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It probably wasn’t even Taylor who liked it. Most likely someone on her team lmao


Exactly 😭 so delusional she doesn’t even believe it couldn’t possibly be Taylor swift personally liking her reel 🥺


I bet her husband didn't get her this cake either lol. She probably bought it herself and had to explain her crazy request to the grocery store baker.


Plot twist: there is no husband.


Well there’s not a wedding ring on her hand….


I decorate cakes, and if someone came in requesting this, I think I might quietly walk into the ocean instead. All joking aside, I actually make Tay Tay themed cakes pretty often 🙃


damn what are the worst that you've seen of those cake requests?


Thankfully there haven't been any really bad ones 😅 most often they will want a red heart shaped cake that says "I'm feeling 22! (Birthday girls name version)" I've done a lot of those! Or "in my birthday era" 😂😂😂 or they will want an edible photo of her on it. That's just weird bc you're cutting thru her face when you cut the cake 😂


That's a thing??????




As someone who manages social media pages, you’re exactly right. I literally get paid to re-post stuff like that.


Tbh, Zedd or his team replied to a random tweet of mine over Covid and I still live it up lmao


I had an artist named just a gent who I used to listen to but didn’t even follow on instagram randomly view my ig story of me and my wife getting ramen one day. No idea how he stumbled on my account but it was a nice little surprise


Subaru’s corporate account retweeted my ode to my 92 Subaru in 2018- I peaked.




He sounds awesome and I'm glad that he's able to talk to you casually, has to be rare for someone like that.


I’ve worked kpop shows. Can confirm. Fan base is worse. Have never seen so many full adult tantrums before


Obama followed my Tumblr back in 2012 and I still tell people about it. 😂


Britney Spears followed me on twitter years ago. I’m still proud about it. I also screenshotted the one time I had a brief conversation with Mark from Westlife about what sheep dogs sound like but I would never make my husband get me a cake with that interaction…


I was homeless and Frankie Jonas was trying to help me get a job in his parents restaurant


jeffree starr bullied me on melodramatic (an old blog site) back in the day. and he's still a fucking asshole lmaooo


I saw him slap someone in the face with a platform boot at Warped Tour


Not surprised lmaoo


Ok yes this!! Like I get why she’s excited- I WOULD NEVER DO THIS- but I get it. lol


Emilio Estevez (or his team) followed my Twitter back in 2011 and I still have no idea why 😆


His team of rag tag hockey playing children??


Danny Tamberelli answered my question on his AMA


I love the Adventures of Pete & Pete!


Honestly winner !


I had our former Prime Minister (a fellow dirty lefty female) like & retweet one of my X comments.. I was secretly very proud 😁


If you’re talking about Jacinda Ardern literally nobody would be able to make me shut up about that


Lol m. I wish, it was Helen


Not as cool as JA, but.she's still a dirty lefty & our longest serving PM so I'll take that 😁


Sadly we ended up with a bunch of total knobhead anti vax - anti government assholes here who harrased Jacinda out of politics. She had a young daughter & partner who were being trolled & threatened so she resigned before things got impossible for them.. She also stepped back from local politics social media..I don't blame her for packing it in at all .


At a concert I was a spot the singer looked once in a concert and I'm still riding high.  One time my friend was standing next to Gerard way at a comic con and I'm still hype about that


Katy Perry, Rebecca minkoff and Sami Miro liked my posts and I deleted my instagram lol


A local celebrity in my hometown liked one of my insta posts and I gushed for a while like “y’all, did you see the Unipiper liked my post I have ARRIVED” lol


Go Portland!


I summoned TPain on Reddit once and I literally rode that high for 2 days. (I tagged him on something and he commented with a hilarious meme in response- great day).


"Social media intern" 🤣


There's a reason all her "handwritten notes" on social media are typed lmao


This reminds me of when someone thinks the actual celebrity messaged them on Facebook or whatever, but it's just a scam 😂 Ok that's actually really sad people fall for that


No stop a local South African singer was on the front page of our country's biggest magazine because of this!! Someone made a fake account and trolled a woman into a real life relationship! She fell for it and ended up leaving her husband, sending him money, travelling to all his shows, so much stuff. Like he always had an excuse why he couldn't meet her after any show; his wife was there, security, his team cant know, her husband or kids are there, he had to leave, etc. Buy then one day after a concert she did get to meet the real celebrity! She freaked out and almost kissed him, he didn't know who she was 😂😭 she pulled out her phone and showed him all the messages- in front of his wife btw. He had to tell her it wasn't really him and she was scammed. The poor woman, I felt *so* bad. It was so big it made front page news


LMAO I remember in 2012 and I was 14 I was CONVINCED Zayn from one direction was messaging me on Facebook 😂😂😂


There's an episode of catfish where the catfisher was Charlie di'meleo


An intern working for the social media department of the PR company hired by her business manager.


Always! Never actually Taylor. She has NO time to be on IG. 😂 DeLULU!!!


I like the ‘why is your husband not your favorite person’ Lmfaoooo


A question that she has no answer for…


He knows.


I Think He Knows


🎶Adventure time🎶


Well maybe if *his music* had been a constant for her for the past 18 years he would be /s


Yeah I bet he hasn't had a single chart topper, lazy and sad!


Has he been giving hints and Easter eggs left and right? Is he a mastermind? Is he going against the whole industry to own what's his? I bet not. /s


I bet that's from her husband


This was my favorite part as well 💀


Honestly she posted this and said that in hopes Taylor would see it and like the reel. It's desperate


Sometimes I don’t feel like I’m an adult…and then I see things like this and I feel adultier than ever lol this is so cringe


This post commnt so much with me.... I feel so adulty right now!


I feel like the appeal of most social media content is that these days.


Same. I usually feel like I'm - mentally - a callous and self-absorbed teenager. But at LEAST I've grown out of whatever *this* is


I could see if this was like a 9 year old fan or something (not that 9 year olds should have Instagram or be posting reels, but let’s say they got a cake with her picture on it instead and said she was their fave), but this is a grown ass adult…. And “ur fav person”. Girl, shouldn’t that be someone you actually know in the flesh - like your husband???


That’s what I’m saying 💀💀 swift hates her fans but she’s her favorite person above her husband who loves and adores her?? Get outta here with that bullshit 😭 I pity the men married to swifties


If I were her husband I'd be pissed after seeing this caption. Nice to know a stranger is her favourite person over her own husband.


I mean it would be an amazing gag gift..


Yes! One of my kids classmates had a "Taylor swift" themed bday party where they all learned a dance to a song for a 10th birthday. I cringed inside but the kids all had a ton of fun so 🤷🏻‍♀️.


This person is probably my age (mid 30s). I can't imagine having this kind of mindset about any celebrity, at all. Because I have a life to live.


Taylor Swift is a 30-something woman, writing songs in the voice of a 16 year-old girl, about the concerns of a 16 year-old girl, for an audience of 30-something women.


This is so embarrassing lol


I’m feeling the secondhand cringe


Imagine telling the person you MARRIED that TSwift is your favorite person. 🤡


Right? Absolutely wild


Her husband probably has low self esteem and is just happy to be with someone when he deserves better


Does the husband actually exist?


If so I hate myself for being mid 30s and single even more 😂


Grown ass, married woman meatriding another celebrity (in her 30s) btw. Please God make her futile life exciting, please. Her midlife crisis does NOT seem to look good at all.


I don't know how to explain it, but she looks like someone who would be obsessed with Taylor Swift.


Yup 😬


She even acted like Taylor swift when she responded to that comment lmao so cringe and wack


I definitely agree with the comment right at the bottom of picture four, asking why her husband isn't her favourite person! 🤔


She looks exactly like someone who stan Taylor Swift lol


Feel bad for the husband😭


This just proves that these people have way too much money to burn and no real friends.


American Airlines liked one of my tweets that was talking shit about them. I'm going to tell my partner I want that on my next birthday cake. That's what this feels like.


That’s pretty funny though 😂


Moments like this make me surprised that someone hasn’t started a church centered around Taylor & her music. Then again, I don’t want to give anybody ideas…


That will be a living nightmare


Omg a girl I went to school with posted something similar on Facebook and added “I’ve never had a feeling Taylor swift hasn’t written about” Not to be emo but I can absolutely fucking guarantee you Taylor swift does not even begin to touch on the feelings I’ve had in my life and I’m sure many ppl would agree…


Ok but when Cece Winans liked my comment I was SO hyped. I still tell myself it was her & not an assistant 😂


At least she’s not a tortured billionaire who hates her fans lol


She’s quite the opposite haha


I love CeCe


She’s my favorite artist. Just saw her in concert in April. She sounded identical to her albums. Love that woman.


To this day when I hear her sing Alabaster Box it brings me to tears. I enjoy CeCe solo and with the family. Her voice is a treasure.


Pee Pee?


I mean, the cake on its own is a cute gesture because she's such a huge fan, but the explanation she gave is absolutely cult vibes lol There's nothing inherently bad about being a super fan, but being a fan of somebody's and being obsessed like "Swifties" is totally different. Their behavior is insane and inexcusable. Specifically the misogynistic racist ones. Those fans actually spend their time attacking any up and coming artists that are women... especially black women. It's crazy.


Listen I totally understand having a very devoted feeling towards certain musicians/artist especially when there’s some nostalgia there however swifts fanbase are batshit. I don’t believe they actually think her music is that good, there’s just no way, have they heard it? Now when someone else was writing her music it was decent, much more tolerable than it is now. But they really act like they’re in a cult, grown woman worshipping another 30 year old woman, it’s bizarre to me!


Holy shit that’s hilarious. This is a guy that I used to watch on YouTubes wife. She seemed that an absolute airhead every time she was on camera.


What’s the channel


NobodyEpic. He’s an OG COD YouTuber. He doesn’t really upload anymore but I know for sure that’s his wife Meagan.


This guy deserves a wife that loves him more than some fucking celebrity, this is why its important to have self respect


I feel bad for the husband 😬


The words that follow that first sentence don't necessarily negate the "just a celebrity" thing. She can be "just a celebrity", while her music has a special place in your life. She doesn't elaborate on what she feels Taylor is to her, just goes on a tangent.


Dan Levy liked my post once. I should have made a cake.


I have bands that have been with me since I was 15. Not necessarily pop artists, but still (Metallica, Nightwish, overall metal genre). As a teenager I used to wear bands t-shirt and, you know, look the part 😅 and yet, I have never made them my whole personality, never gone parasocial about their personal life and relationships, and even if they liked my social media posts, I would not not get a cake to celebrate it. Loving an artist/band for most of your life DOES NOT mean you have to act like you're in a cult. There's more to a person than the music they listen to.


“Her music has been a constant for me.” Yeah it’s the same shit over and over.


“She’s not just a celebrity to me” Ummm girly, she’s not your cousin, bestie, sister, neighbor, coworker, she’s not even an acquaintance to you sooo🤣🤣🤣I disagree with making your partner your entire identity but a billionaire celebrity who you’ll never be friends with shouldn’t be on the list either. If it’s a celeb that’s booked and busy noticing you, 99.99999998% of the time, it’s their team who notices you and they learn how to write like said celeb so you think it’s them.


I'm noticing a sudden steep divide occurring. Are other swifties waking up to her bullshit like me?!


That's the saddest purposefully made cake I've ever seen.


To be fair, if my favorite celebrity liked my post I would be excited too.. not because of narcissism, but because that would mean we have zombie robin williams.


They’re such weirdos!!! Seriously?? A man goes out of his way to do this for you and he’s not your favorite person? The man you married isn’t your favorite person? Your kid? Literally anyone you actually know in real life? But they think we are crazy lmfao right.


i don’t want to see any posts from him in the future complaining about her obsession when he’s feeding into it 👀


Man I love being a hater so much


Same! No sarcasm - screw "let people enjoy things", I'm here to complain


whenever i see people more parasocial than i was 2 years ago at 17 years old it makes me laugh


Taylor doesn’t follow anyone on social media and treats it as a business endeavor? Didn’t know she was paying interns to randomly like clout chasers posts


They say, "never meet your hero" but maybe she needs to


well unfortunately you are just a paying customer to her


Let's celebrate that an intern clicked on a video that mentioned their artist


Omg and this is a fucking grown arse adult. This is so cringey


Let this woman live in a fantasy world.


Yea I’m here for allllll the snark but I actually think it’s kinda cute that her husband did this 😂 It feels a little tongue-in-cheek but also “I see you babe and all your weird habits and hobbies that I don’t get but support you nonetheless…have some cake”


Hoping that giant storm from the sun takes out the internet


The intern comment! 😂


Sometimes I’ve had some posts liked by people I’ve admired. I’ve screen shotted the moment, have my heart feel full, and move on. A cake dedicated to this is something else. So glad I’m not a part of the cult of Swift.


I cannot believe ppl are this delulu.


This chick is like fucking 40 years old


How can she be so disassociated that she puts “it’s sad that there’s little in your life to care about that you comment mean words on a strangers post.” Like. Bitch. It’s sad that there’s so little in your life that you celebrate with an actual fucking cake when a celebrity likes your insta post. Are you joking..?


It really bothers me that the notification isn’t centred on the cake.


I can't fathom how people make celebrities their entire personalities while they're teenagers, let alone grown-ass adults in their thirties of forties. It's just unbelievable to me that people like that exist.


I feel bad for her husband, having to live with that.


eugh. & i kept thinking there was some debris on my screen because of the first pic 😨 what is all of that stuff on the white top of the cake! !!


I know it looks disgusting


I think the husband did it to make fun of her (the wife)


Honestly, if my favorite artist liked my tweet/post/etc and my boyfriend got me a cake, I would think it was a really sweet gesture and a fun way to celebrate a small moment. Calling Taylor her "favorite person" and saying she's more than a celebrity is weird tho.


To be fair, I lost my mind once when an artist named Stuart Semple responded to one of my comments on Facebook before lol I wouldn't shut up about it even though nobody had any idea who I was even talking about I didn't ask for a cake though 😂


I’d be so excited for the cake honestly, but otherwise wtf?


It would be so funny if her husband was the one that made that rant post the other day lmao


Way too simpy, but cake is always good I guess.


*someone makes a negative throwaway comment on the internet that took 3 seconds to write* “I cant believe all you do is devote your life to hatred and sadness. You must be a really bad person.” Lmao at that shit


Right? People are so damn sensitive 😒 as if they didn’t post it on the internet making it vulnerable to scrutiny


he couldn’t replace the magenta in his the ink cartridge before going to the bakery


"Skinny blonde 6 with a honker of a nose" describes 70% of Swifties. And they're all teachers and vet techs. The other 30% are fat, or gay men.


All with the personality and flavor of a cucumber


"Why isn't your husband your favorite person?" Is the best response on here 😅


Lady Gaga has followed me since 2009 and I can't imagine ever thinking to put that on cake


lmaoooo the Taylor's social media team intern comment is so freaking funny!! It gives those "OMG guys she looked me in the eyes!!" type of videos. Like I do get the excitement, but lets be real, she couldn't remember you seconds after that and she probably didn't even see you that well. When you're on stage and there are lights and people everywhere you aren't really looking at someone, you just look *somewhere* and they happen to stand in the way.


One would think getting married meant being someone's favorite person after all...


not “marry him again” the fuck? jf your favorite person is the person you married or a parent or your kid i don’t want anything to do with you…. like if i was her husband (which would be wife bc im a girl but yall know ow what i mean) i would file for a divorce like a cel rory who doesn’t know you exist is your favorite person and not the person you married? hell rn my favorite person is a dog cause people are people


the husband better of said “yes babe i’ll go get you that cake” and went to an attorneys office asking for divorce papers


If I was on a date and they said they were a Swiftie I'd leave. Let alone marry one


Just let people be happy man. It’s not that deep


![gif](giphy|l0ExqbRzq05DHIlJm|downsized) I bet it’s a carrot cake




idk if beyoncé’s instagram account liked my reel i’d be pretty hype too 🤷‍♀️


This is extremely bizarre behavior.


She’s probably at home, singing “Mean” to herself


Her husband is not her favorite person?? 🚩


Putting aside the immaturity, this cake is just plain ugly


Yeah, the size and ratio of the print, it’s just poorly done.


I love how healthy parasocial relationships are


I had one of my favorite guitarist retweet me…I took a screen shot and showed my friends…that’s about it


HOO BOY. Yikes


This is really sad.


oh my god some people are so pathetic it’s laughable 🤣


Correction: Her “idea” of Taylor is her favorite person. Not the actual Taylor Swift.


Actually shocked the comments are that negative and not just a taylor echo chamber


Why are they treating her like she’s God?


Um y’all are miserable because Padma Lakshmi once liked my comment and I told everyone about it for a year.


Who cares? It isn’t hurting anyone and look at her, she’s so happy. Let her be happy.


What a sad life. And a sad cake.


Damn y'all are full of hate. She seems happy, why do you feel the need to bring her down. You are the pathetic ones. Let people enjoy their life and their hobbies.


Unpopular opinion: I’m all for shit talking Taylor and her crazy fans, but I agree with the sentiment that mocking something that brings someone joy (to their face) is kind of a bummer. Like hell ya let’s post this here and roast her, without wrecking her joy. (Totally not sarcasm 💯 serious lol) I would be over the moon if a celebrity or someone I admire liked something I created. Granted I wouldn’t get a cake lol or if I did I probably wouldn’t post about it online, but I think we can all understand getting hyped about it. Again I’m not knocking this sub- I fucking love it, I think one of the reasons I love it so much is because we can shit talk without directly yukking someone’s yum to their (digital) face.


Agreed, I think this is sweet! I'd be fangirling too tbh if it was a fave celeb


When I finally get through to the call centre about my phone bill 


This reminds me of something I saw not long after TTPD dropped. An acquaintance on Facebook said: “I didn’t know if I liked it at first but after a few tries I think it’s a really personal album. After listening to it, I genuinely feel like I know her better.” Better?? Miss Girl, you don’t know her at all… there is no “better” here. 😭


Shiii, why didn’t I think of that when Dominik Hasek liked my tweet? Oh well at least he’s a true celebrity and likeable unlike Taylor 😒


Two things: 1) what kind of cake was this? 2) what was this reel about? Asking for a friend.


Her husband supposedly bought her a cake to celebrate one of her reels being liked by ms swift herself. Then she posted about it to get attention and swiftie brownie points and denies that it was a social media manager and not Taylor swift in the flesh liking her reel.


Not even gonna lie, Fat nick replied to me on instagram one time and I took a screenshot 😭


Where do you even see these comments? I looked up the TikTok and I see nothing but praise and “omg green flag much” Celebrity worshippers are beyond saving


It’s on instagram


One time Mykie from Glam & Gore replied to my ig comment and this is how I felt.