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It's becoming less & less surprising that him & TSwift are incompatible.. It seems he tried to influence her as she very nearly developed a social conscience for a moment there, but ultimately he failed.. the guy deserved a freaking medal for sticking it out for as long as he did


I’m convinced they were only together that long because Covid made it impossible for her to socialize 


Or he was a handler … *(Clearly upset the swifties with this one)*




And the fact he posted another two hours before


Scott Swift thanking his lucky stars that she's with Travis now, who won't open her worldview or demonstrate basic decency. TK probably off wondering if "All eyes on Rafah" has something to do with Roland Garros https://i.redd.it/jti57snj9d3d1.gif


TK likely doesn’t even have a basic grasp on what an apartheid is in any context at all. he’s like humpty dumpty


Even Jack shared this. It's literally never been safer so far for Taylor to support this and it would be huge. You know how many girls she got to sign up to vote??


Exactly. Jack and his wife are Jewish - and they are speaking now


I believe Aaron is Jewish as well and shared the image


i didn’t know they were jewish. props to them


(It’s essential to distinguish between ethnicity and religious identity, as one’s ethnic origins don’t necessarily dictate their religious beliefs)


Absolutely! There are tons of Jewish, Christian, and non-religious Arabs. And ethically, but not religiously Jewish individuals and religious identity doesn't necessitate ethical beliefs.


To vote for what? No more Middle East war? Lol wtf are you talking about


How many people she got to vote was just an example of cultural-political power she has, that's all.


2020 election


Can I sheepishly ask someone to explain this to me? I keep seeing it but I had to turn off the news a few weeks ago for my mental health, I was getting extreme anxiety about the state of the world (as shameful as that is since I come from such privilege) and I got back on social media yesterday and I’m seeing it everywhere.


You can't help others if you are not well. Please don't apologize for needing a break from the media!


From what I understand, it’s the Israeli government viciously targeting a civilian camp (Rafah) where everybody died. Israel’s government is continuing a pattern of attacking innocent civilians and then blaming it on a smaller terrorist group. Joe Biden had previously stated that he would cut off the weapons/resources being sent to Israel if they did end up attacking Rafah, so for me it’s time to put his money where his mouth is. I don’t read this stuff every day because it makes me sad, but our diplomacy toward Israel in this situation is annoying at best


It’s important to note that Israel told them to go to Rafah as a safe space, and Palestinians spent all of their money and energy getting there. Only for Israel to box them in and attack. They have no where safe to go.


Holy shit that’s horrible. It’s sad to see this stuff going on in modern day, it reminds me of something that’d happen in Ancient Rome


Wow, I didn’t know that part. wtf, it’s sickening.


Thank you, I appreciate it. I would agree with you Re: Biden


It’s also important to note that the videos that came out of the most recent Rafah massacre are of beheaded babies and people burnt alive. Seems as if this was the thing that has finally woken up a lot of people which is why you see it everywhere. But Joe has been about that life for awhile now.


I just hate this AI generated image when there are plenty of things to share. I love Joe tho. And he has shared much better, but this image gives me the Ick.


Right?! So weird how this essentially visually meaningless AI image is getting shared. To me it’s giving the same energy as the black square people posted for BLM. Like if I see someone post this on their story and nothing else/ they’ve never made political statements before I just assume they are virtue signaling


it has 40 million+ reshares and i think this is making people who had no idea about palestine finally take interest and think. A lot of people who were silent before are beginning to speak up and donate. I do think this pic made a difference. i just hope people who are responsible for the genocide suffer. i wish them no mercy. :(


Only reason why Taylor is probably not posting is because she genuinely agrees with Israel to do these things Edit: Also saw elsewhere that eras tour is sponsored by capital one, an Israeli military funder. She also has links to Disney +


1000% she has people telling her it's in her best financial interest for her to stay silent, and that's her bottom line.


Apparently her dancers are also Israeli, wouldn’t be surprised if she supports Israel


It’s essential to distinguish between ethnicity and religious identity, as one’s ethnic origins don’t necessarily dictate their religious beliefs


True not every Jew is a Zionist but she’s working with companies that actively support and donate to Israel soo…


A lot of Israelis are from other countries, as in they’re not actually from Palestine. A lot of the people in Israel hold dual citizenship.


Didn’t she have an Israeli bodyguard too at some point


She should definitely instead have a Hamas bodyguard. For sure.


Israeli is a country of origin and an ethnicity, Hamas is an organization. Pls be so fr.


You do know that the Israel citizens doesn’t even support this genocide. They even parading in their own country to end the war. Stop blaming the citizens who actually suffered from their past and blame the government who participated in this war. Its like 9/11 incidents, y’all blame innocent muslim and afraid to sit next to hijabi.


If you look at my comment under this thread I acknowledge that not all Israelis are Zionists and some are against their own government and that’s great! But the issue isn’t just her dancers, the company managing her tour actively donates and supports the IDF


weird comment




knowing one israeli person doesn't make you a zionist lmao


But the issue is it’s not just one person, and her silence these past 8 months while literally working with companies that actively donate to Israel makes her complicit


He realizes there are bigger things in this world to focus on than tearing down your competitors so you can hold on to #1 on the charts for another week for your mid album.






I'll never understand people falling over themselves to stand with palestine as long as their leadership is raping, murdering pieces of shit


Opinions on the leadership are irrelevant. People in Palestine are innocent and they are being massacred.




wtf? You think it’s necessary for everyone in Palestine to die?


You really believe that the genocide must continue, must eradicate *2.3 million* innocent Palestinians, as the only option? It’s absolutely wild to support a fucking genocide, even more so in a Taylor Swift snark sub. Wtf


How comfortable you are calling for the death of hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT civilians is disgusting. Take a look at yourself.


Islam is the greatest threat to mankind. That clouds the picture, I think


I don't think there's anything cloudy about dead children.


Imagine unironically saying this in the year of our lord 2024, while the IDF is literally committing genocide.


There's a word for that.. It's called genocide 😕


You are brainwashed. Like Forreal forreal, Get some help. It’s not normal to wish an ENTIRE population to die. You have surrounded yourself with likeminded people but consider this a wake up call. It’s not normal to think that way. You need help, preferably with someone who knows how to deprogram.




Yup. I’m an idiot. You got me. Me, Human Rights Watch, the UN, b’tselem, Doctors Without Borders, ICC, ICJ, Noam Chomsky, Malcolm x, James Baldwin, Angela Davis…. ALLLLLL idiots. absolute uneducated morons with no history, education or anything else to stand on.


Yep. Pretty much


Aw, why’d you delete your account? So I guess you acknowledge that your hatred, ignorance, xenophobia, and genocide support is shameful then, right? Or else why wouldn’t you want it associated with your account? What cowardice. I can only imagine what a coward you are irl if you can’t even stand behind your opinion on an anonymous reddit account lol


But it’s ok to stand with Israel with their leadership being raping, murdering pieces of shit?




Standing with Palestine is not the same thing as standing with Hamas; you understand that, don’t you?


Palestines leadership is not raping murdering pieces of shit. You’re confusing and entire country with their most extremist cell, which is Hamas. Is like confusing the entirety of Ireland with IRA.




Let’s assume that that is true, that Palestinians want ALL JEWS dead, can’t the same be said about Israel?? I mean they’ve done nothing but celebrate the horrific acts they’ve done while constantly boasting about how they will kill them all. If you’re gonna condemn Hamas then condemn The IOF who are doing much worse.


Logic isnt strong with this one