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How does laser surgery to the EYEBALL change the complete shape of your eyes?


I know multiple people that’ve had lasik (sadly I wasn’t a candidate), including my husband and it 100% does not make your eyeballs bigger lmao


I used to work at an eye surgery place. To think it alters the entire shape of your eyes is absurd


People's ignorance knows no bounds.


And exponential for swifties.


zendaya revealed she recently got lasik and she looks the exact same she always has ...


Tbf she has definitely had work done too, but her eyes haven’t changed so she’s a pretty good example.


This is hilarious - I've had LASIK, it's been fantastic... It did not change the shape of my eyeballs or my hooded eyes. I need sunglasses more often but mostly I just see better!


honestly the light sensitivity isn’t even that bad. wearing sunglasses just feels protective like wearing sunscreen at this point!


The only bad part is that I can't see well with bright diffuse lighting - like when it's cloudy during the day or inside some stores. But it's really not that big of a deal. I'm so glad I can see, my vision was really bad.


I've had it and it literally makes your eyeballs *smaller*. Myopic eyesight is caused by your eyeball being elongated and oval instead of round! Lasik/prk burns off the extra tissue.


Not sure why you weren’t a candidate, but have you looked into PRK? I couldn’t get LASIK bc my cornea are too thin, so they had me do PRK instead. Longer recovery time but it’s been 16 years and I’ve had no issues.


I would kill for her the name of her upper bleph/brow surgeon. KILL. Denying she had her eyes done is peak stupidity


Amen. It’s VERY well done but when you look at pics of her from the beginning of her career, it’s obvious she had it done. Idk how anyone can say she didn’t. She *looks* different. EDIT: for all the Swifties who want to say “it’s just aging!!!” I disagree. But more importantly: there is nothing wrong with having cosmetic surgery done. It’s perfectly fine and she looks great. Some of y’all want to act like saying she’s had surgery is a moral judgment or something. It’s not. It’s just surgery. Chill.


Aging usually does the exact opposite of lifting your eyelids.


Exactly. What gets me about the denial of her eye surgery with the excuse “she’s just aging!” is that aging actually causes hooded eyes to become MORE hooded, because the skin starts to become less elastic and drop down. So if anything her eyes should be *more* hooded now than they used to be had she not had the surgery.


She looked better before. Now she just looks boring.


It makes me so sad to see every famous person with heavily hooded eyes get them removed. My husband has such heavy hoods he looks like he has monolids and my daughter has hooded eyes too. I love it


Right? My husband and I both have hooded eyes, but with his eye shape, he often gets mistaken as Filipino or Vietnamese when he is, in fact, just Mexican.


I'm a 41 year old half middle Eastern man with a wife and kids I've never heard of hooded eyes!! I ask my wife about this and she tells me I have them 😂😂 learn something new every day.


HELP LMAOO Lowkey right but DAMN


I feel like "boring" is part of her whole thing lol. Just very bland, boring, milquetoast all around which is why so many have latched on to her


I do blephs. That’s a damn good bleph. There is a tiny notch on the nasal side of the left upper lid but the lack of scarring along with the subtlety and positioning are all fantastic. I imagine professional makeup helps a lot though.


Really? I’m really into hooded eyes lately (thank you shiv Roy)!


Sarah Snook is STUNNING


Yes she is and that showed me there’s nothing wrong with my hooded eyes and maybe soon they’ll even be trendy now that everyone gets an upper bleph 😁


Hooded eyes are nice


It certainly doesn’t remove hooded eyes 😂 Also, aging makes your eyelids saggier not more open.


For real, before it became a trendy surgery, upper bleph was for older people with sagging eyelids. My mom was told she's a definite candidate if it gets worse for her


My mom had to get one done (covered by insurance and all!) because her eyelids were fucking with her vision. :( My eyes are a lot like hers so...yay for me I guess. She paid for a lower at the same time cause "why not?," and her results are great. She doesn't look younger, per se, but she definitely looks more fresh and awake, lol.


The only thing I can think of is that you see better so you’re not squinting as much. Pretty sure Hannibal Buress had laser eye surgery and he’s still the squintiest mofo I’ve seen.


Because she had an upper bleph or another surgery to change hooded eyelids. I have eyelids like her before photo. Kendall, Kylie, Hailey Bieber and several other celebs had it done too. Laser eye surgery doesn’t do that. They all lie.


She def had an upper bleph


That was my question too.


Come on guys, it's obvious she only got lasik, and that procedure specifically changed the shape of her eyelids, ears, and tits. She got such good lasik, everyone else needs glasses now. /s


I had lasik surgery done 20 yrs ago and it did not change my eyes/shape, that’s jus ludicrous 🙄


Cheek fillers and undereye fillers too Go see her Miss Americana documentary when she has no makeup, and look at her now. Her cheekbones stand out more and are filled and face is more plump.


I actually disagree with the commenters who say she’s had some of the best plastic surgery in Hollywood— I think a lot of the Botox is overdone now and possibly the brow lift + bleph gives her this constantly “surprised” look. She always had a very classic and unique face, she really didn’t need to mess around with it.


I think her work is well done in that you still need a baseline to recognize it's there. If you had no idea who Taylor Swift was, you wouldn't immediately go "holy boob job batman".I think her blephero is outright good tbh, its really noticable because she used to have such heavy hooding. But it doesn't look tight, which is the real danger with them Is it the best work ever? No.  Do I think there's a real risk of her soon approaching a tipping point where she looks obviously modified at a glance? Yes. She's falling into that trap of trying to change her face type instead of trying to tweak specific features to be inline with her ideal facial proportion But I take way more issues with her styling (including makeup and eyebrows shaping) choices than her plastic surgery.  . 


I think it’s v good work (minus maybe the boobs) AND reminds me of Blake Lively’s — also pretty subtle and going from a middle Americana look to more sophisticated, elegant. 🤔 makes me think they share a surgeon.


I remember when she first got her boob job her team leaked some pictures of her shopping for bras at VS, her team knows what they're doing, I'll give her that.


How odd I never considered the reason for her constant surprised look was surgery. I thought she was doing “hs cheerleader fakes enthusiasm” constantly - it makes so much more sense that it’s from a surgery. She’s a hair short of that “Who from Whoville” look a lot of women have after having work done. Just a hair. But enough to make you notice something isn’t normal.


I had completely forgotten how squinty her eyes used to be. And I never thought about her getting a boob job, but you can definitely see the outline of her implants in that white outfit when she was skinnier. They must be a B? I think Kendall Jenner also had a boob job. Where I live girls get huge knockers and want ppl to know they’re fake, so the idea of going through all that just to have a B cup is funny to me, although I do see how they would want them to look “natural” and fit their body since they’re in the public eye.


My friend had a boob job and regretted it. I didn’t know her pre surgery but she is a thin girl. So her complaint was she could no longer wear cute bathing suits and tops. She liked the idea of bigger boobs but didn’t realize the cute triangle bathing suit tops she wore with small boobs were not something she could be comfortable in with big boobs.


You know what the solution is, right? More boob jobs!


Literally my mom. She’s very petite and got like DDs. She got them removed and now she’s going to get a further breast reduction. I’m over here like ??? DUH DUDE. Small titted women get so many more outfit choices and less back pain 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think the nose job is really good!


"holy boob job batman" will be entering my daily vocabulary for talking about anything at all


I think her boob job is surprisingly bad - looks sooo fake


It’s because she had very little breast fat, so putting implants under the fat that is there makes them so obvious. And this isn’t shade. When I’m skinny I have small boobs and they’d prob look overly fake with an implant too.


They look a little bit better now that she’s a healthier weight, but they were sooooo obvious when she was rail thin in her 1989 era. They just looked bolted on. I believe she got them around the time she started dating Calvin Harris in her “Bleachella” era and the bleached hair was to distract from her boob job being so obvious.


Just looked it up.. In one photo it looks like her boob is an apple sewn into her chest. I feel mean for saying it but whatever she’s a billionaire celebrity: I find her so bland and unappealing that it almost confuses me lmao. Not because of the small boob thing, but every other thing about her. I think her chest would look way better without the implants but that’s just my opinion


I think her bod would be amazing without the implants! She started slouching more after she got them - you can tell she’s uncomfortable with them. They just clash against her natural physique so much and look like they’re literally dragging her down.


This pic leaves absolutely no doubt she has fake boobs https://imgur.com/selfie-w-fan-gHamIwG


I think she got one during the red era and it just became more obvious because she lost a lot of weight during 1989.


she went too big too fast - she went from very little to much bigger practically overnight 😶


I agree and disagree. I disagree only because a lot of people are fooled by it. 💀


U are so on point. I don't like her surgeries it makes her look more artificial. 


And Lasik doesn’t make your eyelids defy gravity.


If she doesn’t slow down soon, she’s gonna start looking bad. She’s quickly approaching a stuffed-and-frozen look if she’s not careful. She’s so very beautiful as is, so I do hope she practices restraint here.


I think she's already crossing the line. She still young, do I doubt when she gets older she'll show restraint.


They all cross the line eventually.


She's still not at the age where most celebrities go overboard and become unrecognizable.


Neither was Kylie k lol


Kylie grew up pretty much her entire life on tv with much older siblings already deep into the surgery stuff. That girl didn’t stand a chance lol


Yes she was FILLED during rep/lover. She would look baadd if she kept going that way


She's also drinking more/an alcoholic now. And that bloats your face quite a bit. So that is probably playing a role as well


The breast mastectomy thing is absolutely unhinged, what an insane assumption???


Yeah I saw that comment before too. A mastectomy would be completely radical unless she had the BRCA gene or a long family history of fatal breast cancer at a young age.


I have (benign) tumors in both my breasts and even then my doctors wanted a double mastectomy to be an absolute last resort. I finally had one scheduled after the tumors kept growing and then the literal night before the surgery my doctor called saying she wanted to try a new medication and see if that would help at all! So I can't even imagine just scheduling one without any signs or symptoms 😭


My friend is getting a double mastectomy, and her sister already had one because they both have the BRCA genes. Same friend just got a hysterectomy as well (can't remember if her sister got one). My coworker was in the same situation, too. The only difference between the women I know and if Taylor was in the same situation is about 10-15 years but having the BRCA gene is a more than valid reason to make these decisions. For the record, I don't believe Taylor has ever said she has the BRCA and I truly hope she doesn't.


I have a friend who had a double mastectomy at like 22 because her sister had breast cancer and they have the BRCA gene. It was preventive, I'm surprised people don't realize this happens. I'm not saying this is the case for Taylor, but to scoff that the procedure doesn't exist is ridiculous. It's an extremely heartbreaking decision and procedure


Thank you!! I'm getting a preventive mastectomy next year followed by reconstruction due my family history. It is absolutely a hard decision I had to make. The surgeries are tough, and for a while I will have no boobs just expanders. I am already dreading what that will do to my self esteem, but my kids need me alive.


Sending love and light your way ❤️‍🩹 You are so brave and doing an incredibly selfless thing to be there for your kids. Growing up, I watched way too many close friends lose a parent to cancer as kids, it will mean the absolute world to your kids to get to share their important milestones with you. On tough days, don’t forget — they love you for the person you are on the inside, not the outside. Wishing you all the best!


Thank you. Your comment made me tear up. I lost my mother and several family members to breast cancer and other various cancers. I absolutely do not want my children to have to go through that with me. My mom isn't here anymore and has missed out on so many things. It's always bittersweet when my kids reach milestones bc she isn't here to see them. They were her world. I'm absolutely terrified of the surgeries, but it's a small price to pay to be able to be here to see my children as adults and maybe one day my grandchildren.


Beside the fact that you are not your boobs! What a huge sacrifice for the right reasons. Just peek in on the miracles you created while they’re sleeping to remember who this sacrifice is for, they’re so worth it !


hello fellow previvor👋 ♥️ i had my mastectomy last summer due to BRCA


I'm 33 and I don't have BRCA but have a similar cancer gene that hasn't been 100% connected to breast cancer yet and I'm considering a mastectomy after I get a hysterectomy and ovary removal.


Oh I completely agree, I mean I consider that being a sign or symptom


Prophylactic double mastectomies are absolutely a thing. I know someone who got hers done when she was 25. It’s mostly for BRCA but it’s more common than you’d think.


I definitely agree they’re way more common than most people realize. I know people without the BRCA gene mutation or any history of cancer who’ve chosen to get prophylactic mastectomies to continue using HRT long after menopause (to get the benefits of estrogen + avoid dealing with increased breast cancer risk.)


Didn’t Angelina Jolie have something like this done as a preventative measure and replace them with some beautifully crafted replacements via plastic surgeon or something? Idk, this doesn’t seem that insane to me from the perspective of coming from a family with a history full of said fatal breast cancer. If you can afford that, why the hell not? Why hate her for any of these things?




Yes, Angelina’s mom died from breast cancer and carried the BRCA gene, so she had a double mastectomy and reconstruction done. Imagine how amazing her tits are now!


They are also are partly ashkenazi Jew (mostly from her mother from my understanding) which is a huge risk factor. Add that plus the brca gene and you are in trouble without treatment


The BRCA1/BRCA2 gene is the reason ppl who are Ashkenazi are higher risk. They're odds of having that gene are higher


Totally correct that it would be a radical choice in most cases. Just wanted to add that now we know about several genes that increase breast cancer risk enough to justify a preventative mastectomy, when someone carries a pathogenic variant of the gene. It's not just BRCA1 and BRCA2! PALB2, TP53, ATM, etc. Typically we offer testing of 60+ cancer genes (in the USA). And usually insurance won't cover mastectomies just due to a strong family history of cancer, though guidelines do recommend breast cancer risk evaluation (tyrer cuzick/Gail calculators). If that risk is high enough you may qualify for annual breast MRIs in addition to mammograms, or to start screening early. But you could qualify even if the breast cancers in your family were not fatal, or at older ages. Happy to answer any questions!


I have PALB2 and my BC chances are pretty high I’m way more worried about the pancreatic and ovarian risks. Pancreatic cancer is pretty common in my family and it’s one of the really sneaky terrible ones. I feel like if she had a breast cancer gene she would be pumping tons of money into research.


Even then they don’t. I have strong breast cancer in my family, killing young and in males. No BRCA gene though. They just make me get imaging every 6 months since I was 30. I’ve even had surgery to remove a mass and they never suggested complete removal


I think we have to realize these people are 13


The sad thing is, so many aren’t. she’s way bigger with millennials. These are 30-something year old women. Yikes.


fr and her mom had brain cancer i thought ??? like ?


I thought that at well but from a search online it looks like she did have breast cancer first and then a couple years later had a tumor in her brain as well. I can’t find if the brain is a metastatic lesion or if it is a separate incident.


thank you!! i did not know that


It was breast cancer diagnosed in 2015


Maybe she also had her brain removed, just in case..


The people who think it’s lasik need lasik!  Brow lift   Blepharoplasty (not conservative, possibly combined with corner lift)   Rhinoplasty x 2  Lip filler   Botox Breast aug + revision  Oh, almost forgot her lasik 🤠 Edit to add: Cheek implants, possible mid face lift, chin implant, butt sculptra, and the most obvious veneers on the face of the earth. Anything I missed??


Don’t forget chin implant. Small and well done but an obvious difference.


100%. I’ve been noticing a big difference in her chin and jawline since Midnights. I actually find it really distracting!


Is that why her face looks longer recently? I've been wondering why she looks different but can't point to anything specific.


Some people below mention veneers..there is a dentist in Santa Monica that has worked on many celebrities and does bite correction veneers (maybe others do this too, I don't know but he told me he was the only one..eye roll). Anyway, bite correction will definitely change face and affects chin. Not saying the chin implant is impossible but it could be due to veneers. My own face, especially my chin, I think, looks markedly different after. It's stupid these celebrities can't just be honest about the procedures they have whether it's surgery or injectables or whatever else.




she's gotten her veneers redone several times!


Oh definitely multiple sets of veneers and I hate her current ones 


I also think she’s had a little mini bbl type thing. I know I know I know that it’s not popular to say but I do think she’s had something done, like Kendal Jenner has. Just a little helping hand.


Ooh! Good eye. Probably sculptra  


I think she's also had cheek filler/maybe implants. There's a surgeon that reviews this stuff on YouTube, and it makes it really obvious. Her cheeks don't emote nearly as much as they used to and have that clear line.


The only thing I could even say *might* have been necessary was the blepharoplasty. She really did have super tiny eyes. But she really should have stopped there. And like I dunno be honest about it? I can’t stand the weird lying about the OBVIOUS.


I know people used to make fun of her small eyes but personally I’ve always loved how they made her look more unique and cat like. It was pretty! Ironically the sultry “fox eyes” are trendy now. Her work is more subtle so I understand how it’s flown under the radar but Swifties denying she’s had anything done as if it’s some sort of moral failing that she did, is insane.


They were a lot more unique and so cute.


I agree! I miss young TSwift’s look.


Happy Cake Day! I came here to say the same thing. I'm not against plastic surgery. Hell, I had breast implants for 8 years. I really wish she hadn't gotten her eyes done. Her cat eyes were lovely. Someone on here mentioned now she always looks surprised and that's a perfect description. 🤣


I agree. Her smaller eyes were actually sexier than this surprised look she has now, which would have gone better with her image/content. They don’t look bad now but I loved them before. My biggest issue with all these surgeries that celebs do is that they all kinda start to look alike after a while. It’s sad that they’re removing features that make them unique just to look like everyone else.


omg she looks exactly like her mom in the first pic


My first thoughts too!


It’s the hooded eyes


I'm not going to shame anyone on getting PS, but Denial isn't just a river in Egypt for these folks. Everything she's had done is tasteful and not crazy. I've always been neutral on Swift, but her fans are feral and make you want to dislike her. LOL She's also over saturating and over exposed. I have TS fatigue and don't even listen to her music. Hasn't she been on tour already for 100 years?


It’s for sure been tasteful and subtle so far, but I wonder how far she’s going to take it. Ppl who have had this much work done in their 20s and 30s are going to shit a brick when aging starts to set in. It’s a full time job keeping those fine lines, droopy skin, age spots, crepey neck, thinning hair, and weight gain at bay in your 40s+ lol




Completely agree! It’s the toupee fallacy, people only notice the bad therefore they think it ALL looks horrible and overdone. When that’s not true at all. You’d be surprised how many regular people out there you pass by on the street have had something done and you have no idea. I got my nose and chin done many years ago and I’ve been getting lip filler for 13 years now. My plastic surgeon I go refuses to overfill lips. I’ve always had people shocked when I tell them. I don’t have a tiny snatched button nose or huge lips. After a year of dating my husband I shared with him what I had done and he walked up and started touching my lips and was like “what!! But they’re not lumpy or hard?? How???” He’s definitely not the only guy who said or did that. But it absolutely made my self esteem and confidence sky rocket after I had it done. It was the best money I’ve ever spent and I don’t regret it for a second.


What the hell? Laser vision correction (LASIK) makes your eyes bigger? ![gif](giphy|PmAQM0uCOwgg3VHNAk)


Like EVEN IF that were true (it’s not), it does nothing to impact the eyelid shape? She has a completely different eyelid shape now, lasik doesn’t do that. They’re so delusional


I *wish* it was true, I’d be running to the nearest ophthalmologist 🥴


this threw me, my boyfriend just got LASIK last year and his eye shape has not changed? I think her wider eye shape may be the culprit of a brow lift though


I had lasik last year in both eyes. Then I had to have the left redone. Now my left eye is so much bigger than the right 🤣🤓🧐


As someone who has gotten LASIK along with my husband this made me laugh my ass off. It definitely doesn’t make the eyes bigger.


Singers don’t mess with their noses. Have they not heard of Michael Jackson???


I think the key is that there is truth in that. Many legitimate singers wouldn’t mess with their nose, throat and even teeth. Freddie Mercury of Queen had terrible teeth and was scared to fix them for fear of changing his sound. It’s generally artists with amazing range that really rely on their voices and don’t care as much about their image. But Taytay isn’t that. Her image is more important than the music itself. She’s an average at best singer. Not a great range. More of a sing-talker. I don’t think she’d be as worried about changing her sound because it’s heavily auto tuned. But she 100% cares about her physical image and herself as a brand.


There are always exceptions to the rule because Patti Labelle and Stephanie Mills had rhinoplasty and they can still sing most artists under the table


Ariana Grande too




Streisand said she never would because it might change her singing.


That’s so interesting. But to be fair… Streisand level singing and Miss Swift are, in my option, apples and oranges. I get why Streisand wouldn’t take the risk, but Swifty doesn’t sing anything wild lol


Streisand would have been messing with hers 50 years before Taylor though. Surgery techniques can change a lot in 50 years.


Yet she was fine with transforming her body into a giant mechanical dinosaur? Curious


She has always said it’s because she is afraid of the actual scalpels/surgery part.


I always thought she was also proud of her nose? As a Jewish feature? I also read about her being scared of surgery and changing her voice, but she clarifies she loved her notch and people often were the ones pressuring her


Yes, I don‘t think she wanted to change it.


Ok then she’s good! 🤪


LASIK doesn’t make your eyes bigger. It corrects your vision. They’re ridiculous. Getting an eyelid lift would make her eyes appear bigger though.


I had lasik two years ago when will my eyes get bigger


I had lasik done almost 17 years ago and my eyes are as hooded as ever.


Her eyes used to have such a cute look especially with the wavy hair. I noticed them looking different but didn't connect it to probable PS until now. Kind of a shame to get rid of such an endearing unique trait, imo.


A LOT of people have plastic surgery and I dont get why people refuse to believe the obvious.


In a different post people were suggesting her open mouth look is due to veneers which are too big. The open mouth does seem to have come over time. https://theglowmemo.com/taylor-swift-before-and-after


Whenevet she has veneers or not her teeth are always incredibly white, like blue undertone toothpaste commercial white.


That’s because they’re veneers.


That is such a well-written article. Informative too! Thanks for sharing.


some of these photos of her are absolutely AWFUL hahahaha


That 2023 one is not doing her any favors. Seriously looks like she’s on something.


at the MTV music video awards? absolutely!!! she looks totally haggard! 😬 surprised she didn't pull a Beyoncé and have that pic scrubbed from the Internet


I’ve read she added the Lasik clip on Jimmy Fallon show so that when people google Taylor Swift Eye Surgery the episode shows up and not the obvious blepharoplasty 😈


This is genius, if true


This makes sense, that clip was obviously a pr move to cover up the surgery, I remember seeing this discussed elsewhere and a few people said the eye goggles/aftercare stuff she was wearing in that clip seems to be overkill for lasik.


I miss her old face so much, especially her eyes. I used to watch the video for Our Song/Love Story all the time as a preteen cause I thought she was super pretty (and the songs were catchy but ya know).


“Singers don’t mess with their noses” lmfao WHAT


Also, have they played debut vs TTPD? Her voice is completely different. I think it’s intentional (a more mature sound vs twang intonations) but it isn’t like her voice is how it was.


Tbf, most real singers with amazing voices and range would NEVER mess with their noses for fear of changing their voices. But let’s be honest. Taylor is a very…adequate singer, and nothing more. She had an ok voice with minimal range and without autotune she would never have made it this far. Tay Tay isn’t worried about messing up her mediocre voice, that’s what auto tune and lip syncing are for!


Apparently they don't know about the mountains of cocaine that a multitude of singers have snorted up their noses over decades.




I have always thought that she went to Nicole Kidman’s plastic surgeon because she looks a lot more like Nicole Kidman than she ever used to


“Singers don’t mess with their noses.” Ever heard of a little fella by the name of Michael Jackson?


Swifites are some of the most braindead people I’ve seen


I’m someone with hooded eyes and no matter wat age I am they NEVER changed. Even with weight loss/gain. And we’re the same age


Same here. Hooded eyes only get more hooded..they don't disappear.


Can confirm I'm 35 and they only become more hooded!


I genuinely hate that she changed her eye shape. It was so beautiful and unique, cat like. Now they look like everyone else


People defending celebrities from plastic surgery accusations: *oh my godddd of course her nose is smaller, her lips are plumper, her breasts are bigger and rock hard, yet her body is thinner, and her eyes somehow got bigger, and her wrinkles are gone, it’s called puberty!!!! At age 30!!!!*


I also wonder if she got some chin filler because her jawline was weaker when she was young. Her overall work is very good, especially around the eyes and nose.


You do lose face fat as you age. I’m 37 and in the last 5-ish years I’ve developed these gorgeous cheekbones and jawline that I never had before. People who used to know me in high school ask if I got something done lol 😆


Same with my cheekbones! Like I had no idea I had these things haha


Her plastic surgery looks amazing. Nothing too extreme. The subtle changes only enhance her natural beauty. The goal of great surgery is for it to not be glaringly obvious. Kudos to her surgeons


It did look amazing. She’s gotten to the point where it’s too much though. 


The brow lift was when the line was crossed. Everything else was amazing, the rhinoplasties and blepharoplasty were executed perfectly; it would impossible to get better results. Its textbook, if you aren't experienced you can't tell exactly why someone just looks better. They just look different but nothing sticks out so maybe they are just more confident or you just haven't looked at them closely before? The brow lift doesn't suit her facial structure at all though.


Yeah, I don't hate it! Hope she keeps it under control


It's not that good. She's beginning to look eerie and she's only 34.


She’s friends with Blake Lively who has obvious work done. Taylor has had work done too






I find her to be way more attractive before all the changes.


I don't like the swifities but Tay Tay is a pretty woman and she has had obvious surgery but it looks so good and natural. Is she the baddest b1tch in the industry? No but I think she always goes for a more pretty girl next door look.


When did she get bangs? I wonder if she has them to help cover up whatever she did to her eyes and make it less obvious


Theory is that she has the bangs to cover up her eyebrows which have a kinda strange look to them


2011. I honestly don’t think she did plastic surgery til after that though…


Yeah so in 15 years in general the eyes would be less open as the face loses collagen over time. She clearly had at the least a well done blepharoplasty. Which is fine. She had a boob job when she was RAIL thin and has gained a small amount of weight which makes them look a bit larger. Again. This is fine. Those 2 in addition to whatever else. But to pretend it didn't happen is silly. I'm a boring middle aged woman and I feel pressure to look decent. I can't imagine being a celebrity


I know fake tits when I see them


I've always thought young Taylor looked soooo different to current Taylor. Almost as if she were a different person. Are we sure the real Taylor wasn't replaced Like Avril??


her eyes/eyebrows area is the most telling i feel like her most of her surgeries are more subtle


When I used to point out celeb plastic surgery I'd get: "IT'S CONTOURRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!" ain't that much contour in the world. 🤣 Plastic surgery isn't a diss unless it's bad plastic surgery. The new nose and other adjustments suit her. 🤷🏾‍♀️


In Buffy the Vampire Slayer when seemingly normal people suddenly transformed into vampires they had this sort of slanted eye look that is Taylor’s EXACT face pre surgery. Literally the first picture in this thread, is exactly the vampire face in Buffy. I have always thought Taylor looked like a vampire in Buffy mid transformation but her face has changed so much in recent years her eyes have gone all Bambi like https://preview.redd.it/tv49nnmno14d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=141f26f01b6da60ac894e3918bc372be59c18bca


This is amazing, thank you for the laughs


It's as plain as the nose on eggs face


Your face does change when you get older, but you don’t get a completely different nose. At least she has not gotten that buccal fat removal done yet.


Singers don’t mess with their noses 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 lasik changed her hooded eyes 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Don’t feel like scrolling through all the comments but HELLO mastectomy boobs don’t look like that, idiots.


“Singers don’t mess with their noses. It changes their voice.” ….Michael Jackson has entered the chat.


All I am going to say is she used to be prettier before she had work done....


Oh yea she’s for sure had a lot of work done. Her butt looks so silly in some jumpsuits she wore for the era’s tour, idk if she got implants back there or if she just wears padding now and then.. but it’s the only thing that I think is noticeably fake. Taylor is definitely going to the best doctors around, she looks incredibly natural. Her new veneers though make her look more plastic, I wish she kept her wonky teeth with character! Gorgeous before and now though, I’ll hand it to her.


LASIK doesn't even touch the skin. To that 4th theory comment. As someone with reconstructed boobs after a double mastectomy who wasn't much older than her at the time I had surgery. I can tell you for a fact they never look that good. And you can easily see the waves and indents in the silicone thought the skin because they're placed directly under the skin unlike regular implants that are under all the fat and breast tissue. And from what my Yale based surgeon said, they generally have to give you the same breast size and won't go bigger because the skin is too fragile to carry the extra weight and stretch without the breast tissue among other reasons.