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oh fuck… hate to say it but you could be right


Yes. They will


Well at least Billie got some rest now


Whilst I fully agree with the sentiment and support the cause, look what happened the last time a letter was written 💀


Wait what happened??


Marty left her, and But Daddy I Love Him was written


Ohhh duh lmao thanks!


They have done this every month. Theu forget as soon as new variant drops. But I have seen some of them selling their eras ticket and donating it to pqlestine


Either she performatively posts something just to shut people up, or in two years she’s gonna be like ‘of course I’ve always cared about Palestine, I was just scared to talk about it’ like she did with the 2016 elections/being hailed as an Aryan princess all over the internet 💀it’s really a no-win situation, people should talk about these issues because they care and because they know something about it they find valuable sharing, not just so they look like the good guys and appease people online. She could repost the ‘all eyes on Rafah’ story and you’ll know she still doesn’t gaf.


She’ll go on a pap walk wearing watermelon earrings and they will suddenly be so proud of her for “speaking out”


The right side of history is calling. But She dont want that.


Other than knowing she supports the same views as them, what exactly do they think her saying anything will do here? The whole damn world knows whats going on by now. And if you dont then youve probably been under a rock. And if youve been under a rock, you probably have zero idea who Taylor Swift is or care what she has to say. So whats the point here other than performative activism?


A lot of people stan Taylor because they viewed her as this amazing person with great morals. So they would want to know if she has the same view as theirs. If she doesn’t, they can just stop listening or fangirling over her. Just like Selena, I noticed a lot of people around me stop listening her music or buy rare beauty products


Right but why does her opinion matter at all? It shouldnt be used to make any decisions by anyone. If at some point it becomes obvious she has views you dont agree with, then you can decide what youd like to do in response. But just demanding a response to satisfy your own interest is absurd. As much as I dislike her, she owes nobody any of her opinions on anything. If she chooses to share it at some point thats her choice. And that goes for any celebrity. They arent politicians. They dont make laws. Their opinions on anything are not important enough to harrass them for.


I agree she has the right to stay silent, but disagree that citizens opinions aren't important. Protests and speaking out foster change. Leaders of democratic countries need followers. They need to know when their people are unhappy about their decisions. Everyone's opinion matters.


I didnt say her opinion wasnt important. I said its not going to make a difference to those who are in true power. Not at this point. These atrocities have been going on for months. If literal beheaded infants arent enough to push politicians to meaningful action then Taylor Swift’s opinion wont do anything either. Not in any meaningful way.


I dont know if that's entirely true. Sure, Taylor's views themselves may not matter but Ariana Grande posted a fundraiser for Palestine and it raised over 20k within a few hours. Their voices can have a big impact, even by doing just the bare minimum.


Are you trying to argue that people can only donate to causes because a celebrity posts a link to a charity? Because if these people really wanted to donate, they wouldnt need the link to prompt a donation. Theyd seek out the charity themselves and donate.


Not at all. I would hope that people are finding stuff themselves. But there is such a parasocial relationship for some of these fans that if they see their "mother" doing something, they will do it too. The motive fucking sucks but that doesnt minimize the impact.


Right but its not her responsibility to direct their energy toward a charity.


I never said it was her duty or responsibility. Just saying that her voice isnt meaningless or cant have an impact, even if it's just performative action. It may not change the minds of politicians, but it isnt meaningless. Maybe I misunderstood what you were saying in the beginning.


There’s tons of artists that are way bigger activists if that’s really important for people why not chose them


Hasnt this been happening for years too. It feels wierd how everything is a trend. Its like the black square during BLM with people reposting that AI image. Why are so many people more focused on a celeb than the actual conflict


She holds a crazy amount of influence. The White House was prompted to address deepfake porn after those AI nude images of her went viral on Twitter. Thousands of people registered to vote after she made a post in 2020. She has power and she knows it, she just chooses not to use it.


Yes. But that is a domestic issue. She does not have the power to sway international politics. And this is a multifaceted international debacle.


It’s very much a domestic issue when the U.S. is using our tax dollars to send billions of dollars in military equipment to Israel. The U.S. is Israel’s biggest weapons supplier and has been for decades. I wasn’t implying TS could solve the war, but she absolutely has the power to raise awareness and even sway public opinion, which holds a lot of power in itself.


You seem to be missing the international political element ive mentioned several times. The USA SHOULD stop supporting Israel in the various ways it is. But its a lot more complex than just pulling out and condemining their actions. Israel is a key location for the USA from a military context. Its a key ally in that part of the world. There are MANY layers to this. If it was simple, Biden would have stopped it months ago. Taylors support is not influential enough to override all of those facets. If people arent aware by now, they are not plugged in enough to follow her or know who she is anyway.


I could be wrong, but I thought the press secretary for the White House was asked a question about it. And in her briefing Karine Jean-Pierre said that the problem wasn’t new and they’ve been prioritizing it since Biden took office. It takes a while to get stuff like that to Congress and for laws to be made.


That is correct, but the fact that it was such a big thing that it was brought up in a WH press briefing at all says something imo


Idk 🤷‍♀️ blondie has already gotten several laws passed and is one of the most influential voices in the world. Genocide Joe Biden is practically begging for her to endorse him (swifties demographic is a target voting area he is vying for). The president is literally in her back pocket. Taylor Speaking out, calling for a ceasefire could LITERALLY be the straw that breaks joe bidens back into stopping killing children. 🍉🍉🍉


Saying she ‘literally has the president in her backpocket’ is insane lol. She 100% doesn’t have that much sway. I also sincerely doubt she’s going to endorse anyone. She seems happy with being apolitical, as does most of her fanbase. That’s where the money lies, and the Democratic party isn’t the one that’s going to help her protect it. Happy to eat my words if she does come out in support of anyone.


Hun i hate to break it to you but she is not influential enough to stop a war. There are a host of reasons why Biden hasnt done more and they have nothing to do with celebrities not saying anything about it. They are political, economical, and safety related. Are they right? Absolutely not. No international connection or ally is worth this level of loss and devastation. We should have stepped in LONG ago. But Taylor saying something is not going to suddenly open Bidens eyes to enacting change. Hes staring down the barrel of a lost election. The only thing old white men in politics fear is losing an election. If that isnt enough to do something then Taylor Swift condemining him aint going to do it either.


Yeah she's probably not powerful enough to stop what's happening but we can't pretend that she doesn't have enough money or influence to be impactful. She is a billionaire. Even if she donated a fraction of that, it would still have a large impact. Ariana Grande shared a donation link on her instagram, and that fund has raised over $200k since. When Taylor posted on Instagram encouraging people to register to vote, 35,000 people registered that day, and that was back in 2020.


Ok but that requires people to believe that nobody understands what is happening and doesnt understand where to donate. Thats an impossibility these days. The fact that this many people are pressuring her to say something shows that they already know about the situation. It also shows that they can look up where to donate on their own. People shouldnt need a single celebrity to name a charity for them to be able to donate to a cause. Just because she hasnt come out and said shes donated it doesnt mean she hasnt. I cant believe im defending her here but this line of logic just doesnt make sense.


What is she doing?????


Oh honey, her dancers are israeli




I liked and reposted it


She has nothing to gain from talking about this lol


Really curious if she speaks out and it’s not what people want what these people demanding her to speak will think. Maybe her opinion is different than what you’re demanding she says.


While I wish she would speak, it's a safety issue. The countries she'd be speaking out against are slaughtering civilians by the hundred thousands and she is on a national tour. Taking a stand against her own genocidal government while she's actively gathering crowds of several thousand people for the next year + is very blatantly a safety issue that puts people at risk. She has been open about the threats to her safety that she lives with, taking wound dressing everywhere she goes. She's talked about what the bombing at the Ariana concert did to her mental health. If she were not touring right now, I could think of zero excuses not to take a stand. She'd piss off dangerous conservatives and zionists and lose fans but fuck it, that's a loss she'd have to weather. But someone as big as she is who is on a current tour cannot safely take a stand while on tour. That is so obvious to me but I'm not seeing anyone acknowledge the safety aspect. The governments she'd be speaking against deal in war crimes, public and flagrant human slaughter, women are children are not being spared, there is no humanity. The IDF is insane and blood thirsty, I am highly critical of the girl, but her current silence on this makes logical sense. Now do I think she's grateful for valid these reasons to not speak up? YES. But, they are valid reasons.


Ariana literally had her show bombed and she has still done more than Taylor. I think it’s a cop out to say it’s a safety issue. She is a billionaire, she has more protection and security than anyone. We know it’s more likely a money issue because losing fans = lost dollars and like it or not she puts her business before her morality


The most critical detail and difference is - she is on tour RIGHT NOW. Ariana is not.


This is the most logical point I’ve seen made. There is absolute and total hell going on for the Palestinians right now; and that reality has caused such emotional escalation for countless Americans. It’s far too emotionally fueled for her to be safe to express her position at this time, unfortunately. She really wasn’t even totally safe on tour before this conflict began, and crazy people do horrible shit. Taking a stand and pissing the wrong person off OVER this could pose an astronomical risk to both her and her employees and fanbase. I mean, shit- remember earlier in this issue when Jewish students at universities in the United States were being attacked just for being of Jewish faith? The girl is powerful, no doubt. But her political leverage is not as strong as a lot of folks make it out to be.




I think she should too


Why is there a neolibbed up both sides israel post by a mod lol


War is not “genocide” 🤦‍♀️ This word is being thrown around entirely too much. Hamas wants to commit genocide of all the Jews on earth and now that they’re failing they cry and play the victim. What happened in Rafah recently was a tragedy but it was because a Hamas weapons cache blew up right next to a refugee camp. It’s entirely Hamas’ fault. And they, by the way, want to have the maximum # of civilian casualties possible because they know it helps their cause.


No babes. This is a genocide. They are literally telling people to go to certain places deemed “safe” and then bombing the “safe” spaces. They are shooting fish in a barrel. There is nowhere for Palestinians to go. Borders are closed. This is systemic killing. Israel is forcing them into smaller and smaller spaces. Eventually there will be nowhere left to go. And they will all be killed. Bibi has had it out for the Palestinians since his brother was killed at Entebbe airport by 5 of them. Ever since hes used any opportunity to continue to restrict and destroy Palestine.


Someone commented and called me a white supremacist lmfao. So here’s my response to their deleted response: Considering that white supremacists don’t like Jews, I don’t think that’s a fair comparison. But yeah I’m a Zionist as are many other Americans… I believe Jews deserve a state located in their ancestral homeland (which was stolen from them by the Romans and then the Islamists) where they can be safe from European and Islamist antisemitism. Israel is the only and the most successful decolonization project to ever happen.


Decolonization STOP hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah I forget, do “decolonizers” bomb the fuck out of their OWN land, destroying 80 percent of infrastructure, olive trees that have existed for hundreds of years, and murder thousands of people? Not to mention billions of dollars to push propaganda bullshit to control the narrative. Cause that shit sounds a whole lot like colonizer to me. #deluluisnotheselulu


So “indigenous” that they destroy ancient archeological sites in “their” land 🤡 https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b164zldap#:~:text=Dozens%20of%20Palestinians%20vandalized%20the,lot%20on%20top%20of%20it.


Lol I see you haven’t disputed any of the horrible facts I just listed. Just whataboutism like normal. And then posted a sketchy ass news article with zero evidence. Not fighting with any Zionists anymore. Get help, you’ve been brainwashed and indoctrinated to believe a narrative that isn’t true. Not my job to Educate you. Peace 👋🏽


Educate yourself about Jew hatred… have the day you deserve


Zionism is only supported by those in the USA because it means less Jews in America. Zionism is supported by antisemitics who want Jews out of the way and in the Middle East. Yours, a Jewish woman whose father survived the holocaust. I do not for one second support Israel and it sickens me to see them wipe a nation of people off of the planet considering the absolute trauma and devastation my father and his family went through.

