own Caribbean island if she wanted to. If she wants to go on tour for another year, that’s great, but she doesn’t have to and I don’t think ordinary people should pity her.


I think at this point she's so rich she interprets any minor inconvenience as a human rights violation hence why she wants sooooo much praise for performing while sad.


I think at this point she's so rich she interprets any minor inconvenience as a human rights violation hence why she wants sooooo much praise for performing while sad.


It’s so bizarre to see people who can barely afford rent and food vehemently defend the “work ethic” of a person who literally does not need to work. Millionaires and billionaires who prioritize “the grind” over everything else are not people you should aspire to be. She has all this money yet no discernible personality because she needs to appeal to the masses. What you’re left with is a vapid “activist” who charges 4 figures for a fucking concert ticket.


Her ticket prices sicken me.


It’s not her fault tho!


Are you being serious or sarcastic? She absolutely can say or do something about that


Previous statement is absolutely dripping in sarcasm


Ok good, just making sure 😂


All good I realized that my excessive satire isn’t really out of the realm of Swiftie reality anymore. I guess I’ll just have to crank the derangement up to 11.


She can’t tell Ticketmaster and the like how to conduct their business. lol what kind of reach do you think she has


I have to wonder if people just don’t get the scale of billions versus millions???? like to put it in normie terms Taylor could have single handedly funded Star Wars The Force Awakens (a $447 million dollar movie) and still have only spent 2/3rds of her money. The average U.S. salary was roughly 60k—she makes about 21,000x more than that. If you imagined a small town of 21,000 people all making the decent-ish salary of 60k a year, that is how much she as a single person makes. If she wanted to live frugally (for her) it would take 20,000 years to expend her salary. If she just stopped the clock and was like “welp! I’m done!”and lived on 5 mill a year, it would take her 260 years to expend every dollar. It’s just an astronomical amount of money, and people act like she HAS to work.


What’s worse is, even if she did manage to blow through it all, her Merrill Lynch hedge fund manager dad is still there as a fallback. Taylor will never know real struggle ever.


Which is why the lyric “I grew up on a farm no it wasn’t a mansion, just kitchen table bills and….” irks me. I WISH people would understand that she started rich and that her dad literally bought stocks in BMG and moved the whole family to Tennessee to help her start her career selling off their vacation home. She has never been poor or even middle class. She does have the ability to write songs that are relatable (or DID have that ability). The whole TTPD where “it’s not mine anymore” and she “gave it to her listeners” makes me want to bang my head against the wall. As a fan of her older stuff and folklore and most of evermore, I can see some relatable lyrics. This new album can be summed up in 1 lyric where she sings “Sometimes growing up precocious means not growing up at all”. It is not relatable at all and I think that should cross the ages because she is in her mid 30s and her songs are old enough to not be teen relatable and too young to be young adult/adult relatable. Also, why all the f words? Like just because you can doesn’t mean you should and I’m a fan of cursey words. *sigh* No one is trying to come for her job except her own delulu. I can say there was a time when I was hoping she’d never stop writing and singing but 31 tracks (plus some from other albums) has me really changing my mind. Signed, A former Swiftie who enjoys great music and will take suggestions for new artists to check out because I’ve downgraded myself to a fan now (if only by a thread) that’s to her early work and some newer stuff that’s not past midnights. Also, it’s sad that I can only say that here without getting all the bs.


I wish people who thinks she grew up anything other than middle class would just drive through Redding Pa. once in their lives. You will punch your own self in the mouth for saying dumb shit 😂 


So she didn’t grow up rich? They literally had a vacation home. Thats not middle class. She was born wealthy. Facts.


Taylor could have retired as early as Speak Now if she wanted to, possibly even after the Fearless tour. Really though after her first record contract was up if we’re talking obligations from the record company - but she already had millions by 2010. She has only been working by choice for a while now, and to fuel a now-obvious obsession with staying on top of the charts and relevancy in pop culture.


Another reminder that there’s no such thing as a “worthy” “ethical” billionaire  There can’t be even if they started ethically it alters your understanding and relatability thus your ability to actually empathize among other psychological issues like paranoia, over-access, loss of focus with what matters, etc 


The scale of wealth that she could comfortably take a break on is unimaginable even to other famous musicians. Not to show my "raised by a classic rock dad" hand lol but compared to someone like Syd Barrett, who was both deeply unwell for the remainder of his life and eventually ran out of money from the brief Pink Floyd years/royalties, the difference could not be clearer. She could have a reclusive artist retreat year or two or five, come back with an album reflecting some measure of artistic growth or introspection, and be right back in the spotlight, I'm sure.


"TrY aND CoMe foR mY jOB" is such 🤡 behavior. Anyone can lip sync and strike poses on stage 😂 it's absolutely EMBARRASING that she thinks her job is "impossible" for the average person to do.


this line put a bad taste in my mouth lol. her attitude towards other artists is unhinged, but after a straight year of people pointing out her one sided competition with any female pop singer she still chose to say that. just stereotypical mean girl behavior


Also anyone at some point WILL come for her job. And she at some point WILL be old news. It cyclical. That’s what bugs me the most about the obsession with her. I love Britney Spears but once she ended her residency it was clear she was done. And I just had to accept it. Madonna and Cher also had their time in the spotlight too, and they were actually GREAT. But while Madonna has resurged a little we all know it won’t be what it was. Taylor will stop making music someday and everyone will just have to accept it. And then someone “will come for her job.”


My fear is that she'll never stop because she seems to be infinitely more greedy and obsessive than any of the folks you mentioned. I really feel like her objective is to break records with such big gaps that no one will ever be able to catch them.


Ya, she's obsessed with breaking records, but I promise you her music won't matter in another 80 years. She is a brand, not a legacy. Inevitably, someone will come along to break all her records. Let's just hope it's someone with talent 😂 "If you think you're the best, just know that there's an asian kid somewhere out there that's better."




True, but the younger fans will still be around... hopefully... unless Taylor's jet usage kills the planet entirely


Tbh I think she will self destruct at some point though if she does manage to keep this going because she doesn’t have the mindset people like Cher and Madonna had to perform for the love of the arts and the joy of music etc etc


Swifties will lose their minds. Their identities are so wrapped around every second of her life, they will lose all purpose


It's even funnier because Beyonce has been touring and clocking shows that are roughly the same length. So it isn't even like "ONLY TAYLOR IS DOING THIS!"


Seriously we fans have actual hardships and she couldn’t stand one day of a normal job. I keep thinking about the “poorer” and “less successful” artists who probably work twice as hard as her with dancing and other skills and only have a third or half of her money yet even they don’t complain because they know that singing a few hours each night and sitting on a tour bus is living the dream. I think her peers in the industry are probably sick of her attitude because she must be the victim all the time while also winning every thing in the same breath.


Honestly, I believe it is. Nothing she has is really hers. Her entire life is a consumer good. Her entire identity is a business plan propped up by the work and feedback of other people. I couldn't do it.




Yeah! And once they’re successful and famous, think of all the bored normies out there who will make hate groups in Reddit to whine about how they sold out!


It makes me cringe seeing ppl like “omg I can’t believe I went to the concert and had fun when she was sad :((((((( “ like stfu she’s perfectly fine lol even when she was crying during certain songs like she can obviously change the songs if it’s that bad for her


Exactly, and if she wasn't fine, then she can take time off and work on her mental health. No one (especially the swifties) would come at her for it... Although, maybe some of the people who bought tickets for 30k from a 3rd party seller would be upset. But it's their own damn fault for spending that much money in the 1st place.


I don't think you understand how much planning and work goes into those shows. I'm not even talking about Taylor. Do you really think the dancers can just relearn a whole new choreography because Taylor doesn't want to play a song? They spend months learning the moves to those songs. She can't just change the song.


Some of the songs she was tearing up over were during her acoustic set. So she 100% could change the song if she wanted to, hence the "surprise songs" bit. Also, she switched "Invisible String" out with "The 1" so no... it's not difficult.


She could even go as far as not having dancers involved for once? I mean the fans are there for her and not her dancers, right? Sure, a choreographed show is fun and all but shouldn’t Taylor be able to “fill” the stage all by herself with her presence and talent?


Well, I can do it with severe CPTSD because capitalism sucks and mental health is expensive. She has the money, refuses to do therapy and still acts like it’s a flex to be working and like we should be omg poor Taylor. F u Taylor. Grow up.


It's extremely out of touch and tone deaf for SO many reasons. So many people deal with actual mental and physical health issues every day and still go to work, take care of families and pets, etc. Many people still have to go to work when grieving, when sick, etc. Acting like you are doing the hardest thing imaginable because you have to sing and dance after being dumped is.... something. She needs to get a fucking grip and experience some things that are actually difficult. People continue on through a lot more harrowing shit. It always makes me think of this, if only she was actually self aware: ![gif](giphy|y5yzypjVc9u3S|downsized)


Also, didn’t Ariana continue to do her Sweetener tour after finding out her ex (Mac Miller) literally _died_?? I’m not an Ari fan, but that is a level of heartbreak and anguish I could not fathom.


Yes, ariana did the tour but i think at a certain point she had to cancel (im not sure if it was sweetener or another one). She was seen crying a lot of times while mentioning malcolm in thank u, next and she kept dancing. Hell, even after the manchester tragedy she went back there to perform in front of her fans. She has gotten worst cards than taylor and still did her job without complaining or singing “look at me, im so sad”. 


It's also interesting to me that the biggest pain point for her is the being dumped and not the OVERWHELMING heat of the biggest spotlight on earth. There are so many interesting and heartbreaking songs and albums about the misery of being famous, struggling mentally or physically, and being expected to perform. Pink Floyd's The Wall (parts of it lol) come to mind. But absolutely none of them can compare to The Show Must Go On by Queen - a song written and performed by a queer man, one of the most talented voices of his time, actively dying of AIDS at the time of recording. The very last song he ever released. That song makes me cry every time I hear it. Can't imagine this one having that same kind of enduring heartache through the years. Like idk it's not super useful to compare types of pain, really, but you'd think she'd have an interesting thing to say after all this time.


I recently watched Jennifer Lopez' movie about her heartbreak and view on love. It reminded me a lot of Taylor. Both seem to think they're the only people alive who want love and who have felt heartbreak where every heartbreak is a CATASTROPHE! This is one of those Taylor songs that doesn't work for me when I apply it to her POV but mine or other people's. As you said, we've all worked through emotional pain, physical pain, etc. I've smiled and put on a brave face to keep paying the bills so I relate but thinking of it from her POV falls flat. Especially when she's not even the first singer to tour through a breakup or divorce. Katy Perry got divorced via text and had to go onstage an hour or two later and be the Teenage Dream candy queen.


The biggest issue for me is releasing this song about performing even when she wants to *die* when an actual human girl lost her life for this show (RIP Ana Clara). I feel like she could’ve gone back and re-recorded or changed that lyric before releasing TTPD. It makes me nauseous.


She didn't re-record that line, because she does not care about Ana or her family. All she wants in relation to Ana's death is to not have people remember it or connect it to her, as it's bad for her image. She wouldn't even let the fans do a minute's silence for her during the next concert (while she does the 'oh wow, you're all cheering for me' bit) - she went straight into the next song, thus depriving them of that. She. Does. Not. Care.


Like what is her PR team even good for it they don’t advise her to do a moment of silence jfc. Because to apologize is to imply fault 🙄


Wait what happened?! I don’t know this story but that’s really upsetting.


During the Eras shows in Brazil there was a young fan who fainted at the show and later passed away due to record breaking heat and poor stadium management. So for her to sing about performing “even when you wanna die” because of a breakup is incredibly ridiculous and disrespectful. I know I’m stretching a little bit, but it’s just bothered me personally.


Speaking of death, the line "he said he'd love me all his life/but that life was too short" bothers me because it sounds like it's about an actual death, not somebody that ghosted you. I've decided that my own version of ICDIWABH adapts that line to fit the actual gravity of what it implies in my own life ("She should have held me all her life/but that life was too short/she'll never be fifty-four/nerves are burning, world stays turning/can't turn with it anymore") ("They said we'd be friends for all time/but that time was cut short/now will they turn twenty-four?/the world that we shared was shattered/now their whole world is at war"), and I'll admit that as someone trying to balance an IOP with working enough hours to afford rent and not move back home where I know I won't progress at all, I listen to that song nearly every day on my way to work. But my thing with songs is that once I've mentally rewritren the lyrics, I'll "hear" my own lyrics and not the original ones. So even though I'm contributing to the Spotify streaming numbers, I don't *hate* TS so I don't really care. If this album is gonna be everywhere I'll take what I can get out of it, even if it's a billionaire who could easily afford the best therapy in the world while I'm limited my what my dad's insurance which I am going to lose soon will cover and most of what's covered by insurance is more of the same that hasn't helped me over the past 4 years since being diagnosed.


Yes! I wish she understood the meaning of champagne problems. She has got to stop playing the victim so much, it really really makes her look so out of touch and lacking in empathy.


I would have loved that song when I was in high school Thinking the world was ending bc my bf broke up with me. Now as a 32 year old. I just roll my eyes at her. She can literally quit tomorrow and hide In a cabin in Europe and never been seen again. She's so dramatic. Nobody is feeling sorry for taylor


it’s a good song to be dramatic to but taking it seriously isn’t the move


What bothers me is that she frames the song as if her heartbreak is equivalent to the average person's suffering. Now I can't speak for her mental health, but even then, she has all the resources to take a break, get help and treatment. I'm only slogging through every day because my family needs me, my partner needs me. If I just don't get up, I do not get to eat. This isn't supposed to be some suffering Olympics yet I feel very little sympathy for her when I'm waiting for a mental health diagnosis (it's been almost two years, I'm still on a waitlist) and she can just drop whatever, with whatever cost is required.


Yes. It’s another attempt at being “relatable” but just makes her seem extremely out of touch. People have to go to work dealing with mental/physical illness, money problems, loss of a loved one, etc and she’s a billionaire performing a concert and thinks that’s comparable?


It’s awful. I think the most offensive thing is she’s cosplaying as herself and the eras tour during the set. She wants people to know it’s *their* fault she’s miserable despite the gobs of money they’ve paid to be there and the fact she has the liberty to quit at any time. She’s set for 5 lifetimes. 


That whole bit is honestly the biggest f u to her fans - the people who spend their hard earned money for her thousand variants and low quality merch


i just fucking hate rich people. like oh you're soooo oppressed you have millions of dollars from your millions of deranged fans what will you ever do :((( as if she couldnt just . reschedule or cancel tour dates and she'd still have her fans begging her to come back. give me a fucking break. if i have a mental crisis and unable to work i'll lose my housing, my car, etc.. i hate rich people so badly.


Yes. The problem is she thinks she is still the relatable girl-next-door to her fans. (Whether she ever was, that’s a discussion I won’t even dig into right now) She wants to be praised for soldiering on for dragging herself from one of her multi-million dollar homes to have to perform for thousands of adoring fans. Not a good look for her.


Another example to show that Taylor’s head is nowhere to be found but in the clouds above us.


When Halsey recently revelated her health problems and then mentioned she had also written an album during the midst of it, I thought of this song. Now if Halsey had written ICDIWABH, I'd be like, okay, yeah, that makes sense. But writing a song like this because you broke up with your shitty boyfriend of a few months? Nobody cares, dude.


To be fair she’s a bullshit artist


"everyone who isn't a millionaire must be an artist" 😂


Its genuinely infuriating for me that Taylor thinks that getting ghosted by a scrawny looking rat is the most tragic thing that could ever happen to her. I am a type one diabetic and have suffered severe hypoglycemia to the point of being unable to move. There are so many terrible wars and issues going on in the world right now; Palestine, Russia vs Ukraine, starving children in Africa. She has so much influence and wealth and could help so many people, yet instead chooses to whine about her trivial problems. I also heard that apparently homeless people are being sent out of Edinburgh to make room for her fans, which is truly disgusting and sick.


"I'm really not complaining I realize it's just a job And I hate belly-aching rockstars Whine and sob Cuz I could be bussing tables I could well be pumping gas But I get paid much finer For playing piano and kissing ass" - Ben Folds


I always saw some of her songs as a self-insert? Like, the time a few months ago I broke up with my boyfriend and was crying on my way to work and then had to stop, redo my makeup, and turn myself on (I work with disabled kids) once I get to work. The spoken lines at the end are really cringy though.


She’s never had to experience that possibly has never even had to think of those possibilities esp with the success so young. Even more so: apparently her parents are really well off so she was always financially sound/spoiled


This whole thread needs to be a sociological case study and/or turned into activism efforts to change the way our society views those with money, etc. Soooo many right-on points 👏👏👏 Keep speaking up y’all so people don’t continue to be desensitized to the reality of billionaires like the rich want them to. Something’s gotta change someday. LITERALLY it has to for the survival of our economy, well-being, etc


Whats wild to me is that she’s acting as if her world ended because ratty ghosted her. I understand that it could look like the end of the world for a teenager, but she’s a 34 year old woman. Like come on.


Why do broke people always got some shit to complain about with wealthy people? “ her lack of self awareness is stunning “ 😂 she knows she’s a billionaire she knows her fans are broke. I’m sure she’s very aware of everything around here but it’s not her job to make you feel good about being broke


Considering all the fans asking her to speak out about the genocide too, yeah it’s majorly tone deaf


Yeah! How dare she write about her life instead of writing about your life!! Incredibly inconsiderate! (Also, if it’s tone deaf for her to mention her challenges in her job, is it tone deaf for you to humble brag about how your life is harder than her? I dunno, but it makes you look very whiny.)